iPod Shuffle Challenge [Drabbles]

iPod Shuffle Challenge [Drabbles]


Enjoy! Internet was off and I didn’t feel like doing my hw. I tried doing characters‘, but then it ended up with optional bias. So, enjoy! 
I didn’t feel like editing them so if there’s a mistake, yeah I wont fix it. 
The rules are
  •     Pick any character, fandom, or pairing you like
  •     Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle
  •     Write a fic related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble. You start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
  •     Do ten of these and post them.
1. She’s Gone - G-Dragon
Its been a few nights now. I feel happier with out him. Maybe this new relationship with Seunghyun is for the best. Jiyong always said he loved me but started coming home around 4am, the love was slowly leaving and Seunghyun was there to pick me up. But now Jiyong says he wants me back, and says he will do anything to get me back. anything  I shouldn’t be scared though right? Seunghyun is here for me now, although he doesn’t know that Jiyong use to hit and slap me around when he was drunk, or just mad, he would even sometimes bring random girls home to show me that I wasn’t good enough.
I shouldn’t be scared right?
But now im walking back home, its about 11 pm
Maybe to day I shouldn’t have asked for another shift. 
Walking around late at night isn’t good for girls like me. 
2. Of all Days - T.O.P
It happened again I saw here. I can do this I tell myself. 
We are strangers,  again.
Maybe she wont notice me through all this rain. Maybe she just walk by. 
Wait is that someone holding her hand?
I can do this I can do this, I reminded myself
Im alright.
Just walk by as if our love never existed.
Well maybe to her its just that easy but to me it isn’t
I can feel it in the air this 
She saw me.
I can do this just walk by
And like that she’s out of my life again.
3. A Good Man - Big Bang
I am a good man right? 
I let you go, 
made sure that now all your pain and suffer are all gone now, because of me. 
I wouldn’t be a good man if I didn’t do that right?
I’m drunk again.
Talking to your machine asking why you don’t answer back
I hate myself for letting you go so easily
I could have up my pride and tried a little hard but no I didn’t want to let my pride down as a man.
Now all I can do is worry about you.
Are you sleeping right? Not drinking to much alcohol?
You should be fine
Better than me, I bet.
But if wasn’t a bad man we wouldn’t have met
But if I was a good man you wouldn’t have left me
4. Dear T.V. - Tablo
T.v. now a days
Its not as big as the internet but people still cant seem to be with out it
If it wasn’t for the t.v. we maybe have never met
When ever we date there’s always a t.v. around.
Never once have you said you like them
When I go to your house you have one but it seem more like if it was only for company
Now I don’t know how I feel about the t.v.
It ruins people images, makes them better but worst of all
Its what made us break up
5. Heart Skips a Beat - Lenka
It happened again I saw you and I swear everything went in slow motion
I tried to be alone, maybe I could forget you if I don’t see you 
But it gets worse I just play scenarios of us, in my head
People think I’m going crazy, but I could never tell them about you
They’d make fun of me for
Loving someone
It isn’t that bad right?
Even though your with her 
I could still love you right?
But then why did you come over last night and say you loved me
Even though she’s in the picture
You said don’t worry ill fix it 
And I trusted you 
All because of this stupid heart
It only skips a beat for you
And I always forget that little voice in that back of my head 
6. Because He’s a Man - Gummy
I though maybe you’d be different
even though we met by accident
I thought it was love at first sight for you too
You ask me out, we went on dates, then you asked me to be your girlfriend
It was perfect
We moved in together
I couldn’t ask for anything more
We’re we moving to fast?
It maybe have seemed like that for other people but you didn’t mind right?
that’s what I thought
When your sister got pregnant  I thought maybe you’d want to got to the next step 
But when you saw me with that wedding magazine and got cold feet
Why did you leave?
If we were going too fast why didn’t you say anything
It takes two, to be in a relationship.
I would have understood, but now I’m here crying 
With only a note left in my had and I cant stop reading the last line
“Maybe its because I’m a man, but I cant do this anymore.”
7. In Club - 2ne1
I don’t know what time it is, I don’t know what club I’m at I just want to forget you
It was too much for me to handle
Why did you have to be like rest
I gave you everything I could have, and I thought you did too
But nope that was another lie
I just want to forget everything
So for just tonight I wont be me
I’ll be someone else and give this random stranger my everything
I’ll pretend he’s you while we go through all these sweaty bodies
While he walks me up to his room
And takes it
What I thought I’d only give you 
But it seem so easy for you to give that to someone else
I just wished everything that had to do with you was gone
Never happened
The fun times, promises, and you yourself 
I wish they were out my life
So for the third time this week I go to a club
8. Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
How did it feel huh?
You hit me again why? 
Because I’m not good enough for you 
I thought maybe if I acted nicer and looked prettier you’d give me some of that love
But no I’m still nothing to you 
A piece worth nothing to you 
But why do I cover up all the things you to me with lies
I’m not scared of you, I don’t love you anymore
I’ve have enough
I want out
That’s what I’ll do 
But when you come home
And tell me your sorry 
I feel like pitying you 
I don’t want to leave you
But the cycle just continues
9. Now That We’re Down - Meteor Station 
Its over, I cant hold you anymore
I cant tell you I love you
I cant call you now without a reason
Because I cheated and you pretend like it was nothing
Why didn’t you mad, yell?
And didn’t try to stop me when I broke up with you 
I know your feeling 100 times worse than me
Around people you fake it and pretend that its okay that were over
But is it really me who cant get over you
You moved on already
And you seemed happy
A happy you never were around me
Did I really make you that miserable?
So I call you last night
You didn’t really want to talk, you seemed annoyed?
No only I get annoyed of you. But then why am I saying sorry, and that I miss you 
And why are you hanging up  
10. Chao Xi Huan Ni (I Really Like You) - Fahrenheit
I think I’m in love
I cant forget about you 
Your always in my mind
When I’m trying to sleep, eating, or even hanging out with other girls its always you
But we aren’t suppose to be together
They say we cant it’s a disgrace to our family
I only want to be with you though
I thought about us running away and living a happy life, but do you feel the same?
I’ve prayed night after night for us to be together
And finally you agreed, we’ll leave to a place where no one knows us
A place where we can happily love each other 
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