
The love/hate relationship between a football player and a dancer

~Taemins POV~

"I want you to be my boyfriend for the next 3 weeks"


"Its only for 3 weeks, and come on you promised."

" Only for 3 weeks right?"

"Yup, but if you fall in love with me at the end of the 3 weeks, then we can date officially." He smirked.

"Pshh.. I will never fall in love with you"

"Wanna bet?"

"If I fall in love with you in the next 3 weeks, I will officially date you, but if I don' have to cross- dress for a week, and act like a girl"

"Wae, that's not fair"

"Yes it is, having to officially date you is a huge deal for me okay"

"Okay fine"



"But Taeminnie, you are still my boyfriend for now" he said grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him. I was about to complain but, a promise is a promise. I just sighed and continued to walk with Minhos arms around my waist.



We finally arrived at my place. "Well, bye" I tried to run away from him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his arms, embracing me.Why is he doing this in broad daylight?

"You should say goodbye to your boyfriend properly Taeminnie" he chuckled ruffling my hair. "Bye Tae" he patted my before letting go of me. Was that really neccessary?

"Yah-where did he go?" That bastard, running away from me after he touched my . I entered my house feeling happy and yet miserable at the same time. And all because of Choi Minho.



~Minhos POV~

Am I dreaming? If this is just a dream, I hope it will never end. Taemin actually agreed to become my boyfriend. He ing agreed. I will do everything it takes to make him fall in love with me. I was literally skipping on my way home, with a huge goofy smile on my face.

"And may I ask why you look so happy?" I ran towards my dad and gave him a huge bear hug.

"Appa saranghaeyeo" I said before running off to my room, I jumped on my bed and texted Taemin. 'Taeminnie I miss you already <3'

My phone beeped a few seconds later, I was so excited that I was jumping on my bed, but I was a little dissappointed when I found out Jonghyun texted me. 'Yo, wanna hang out tomorrow?'

Minho: ' Sorry man. Can't, got dance practice'

Jonghyun:'You dance? :o since when?

Minho: 'yupp, since 3 weeks ago'

Jonghyun:' Woah, can I come with you tomorrow?'

Minho: 'Sure, but what for?'

Jonghyun: 'Maybe I can get some chicks there ;)'

Minho: 'You're still your old playboy self :p'

Jonghyun:' ;), btw which dance studio are we going to?'

Minho:'The one a few blocks away from my house'

Jonghyun:'That lame dance studio where all the nerds go?'

Minho:'Its not bad actually, trust me there are a lot of hot chicks there ;)'

Jonghyun:' And an example of that is?'

Minho: 'Taemin, you've got to admit he's pretty cute right? There are more pretty boys like Taemin in that dance studio.

Jonghyun: ' Minho, you know I'm not gay. I don't have anything against them, but I have no interest in boys'

Minho: 'Trust me you will :p are you going or not?'

Jonghyun: ' Well I have nothing else to sure why not, what time?'

Minho: '10am?'

Jonghyun: 'Okay see you there'

~Taemins POV~

As soon as I woke up, I was greeted with a text message from Minho.

Frog Minho: 'Taeminnie, I miss you already <3'

Taemin:' Sorry, I was taking a nap. And I don't miss you at all :)' I waited for half an hour and yet he still didn't reply... Wait why do I care? I hate him.


Frog Minho: ' Its okay my little sleeping beauty Taeminnie. Why don't you miss your handsome bf? :( , sorry for the late reply I was in the shower' Oh that's why.


~Minho came out of the shower, a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, he was drying his hair with a small towel, his toned body dripping wet with water. "Taemin-ah, like what you see?"~


Aishh what's wrong with me today?

Taemin: 'You are so gay, do you know that? Handsome my '

Frog Minho: 'I'm only gay for you :* and ofc Taeminnie's is handsome, anything that belongs to Taeminnie is handsome ;)'

Taemin: 'Says the guy that has probably been ed a million times already, by both guys and girls' I sound like a jealous , seriously what's wrong with me?

Frog Minho: ' Well...actually.. I'm still a '

Taemin 'Really?! But why, I'm sure lots of people chase you.'Why do I feel so happy about this?

Frog Minho' Well I'm just waiting for the right one'

Taemin: 'What's your ideal type then?' Why do I even care?

Frog Minho: 'You ;)'

Taemin: ' -.-, I'm going to eat now ttyl bye' I ended the conversation quickly, not wanting to blush even more.

Frog Minho: 'Bye~ I love you too <3'

This boy is going to be death of me.

(A/N Short update, busy with school lately , thanks for commenting and subscribing :*)

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I'm sorry i havent updated for a while, im so sick rn i cant really do much, promise i'll update as soon as i feel better


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Chapter 36: I'm waiting for your updating for ages.

update soon please
xLisahh #2
Chapter 36: This story is great so far! Update soon~
Chapter 36: Oh welcome back! I hope everything is alright with you <3 ^^ Great chapter!
Chapter 36: Yay thanks for the promo beautiful xoxoxo big kisses
Chapter 36: Omg.. THIS UPDATE!!
I'm so touched, I love this story T.T
You don't have to make much drama anymore, just let them be happy please Q.Q I don't want Taemins heart to break (T_T)
Chapter 36: Awwww fluff
Chapter 36: I'm ing crying... ;u;
Chapter 36: WOAHHH teamin finally opens up :)I'M SOOOOO HAPPY YOU UPDATED! I really missed this story!
Chapter 36: OMG I'M SO GLAD YOU UPDATED!!! I was seriously missing all of this lovely 2min adorableness xD Aww, my poor Minnie was hurt so deeply by that ... I can't believe he abused him and blamed Taemin for his mother's death when it was an accident >:( I just wonder what Tae's going to do when he finds out that Minho and that psycho are brothers (if I remember the story correctly, its been so long since I've read this fic :P), I hope Taem doesn't jump to conclusions *crosses fingers* Anyway, I hope you'll update again soon, author-ssi :D