First encounter

hot times


Suddenly a figure sat down next to her. Her eyes widened in amusement and she looked over at him. He was a smiley guy with chubby-ish cheeks and caramel brown hair. "Hello." The smile on his face was bright.

"Hello." Jessica replied.


"Lee Jinki imnida," the guy said, extending a hand out to her. "But you can call me Onew."

"Onew.." Jessica nodded and took his hand gently. He was handsome and his smile could light up an entire country. "I'm Jessica."

Onew smiled. "Pretty name for a pretty girl."

She looked down bashfully and mumbled, "Thank you."


There was a silence, in which Jinki watched her study her drink and surroundings. She felt uneasy, yet she felt that he was someone she could be comfortable around.

"So..." Jinki continued. "Instead of being all awkward, I think we should get to know each other." He raised an eyebrow suggestively. 

"How straightforward of him." Jessica thought. She shook the thought away. "I don't see why not."

He grinned excitedly. "As I told you before, my name is Lee Jinki, but I usually go by Onew. I'm 23-years-old."

Jessica tilted her head over to the left and thought. "So he's only about a year older than me?"

"...In the future I'd like to take up business like my father did." He thought hard on what else to say. "I'm a Sagittarius. My blood type is O. I'm probably telling you all the unimportant stuff that you don't want to know but that's all right."

"That's fine." Grinning, Jessica rolled her eyes. "I'm 22-years-old. I'm not sure what I want to do in my future. It'll come to me. I'm an Aries, and my blood type is B."

Jinki bit his lip. "Did you know Sagittarius and Aries are compatible with each other?" 

"Oh? You learn something new every day." She didn't even believe in that stuff though.


They talked about different things like zodiac signs, personal lives, and more. As they talked more and more Jessica found herself interested in how he was so kind and friendly to her.


She yawned. "I'm sorry..." It must have been past midnight though, more or less. 

Onew stood up a split second later. "It's getting late. You should go if you're tired." He put an arm on her back.

"But I've had a great time talking to you. I don't want to go yet." She really was tired though. "I have an idea. Come with me back to my room, and we can continue our conversation there." 

He nodded, tilting his head to one side. "Sure, if you really don't mind..." 


Jessica knew having someone...especially a guy who she had only met minutes ago! her room sounded risky. Did she care? Nope.


"It'll be okay." She picked up her purse and waited for Jinki to start walking.


Once they were by the elevator, he pushed the Up button. They exchanged glances while waiting for the doors to open. Onew wasn't that tall, she noticed, but it didn't matter. She wasn't very tall either. The doors opened, and he led her in.

They weren't alone this time, for their were about eight or so other people in the elevator. Luckily it wasn't that small.  It was still crowded enough. Jessica stumbled over to the back where Onew was stood. He knew she was on high heels so he reached out to grab her. But his hand landed in the wrong or right  place. Jessica looked down at his hand, feeling an unusual touch, only to see his hand smack in between her s. He pulled away quickly and apologized. "Sorry..." A red-cheeked Jessica shrugged it off. Nobody else in the elevator seemed to notice.


The elevator doors opened at the floor of Jessica's room and they walked off in silence. She knew that Onew would have to speak up eventually. 

"We're here." She told him, stopping in front of her room's door.

Onew, looking abashed, nodded but then smiled. She took out her room key and unlocked the door and they both entered.



A/n: This was fun because I'm an onsica shipper and I found out that their astrological signs are compatible with each other. Lol.

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Chapter 1: I can only imagine him wanting to steal her .
Chapter 1: author-nim, please updaaate :)
outhere #3
no more update? I'm so sad
CHiBiSaUR #4
ooh, niicee start :D update soon