Chapter 1

Somebody that I used to know

Somebody that I used to know

Pairing: Daejong



'Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt lonely in your company
But that was love and it’s an ache I still remember'


“Jongup ah…”

A tall figure in front of me looked straight in my eyes with the beautiful pair of his. It was only two of us on the beach under the moon light; the sky was filled with stars that night, like they want to congratulate two of us for being together. I could feel my heart beat faster and faster as I looking forward to what he will say.  He didn’t just look at me now, his hands started to reach mine and hold it tight.

“I love you”
He whispered. Everything seemed to stop, the waves, the wind. I only heard my heart beat and his. I swore I never smile this wide before. He smiled beautifully and leaned closer until...


I screamed, and woke up from this terrible dream covered in sweat. And of course this is not the first time. I sigh as I stared to get back to sleep.

‘Daehyun hyung, why can’t you just leave me like you did so easily last year?’
Yes, I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend ‘Jung Daehyun’ all the time since he broke me and my heart into pieces last year. He was actually the most handsome guy in my university, and always wanted as a boyfriend. I wouldn’t lie that we had pretty great time together, but that is just the past.I sigh for the second time as I noticed the tears on my face. I shut my eyes, but my mind still wandered about him.
‘I miss him’


I took out my phone to see who is calling this late.
Ahh..  He is my ultimate best friend; he is the one who was beside me when I lost him. I shook my head a bit before
answered the call.

‘Hey, what’s up?’
‘Yah! Moon Jongup. Are you free tonight?’
‘kinda, why?’
‘Let’s party! I am so lonely tonight, please please please’
I let out a sigh ‘Fine! Where are we meeting?’
‘The same place, seeya soon’
Well, maybe party could make me forget him easier.


'But you didn’t have to cut me off
make out like it never happened
and that we were nothing
and I don’t even need your love
but you treat me like a stranger
and that feel so rough'


At the club
I walked into the club mindlessly. I have been here a million times with zelo, so I pretty much knew everybody here.  There he is, Zelo who was sitting in the V.I.P. zone.
“Oh! You’re here already. Here, Try this!”
He handed a cup of colorful drink, I took it and drank it slowly. Zelo was gone somewhere he said he would meet his friend outside left me by myself. It was fine until I spotted one familiar figure talked to a very pretty looking girl in the other side of the club.
‘Daehyun hyung’

My mind went blank. I was hurt, confused, and sad.  My body started to shake badly. I saw they laughed, hugged, and end up kissed. I stared them too long, make him realized that there was someone staring. He turned his head to my way slowly. His eyes widen when he saw me. I held up my tear with all my strength and walked away.  I didn’t dare to look back at him. But still, a little part of me hoped that he would chase after me or say I misunderstood him, and he wanted me back.

But that did not happen

I walked away from there to men’s restroom. I cried my heart out, cursed at him.
‘How can he forget me that fast when I still can’t get over him?’
This question kept repeating in my head. An hour later I finally calm myself, and walk to Zelo.
He was so scared that I would be kidnapped. He called me and tried to find my anywhere. I apologized, and I knew he understood.



'You didn’t have to stoop so low
have your friends collected your records
and then you change your number
I guess that I don’t need that though
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know'


I woke up the next day with scary red eyes from crying yesterday. I would totally miss school if I did not have a showcase for dance club today. I dressed up and had a fast breakfast before I headed to university.  I met up with Zelo and the other guys in dance club, we rehearsed for the last time before go out to the stage. I tried to concentrate to the dance, calm myself, and did not want to think about last night. We waited behind the stage until our group’s name was announced.

“And now it is time for B.A.P.!!!”
the music started heavy beat, good rhythm. I got absorb in the music quickly and started to move with the beat.

We got the power
I got the power
그 앞에 굴하지 마 넌넌
그러지 마라 고갤 들어라

We got the power
그에 맞서 싸워
천사의 얼굴로 날 날날
쳐다보지 마 거짓말이다

We got the power, I got the power
Don’t submit under them
Don’t be like that and lift your head up

We got the power
Fight against them and don’t look at me with your angelic face.
Everything is a lie


After the showcase, a lot of people came and congratulated me, and praise how awesome am I at dancing. I only smiled and say thank you to them. 
“I did not know you will be this good at dancing.”
I froze in my spot this voice, I recognized it. ‘Daehyun’
“Why? You start to feel sad that you lose me now”
“Sort of” He shrugged and smile.  He came closer to me.

The beautiful face of his is now wet.  Water that was supposed to be in the bottle in my hand is now landed on that beautiful face.
“I am not that easy, not anymore. Go back to that pretty girl you kissed yesterday. It is kinda sad though, that a very pretty girl is stupid enough to choose you as her boyfriend. And now you are just somebody that I used to know.”
Everybody is speechless, staring, gossiping. But I don’t care. I walk out from the auditorium confidently, and laughed with myself at how he reacted. I was surprised at how brave I am. Maybe I have to thanks him for being so jerky that I was so angry.  I have to move on, and now he is somebody that I used to know.


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Chapter 1: Aw...Daehyunnie, you mean :( Poor Jong Up T.T
Aww poor jong up T__T
Wow it's great! Hope you'll make more DaeJong fic soon:)