
The love/hate relationship between a football player and a dancer

~Taemins POV~

I ran towards the dance studio, because my ing bus left me, and as soon as I got there Minho ran towards me and embraced me in a tight hug, nuzzling himself onto my neck.

"Minho, stop it, I'm sweaty" I said trying to push him off, but he didn't budge. "So you guys are dating now? You guys hated eachother a few weeks ago" Key teased, Minho unnattached himself off of me and I started explaining "I still do, but I made a promise with him and now I have to be his boyfriend for the next 3 weeks." I groaned when I felt Minhos arms wrapping around me again in a backhug, and he nuzzled himself on to my neck. I kept trying to push him away, but he only held on tighter.

"You idiot, I told you I'm sweaty why-"

"Because I've missed you", "We've only seen eachother yesterday", "Well, its been a day too long, I can't live without you" I blushed at his cheesiness. I tried to push him off of me again, but he held on to me even tighter. I gave up after a few minutes, Minho chuckled "Give up?" "Hmph", "I love you too".

"Guys gather round" Key said, Minho unattached himself from me and grabbed my hand, holding on to it tightly, the contact making me blush. He eagerly dragged me to where Key called us over and sat down, pulling me down onto his lap. "Y-yah, what do you think you're doing?!","Can't I sit with my boyfriend that I haven't seen for a day?" I blushed, not only because he reffered to me as his 'boyfriend' but also because I realised that his was inches away from my . I nudged him with my elbow, but he only chuckled in response.

I couldn't help but let out a small smile.

~Jonghyuns POV~

I stared at Minho and Taemin. They looked exactly like a real couple, Taemin was sitting on Minhos lap, blushing a deep shade of red. Minho would whisper things into Taemins ear, Taemin would nudge him, and Minho would only chuckle in response.

I let my eyes wonder around the small and simple dance studio, I was looking around until my eyes landed on one fine ...



A fine that belonged to Key....

God why am I even looking? I removed my eyes from Keys to his face, only to find that he was already looking at me a small smirk on his face.

"Jonghyun?" Oh . "Umm...urhh...could you repeat the question?", "I said could you please turn on a couple of songs from my ipod? You deaf dino" I blushed, not because he called me a deaf dino, but because I was staring at his lips the whole time he was talking to me, without even realising it. I picked up his pink ipod and scrolled through it. Most of his songs consisted of songs by girlgroups and female singers. "Umm...key"


".. Most of your songs girlgroups"

"Yeah and?"


"Well, hurry up then choose a song" I clicked on a random song avoiding Keys glaring eyes. Beyoncé's 'Sweet Dreams' boomed through the dance studio. Key started moving his hips ily to the beat, his dance gradually becoming ier and ier, my palms started to get sweaty. Key stared at me in the most alluring way ever, a y smirk on his face.

'Somebody pinch me' he sang along, biting his lips. I couldn't help but gape at how hot he looked.




We made eye-contact and for a split second he paused and winked at me, a small smirk on his face. I wanted to look away, but something about him mesmerised me. It was as if he casted some sort of spell on me....

~Keys POV~


What other word can I use to describe him, besides perfect?

Kim Jonghyun. The first love of my life.




"Don't bully him, just because he acts differently than you doesn't mean you can bully him! You mean and ugly bullies" An 8 year old Kim Jonghyun shouted at the slightly older group of boys. "Oh yeah?" The boy threatened. "Yeah" Jonghyun replied bravely.

The group of older boys circled around the two younger boys, Jonghyun put an arm around the bruised boy next to him protectively. The two younger boys shut their eyes preparing for what was about to come....

Fortunately for the two younger boys the bell rang, students started scatterring about the whole place, and the older boys scurried away, afraid of getting into trouble. The bruised boy next to Jonghyun started crying uncontrollably. "Its okay don't cry, they're gone now" Jonghyun said softly, trying to comfort the boy.

Eventually the boys cry died down into tiny sobs. "Umm...are you okay?" The bruised boy looked up for the first time, tears straining his chubby cheeks. "I'm fine" he said confidently, although the bruises on his body, and his bleeding lip said otherwise. "Omo, you're bleeding" Jonghyun said, gently wiping off the blood on his lips. "Let's go to the nurse", "Ani..I-I have to get to class, and thank you..umm..." "Jonghyun", "Yes thank you Jonghyun", "You're welcome...umm...", "Kibum" Kibum smiled at Jonghyun before running into the school..

~~Flashback End~~

I wonder if Jonghyun remembers me.....probably not, I was too chubby back then.

I looked over to the perfect boy standing next to will be day Jonghyun will notice me. I gathered everyone together and started the lesson.

".....The most important thing about dance is confidence. You need to be confident in what you're doing and enjoy it, eventhough you could look like a complete idiot." I turned to Jonghyun and smirked when I realised what he was staring at and why he wasn't paying attention to what I was saying.

He finally looked up at me,"Jonghyun?" His eyes popped up in surprise and his face a scarlett red. "Umm...urhh...could you repeat the question?", "I said could you please turn on a couple of songs from my ipod? You deaf dino" he blushed a deeper shade of red, god he looks so adorable.

After he finshed scrolling through my ipod he stated one of the most obvious things 'Most of your songs are by girlgroups', well what did he expect? I just told him to choose one quickly, so I can dance- and maybe charm him with my iness.

Beyoncé's 'Sweet dreams' started playing. Time to work my charm....

(A/N Sorry for late (?) Update, hope you like the chapter, next chappie is going to be 2min Thanks for all the comment they make my day :') I might not update for 3 weeks (or more) cause I have to do so many projects and assignments for school -.- Byee I labs you <3)

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I'm sorry i havent updated for a while, im so sick rn i cant really do much, promise i'll update as soon as i feel better


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Chapter 36: I'm waiting for your updating for ages.

update soon please
xLisahh #2
Chapter 36: This story is great so far! Update soon~
Chapter 36: Oh welcome back! I hope everything is alright with you <3 ^^ Great chapter!
Chapter 36: Yay thanks for the promo beautiful xoxoxo big kisses
Chapter 36: Omg.. THIS UPDATE!!
I'm so touched, I love this story T.T
You don't have to make much drama anymore, just let them be happy please Q.Q I don't want Taemins heart to break (T_T)
Chapter 36: Awwww fluff
Chapter 36: I'm ing crying... ;u;
Chapter 36: WOAHHH teamin finally opens up :)I'M SOOOOO HAPPY YOU UPDATED! I really missed this story!
Chapter 36: OMG I'M SO GLAD YOU UPDATED!!! I was seriously missing all of this lovely 2min adorableness xD Aww, my poor Minnie was hurt so deeply by that ... I can't believe he abused him and blamed Taemin for his mother's death when it was an accident >:( I just wonder what Tae's going to do when he finds out that Minho and that psycho are brothers (if I remember the story correctly, its been so long since I've read this fic :P), I hope Taem doesn't jump to conclusions *crosses fingers* Anyway, I hope you'll update again soon, author-ssi :D