F. Final


Hebe was lying on her bed, thinking...


Hebe: You followed him?

Yongtu: I bet he didn't tell you. I told him that I like him.

Hebe: Oh...*flagged a cab*

Yongtu: Let's have a competition, I don't believe I would lose to you.

Hebe: The taxi is here. *got into it*

Yongtu: I won't give up!*walked away without noticing her keychain dropped onto the ground*

Hebe opened the door and picked the keychain up.


Heely planted the keychain on the ground.

Heely: AHHHH!

James ran towards Heely.

James: What's wrong?


Winter: I didn't want to frame you, but someone was bent on making you the scrapegoat, and I have no objections to that.

Yongtu: Someone?


Boss: Hebe, we would take action tonight. Lure 007 out. Jiro would deal with him.

Hebe: Okay.


Winter: Later try to hold him up till 9plus, I would message him at 9.40 sharp.


Hebe: Arron, I'm sorry... I am really sorry...


Two weeks later. 26th April. Court.

Hebe and the others sat at a area together.

Arron was handcuffed and two police officers stood next to him.

Arron smiled at Hebe and looked away.

Hebe:*Thinking* Arron...


Hebe: You're a genius!

Arron: I know...

Hebe: Arron!*hugged him tightly*

Arron: He... *coughed* Wait... Cannot breathe...

The officer walked towards them.

Officer: Miss, please let go.

Hebe: Oh... Sorry.

Both of them sat at their chairs and the officer walked away.

Arron: God, I almost die.

Hebe: You can't blame me for being happy right?

Arron: Remember to tell my lawyer that, okay?

Hebe: Okay. I didn't know that there are so many loopholes...

Arron: I don't mind if you want to tell your father too.

Hebe: I won't tell him.

Arron: Really? Will your father do anything to you?

Hebe: Don't worry about me, the most important thing now is to get you out of here.

Arron: Hebe.

Hebe: Hmmm?

Arron: If you don't mind, once I get out of here, I want to marry you.

Hebe: What? You want to...

Arron: What's wrong?

Hebe: I did a lot of bad things behind your back, you sure you...

Arron: Don't tell me you want me to propose 1,314 times before you agree?

Hebe: That's not what I meant, I...

Arron: I trust you.

Hebe: But I...

Arron: Hey, look! Daily Scoop is closing in half an hour! You won't get to eat your ice-cream!

Hebe: What?! Really?! Bye Arron! See you!*ran out of the room*

Arron: She hasn't changed... Wait a minute... Spring can't eat ice-cream... HEBE!


Prosecutor: The bullet that killed the victim matched the gun that the suspect was holding. This proved that the suspect was the murderer as there were no other fingerprints on it.

Counsel: Objection! *stand up* It only proved that the gun was the murderer's weapon but it doesn't prove that my client is the murderer.

Judge: Objection overruled.

Hebe:*stand up abruptly* Your Honour.

Everyone looked at her.

Hebe: I can prove that the suspect is not the murderer.

Arron:*Thinking*What is she doing? Her father would kill her...

Judge: Let's rest for 30 minutes.


Few hours later.

Judge: You may now make your summation.

Counsel: Your Honour, in this case, there are several points that can prove that my client is innocent. Firstly, the time of death was 9-10pm on 10th April. The police and CBT arrived at 9.30am on the next morning. If my client really murder the victim, during the long time gap, what can he be doing? Secondly, after a murder, a person would run away or hide the body. But why did my client wait at the scene for the police to arrest him? Thirdly, my client has no motive to kill a person that he doesn't even know. Lastly, my client has a time abidi. They were together till 9.40pm. My client's car was sent to the repairs and even if he went to the crime scene, it would take half an hour for him to walk there. Hereby, I beseech Your Honour to find my client not guilty.


Lims' Mansion.

Everyone: CHEERS!

Genie: Congrats to Third Brother, that escaped from jail!

Danson: That's the wrong thing to say.

Genie: It means the same thing, who cares!

Prince: Hey, where's Future Third Sis-in-law?

Guigui: I don't see Jiro and Selina too.

Arron: I had no idea... They should be coming.


In a old warehouse.

Hebe received a tight slap.

Jiro: Boss, she didn't mean to...

Boss: When did I say you can talk?

Hebe: I want to quit Black Dogs. I don't want to be in the underworld anymore.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Will it be updated?
ruo-ning #3
I still remember following this when it first started a few years back, and I never really quite got over the incredible mysteries that revolves around the story. And I still can't get over it now that I'm re-reading it.

It is nice to see a classic story such as this to have preserved through winglin's long history of technical problems.
xueqing #4
Website on winglin - winglin.net/fanfic/CrimeBusterTeam
luhans-vaqina #5
update soon
gotler #6
like the poster!
mudkip118 #7
Cool story~
New reader here, love your story :) jiro love your poster <3
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #9
I love it!
liteulkwin #10
I read this on winglin! :D I'm duuckkiiee ^^