01 unusual but enjoyable

My Coffee Prince


Another usual day, filled with the same things you do any other day. Wake up, get ready, go to school, eat, go to work, work, eat some more and go home then sleep. Or so you though. Today you woke up feeling refreshed and happy, as if something good was going to happen. 

You got out of bed and started off with the regular routine, getting ready and all that stuff. When you opened the door to leave for school, you checked the mail box, something you also do regularly. There was of course mail. You flipped through them and it was basically just bills, bills, Soeun's tuition funds, more bills and your pay check. Bingo~ Your day had just got better. Even though it just started but oh well. You threw the mail somewhere in the apartment and left for school. 

As always the lectures were long and boring. You took some notes but got distracted on how inviting the blank paper was to doodle on so, you doodled on it. Then you dozed off for a bit until the teacher called on you to embarrass you for falling asleep in class. Then you started daydreaming about you and your all time favorite kpop celebrity, Lee Kikwang. Not a single soul knew why you liked Kikwang but the sad thing was neither did you.

You did like the way he smiled though. That eye smile always made you smile back like a dork. His personality, you automatically fell for that when he was on Oh My School, having that never ending rivalry with Lee Joon. The cuteness that flows within him, in your opinion he was much cuter than the person in BEAST occupying the aegyo spot.

Curse that baby face, Yang Yoseob for taking his place. But I guess one could say you were a bit biased towards that fact and maybe you did know why you liked him but that's not the point.

Finally you were finished with school, normally you would head to work right away but today you took your time with getting there since something felt different still despite getting your pay. The bus ride there wasn't long it took about a half hour so you whipped out your iphone and started playing some BEAST songs while sketching a rough sketch of Kikwang and youself. The people sitting beside you often took peeks at your drawing but you didn't try to hide it since you were quite confident in your artistic abilities. Before you knew it you were arriving at your stop, getting up and walking to the door you still had your sketchbook in your hand, finishing the drawing off with a few hearts around the sketch, you exited.

From the bus stop, the cafe was only about a five minute walk. You held your sketchbook to your chest while humming to BEAST's Oasis (a/n ; AWWW YEERRRR). Slowly arriving at the cafe you dropped your sketchbook as you entered since Soeun decided to tackle you.

"RICHAN UNNIEE!!" Losing your balance, you landed on the floor in with your best friend on top of you. "Oof. Hi Eunnie." You smiled then heard laughing, searching for the source of laughter, your eyes landed on your other best friend, Hyesu laughing from behind the counter. You sighed then the two of you laughed with her not realizing that Soeun and youself were still blocking the front door.

The door opened revealing a handsome man in about his early twenties looking shocked as he walked in to see two attractive women on top of each other in a cafe. It was of course a site to see for him. Finally realizing about the embarrassing position you were in, you pushed Soeun off of you and got up out of the way for the man to enter, leaving your sketchbook there. You helped Eunnie up and examined the man's face. He looked familiar, like you've seen him somewhere before. But you shook that off and noticed that his face was flushed. Well how could a man's face not be flushed after seeing such a site.

Not only was his face flushed though, yours was as well. Avoiding all eye contact possible, you slowly backed away giving Soeun a push, telling her to tend to the costumer while you change into your uniform. You finally turned yourself to leave but a hand grabbed you and you turned around automatically.

The man had picked up your sketchbook and wanted to give it back to you. "Uh.. I um think this is yours." He said with his face still a bit pink. Not making the slightest movement, you just stared at his face. Taking note that he had a sharp jawline, plum lips but over all extremely handsome. But how did he know it was mine but not Soeuns.. You snapped out of it quickly and took your sketchbook back slightly grazing your fingertips with his, making him feel all warm and tingly. "Thanks!" You smiled at him as you turned back around to head towards the change room.

He was left there with his face expressionless until his six other friend just equally as handsome as him came and jumped on him. "Hey Woohyun, what's up with that face? Did you see two girls on top of each other or something?" His friend that looked like a horse/dinosaur joked. Woohyun shook his head rapidly and blushed in embarrassment, as did Soeun.

"U-Um table for 7? Right this way." She said as she led them towards an empty table beside the windows. "Your server will be with you in a sec." She said as she walked, more like ran away. Behind the counter though, Hyesu had witnessed everything and she was literally about to die from laughter. "Oh be quiet." Soeun said as she stomped into the kitchen. Hyesu smiled as she looked towards the boys. Hi oppa.

In the changeroom, you changed into your uniform that's a white blouse, and light blue plaid skirt that goes down to about your mid thighs then tied your hair into a high bun. (a/n ; uniform can look something like this???) Picking up your sketchbook from the table you then exited the changeroom and walked out and threw the sketchbook somewhere on the counter while the sketch of Kikwang and yourself was still opened.

Then it hit you, when the man gave you your sketchbook back it was open. He must have saw the drawing. You facepalmed yourself and then realized you had to take his order. Sighing, you grabbed a notepad, pen and looked at Hyesu. "How do I look?" You asked like any other day. "Weird, awkward and beautiful as always, Richan." She smirked as she started shaking something, probably a drink. Shaking your head in content, you walked towards the table confidently and smiled. "Hi my name is Rinnie and I shall be your server today, shall we start off with something to drink?" You asked shining a beautiful smile at the 7 males. 
(a/n ; dey use nicknames because of stalkers or something rike dat, ok?)

The seven of them turned towards you and looked away immediately. "I'll h-have a latte, please." Sketchbook man said. "Same." The one who seemed eldest said. "Hi Rinnie noona! I'll have a hot chocolate please~" A male with a semi feminine voice said. "As will I." The dinosaur looking one and another said at the same time. "Hi my name is Sungyeol and I'll have you and an expresso to go please." You blinked at the one who said that wide eyed but chuckled and jotted down his order as well as the rest. While doing that you heard Sungyeol groan in pain. It seems as if the six males had scolded him.

"And lastly you, sir?" You smiled gently at him. "A mocha please." He replied with his cute anime voice. After repeating the orders for them, you walked back behind the counter and gave the notepad to Hyesu then zoned off, thinking about how familiar that group of boys look. You couldn't take it anymore and asked Hyesu. "Hey Hyesu? Doesn't that group of boys look familiar?"

"Well um.. They are a boyband, called INFINITE, consisting of 7 members, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L and Sungjong. How do you not know them?!" She asked giving you attitude. "Did you forget? Soeun and I don't listen to anything but BEAST." You gave her a you're-my-best-friend-how-did-you-forget look. Hyesu rolled her eyes and continued drawing a design on the mocha. You decided to help her make the lattes since there didn't seem to be anything else to do. While pooring the latte into the cups, reality finally found you. "WAIT, THEY'RE CELEBRTIES?!" You asked so loudly that INFINITE probably heard you.

Hyesu laughed and nodded. "You're so slow, Richan." You stuck your tongue out at her and started designing the top of the lattes. When the orders were completed you placed them on a tray dreading to bring their drinks to the table. "Hyesuuuuuu~ Can you do it?" You pleaded. She scowled at you and said, "No way! It's your job!" You frowned and carried the tray out. "You ." You mumbled loud enough so she could here, already picturing her smirk.

Saying and placing their orders out in front of them you tried to avoid all eye contact and when you finally thought you were done, you were really close to walking away but the one who you thought was the eldest said something. "Yes we're celebrities." He grinned. You blushed and stared at them. "I um yeah.." You couldn't even complete your sentence because you were too embarrassed. "I'm Sunggyu." He said as he held out his hand for you to shake it. "Hi.." You smiled awkwardly. "Dongwoo." "Nam Woohyun." Sketchbook guy said. "Hoya at your service." You chuckled at his introduction while Sunggyu and Woohyun glared at him. "SUNGYEOL!" You looked at him and said, "I already know you, silly!" He turned a bit pink and smiled slyly.

"L" The one with the cute anime voice and never ending poker face said. "Rinnie noonaaaaa~ I'm Sungjong!" The last male said happily. "Hi Sungjong!" You beamed at his cheerfulness. The other members looked at Sungjong and gave him a dirty look and looked away while you stood there blankly. Shaking each of their hands the only person left who you haven't shook hands with was Woohyun. He stood up unlike the rest of them to shake your hand. "Nice to meet you, Rinnie." He said, smiling while his hand made contact with yours.



Oh gosh, how was the first chapter?
Long? Boring? Sdlkfheoishoidg. I'm sorry ;A;
I'LL TRY MY BEST FROM NOW ON OMFG. even though i did try my best here but idk LOL
Comments are liked c; & shout out to those 34 subbies that subbed even before the first chapter ;u; <3 I SARANGHAE YOU EHEH C; 
Nunununun~ <3 

` richan / taekii. waaaattt.

( sorry o-o i couldn't help myself with the colours OuO )



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LoveLee- #1
Happy_Pig #3
hahahaha :DD
I love your story.
Even if it's two chapters.
LOOOL her friends kill me :')
omgg, i love is already~ update soon pleasee ^.^
<3 loving it already! *-*