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Our perfect manager! ❝Hiatus❞


Jiyeon’s POV

“You tidy up the house for us??” Baekho said

“Ne” I smile

“Whoa! Thank you” He smile

“Hehehe….”  I smile

“Ah! I’m hungry!” He said

“Ne? So…?” I sad innocently

“You must cook!” He said

“Ne?............Ok……” I said

“Do you know how to cook?” He said

“Ne” I said

“Good!” He smile

While I’m cooking. Some one enter the house again…

“Oh hyung!” I heard Baekho said

“Hi……WHO’S THAT GIRL??????” The person said

I turn my head to that person and bow

“A-“ I about to say hi but he cut me

“Who are you, stranger?” He said coolly

“I’m Park Jiyeon” I bow

“Jiyeon? Who’s that?” He said

“Ah, she is our new manager!” Baekho said

“Is a girl? She will share room with us?” He said

“Ne” Baekho said

“What?” He rolls his eyes

“Why is it so noisy here?” Another person come

“Oh Minhyun ah! There’s our new manager! That’s why JR and I are so noisy” Baekho smile

“New manager? She is a girl??” He looks at me

“That’s why….” The guy name JR said

The all very surprise…Because I’m a girl!

“Aron is back too!” Baekho said

“Hi,” Aron stops his step and stares at me

“Surprise too?” Minhyun said

“She is our new manager” JR said

“What?” Aron said

“Hi” I bow

“A-“ He is about to say

“ Yup, she is a girl” Minhyun said

Then his jaw drop

“Hi guy!” Another one said coolly

“Oh Ren ah…Here is our new manager” Baekho grasp his shoulder

“I know…” He said coldly

“You know? Not surprise?” Baekho said

“Nope…” He said coldly and walk back to his room

He is the quietest, I think!

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Dea_Jiyeon #1
Chapter 5: update soon please
Chapter 5: Update please
KPOP_survivor #3
Please updaaaaaaaaatttttteee!!!!!!!!love ur story daebak
Please update!!!!! <3 all of NU'EST (ok maybe JR just a teeny bit more. Jiyeon looks so good with anyone.
love it i am addicted to your story
please update ASAP
myungji_luv #6
the two of u are stubborn ~~, still, Jiyeon won
Update soon
T-araNation #7
Should we have a vote for who Jiyeon will end up with???
Let the couple JR and Jiyeon , both of them looks much better .
Oh~ The story seems to be interesting!
Subscribed already :D
Waaah~ Too bad for Ren. :( How dare that girl break his heart :( </3
I ship Jiyeon and Ren couple!
I think the look cute together! :D
what a great storyline.! ^_^
i still ship Jiyeon and Ren.!!
please let them end up together.!
please update soon.!
i'll be waiting!
khamsahamnidda.! ^_^