Chapter 2 - Adjusting

Starting over

Its’ been two weeks since So Yun came to South Korea and she’s finally started to get used to her new environment. The biggest surprise that she had so far was that she got assigned a roommate. She and her roommate got a long fairly well. The only problem came in the form of her roommate’s boyfriend. He was a frequent overnight guest and it made So Yun very uncomfortable. The whole idea of boyfriends wasn’t appealing to So Yun, but she has never been one to judge other people’s life choices. They were very respectful and never showed any physical affection around her, but it still made her uneasy. After the first week, she decided to find other places to sleep when her roommate’s boyfriend stayed over. Her favorite place was the 24 hour internet café down the block from her dorm. She discovered that she could chat with Amy, Blair and Maria for as long as she wanted as it was daytime for them. She also found a new online game and this particular game had a guild dedicated to SS501 fans. While she never slacked with her studies, her time was spent playing this game, and especially chatting with two of her new guild-mates. She was amazed at how close they had become in just a week. She was still struggling with the Korean Language, especially reading it, but she could understand it fairly well, and her responses were starting to sound more natural, although it still felt awkward for her. She and her roommate made an agreement that until So Yun was fluent in speaking Korean, that’s all she would speak. So Yun felt foolish, but it has gone a long way to help her. Until her roommate’s suggestion, the only fluent Korean she could speak was the dialogue from her favorite Korean Dramas “Boys over Flowers” and “Mischievous Kiss” and the lyrics from the songs of her favorite K-Pop Band, SS501.

It’s almost 11:30 pm and she was just getting ready for bed. It had been a long day in classes, but fortunately, her professors had canceled classes the next day, so she could sleep in. She had changed into her comfiest pair of sleep pants and an oversized t-shirt. She had just taken out her contacts when she heard the door open.

“Oh, So Yun, you’re here.” Her roommate stated a little surprised. She walked in the room, followed closely by her boyfriend.

“Yeah, but I’m supposed to meet my friends online, so I decided to take my contacts out so they wouldn’t bother my eyes.” So Yun lied. She didn’t want to make her roommate feel bad, because she chose to leave when her boyfriend came.

“Oh, but you are in your pajamas” her roommate pointed out. “And your glasses still look broken. I thought you were going to have those fixed.”

“Yes, but they still work for gaming, since I look straight at the screen. It’s only when I look down that they fall off.” So Yun laughed. “Besides, no one else will be in the café, so I’d rather play comfortably.”

“Ok, as long as we’re not chasing you out.

“Not at all, besides, my classes are cancelled tomorrow and how often do I get a chance to play all night and not have to worry about getting up in the morning. You guys have a good night.” So Yun picked up her bag, grab her laptop and keys and waved at them as she walked out the door.

She did feel bad about lying to them, but she knew she would have felt worse listening to the “I love you more, no I love you more” all night. It took her about five minutes to get to the café. She went to her favorite corner, and seeing that it was still too early to call her friends since they were still at work, she logged into the game. She was thrilled to discover that the only members of the guild that were on were her new best online buds. She loved this guild and loved that it was so dedicated to SS501 that it insisted that all of its members changed their user names to end with 501. Her user name was USFan501. She opened up a chat with her two friends to see what they were up to.

USFan501:           Hey guys, how are you tonight?
Mystyle501:           Hey Sunny, we were wondering if you were coming on tonight.
BabyHJ501:         SUNNY!!!! We missed you! Did your roommate’s boyfriend come over again?
   USFan501:           Yes he did, but it’s ok. I don’t have classes tomorrow, so I can spend more time with you guys tonight. Why do you guys keep calling me Sunny?
                                LOL I’ve told you my name, and you give me a nickname, but you won’t tell me your name, so I can return the nickname favor
BabyHJ501:         That’s because we’re afraid of the nickname you would come up with. ^^
Mystyle501:       That’s great, except I was just telling Baby that I was going to have to go soon. A friend of mine invited me over and he’s just gotten back from Japan.
USFan501:           You two need to learn to stop typing over each other. LOL Crazy guys!  That’s great about your friend coming back, Mystyle, although I’m sad you have to go when I just got here.
BabyHJ501:         Sorry Sunny, but I’m going to have to go too. I’m also friends with him and Mystyle and I were making arrangements to meet up to go see him together before you logged on. Will you forgive us? *pouty puppy-dog eyes*
USFan501:           LOL oh stop with the puppy-dog eyes, you know I’ll forgive you guys. But you better make it up to me later.
Mystyle501:       I will…you’ll get extra defense from me on our next raid.
BabyHJ501:         I will. Ok, I’ll talk to you later Sunny!
USFan501:           Talk to you later, guys! Tell your friend I said welcome home!
BabyHJ501:         Why? You don’t know him
Mystyle   501:       Do you know our friend???
USFan501:           LOL No, but any friend of you guys has to be a good guy, so he deserves to be welcomed home. ^^
BabyHJ501:         You’re such a good person, Sunny! Maybe someday we should meet up.
Mystyle501:       I think that’s a great idea. Someday we should get together and hang out, but not tonight, sorry.
USFan501:           I’d love that! It would be so wonderful to finally put a face to the user name. Maybe then I might learn your real names. LOL I’m kidding. Have fun guys!
Mystyle501:       Bye!  (user Mystyle501 logged off)
BabyHJ501:         Bye Bye!  (user BabyHJ501 logged off)

Seeing as her friends have logged off for then night, she decided it was too depressing to play alone. She signed off and looked at the time. It was only 12:30am. She had another 8 hours to kill before her roommate had to leave for class and therefore leaving the dorm room open again. Since she left her textbooks back in her dorm, and 4 hours to kill before her friends back in the US were out of work, she decided to take a walk along the Han River.

It was really quiet and this was the time of night that So Yun tried to avoid. The quiet, lonely night which always seem to invite her to start thinking about the past. She walked until she came upon a bench set under a tree. She sat and looked up at the night sky. “Ok God” she thought to herself. “I’m here following my dreams, but it’s really hard. Not the class work or the language, but the loneliness. Maybe this is why I’m really here, so I can learn how not to be lonely when I’m alone.”

Suddenly, So Yun heard dogs coming up the path. It startled her so much that she whipped her head in the direction of the sound, forgetting that her glasses were broken. They went flying off of her face in the direction she turned and she groaned.

“Now what am I going to do?” She whined in English, forgetting the deal she made with her roommate. “I’m practically blind without my glasses or contacts. It’s pitch black and I have no idea who’s coming with the dogs I heard.” She continued to mutter to herself in English while she got on her hands and knees to start searching for the missing glasses.

While she was crawling around, still muttering in English, the dogs and their owner had come up to her. They were very friendly dogs, but well-mannered too.

“Excuse me miss, are you alright” asked the dog’s owner in heavily accented English.

So Yun stopped and looked up. While she couldn’t see any face, she could tell that this was tall man and that his voice and accent sounded very familiar. “Where have I heard that voice before?” she asked herself.

“Yes, I’m alright, sir. It’s just that I lost my glasses somewhere and I can’t see without them.” So Yun responded in English to see what he would say and if it would jog her memory.

“Would it be ok if I helped you?” he offered again in English. So Yun nodded and he took a step forward. CRUNCH! He froze and looked down. “I’m sorry miss, but I think I found your glasses.” He bent and picked up the cracked and broken beyond repair frame and handed it to her. So Yun took the pieces and started to laugh.

“I’m sorry but why are you laughing?” He asked.

“Well, this was my only pair and my contacts are in my dorm room, which I can’t go to until morning and now I can’t even see where I’m going. I figured it was better to laugh instead of cry.” She just sat where she was and kept laughing.

The dogs who had been so well-mannered got excited with her laughter. They ran to her giving her lots of dog kisses and affection. This made her laugh harder and she just hugged them. The man started smiling at the sight until one of the dogs knocked her over with his enthusiasm.

“Art…Matic, Come!” The man called in Korean.

So Yun froze. Those were the names of her SS501 Bias Kim Hyun Joong’s dogs. “No, it can’t be” she thought to herself. She looked up, just as he bent down to see if she was alright. “It just can’t be, can it?



Thank you all for your patience while waiting for this update! We got to meet some new people in this chapter. ^^ Comments are always welcome and encouraged! Since this is my first fanfic, I'm a little nervous...I hope you like it :)

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Ok, still having posting problems with AFF, but it's given me an opportunity to expand/revise chapters 4, 5, & 6. The story is really going to be heating up


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pwease update!
bgreenwivy #2
Chapter 4: Omo! Poor dear couldn't handle the shock. This is hilarious!
omo.......please update this soon!
I love this :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hurry up and update soon
Ahhhh update soon!! :D I'm really anxious what would happen between the five of them and so yun. Ahh who in the world would be as lucky as so yun?? I don't mind my glasses cracking or shattering a thousand times then, if it means I can see SS501. Keke. Lucky to the max!! So what will happen next author nim? Will Hyungjun get sooo excited that he starts to scare so yun away? Haha kidding. Wahh I think so yun must be sooo shocked and find the whole situation totally unbelievable. Keke. I would faint on the spot if I were her, *even though I couldn't see them properly without my glasses hehe*. So update soon~~ ^.^
OMG!!!!! can't wait till you update :D
Hahaha wow this chapter is interesting! ^^ Hyungjun was so happy to see So Yun keke. Wahh I'm anticipating what will happen next~ Hyunjoong and So Yun *wink wink*.. hehe something will happen between them right? :D Update soon! ^.^
S_pport501 #8
Omygoooodd i was so yearning for this update!!! and u did a really goooooooood job!! kkkk omo shes a lucky girl!! *enviousenvious*
palli update, want to know how this continues :DDDD hyun joongie so cute in here, all of them so funny and sweet

thinking of it, i'd probably faint too...

LOL thanks @prettyflowergirl. they made me laugh too.
AND LOL... "and promptly fainted" those three word made me laugh for some reason