Magic Pills

Just a Cold

I know I promised you in this chapter, but it was already too long without anything major leading to that, so I've decided to make it three chapters instead. The last one will be pure-, I promise ;~;

 All Junho could remember in the morning, were Chansung’s soothing words after he had woken up because of nightmares countless times at night. He didn’t know what he would have done if the younger hadn’t kept an eye on him all the time. Seeing the tired features of his lover lying next to him, a feeling of guilt engulfed his mind. His head hurt and every limb felt heavier than usual, but that pain was nothing compared to what he felt when Chansung looked at him, huge dark circles under his eyes.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Chansung greeted with a hoarse voice that might have as well competed with Junho’s.

Junho couldn’t bear it. “I promise to be a good boy and take all my meds and listen to whatever you say,” he spilled out so fast, as if his whole life depended on it.

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” Chansung got out of the bed and stopped Junho who was trying to do the same. “Wait, not yet. First things first,” he said and took the thermometer from the nightstand. “Take your temperature, I’ll go make some breakfast.” He gave Junho a light kiss, hoping that if he shows some affection, it will prevent the smaller one from changing his mind about being an obedient patient.


Chansung entered the kitchen and found Nichkhun and Wooyoung already sitting at the table, munching on their breakfast. They nodded him good mornings and asked him to join them.

“No, thanks, I’ll eat in Junho’s room today,” he said and took out a few things from the fridge. He made sure there was a lot of fruit and that everything was easy to swallow so that Junho’s throat wouldn’t hurt more than it already did.

“So how did it go? I see you’ve survived the emperor’s endless lines of traps and prickly remarks,” Nichkhun said with an obvious amusement in his voice. “You look quite exhausted, though.”

“He needed some persuading, but he’s meek as a lamb now.” He put rice into two bowls and added some eggs. Then he put the tiny pieces of fruit neatly onto a small plate and put it all onto a big tray along with two glasses of orange juice and some pills for Junho.

“I’d kill to see that” Wooyoung commented with a snort and took another bite.

With everything ready, Chansung said good-bye to the hyungs and headed back to Junho’s room. He ran into a half-asleep Junsu who was on his way to the bathroom and could only mutter an incoherent greeting, before he disappeared behind the corner. Chansung carefully entered Junho’s room, paying attention not to drop or spill anything.

“Do you need a help with that?” came a faint sound from the bed.

“Nope, I can handle it, thanks. You should sit up.” Junho did as he was told and Chansung put the tray into his lap, but grabbed the drinks and put them on the nightstand instead to secure them. “How’s the temperature?”

“Still pretty bad.” Junho’s voice was weak and raspy, but his eyes were already livelier than last night.

“That was expected, it’s usually the worst in the morning. I’m sure you’ll feel much better in the afternoon.”

Junho nodded and sniffed a bit, wiping his nose with a handkerchief. “You brought quite a lot,” he remarked, eyeing the tray.

“I can eat quite a lot, remember? And you need to gain some strength as well.” Chansung handed him his glass and the pills. The older eyed them with a fair amount of distrust, but the weight of Chansung’s stare and the earlier promise made him swallow them. He drank half the glass after that.

“Good boy.” Chansung patted his head and sat right opposite of Junho, who had folded his legs closer to his body so that the large maknae would have enough space.

“Told you I’d behave,” he announced proudly and dug into the food on the tray in front of him. His taste buds were numb because of his stuffed nose, so the food didn’t taste half as good as it looked and he ate slowly. But he tried to express as much enthusiasm as possible, determined to show how much he wanted to get better. Chansung, on the other hand, gobbled it all up almost immediately, quietly waiting for Junho to finish his share. That never happened, though, as the smaller boy was able to eat only half of his rice and left some fruit on the plate. He looked apologetically at Chansung, actually willing to stuff it into his stomach in case the other boy insisted.

“Stop being so cute, Junho. Or hurry up and get better already,” Chansung whispered and took a deep breath to calm himself. It took all of his willpower to reject Junho last night and he was still struggling not to attack those full lips slightly wet from fruit juices, right there, that very second. His eyes made him an open book for Junho, who was taken aback by such reaction. He gulped and tried to hide his blush, but his crimson red ears had betrayed him.

He had to recover. Right away.


The other members were coming to check on Junho during the day, too, joking about his state and trying to enlighten the atmosphere. Taec even forced him to play chess with him on his iPad, but Junho fell asleep in the middle of the game. He slept for four hours straight, waking up a few minutes after 6 PM. The dorm felt eerily quiet, he could even hear the kitchen clock ticking. He shuffled under the covers, deciding to get up and stretch his body a bit. There was no trace of his headache and he felt much better overall.

He left the room and looked around, seeing no signs of life whatsoever. The living room was empty and the only moving thing in the kitchen was the clock. Junho assumed everyone left for their schedules so he decided to take a shower. He felt gross from all the sweat and the smell wasn’t quite appealing, either. A thought of a nice hot shower entered his mind and his legs led him to the bathroom. He opened the door casually, only to find a stark- Chansung standing right in front of him, drops of water gliding down his toned body and wet strands of hair falling to his dark eyes.

Damn, what a sight. Junho’s thoughts went through a long list of different actions he could do with that fine man standing there, all in the matter of two seconds. His mouth unconsciously shaped into a small “O”, but he had enough awareness left to shut it instantly.

“Oh, Junho, you’re up?” Chansung asked with a smile, oblivious to the stare the other was giving him. He took a towel and started drying his hair, making tiny droplets of water fly everywhere around. “Wanna take a shower?” He asked when he was done, another towel tied around his waist to cover the parts that attracted Junho’s attention the most.

“Together?” Junho asked dumbly, the hope in his voice way too obvious.

Chansung couldn’t help but laugh. “No, you dummy, I just showered. Go ahead; I’ll wait for you in the living room.” With those words he left, leaving a confused and very hopeless Junho alone in the bathroom. In the end, taking a shower alone was all he could do. The hot water was soothing and washed his frustration away. His head felt even clearer and all that was left from the sickness was a slightly sore throat.


After he was done, he found Chansung sitting on the couch, chewing on a banana, two empty skins already lying on the table. Junho plopped down next to him, fastening the fluffy bathing robe even tighter.  “Where are the others?” He inquired, placing his head on Chansung’s thighs.

“Junsu hyung is recording with Chance hyung, the other three went out. Probably to a club or something.”

“Didn’t you wanna go with them?” Chansung probably stayed home to take care of him, which made Junho feel guilty.

“I didn’t really feel like it. And I have a patient to take care of,” he said with a soft smile and ran his fingers through Junho’s damp hair. “How are you feeling? You look better.”

“I am feeling better, thanks to your magic pills. I think I might even handle a kiss or two now,” he said with a smirk and reached out to Chansung’s cheek. The glint in his lover’s eyes was enough to make Junho sit up and settle in his lap. He let himself savour the moment for a minute, finally being able to feel the closeness he had longed for, without anything or anyone to distract him. “I’ve missed you so much I thought I’d go crazy,” he whispered, his face buried in the crook of Chansung’s neck, his arms around it.

Chansung hugged him tightly, pulling him closer. He was enjoying this side of Junho, as the older was usually playing hard-to-get, leaving him with the responsibility to make the first move. Of course, there were times when Junho came running to him first, but Chansung could count them on one hand. The cute and affectionate Junho that was pressing into him right now was something he could usually see after the , not before it. Therefore all of this seemed new to him, making him feel almost a bit nervous.

“I think you’ve already gone crazy, you’re as snuggling as a kitten. Not to mention you’re even as cute.”

“Oh, shut up, I can always go back to being a .” Despite saying that, Junho’s grip on Chansung’s neck tightened.

“Sorry, I take that back. You’re even cuter than a kitten,” Chansung said with amusement and pulled Junho’s face up to look at the pout he was sure to find there. “See? So cute.”

The older boy blushed deep red, feeling like a teenage girl in love. “Stop calling me that, I’m a guy.”

Chansung looked at him seriously, finally leaning in to capture his lips. It was a short kiss, way too short for Junho’s liking. He whined and tried to renew the connection, but Chansung was successful at preventing him from it.

“Cute,” Chansung said again, a small laugh escaping his lips.

Junho thought about protesting and fighting back, but the mysterious glint in Chansung’s eyes was back. He might as well be cute tonight, if that’s what the big stupid banana wanted so badly.

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Chapter 1: Too much cuteness =))
Chapter 2: Aaawww it is so cute ><
Chapter 2: Update soon!!
itnuneo #4
Chapter 2: this story is missing something ;~~~; perhaps another chapter?
Jiru-chan #5
aww~ that's really cute!
You should make another chapter of this fic ;~~; FYI I can't stop re-read this………………… <33333
Noy9220 #7
Lol... Cute
elasticelastic #8
Please update!:))
MysticRed #9
aww so cute. Thank you soooo much for writing this story :)
OH HELL TO THE YES! This is really ing good! *sorry, language..* You deserve a hell of a lot more subs and comments!! I am so excited for the next chapter, although a little worried about the amount of nosebleed I will have.. oh well, it's worth it lol ^^