
My Handsome play boy


Minhyuk confused ....
why she slapped him ... 
He tried to catch Kristal who trying to escape from him. 
"Hei, what's going on with you?", Minhyuk  was a bit angry and grabbed Kristal hand. 
"you ask me? you're so cruel, You approached me and Suzy at the same time... what do you want from me?"
"i ever try to approach you but  you're so cold to me.. so I gave up on you and i love Suzy now."
"You love Suzy?", asked her, her eyes teary 
"yes, i choose her over you, i want to be loyal boyfriend for her, sorry Kristal!!", he hugged her tighly, "please, don't cry ... i'm sure you'll get a better man than me."
Suzy POV
Ottoke, how could i face him? after passionate kiss last night ... I'm sure my face was pretty red. Ottoke, ottoke, ottoke .... 
i walked to Minhyuk class and then i saw Kristal and Minhyuk were hugging. I just could stand without moving .. i was  very surprised then Minhyuk saw me, 
"Suzy?", he called my name
i couldn't hold back my tears, i tried to escape from them but Minhyuk chased me, he leaved Kristal alone.
"Suzy, please stop runing from me."
"you hugged Kristal in front of me Minhyuk, after you kissed me... what do you want from me?"
"I want your heart Suzy ........................", he said while giving me  a back hug, "I want you to be my girl friend."
"so, why did you hug her?"
"because i choose you ... only you."
I release myself from his embrace, I think quietly whether I could believe in him. 
"Minhyuk, it's hard to trust you, what can make me believe that you really love me?"
he just smiled toward me and said ..... 
"Please wait me here, okay?"
I nodded my head ... my heart went dugun - dugun just looked into  his lovely eyes smile. 
10 minutes later i heard someone called my name from school's speaker.
"i'll sing this song for someone special "Suzy", Suzy please listen carefully... I know my voice isn't good but i hope you get my message."
english lyric (partial)
The star that's engraved inside my heart
The star that's shining inside my heart
I think it's you
Do you hear my trembling voice
Oh star
Do you feel my hot heart
You're my star
The love that I dreamed about for a long time
I know it's you
Be with me always
For long time, even you
Hope that it will shine from the same spot forever
I'll give you my heart only to you
Even the star that's engraved inside your heart
Even the star that's shining inside your heart
Tell me, I love you forever
My eyes will look at only you
Oh would you also look at only me?
Hoping we can be each other's star

I couldn't help but smile when hearing his singing ... his voice and the lyric could touch my heart. 
after school time
no one pov
Minhyuk waited Suzy in front of her class, 
"so what's your answer?"
then many students around them, waiting for Suzy'sa answer .... 
Suzy was so shy .... and talked softly
"What, I can't hear your voice?", Minhyuk pretended Minhyuk pretended not to hear.
"YES, YES, YES ..... I want to be your girl friend."
everybody around them clapped their hand as soon as they heard Suzy's answer.
the end....
OMG, I finish this story ..... 
but i'm so sorry with this lame ending,, i want to make the ending longer but failed.... T_T
thank you for everyone who read ... 
I like happy ending, actually i don't want to make Kristal like this but .... yeah, Minhyuk must choose, right?
and about Jonghyun Yoona couple, they are happy couple ever after, lol.


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update is up .. OH GOD,, HAPPY!!


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Chapter 5: Please don't bash me! I will just give my opinion here. It's kinda messy and sometimes I cannot understand it and I know english in my whole life so no judging. Its like reading a book that is filled with dirt. Sorry for this~ But please continue the story and please study more english.
nicolet06 #2
Chapter 2: I did not see Suzy feeding Yonghwa at IY2, I swear I've been looking for that video :(. Uggh I love Yonghwa and Suzy, I hope they do a romance drama together ;-)
Chapter 14: Yay ! Munhyuk is with SUZY !! <3 My baby girl <3
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 14: Pity Krystal uou
suho_S2_suzy #5
Chapter 14: yeah i hope if u write another fanfic plz make suzy be the main character.thankyou
suho_S2_suzy #6
Chapter 14: yeah i hope if u write another fanfic plz make suzy be the main character.thankyou
Chapter 13: love this story:-D
Chapter 13: make Minhyuk and Suzy together please
love yoona and lee jonghyun couple! hope you can write more about them :)
silverblue08 #10
I love jonghyun and yoona pairing...maybe you can write story before they got married..hehe