Episode 6 - Walking, walking AND MORE GOD DAMN WALKING!!!!



Sorry guys >. <~ its been such a long time since I updated >.



Eunhee: really? A forest? You can’t think of anything so you throw 21 idols into a forest and expect them to come out alive?

Eunhyuk: IM GONNA DIIE!!!

Eunhee: I’ve just thought of something… im not the youngest here anymore…

Taemin: I would be the youngest here right?

Eunhee: *glares* you took my position >.<

PD: anyway… back to the pairs, you’ll be put into pairs, and they will be-

-Recap end-


Donghae x Kim Eunhee

Leeteuk x kangin

Yesung x ryeowook

Heechul x Hangeng

Kyuhyun x sungmin

Shindong x Kibum

Siwon x Eunhyuk

Jonghyun x key

Minho x Taemin

And because we have an odd amount onew will just be mc

Onew: WOOHOO!!

Donghae: *smile* (thoughts: go donghae it’s your birthday it’s your birthday~~~)

Eunhyuk: (thoughts: my fish >.<)

PD: now shoo! *throws bags at shinee and suju* there’s a tent, a map, a compass and some other  important essentials in there and not to mention some cup ramen in the bags, its one between two and I expect you all at the finish line in 2 days now go!

Suju and shinee: …

Donghae: lets go ^^ *hold Eunhee’s hand*

Eunhee: umm oppa?

Donghae: hmm yeah?

Eunhee: we’re going the wrong way…

Donghae: oh right!

Eunhee: *takes map* >.< seriously 12 km (around 7 miles)

Donghae:  well better get started!! *grabs Eunhee’s hand* *walk*

Eunhee: right…


Donghae: its getting dark quickly so we should start finding a dry place setting up the tent

Eunhee: maybe we should find somewhere without all these trees

Donghae: we better find somewhere quickly

Eunhee: looks around… *puff* my legs are tired >.<

Donghae: ok, ill go look you stay here with the things

Eunhee: what if you get lost?

Donghae: then at least you’re safe

Eunhee: aigo~ go, just be careful…

Donghae: okay~~ stay right there! *walks away*

(30 mins later)

Eunhee: aigo… where is he… *looks at camera man* where are you gonna be staying tonight? The tent is only for two

Camera man: *points to bag on back* I have a tent too

Eunhee: ok…

Donghae: EUNHEE-AH!!!

Eunhee: YAYY!!  YOU’RE BACK!!! *goes and hugs donghae* are you ok? Are you hurt? Why did you take so long?

Donghae: I found the perfect place~ but it’s around 20 minutes away

Eunhee: it’s ok^^ let’s go!

Donghae: are your legs still sore?

Eunhee: sorta but I’ll be fine ^^

Donghae: *wears back pack backwards* *bends down* get on

Eunhee: NO! your carrying the bag already! I’m sure I’ll be fine

Donghae: just get on!

Eunhee: no

Donghae: fine… *pick Eunhee up and throws on shoulder* *smiles* LETS GOO!!!~

Eunhee: aigo>.<

Donghae: *walks to clearing*

Eunhee: wow~ so pretty!


Donghae: *puts Eunhee down*anyway we should start setting up the tent

Eunhee: right!

Donghae: *finish putting up tent*

Eunhee: we should start making a fire

Donghae: ok... I’ll go get fire wood

Eunhee: ok, *looks at camera man* do we get matches or something?

Camera man:  *gives matches*

Donghae: I’m back!  *dumps wood onto floor*

Eunhee: *lights fire*

Donghae: I’m hungry where’s the ramen?

Eunhee: wait… how do we make ramen without water?

Donghae: …

Camera man: *shrugs* I supply drinking water…. *gives bottle of water*

Eunhee: thank you!!~~

Donghae: *boils water* (lol puts bottle of water into fire)


Donghae: =.= this is why I don’t cook

Eunhee: *takes bottle out* umm is there a pot or anything in the bag

Donghae: *looking around in bag* BINGO! Found one *takes out*

Eunhee: *makes ramen*

Donghae: *staring into space*

Camera man: ehem… do something…

Donghae: *looks at camera* HI~^^

Camera man: …

*fast forward to sleep time ^^*

Eunhee: don’t try anything when I’m sleeping!

Donghae: …  >.< you don’t trust me

Eunhee: of course I don’t ^^

Donghae: I promise, I won’t do anything to you when you sleeping ^^

Eunhee: good, good night fans!! *waves to camera* *goes into tent*

Donghae: faneyo annyonghijumuseyo (good night fans~/in korean) ~~zai jien bao bei!!(goodbye  baby/in Chinese/it’s what donghae calls he’s Chinese fans ^^)

*fast forward to the morning*

Eunhee: *comes out of tent* *stretches* *looks at camera* AHHH!!! …

Donghae: AHH… *pokes head out* ….what?

Eunhee: nothing I just got a shock from the camera….

Donghae: aigo….you scared me for nothing

Eunhee: wake up~~ we better get going!! I wanna cover a lot of ground today, we’re half way there!!

(an hour later)

Eunhee: I think I lost 2 kg on my legs >.<

Donghae: *skippity skippity skip skip*~~ *smiles*

Eunhee: how can you be so bothered...

Donghae: OMG!!!!

Eunhee: WHAT!!!

Donghae: HI!!

Eunhee: … *takes donghae’s arm* *bites*

Donghae: AHHH!! YAH!YAH!YAH!!!!!

Eunhee: that’s what you get for annoying the magnae!!

Donghae: hey look! Bananas!

Eunhee: doesn’t that look abit suspicious? There’s a bunch of bananas on the forest floor

Donghae: don’t be silly its probably noth- *trips*


????: urgh whatever

Eunhee: … ummm whose there?

??? : Huh? Eunhee?

Eunhee: Sungmin? Which means Kyuhyun?

Donghae: YAH!! GET OFF OF ME!!

Kyuhyun: hyung?

Eunhee: what are you people doing here?

Sungmin: looking for food^^

Kyuhyun: shindong and Kibum came by when we were sleeping and stole our food


Kyumin: =.=

Donghae: *dusts off pants* anyway we should get going~ we’re nearly there

Eunhee: ok awesome ^^

(after two more hours of walking)

Donghae: okay~ let’s take a break

Eunhee: MY LEGS!!!!!! *sits on log*

Donghae: *sits on rock* *drinks water* want some? *gives EunHee*

Eunhee: yeah sure ^^ *takes* *drinks*

Donghae: (thoughts: OH YEAH!! INDIRECT KISS!! BOOYAH!!)

Eunhee: how long do we have left?

Donghae: ummm…. *looks at map* half a km or so

Eunhee: WOOHOO!!

Donghae: I think we’re gonna be first ^^

Eunhee: we better be, I haven’t walked that much since high school

Donghae: that wasn’t so long ago for you though, it’s only been what? 4 years?

Eunhee: and for you it’s been what 6 years? Kekeke~ so old~~

Donghae: hey!! We’re here!

Eunhee: really?!~~

PD: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU’RE THE FIRST COUPLE TO MAKE IT HERE!! And you two get two travel tickets!!

Eunhee: *sits down* MY LEEGGGSSGSGSG!!!!!!!!!

Leeteuk: I’M HERE!!!!! *dies next to EunHee*

Eunhee: *poke poke* I think it died….

Kangin: … *pokes leeteuk with a stick*

Leeteuk: *twitch twitch*

Eunhee: you killed our leader >.< *puts jacket over Leeteuk’s head*

Leeteuk: *crouches up* anyway~~~ *smiles* thank you for the shade ^^

Eunhee: =.=

(Fast forward)

Onew: now that we’re all back^^ I’m glad we all made it out alive~

Eunhee: you didn’t do anything >.<

Kyuhyun: yeah!! All you did was sleep in an air conditioned trailer!!

Onew: whatever *stick tongue out* congratulations to donghae couple for coming in first, kangteuk for second and kyumin in third

Leeteuk: well that’s it for this week!!!  YOU WERE WATCHING SUPER JUNIOR SUPER IDOL-

Suju + Shinee: CHALLENGE!!!

Pd: CUT!!

Eunhee: I’m going home and showering! AND NO ONES GONNA STOPPING!!!

Suju: *runs after*

Shinee: …

Jonghyun: when we get home I’m gonna sleep


PD: AND cut…..


And that’s it ^^ I hope you enjoy it!!!seeya^^ I don’t know the next time I’m gonna update so please bare with me, I am still going to school, and I do have a lot of work to do >.< I’m sorry for taking so long to upload this though

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Kyaaaaaa my SJ feeeelssss~
Chapter 5: I love how noisy the dorm is when they need to wake up! And when Wook have to wake up Hyuk to wake up Hae to wake up Eunhee to wake up Kyu. I love it!
ChemicalLuvs #3
Chapter 36: i lOOOOOOOOOOOOVE U!!!
i miss this story so much^^


Chapter 36: Woah~ it's been that long? This was one of the very first stories I've subscribed to here. Time sure flies by. Well, it's good to know you'll continue with this. Honestly, I've almost forgotten all about it! I'll make sure to read the rewrite. Make it good! *points* No pressure though. Hehe~
Chapter 36: Continue with rewrite. :3 And OMG!!! -hugs you tightly- I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 36: @eunhaecupcake- donghae? DOOONNNGGGHAAAEEEEE~~~ lol ok~ :P
@i_am_babykyu_u-know - you think so?.... i think so too (kyu biased~
@ruby28 - rightio~ ill try~
@iLoveExo12 - hahaha~ thanks for the suhhestion, i shal try >.>
@SHINee_Baby - fishy? okies~ i dunno, should i keep it? it pretty bad hahaha
@Lee_Jaerin - HAHHA I SHALL DELETE!!! haha jks, kyu~ (drools)
@PikaSjOwls - maybee~ thanks hahaha, i dont like the dialouge, ill rewrite it for you guys soon
@ChemicalLuvs - i sorry~ please dont cry D: hahaha~ you really do that? ill get a chappy up as soon as i can
@citedFriedRice - mimi~ ohh, i like mimi too (zoumi bias) (hahaha see what i did there? zou = walk HAHAHAH )
@Syakirah2000 - photobucket i think~ ill update as soon as i can~
ChemicalLuvs #8
unnie~ please update soon. I miss the story TT_TT
Keep it then finish it then start a new season ^^
Where do you get Kibum's picture with the teddy? So cute~~~ Anyway, update soon! :)