Day 1: Your favorite DBSK member and why

DBSK 30 Day Challenge~! \(≧○≦)/

김재중 Kim Jaejoong

Although I love them all equally, I can't help but immediately think of Jaejoong when someone talks about their favorite DBSK member.

I guess it all goes back to when I was about 10 or 11, when I didn't know what Kpop was, but I was constantly seeing these really cool boy bands. One guy always stuck out to me, but I had no idea who he was. Once I got into Kpop, I found out it was Jaejoong and I immediately fell in love with the rest of DBSK.

So it's kind of like, even though I love them all so much, Jaejoong's what's constantly pulling me to DBSK. I've been into Kpop for like 2 years now, and I've only been a Cassie since early this year. But the entire time, I was so tempted to just drop everything and completely devote myself to DBSK because of Jaejoong.

At first when I look at him, I'm immediately captivated by his face. He's too perfect for his own good. His flawless, white and milky skin.. his pink fluffy lips.. oh god, his eyes, do I even need to explain why they're perfect? Even his nose is beautiful. How could someone's nose alone beautiful?

Then it's his obviously perfect body. I mean, come on.. His abs are sculpted by gods, his arms are just muscly enough, yet not too muscly, his chest is.. unf~... and I'm pretty sure his back is what heaven looks like.

Next is his style. If I could speak with every male in the world, I would tell them "If you don't dress like Kim Jaejoong, you're doing it wrong.

That aside, his piercings are all I could ever ask for. The perfect placement of each one just further proves my last statement. I don't think he has too many tattoos, and it just pisses me off when people say that. I think the amount he has now is perfect, but if he wants anymore, I completely trust that they'll be an awesome addition to the ones he already has. His hair is just.............. I can't even express my love for his hair. In every stage of his life.

Now, to get past his looks which is really hard to do when you look like that.

Sadly, I don't know first hand, but he seems to be the sweetest person I've ever laid my eyes on. He's so caring towards s, his family, his fans, his friends.. and without being fake about it. Some people try so hard to seem like they care, but they don't, he doesn't try to show it, he just is.

I love his laugh, it's..... (at the risk of sounding like an ahjussi) refreshing? I don't know, it just makes you want to laugh along and forget about whatever was stressing you out before. and sometimes you can't help but laugh at it, it's super cute.

Then when he sings... wow.. I could listen to him sing forever. It's hard to believe he had a bad voice when he was younger, but it just shows how hard he must've worked for it.

I could go on forever about each little detail, but I think I should end it here.

In conclusion; I love Jaejoong because he's my definition of perfect. If he isn't yours, look again and try to really pay attention this time.

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