Oh!My Ribbon!

My School, My Love, My Haters oh My Food

January 12, 2011

There was a girl that lives in room 414 named ara Kurumi normally friends call her Rumi ... that's when she's normal.
but people in the Special dorm calls her ALIEN for some reasons.
Beside her room is room 415.
a boy named Yamada Ryosuke, A cool guy, everybody in the school knows him.
you're abnormal if you don't know him.
he is normally called Ryosuke or Yama chan.
but people in the Special dorm calls him Ryo-chan for some reasons.

It was 11:00 PM..
people that lives in the normal dorms are all asleep.well normally people in the Special dorm too.

"Oh my god!my room!"yelled Kurumi
her room was dirty.like a thief got in or something.

"Kurumi are you alright!? what..." when Ryosuke was about to say happened he saw what happened in the room.
"Who the hell did this..." said Ryosuke

"You Alien!do you know what time is it now!.......oh my god...what happened?" said a Tall guy called Yabu Kouta said.

Yabu Kouta is one of the cool guys.
He's tall.i mean so tall.
everybody calls him Yabu kun he lives next to them too.his room is 413
but in the Special Dorm...BOSS.

"Ryosuke..." said Kurumi then ran behind him.
"the hell..think about you're room first!what's scary? if you're ribbons are stolen or a tall guy?" sighed Ryosuke

"who the hell did this? "asked Kouta
"HAHA.Ryosuke asked me that too!" laughed Kurumi
"...let's leave her Yamada... we're just wasting our time here..." sighed Kouta
"I'm really sorry!help mee please! "shouted Kurumi
"alright alright i'll help you to clean this thing~s!but after this i'll sleep! stop shouting!everybody is already sleeping!I'll ask everybody about this tomorrow!" said Kouta

"kyaaaaa~thanks boss!" said kurumi then hugs kouta
"Let's clean this now Yabu kun." said Ryosuke
then he started fixing things up.

"geez.was just joking kurumi get off me." said Kouta

dumb Kurumi didn't get the meaning of what the two boys was talking about.

"Ryosuke~i don't get it~>.<" said Kurumi with a question mark in her head.
"Even if you ask him Aliens won't understand it~clean up fast!" said Kouta then threw a soccer ball at her
"okay okay~geez stop shouting i'm just in here~" said Kurumi and started cleaning

after a few minutes...

"YEHEY!we're done!okay i'll go now~!see yah tomorrow!be sure to wake up early!" said Kouta
"like we don't know that we need to.get out~oh yeah.wait~can i sleep here tonight?" said Ryosuke
"weeeeeeeeee~!don't do anything weird huh!" said Kouta
"I i i i won't!!!!!!!!!! get out!" said Ryosuke with a red face
"byee yabu kun~thank you so much~!" said kurumi then shut the door
"Oyasumi~" shouted kouta

"Let's go sit there!" said Ryosuke with an energetic voice.he noticed that Kurumi wasn't ok.
well..for normal people they won't notice it.
but Ryosuke and Kurumi is dating and they were childhood friends.
It's normal for him to notice it.

as they sat, Ryosuke started to talk
"You alright?anything gone here??" he said
"what are you saying~i'm okay!there are 3 ribbons gone...the two are the one that cost 5,000....gaaaaaaaa." said kurumi
"stop fooling me.i know you kurumi you're not okay right?...no way are that the one mama gave you??...you said 3 right...is the last one you're using now?"
"oh yeah!haha.okay...yeah...i'm kinda scared...yup yup.mama gave me that.." said kurumi
(Everybody in the special dorm calls Kurumi's mother mama)
"stop lying...not just kinda right?...i know you so much kurumi...it's okay...we'll find it.and i'll explain it to mama tomorrow..
i'm sorry...i'm really sorry for not protecting you..." he said as he hugged kurumi
"stop being like this...yeah i'm scared...but i feel strong cause you're with me.and you always protect me!and you're protecting me now right?" said kurumi with a big smile
"thank you...let's sleep now..we still need to wake up tomorrow!" he said as he stand
"You are welcome~ yey~it has been a while since the last time we slept together~" said kurumi with a big smile again as she walked to her bed

"Sleep tight~don't worry about what happened...i'm here..."said ryosuke as he gets in the bed too.
"come on ryosuke..don't be like this...didn't just i said i don't like you being like that...like you said...Sleep tight!don't worry!I'm here!" said kurumi then hugged ryosuke

"HAHAHA.like an alien can protect me!haha  ore uchuujin dai suki dawa~haha~oyasumi!" said Ryosuke and hugged her tight(translation: I really like you alien~!good night!)
"atashi mo kobuta dai suki dayo!teka aierushi~!oyasumi~!" said kurumi then closed her eyes.(i like you too you little pig!err i love you!good night!)

they didn't know that Kouta was laughing listening to them at the door....

"i really love this couple!hahahahaha!....oops better sleep now!hahahahaha!"Kouta said

"Hey boss!do you know what time is it already??????shut up!" said a boy taller than him.

He was Nakajima Yuto.

Few centimeters taller than him. He's one of the cool boys too!

He is the very kind guy you would ever meet!(i think...)

He lives at the room 412.

people call him Yuto kun.

but people in their Dorm calls him Noppo kun(the character of tokyo tower!xD)

"Heyya Yuto! I was just listening to them!hhahha.oh yeah by the way...somebody got in Aliens room...know anything about it?"

"Thats bad boss!! huh?what happened!? she okay?? don't know anything about it~"

"Oh...her room was a disaster...and the ribbon mama gave her is lost..."

"no way!the thing that costs 5,000!?...i bet she's not okay...gonna talk about it at the food court tomorrow?"

"ofcourse like duhhhh.sleep now~.oh yeah!help me tomorrow to find who did it!"

"okay~i'll ask somebody to help us tomorrow too!oyasumi~see yah tomorrow!"

"thanks!oyasumi!" Kouta said.then he got in his room and fell asleep while thinking about who did that.



i'm really sorry with the wrong grammars!!!

and for not being a good writer...

but if you still wanna read it please Apply!

need moreeeeeeeeee!



- January 8.23:58

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Rainie12 #1
Hi I'll apply again! Please consider this my official one.<br />
Name:Aragaki Rainie<br />
Nickname: Nie,Gaki<br />
Age : 18 <br />
Birthday: July 17, 1992<br />
Nationality: Desired Partner *only one!*: Chinen Yuri<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ): <br />
-Flowers<br />
-Butterflies<br />
-Eating Cookies<br />
-Piano<br />
-Bangles<br />
-Pearl bracelets<br />
-Honey Tea<br />
-onigiri<br />
DisLikes : <br />
-Cockroaches<br />
-Bugs <br />
-Darkness<br />
-Heights<br />
-Blood<br />
-High stairs<br />
-Scary stories<br />
About Yourself : <br />
Rainie is a very bright girl, she always eye smiles when she is happy. If she is sad she'll pout and sob. She loves dancing, singing and rapping. She usually listens to music by using her ipod. You'll always see that she is wearing earphones.<br />
Request?: Can Yabu nii-chan be my nii-chan here?<br />
Comment: Fighting! Oops wrong...FIGHT-OH!!!
indigoviolet #2
can i apply??<br />
<br />
Name: Yuuki Hoshino <br />
Nickname: Yuu<br />
Age : 19<br />
Birthday: 2nd Dec<br />
Nationality: Japanese<br />
Desired Partner *only one!*: Yabu Kouta :)<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ):<br />
- cats<br />
- fast ride [roller coaster], F1<br />
- listen to music<br />
- doing things w/out someone orders her arround<br />
- playing drums<br />
- <br />
DisLikes :<br />
- lizard [her worst nightmare]<br />
- People who tell lies<br />
- when people mess with her<br />
- waiting<br />
- any pink colour stuff<br />
<br />
About Yourself : Yuuki is a fast leaner, she can do multitask..and very good ad martial art..sometimes she like to be alone..but once she find a great accompany, she become really friendly..seriously love cats, and will do anything for cats!<br />
<br />
Request?: can Ryutaro be my lil brother?? coz i like him...<br />
<br />
Comment: GOOD LUCK DEAR!! i apply really late, i wonder if u still accept my application..
I'd like to apply!! XP btw >< i just realised i applied as Kazu on winglin in february but the application stuffed up O.O <br />
<br />
Name: Ishikawa Kazuko  <br />
Nickname: Kazu<br />
Age : 17<br />
Birthday: 21st April<br />
Nationality: Japanese/Chinese<br />
Desired Partner *only one!*: Yaotome Hikaru :)<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ): <br />
- the great outdoors<br />
- Playing the piano<br />
- Cupcakes<br />
- Eating watermelon<br />
- Skateboarding<br />
- Thrills e.g. rollercoaster or skydiving<br />
DisLikes : <br />
- Spiders and Snakes<br />
- People who also play pranks and joke<br />
- When things are a huge mess<br />
About Yourself : Kazuko is a true born leader, she is very organised and hates it when things go wrong. She tries her best to keep everyone happy. She doesn't like pranksters and people you love practical jokes.<br />
Request?: Can i be Yabu or Yuya's little sister?? xD and can it be like i kind of hate Hikaru because he always plays jokes and ruins everything.<br />
Comment: it sounds like its gonna be great!! ^^ i can't wait XP its a very interesting plot :D ganbatte ne~!
Rainie12 #4
Name: Rainie Sato <br />
Nickname: Nie<br />
Age : 18 <br />
Birthday: july 17 1991 <br />
Nationality: Filipino<br />
Desired Partner *only one!*: Chinen Yuri<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ): <br />
-singing and dancing Jpop and Kpop<br />
-cherry blossoms<br />
-playing piano or organ<br />
-piggy back rides<br />
-candies<br />
DisLikes :<br />
-bugs and insects<br />
-seeing sad people<br />
-accidents<br />
-when earphone is broken<br />
-bad people<br />
About Yourself : She is very cheerful and palyful. She like making people happy. She really loves singing and dancing Jpop and Kpop. She doesn<br />
Request?: Comment: Apply! and Yamada Ryosuke is taken by me.:)
Name:Yamamoto Amiya<br />
Nickname:Ami,Yama-chan<br />
Age:17<br />
Birthday:23 Jan 1993<br />
Nationality:Japanese<br />
Desired Partner *only one!*:Takaki Yuya♥<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ):<br />
-playing the violin<br />
-ice cream(Cookies and cream)<br />
-mystery books<br />
-ghost stories<br />
-cute dogs<br />
-Quiet places<br />
-figure skating<br />
DisLikes :<br />
-Liars<br />
-Alcohol<br />
-playboy<br />
-smoking<br />
-spiders<br />
-loud places<br />
About Yourself :<br />
She is a simple girl who is smart and kind but doesn't speak to anyone but her friends. She also hates when girls scream when they see their crushes.She is very unnoticeable and sometimes people spread rumors that she can talk to ghost but deep inside she is a bright,loving,helpful,and energetic friend.And she doesn't really like guys because of her past<br />
Request?:Can yuya be my enemy but later she will fall in love with him...........
yuuka_tykaa #6
ohhhh , i like your plot! not many HSJ apply fics here so im glad to see one !<br />
btw, drop by to my stories and maybe you can apply there too x))
yuuka_tykaa #7
hehe :D i will not apply , since my yamachan is taken by you TT__TT<br />
oh but maybe i will xD<br />
Name: Seto Keiri<br />
Nickname: Kei, keiri<br />
Age :17<br />
Birthday: 9 Oct 1993 <br />
Nationality: japanese <br />
Desired Partner *only one!*:NAKAJIMA YUUTO then :)<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ):<br />
-ICE CREAM<br />
-SNOW<br />
-Books<br />
-Paintings and drawings<br />
DisLikes :<br />
-Snobby, cocky, weakling and egoistic boys<br />
-Smokes<br />
-HEAT<br />
-DOGS<br />
-Lectures<br />
About Yourself :<br />
- She is very clumsy yet intelligent. She always make things more complicated because of her clumsiness but end up solving them with her intelligence!<br />
- She is very egoistic as she love to challenge boy's prides and didnt want to admit lose nor losing.<br />
-She is cheerful and friendly to her girls friends but cold and mean to boys!<br />
Request?: i dont have any :D or maybe u can make me Yama-chan's frenemy? Comment: heyyy ! i'll comment next! okay ?
Name:Reina Sakurako<br />
Nickname:Saku-chan,Rei-Rei<br />
Age:17<br />
Birthday:14th of March<br />
Nationality:Japanese<br />
Desired Partner:Okamoto Keito<br />
Likes ( 5 or 7 ): <br />
- video games<br />
- roller blading <br />
- fantasy novels<br />
- animals<br />
- the sea<br />
DisLikes : <br />
- night clubs<br />
- liars<br />
- loud music<br />
- small closed places (has slight claustrophobia) <br />
- maths<br />
About Yourself : She's usually a quiet and unnoticed girl.Always ready to lend somebody a helping hand.Is really cute and knows how to use it in her advantage.Although of her a little bit nerdish personality a lot of guys swoon over her.Doesn't really enjoy a lot of attention and acts open only towards her most close friends.Is in truth very energetic and crazy always ready to try out something new.She may look naive but don't let that fool you.In truth she's very penetrating and it isn't an easy job to fool her.Tends to be over-competitive sometimes although she doesn't show it.Sometimes acts very childish and whines and pouts a lot. <br />
Request?: Nothing really ^_^<br />
Comment: This seems like it will be an interesting story plus there aren't a lot of apply fics for HSJ~ Good luck with writing this :3