Chapter 5

Love Quest
AhYoung P.O.V

He kept holding my hands, but it feels different than the time he pulls me before
it feel soft and warm.
I kept going wherever he wanna go and he stop at the counter

“Two tickets please” JiYong say

“What movie do you want to...” she stop and look at JiYong “Oh..I'm sorry Young Master”

“Stop apologizing and work fast!” he shout

“I understand, the room is ready” she show the way.

I look around the room, there's nobody there it's filled with silent

“Don't you think we're too early?” I ask

“No, this is my own room, nobody can use it except my family” he say lightly

“So, we're gonna be alone here?” I ask

he nod, slowly his face get closer to mine “You're happy?” he gave a flirty smile,

I push his face away, he's dangerous “I want to watch like a normal person, in a normal cinema” I say

“Why should we? It's crowded, hot and...full of people” he answer me back

“Then why should I wear this clothes if you don't want to show it to others” I show him what I'm wearing

he stay silent for a while and sigh “Ok” he face the counter woman “Bring us to other room”

“But most of the movie is already started” she answer

“Just tell us which one is not yet started” he sigh

“I understand” she again show us the other room.

“Wait...” JiYong looked at me straight “This is a cartoon! For children!” he shout

“Can you lower your voice?” an ajumma sitting in front of us ask

“I'll do what I want you...” I close his mouth before he say something bad

“Mian, he's an high temper guy. We will be quite, you wont even realize we're here” I smile

“I hope so” she turn back.

he push my hand away “I'm not high tem...” I close his mouth again

I come closer to him “Ssshh...that old woman will be mad again” I whisper

his face suddenly come closer to mine and his hand touch my cheek

I move back “What are you doing?”

“Kiss you” he answer plainly

“You're disgusting. I'm going to buy popcorn” I stand up form my seat

“Let me do it” I'm surprised when he say that. Can he change this fast?

He look around and found a cleaning service “YA!! You there!” he whisper loudly

he come closer, JiYong take money from his pocket and give it to him “Buy me 2 large popcorn and soda” he whisper

he nod and go out from the room, I look at him

“Unbelievable, how can you do that? You know that I can walk and buy it myself”

In a minute the cleaning service come back and bring us the popcorns and sodas

“Kamsanida” I bow my head, I look at him

he face me back “Oh...just take the change” he left the room with a happy face.

My face is stuck on him

“What? I gave him tips” he ask

“Can't you at least say thank you?” I ask

“Thank you is not in my dictionary” he eat his popcorn

I was about to say something, but he pluck a popcorn in my mouth

“Stay quiet or I'll kiss you” he face the big screen

I quickly lean back and eat my popcorn.

We both come out form the theater

“Finally, it's finish” he stretch his hand up

“I think the cartoon is pretty funny” I say

“I can't stand it” he reply with monotone

a guy with no heart, I rolled my eyes.
He was walking back to his car and open the car door

“Wait!” I hold his hand stopping him, he look at me

“Let's walk together”

“Why?” he show a irritating face

I try to think fast “There's a place that I wanna go, I think it's around here”

“We can go using car” he kept complaining

“Walking more...romantic?” I answer with an unsure tone

he close and lock the car “Ok” he hold my hands.

It actually felt a bit awkward walking with him
he kept silent holding my hands tight, not like the way I usually walk with YuRi.

“Where's the place that you say you wanna go?” he ask

“Huh?” ok, I'm dead. I look around quickly, trying to see an interesting place

a tteokbogi stall catches my eyes,

“There” I point it to him “I wanna try that tteokbogi”

“A what?” he ask

“Tteokbogi. Don't tell me you never heard of it” I look at him

“I never heard of it”

I sigh “I'll buy it for you. Money” I let my hand out

he gave me his whole wallet, I open it “It's filled with credit card only”

“I don't have anything else”

I walk to his car and take my wallet

“I'll treat you” I walk towards the stall, I lost my balance and fall

Fortunately, JiYong quickly grab me “Careful” he help me stand up


he bring me to the nearest bench and take my wallet from me

“Let me buy it for you. Just sit still” he walk away.

I sit still looking at the road full of people
I feel somebody tap my shoulder, I look back and saw 5 big guys
and they don't smell good either.

“Hey missy, do you wanna go with us?” he ask

“You're asking me?” I point myself

“Yeah...who else has a beautiful face like you?” he laugh with his friends

I turn back and ignored them

“'re trying to play hard to get?” he walk in front of me and quickly grab my hand hard

I struggle my hand from his “Let me go!” I shout

“Come on! Join us” they kept laughing

“I don't want to join a bunch of losers like you!” I shout

his face changes, now he look serious.

“What did you say” he grab it harder, I kick his leg but it has no effect

I want to push him away but he's too strong,
the things that come out from my mind is only JiYong to save me.

JiYong P.O.V

The stall is crowded with many people
I can't even come into the crowd

“YA!! GO AWAY!” I shout

but they only look at me and ignores what I say.
Why don't they move, it usually works
I try as hard as I can to come in, but it doesn't work.
I feel a tap on my shoulder “I'm busy here” I say with an angry tone

“Here” I see a halmoni in front of me showing 2 tteokbogi in front of my eyes

“For me?” I ask, she answer with a nod

“Both of them?” I ask again

“You must have a sweetheart right?” she smile

I nod and take it from her, I walk away from her.
Then I feel somebody touch my , I look back with an angry face

and I saw the halmoni again, “That's the payment”

I let her go away, I can put my anger on AhYoung anyway.

I walk pass through people walking on road
I look around and found a big ugly guy grabbing AhYoung's hand
I run towards her and kick the guy from the back

“Let her go! She's mine” I say it with low voice

“What's your problem?” he stand up, 2 of his losers friends help him

I just need to beat them without make the tteokbogi fall down.

AhYoung P.O.V

My hand is free from that stinkin guy
but now they're going for JiYong, I wanna help him
but I can do nothing.
He start the fight, but there's something different
he seem to try to defend the tteokbogi.
The chaos keep going for 3 minutes and another thing come up,
one of the stinkin guy bump JiYong and both of the tteokbogi is gone.
I look at the tteokbogi scattered on the floor, what a waste
I look back to JiYong his eyes suddenly change
it was somewhat different from before.
I kept silent seeing his face, it was like a demon possess him
I take a look at the other stinkin guys face,
they show a face of scared, sorry and I shouldn't fight him feeling mixed together.

We all kept silent, “Do you know how can I get that tteokbogi? What embarassing thing should I go through just to get that tteokbogi?” his voice got lower and lower

“We...we.. will buy a new one for you” the big guy trembled, they were about to go

JiYong pull his collar “Forget it”

he start punching and kicking them like crazy until they start bleeding.
I stand up from the bench and hug him tight to stop him

“Please....stop” I hold him tighter

he lower his hand “Just consider yourself lucky” he then grab my hand

and pull me to his car, “We're going somewhere else?” I ask

“No, Ill bring you home” he push me into the car and slam the door,

he kept silent in the car.

“Do you know where's my house is?” I ask in small volume

“Yes” I was about to ask another question but he already answer “SeungHyeon told me” he answer shortly.

“Oh...ok” I nod and look at the road, I peek at him

anybody can tell it even a baby can tell that he's very mad
we both kept mute on the road.

He stop his car in front of my house
I open my door and come out from his car.
I thought that he would say something to me
but he's not even looking at me.
I press the bell and in a second my maid come out
as soon as I come in he start to go.
I open my door room throw away the heel and slam myself on the bed
the mad face of JiYong keep appearing on my mind
I get off the bed open my clothes and change into my pajamas
tuck myself on the bed and close my eyes, try to forget those scary eyes.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol