
I Was There All Along, You Babo~ [ONESHOT. MYUNGSOO. OC]

Haneul cupped an amount of water onto her hands and splashed the water across her face. She took a deep breath and looked into the big mirror of the toilet. Eyes swollen, face dampens by traces of tears, she sighed then she put her face under the running tap water.

Faintly taking as much tissues that she could, she wiped her face dry and bit her bottom lip a little bit to give them colour. Sighing again, she walked around, and turned the door knob, opening the door as slowly as she could.

“Break up again?” that low voice almost made Haneul jumped out of shock.

She bring her face towards the direction of the voice to find her childhood best friend, Myungsoo leaning his back lazily on the wall, arms crossed, looking at her.

Haneul glared, “None of your business,” she said, her voice cracking up.

Myungsoo gave her his poker face, slowly following her steps.

“How many times was it already? Five?” he asked cynically.

“You better stop now, Myungsoo, before I go and rip your precious lips apart,” Haneul muttered under her breath, gritting her teeth in anger.

Myungsoo snickered, “You should just give up, Haneul. Five times breaking up with the same guy isn’t a good thing. Breaking once is bad enough,” he said again and this time matching her footsteps.

Haneul stopped. They faced each other. The two different expressions. Haneul swallowed her anger. “And now what? Do you want to go and tell the world that I broke up with the same guy, five times?! GO! I don’t care. Laugh your stinky off as long as you could. Laugh as much as you want, Myungsoo!,” she said, spitting her anger. Haneul sighed, “I.JUST.DON’T.CARE!” she shouted again and walked away. Her eyes burning, something fell to her cheeks again.

A grip on her arm stopped her. Without saying anything, Myungsoo pulled her into his warm embrace. He let out a sigh, “I am here to help you, not to laugh at you. Cry as much as you want, Haneul. I know it hurts a lot,” he said slowly patting Haneul’s head. Not trying to hide her flowing tears, Haneul buried her face onto his chest, crying as quietly as she could.

They sat under their favourite shady tree, facing each other. Haneul hugged her knees and rested her chin onto her knees. Her eyes hurt from crying too much and her heart were scattering apart.

Myungsoo looked at her, waiting for her explanation.

“He cheated,” she said.

Myungsoo gave her his, ‘I know right’ face. Haneul sighed, “With that girl that he denied being with,” she added.

Myungsoo nodded, “He is a stupid, then” he said, inviting a small smile on Haneul’s petite lips.

He gave her a smile then went ruffling her hair, “Let’s watch movies at my place tonight, like old times. We haven’t done it for a long time. Let’s re-watch 5oo Days of Summer, though I wouldn’t promise you that I would not fall asleep halfway” he joked.

Haneul let out a small laugh and shook her head, ”Thanks but no thanks. I have to clear all the things that he gave to me by tonight. I didn’t want to see any single thing about him around my room any more”

“Mind if I help?”

“I thought you want to watch 500 Days of Summer?”

“Heck. I watched it just because of you,” Myungsoo said, poking her forehead.

“If you don’t mind then, you are most welcome,”

Myungsoo nodded, and then, they both looked up to the sky.

“Myung…” Haneul called slowly.


“Can I put my head on your lap?” Haneul asked, chuckling.

“Since when do you have to ask for my permission?” he said, not moving his eyes from the sky. Smiling, Haneul laid on the ground and put her head onto Myungsoo’s lap.

Slowly, Myungsoo hummed her favorite lullaby.

“Since when did you put up your weight?” whispering, Myungsoo asked the sleeping Haneul that he carried on his back.

“Wh..what?” Haneul replied faintly.

Myungsoo shook his head, “Nothing. Just go back to sleep. I will send you home,”

Myungsoo smiled slightly. The feeling of her being next to him. He missed that feeling. They seldom being this close nowadays, ever since Haneul got her self a boyfriend a year ago. Myungsoo? He had been liking Haneul for about, million years?

It’s not like he didn’t confess to her.

He did confess.


A small 8-year-old boy was running across the field with a rose in his hand. He was smiling brightly, as he spotted her, ”HANEUL!” he shouted to a girl who was playing alone at the end of the field.

The cute girl stopped and looked at Myungsoo, tilting her head slightly. Panting, Myungsoo showed her the rose in his hand.

“I like you, will you promise to always be mine?” he asked while catching his breath. Haneul’s small eyes twinkling.  She laughed and took the rose, “I will always be yours, Myungsoo,” she said happily as they both laughed in unison.


That was ten years ago, but still, it’s a confession. Even though he was still a small kid that time, everything that he had said came from his heart. Deep down inside. He didn’t know whether she still remembers it or not., maybe, she do remember it, but she was unsure if he really meant it or maybe she thought he had forgotten it.

Myungsoo tightened his grip on Haneul’s legs. He had never seen her broken before. Once. Yes. When her parents died in a tragic accident. He put Haneul on her bed and covered her with her yellow blanket. Myungsoo stared at Haneul’s peaceful sleeping face, faintly tucking strands of hair away from her face. He smiled, slowly, kissing her cheek softly.

Suddenly, Haneul stirred in her sleeps, making Myungsoo’s heart beating uncontrollably, what if she wakes up?  Myungsoo hold his breath, praying that she would not wake. A minute passed and Haneul was still lying peacefully on the bed. Still sleeping. Myungsoo chuckled. He looked around her room. It hasn’t change much, still the old, tidy room that he used to spend his time in when they were younger.

“Well, since I promised you that I would help you clean your room, I thought, I should start now,” he said while brushing her hair softly.


It was already morning when Haneul woke up. She sat on her bed, holding her head that was still holding the traces of hurt. She blinked a few times and looked around. Her room looked, shockingly, tidy. She didn’t remember she had thrown away the picture of her and her ex that she sticks on the wall. She climbed down of her bed and walked towards her study. Someone had stuck a post-it on one of her books.

‘Hey sleeping beauty, I’ve tidied up your room and thrown away all the unwanted things somewhere that you would not find. Don’t ask me about it. It’s better that way. ^_^ Get up and get ready for school, I will be waiting at the front gate.


Haneul smiled and shook her head.

She walked to school like usual. Haneul could see Myungsoo’s tall figure, leaning on the wall of their school front gate. She grinned.

“Annyeong!” she said brightly. Myungsoo smiled, “Morning. How are you today?” he asked as they walked side by side into the school. “Hmm..much better. Any way, thanks,”  she said, nudging Myungsoo’s side. Myungsoo shrugged, “Just there to help. Let’s get in, that prefect over there was watching at us as if his look can kill,” he said, dragging Haneul’s arm with him. “Yah.Yah. Myungsoo-ah! I know how to walk, okay!” Haneul said, smacking Myungsoo’s strong arms lightly.

Myungsoo chuckled while letting go of Haneul’s arm. While walking, they talked and joked with each other and sometimes Myungsoo would lightly smack, or pat Haneul’s head just because Haneul made fun of his poker face. “Nobody makes fun of my poker face, Haneul,” he said, again and again.

Haneul bursted out a laugh, jumping slightly so that she could pinch Myungsoo cheek. Unfortunately, her feet found her no mercy, she twitched them and was in the midst of falling when Myungsoo grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him to avoid her from falling. They were lucky that there were just several students who were wandering at the hall as the classes would start very soon.

For a moment, both of them froze. Both listening to their faint heartbeats that was about to burst out of their lung.

“Let me go, Myungsoo,” Haneul whispered to him, Myungsoo quickly helped Haneul to stand on her feet and let go of her waist. “Sorry,” he said, looking away from her while brushing the back of his neck slightly, hiding his embarrassment. “It’s okay.”


“I guess I will see you when the school ends,” Haneul said.

Myungsoo nodded, “Okay” and they both made their way to their classes.


The school had just ended and they were walking down the alley. “Where do you want to go now?” Myungsoo asked. Haneul shrugged, “Anywhere, but home” she answered. “Let’s just go to our field, then” Myungsoo suggested. Hearing him calling their favorite field as our field made Haneul chuckled. They had always loved that field that they started calling it as theirs. Truthfully, Haneul did think it was them, since her and Myungsoo sort of, grew up playing there. ‘He even confessed his feelings for me at the field’, she thinks.

“Let’s go there then,” she said, suddenly grabbing Myungsoo’s hand and started to run. All he did was smiling and thinking, ’This was just like when we were little kids’

“I want the left one!” Haneul said as she let go of Myungsoo’s hand and ran towards an old swing, taking the left swing as hers. Myungsoo walked slowly, smirking. “That has always been yours. I bet it already got sick of your there,” he said while sitting on the right swing.

“YAH!!” Haneul said while hitting Myungsoo’s back, “Watch you mouth” she said again as Myungsoo laughed, looking at Haneul’s reddening face. “Let’s race who can go up higher” Haneul said as she kicked the ground and soar up high on the sky, followed by Myungsoo.

“I WILL WIN!” Myungsoo said , “Bless my long legs!” he said again, soaring higher than Haneul.

Soon, enough, there wasn’t any race happening between them. They were just swing, swing and swing like two little kids, laughing and looking up at the blue sky.

Then, they stopped. Panting, but with smiles on their face. “Haven’t done it in a long time,” Haneul said while Myungsoo just nod. Then both of them stayed silent, staring into space, err.not space, but to the scenery of the spacious field. There, that tree, which was the place where Myungsoo told Haneul that he liked her. A girl was playing alone there, all wrapped up with her dolls, wearing a beautiful rose pink gown. Suddenly, a boy came running along while holding a teddy bear, he stopped in front of the girl while handing the girl the bear in his hand. He told her something, that made the girl smiled while taking the bear from him, and suddenly, the small girl kissed the boy’s cheek.

Deja’vu, flashback, or history just replaying back itself, both Haneul and Myungsoo didn’t know.

Haneul chuckled while Myungsoo tore off his gaze from those two kids, now sort of interested with his shoes.

“Do you remember something, Myung-ah?” she asked.

Eyes still not leaving his shoes, Myungsoo asked, “Remember what?” he acted like he didn’t know.

Haneul shook her head, “Nevermind, then. Maybe you forget it already,” she said, slowly. Yeah, maybe he had forgotten it.

Suddenly, a soft warm lip met her petite small lips. Haneul widened her eyes in shocked, she blinked a few times, to make sure that it was happening. Yes, it was happening. Myungsoo was kissing her, he was kissing her, so softly that it made her heart race very fast. She closed her eyes and started to kiss him back, their lips moved naturally, like they were made especially for each other.

They broke their kiss after some time ,”Who said I had forgotten it?” he said in a husky voice, their eyes met.

Haneul hid her shy smile,”Then, I will always be yours, Myungsoo,” she replied. “Remember that,” she added. Myungsoo move with his swing a little bit closer to Haneul,” I would never forget that,” he said, kissing her again.

-The End-


Anyone up for a sequel? I was thinking about writing a sequel since YOU GUYS STILL DON'T KNOW WHO HER EX WAS~ So I was thinking of writing a sequel. What do you think?

And comment please! I love you!!!

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aww xDDD sequel sequel!
hei,, this is one good story! and yeah, i've always jaelous with your writing skills! i wish i could have one,, hehe :) anyway, i love ur beautiful story nuna yah!
yes, sequel please! but please another guy! ljoe is very common already XD
wooo~~ this is good!!!
i want sequel!!! xDDD
This is so lovely. So adorable. So innocent. Thank you cos you just made my journey home from school shorter :)
yeah sequel please.. :) erm if you ever made a sequel,please please and please make the ex is someone not a member of infinite..can you?hihi..
rupture #7
sequel~~~ please!!!