Roomates (Chapter I)


After settling on the date for Hoya to move in – not like they had to choose an auspicious date for him to move in, Hoya once again found himself standing in front of the door to where the prince lives in. Lugging the luggage with him, he struck a knock on the door and waited for the prince to answer it. It was already twelve noon; surely the prince would have woken up this time round? He had never really notice the carvings on the wooden glass door before, so exquisite that Howon couldn’t help tracing it, wondering how long it took the craftsman to design such beautiful art piece.

When the door creaked open, Hoya retracted his hand from the door, clearly taken aback by surprise. “I’m supposed to,” before Hoya could continue, the boy pulled him into the room and closed the door behind them. Hoya dragged the luggage in with him and placed it at a corner, not wanting the wheels of the luggage to dirty the squeaky clean flooring.
He let his gaze wandered to each and every corner of the room, like a animal being placed in a new environment, examining the place. Hoya didn’t really have the chance before to have a close look at the place. It was neat, albeit a little dusts here and there. Not a problem to him, he wasn’t that particular when it comes to these things. Besides, it was really impossible for the house to be free of dust, unless someone cleans it twenty four seven.
“So,” he finally spoke, “where should I unpack this?”
To be completely honest with himself, Dongwoo was thrilled at the idea of being roommates with his personal bodyguard. The past days always left the prince restless, just spending the idle nights thinking of the perks of having somebody keep him company, not just for business but also for personal purposes. Today was a little different, though, for Hoya was finally going to move in. Perhaps he was a little too excited that the idea of cleaning and preparing his room slipped off his mind.
And he only realized it when the younger boy entered his room, taking note of the scrutinizing gaze he darted on every corner. Dongwoo shrugged it off, taking a mental note to at least dust off stuff later on. “Oh, here’s the closet,” he said, carrying Hoya’s luggage near the sleek wooden furniture. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Dongwoo then took a seat on the edge of the bed and realized that he still haven’t asked to replace the king-sized one with at least a double-decker or two separate beds. Was I really that occupied with excitement to prepare…? he scratched his head, blankly staring at the younger while he started to unpack his things. 
Uzipping his luggage and taking out the piles of neatly-folded clothes, Howon could feel a pair of eyes boring at him and instinctively turned his head to look at the prince. “What’s wrong…?” He asked while bringing the pile of clothes to the closet. Not getting an reaction from the prince, he shook his head with a soft smile and tucked the pile of casual outfits in the corner of the closet. Those casual outfits he had were mainly t-shirts and jeans with the color purple dominating most of it. He has an undying love for purple since young and despite trying hard to quit liking the color, it only made him love the color more, as if he was under the spell. Spell, maybe if Harry Potter really exist in real life. 
After bringing out all the clothes in his luggage, hanging those formal suits up in on the hangers, putting other random belongings into the closet, he was finally done with the unpacking. And there were his toothbrush, toothpaste, facial foam, all the bathroom items that he brought along with him. He would just put them in the bathroom later. For now, he would leave them in the Ziploc bags. Everything was neatly arranged. Taking a last glance at the those items, he nodded approvingly to himself. 
Walking up to the prince who was sitting on the edge of the bed, he sat down right next to him. That was when he learned why the prince had been staring blankly - the king-sized bed. “Are we sharing the bed?” He asked, not because he minded it. In fact, his voice hinted a tinge of curiosity and that tiny bit of excitement. He had never shared his bed with anyone aside from his parents when he was young and had always wonder how it would be like to share a bed, especially when he often dreamed of the things he would do if he ever had a brother to share a bed with. 
Join the roleplay at royal-liferp! (tumblr based roleplay)
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Chapter 1: Awww, I know it's been a long time since this story was published, and we're not far into the story, but this seems like the start to an adorable adventure.