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I'm with you.. [HIATUS]





Chohee's P.O.V



'I can't believe I just told him almost everything...' Chohee looked down in front of her, as she swayed on the swing in a park. 'Hyunseung... you're really amazing...' she praised him mentally, afraid to look up at him and tell it to him out loud though.


Chohee told him about everything that has been bothering her for the past month—no the past year! as Hyunseung just listened quietly. She did leave out some details, but they were mostly unimportant.


“Chohee-ah...” He whispered. “Thank you for telling me.”


“'Thank you'? Why are you thanking me?” she asked, a little surprised. “I mean... I just t—”


“I feel like I'm able to understand you well again, just like I used to.” he gave a weak smile. “Well.. a little more.”


'I can tell his heart feels a little heavy now... I bet he's blaming himself for some of my depression.' Chohee thought worriedly. 'I need to make him feel better. Ugh... I don't know what to do.'


'I'm sorry Ch—”


“Don't apologize Hyunseung!” Chohee interrupted him. She sighed and looked down again. After a small silence, she spoke again. “I need a life...” Without having to look at him, she sensed a surprised look from Hyunseung, so she continued. “You must think that too right? I've become really... what's the word...?”


“—There's no word. You havent changed.” He stated seriously.



“I may not have known before about your parents... your brother... or any of those other things you told me, but I've always noticed your sulking.” before Chohee could interrupt he added. “Now that I know the reason for why you've been sulking, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Sure it's not ok to be depressed like that, but you can't do much about it.” he gave another weak smile. “I wish I could be the one who'll help you... but I think that email boy of yours is better.” he stuck his tongue out playfully when Chohee hit his shoulder.


“It's getting cold. And late. We should go back.” Chohee said flatly and stood up from the swing. Suddenly, her legs gave in and she almost fell to her knees but fortunately Hyunseung stood up from his swing, and caught her. “ugh... my legs died from sitting there so long.”




On their way back to the house, there was another silence. It wasn't too awkward, but you couldn't really call it comfortable either.


Hyunseung broke the silence. “You won't tell the other members about our past right?”


“Huh? Oh... no... well... the only ones who don't know are Kikwang, and Yoseob.”




“Well.. Junhyung and I have been close even before you and I started dating. And no, I never dated him Ha ha” she chuckled awkwardly. “And don't ask how Doojoon knows.. I don't really remember telling him. But he knows everything about me, just like Junhyung. About Dongwoon... he... just...”


“......Ok.. well then.” He sighed and smiled. “It's funny they havent said anything to me yet.”


“Yeah? But they will, when they notice our closeness again.” Chohee giggled. “Actually, No. If I know them as well as I think I do, they're mature enough to not annoy you just because of that haha!”



Hyunseung's P.O.V



“...your closeness again?” a familiar voice spoke in front of them and Chohee stopped walking and froze. “Yah, Jang Hyunseung... I won't let you date my sister again after what you did.”


“What I did?” Hyunseung asked coolly, but inside he was really surprised. 'Yang Seungho... Chohee just told me he's her brother right?' he thought, and glanced at Chohee. 'she also told me he's not a very good brother...'


“Seungho Oppa! You have no idea what you're talking about!” Chohee suddenly spoke up, and glared at him. “First of all, who says I'm dating him again? And if I was, what right do you have to approve or disapprove of our relationship?” she saw that Seungho was about to say something so she quickly continued. “...and sure, you're acting all 'brotherly' now. You know you stopped being my brother ever since those.. those people—”


“I've never stopped being your brother Chohee!” he stated and walked closer to her. “They can't make me stop loving my little sister!” When he was finally a few feet away from her, he reached our his arms and hugged her.


'those people? … they? … who are they talking about? Their parents?' Hyunseung thought but didn't dare to speak up and ask. Suddenly, he felt Chohee's hand around his wrist, and he knew what that meant right away.


“Hyung. It's getting late.” Hyunseung spoke and pulled Chohee's hand, as she pulled away from Seungho. “We're going home now.”


“Home. Why is she living with you—”


“—and the rest of B2ST and her friend Wonyeon.” Hyunseung added.


Seungho rolled his eyes and looked at Chohee. “Come and live with us.” he spoke quietly, “since mom and dad aren't going to do anything about your house, then at least let me help you.”


“Mom and dad?” Chohee spat and backed away from him, walking closer to Hyunseung, who's hand she was still holding. “Let's go.”


As Hyunseung and her were getting further away from Seungho, Chohee had started to quietly sob and choke on her tears.


'I never new Chohee was suffering this much.' Hyunseung thought as he pulled her close to himself, and slowly rubbed circles on her back comfortingly. 'she's always been a little down, even when she was smiling I could feel it... but I never imagined...' he sighed as he looked up at the dark cloudless sky. 'I wish I could be the one to make her happier...'

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Really?^^ thank you!<3 I was beginning to think it was too much >~<
ahhhhh~<br />
i just love the drama!
me toooo >.<
mochiface #6
i wanna be greeted like that by seobie D:
Lmao omfg ikr. Why am I like this tho. This is obviously Dongwoonie story why am I making yongguk such an awesome guy. ;~~~~; <br />
Sorry sorry sorry sorry.
omfg Chohee, you should just get back together with Yongguk lmao, even tho I feel bad for Seob &Woon it seems only Yongguk can handle Chohee.
Finally what?^^ updated?^^ <br />
Sorry it's just that I don't have much drive for updating this fanfic. People don't seem interested... /not asking for people to comment, by the way, because comments make me nervous. Bad kind of nervous. lol.<br />
I dont know why I'm saying all this. <br />
oooooohhhh finally! xD