Day 3: 2PM Show

Me Living With 2PM

The next morning, I was told that I was going to be a special guest on 2pm’s live show. I was so nervous and felt that getting all this attention was really unnecessary. However, they insisted that I star as the guest and said that I would have a lot of fun if I went on the show. Jay had a photo shoot to do so he wasn’t going to be in this particular segment with the trivia, but was going to be there to interview. The show was also going to act as an interview; whoever was the mc was going to ask all of the questions. I was never on TV, so now it was going to be really nerve racking. I had nothing to relax my nerves and just had to play the whole situation out.

When we arrived on set, I was immediately brought to the makeup room to get prepped. I was amazed that the stylists knew how to work with my hair, because I didn’t perm it, just straighten it. They styled it nicely and cut me some bangs. My makeup was done and they had clothes set aside for me to pick my outfit. It felt so glamorous and nice to have people tend to you without you having to do anything. The show was going to be pretty long, so they decided to do the interviewing first. The director knew that if I was going to be on 2pm show, it would get high ratings along with the live show that was being broadcasted of my stay there at their home. I felt like I was under a lot of pressure. Everyone was looking at me, and even though there was no live audience, I felt like there were hundreds of people watching my every move. This show was never scripted, so I had no idea what was going to be asked of me. As a matter of fact, the fans were the ones who submitted questions that were going to be asked during the interview. I had no problem answering questions; I just hoped that some weren’t anything too personal.

One thing that I always enjoyed was watching the creative ways 2pm would chose a mc. It was a simple game of rock-paper-scissors. Taecyeon ended up being mc. We all sat down on this long couch and was preparing for the interview. I was nervous, but because of the group’s silliness, it easily calmed me. It was now time for the interview to begin after all of the introductions were given.

Taec: First question, how did you feel when you won the contest?

Me: I was extremely excited. I usually don’t win anything so to win something this major really surprised me. I had always wanted to meet 2pm, but never knew how that was going to happen. But since I won the contest, I was able to have the wish be granted in the most favorable way and I am grateful for that.

Taec: (smiles). And we are all happy to have you here with us. Some fans have wondered how you became interested in k-pop. Can you tell us how this came about?

Me: Well, my best friend was mainly the one to expose me, but the first person that I started to listen to and admire was Rain. (Everyone goes oooo). I first saw him in the movie Speed Racer, which was my favorite cartoon when I was younger. I was thrilled when they finally made a movie for it. After watching it, I had seen a face that I had never recognized before and normally you don’t see too many Asian actors on TV in America nowadays. I looked him up and found out that his name was Rain.

I then found that he was also a singer. I was curious and figured he must sing as well as he acts. (Everyone nods in agreement). I looked on YouTube, and the first song that I listened to was Love Story. It was very touching, and I knew that I was going to love all his music at that very moment. Ever since, I have followed his career, having listened to all of his music, seen all of his live performances, and seen all of the movies and dramas that he acted in. You can say that I am a pretty devout fan (laughs).

My best friend then introduced me to music by Big Bang, Wonder Girls, 2am and finally 2pm. All of the songs that she recommended I liked, but then I developed my own favorites. Ever since, I have loved k-pop music.

Junho: What was the first song you listened to by 2pm?

Me: Hands up

(All start singing)

Taec: (after getting the laugh out) When you first started listening to 2pm, what were some of your thoughts about performance and the music?

Me: I felt that this was a group that was really in sync. All of the members shined as a group and individually; no one was overshadowed. I also noticed how acrobatic the performances were and they would always grasp my attention. The music was simply hot! I could always dance to all 2pm songs. The funniest thing and most embarrassing that I have to admit was that when I watched performances, it took a long time for me to distinguish who everyone was. At first, the most obvious was Taec of course (he raises eyebrows and smiles goofy smile) (I laugh) and Chansung. Everyone else I had to figure out.

Chansung: How is that possible? We all look so different-

Taec: But that was when she just started to get into us so that is understandable.

(All agree)

Taec: Ah, the one question most fans are dying to know: who is your favorite member of 2pm?

I was literally stuck. I wanted to say Chansung, but I was also a big fan of Junho too. If I had to weigh it all out, it was geared more towards Channie.

Me: (nervous and blushes) Chansung. (Everyone goes crazy.

Taec: Looks like we got an admirer! (Chansung and I blush). This is getting quite interesting. What is your favorite 2pm song?

Me: I Can’t. (Everyone starts singing and I softly sing along in Korean).

Taec: Omg, you can sing in Korean?

Me: It’s all kinds of incorrect but I do sometimes when no one is around.

Nichkhun: You should sing more often. I heard the little bit you did sing and it was correct.

Me: Was it really?

Nichkhun: Yea. Let us hear you sing and then we will sing along with you. It would be a cute collaboration just for fun. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The point of this show is to have fun. We all make mistakes and embarrass ourselves; we do it on the show all the time but we have fun doing it. You shouldn’t worry so much.

He was right. The only thing I was worried about was people saying that I was unfit to learn the language or whatever. Some people could be so mean and critical sometimes and I didn’t want to do that. However, since they were insisting, I could not say no. I started singing the song and they came in during the chorus. We all sounded good together. Everyone applauded and I felt good.

Taec: Not bad at all. Did you know some Korean before you began getting lessons upon your arrival here?

Me: I didn’t know a word. Well, I mean I knew a few like mother, father, thank you, hello, yes and no, but that was it. The only way I sang what I did was just from listening to the song a lot and trying to figure out the words.

Taec: Well that is pretty good seeing how you didn’t know Korean but got 85% of the song sang correctly. Not many beginners would have done as well as you have. A few fans wanted to know about your relationship with Chansung. By watching the show, everyone had noticed that there has been quite a bit of skinship going on, and wanted to know your opinion.

I was totally put on the spot. They even began to roll footage of instances where the skinship took place. Chansung and I blushed so much. I began to explain that he and I just felt like we had a lot in common and would do what friends normally did. We both just happened to be affectionate. However, I knew the fans thought otherwise and I would have too being in their position. It was soon time for the other members to be interviewed on their experience having me there. This was going to be interesting hearing what they had to say.

Taec: Junho how did you feel, when our guest arrived at our home?

Junho: It was really exciting. I thought that it would be good having a guest, but I did feel a little awkward knowing it was a girl. I didn’t think we were tidy enough to have a girl guest but things worked out anyway.

Wooyoung: I was shocked! Never had we received a female guest at our home from America before. It was going to be interesting and I wondered if she would feel comfortable being around us. Another thing was that I wondered how much she knew about 2pm. I’m not saying that Americans don’t know anything about k-pop, but I always wondered how many American fans we had, and now one was going to stay with us. It was going to be really cool. (The rest agreed).

Taec: Jay, what was it like having to make the dinner for our guest on the first night Andrea arrived?

Jay: I was so nervous because I can’t cook. (Everyone laughs including me). Making an American dinner was going to be easy though. I had fun and so did everyone else too. I had missed eating this food back home too. I think it was a good way to welcome our guest.

Taec: (reads question) What is it like having a female at home? Well, I would first say that it adds a motherly touch to the atmosphere and our guest is very motherly. We all had our chores organized, budget balanced, and everything was orderly. Plus it was good getting mother-like attention too. (The others agreed).

I felt so special. They all liked having me there. I was really enjoying myself and had only been there for three days. The interview continued with other questions about my cultural tastes and what not and then we started filming the fun part of the show: the games.

It was interesting how the games were centered on what I knew about 2pm and what 2pm knew about me. There were so many questions about them as a group and individually. The goal was to gain the most points. The prize was that the winners would go on a shopping spree. I did need to go shopping bad so I wanted to win. For the odds to be so uneven, I knew more about them than I realized; even individually. There were some things that I did not know here and there but the questions weren’t worth that many points. 2pm somewhat struggled picking the right answers to the trivia about me. It was funny and we all learned a lot about each other. By the end of the show, Chansung and I were the winners of the prize. I found this a bit ironic. However, we were both excited.

After the show, we all went home to rest. I never knew that filming was going to take so much energy and they did this often. I had almost forgotten that we were being filmed at home too. Cameras were always on, and I had no idea when I was watched and when I wasn’t, especially at night. There was a moment that I was hoping that they did not catch on camera, for it was sure to be quite scandalous.

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This may take some time to finish but hopefully it will be done soon. Hwaiting!


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kian86 #1
OMG sweetieaj I really loved it, I wish you consider making a sequel, it was really beautiful.
update soon!
kian86 #3
I really want to read the next update, this is a good history!!
Monibohni #4
Please continue :D It's such a sweet story.