Jongyu Bromance


Prepare youselves for sickening Jongyu fluffies.  Seriously.

"So she pretty much shoved me against the wall and just started attacking me! It would have been terrifying if she wasn't so hot," Jonghyun exclaimed, finishing his outlandish story with a final wave of his hands and a not-so-subtle crane of his neck to show off the hickey once again.


"You honestly expect me to believe that some senior practically molested you outside of the school and gave you that?"  Onew questioned, eyebrows raised as the he looked pointedly at the red mark on Jonghyun’s neck.


"That's what happened! Honest!"


"So if I call Songdam noona she won't tell me how you tried to straighten your own hair again and burnt yourself?"  Onew asked, surpressing a smile at the younger boy’s uncharacteristic flush. 


Jonghyun glared at him, "Noona isn't even home.  And no I wasn't trying to straighten my hair!  We should try that again though, does you mom have a straightener?"  Jonghyun replied, changing the subject away from his questionable story.  


"I don't know, probably," Onew replied in a bored tone.


"Mrs. Lee!  Can we borrow your hair stuff?"  Jonghyun called down the hallway.


"Honesty, I thought I was supposed to be the gay one," Onew muttered to himself as Jonghyun set out to find Onew’s mom.


Jonghyun came back into the room a few minutes later, his arms overflowing with supplies, a blowdryer trailing after him as he pulled it by the cord.  "You wanna dye your hair hyung?"


"Absolutely not!"  Onew responded immediately.


"Oh come on!  Brown would look so good on you!"  Jonghyun pressed, excitement shining in his eyes.


"You aren't going anywhere near my head with bleach Kim Jonghyun," Onew replied in a serious tone, inching back on the bed to get away from the younger boy.


Jonghyun pouted, "What if your mom helps?"  He suggested.  


"Why do I need to dye my hair again?"  Onew said, dodging the question entirely.


"I bet Minho would notice," Jonghyun said with a smirk, knowing exactly how to provoke Onew.


"Stop baiting me.  The answer is no," Onew replied, glaring daggers at his supposed best friend.


"Mrs. Lee!" Jonghyun called again.


Onew sighed heavily, "Why are we friends again?"


Onew's mom appeared in the doorway, "What did you need Jonghyun darling?"


"Mrs. Lee, please tell Onew hyung how good he would look with brown hair, maybe a few highlights?"  Jonghyun said sweetly, ignoring Onew’s pronounced huffs of annoyance.


"Oh definitely.  His skin tone is just perfect for it," she replied immediately, smiling brightly.


"I'll hold him down; you get the bottles ready,” Jonghyun said, inching towards Onew in a mock threatening manner.  


"Funny," Onew deadpanned.


Mrs. Lee chuckled, leaving the two to squabble.


"Give me your phone," Jonghyun said, holding out his hand.


"Why?"  Onew asked cautiously.


"We need a second opinion,” Jonghyun replied simply.  


"No!  You will text Minho something inappropriate just to embarrass me!”  Onew exclaimed, curling his knees into his chest defensively, trying to be inconspicuous as he shoved his phone deeper into his pocket.


"I won't.  Promise,” Jonghyun said with fake sincerity.  


"You can't have it, I don’t trust you,” Onew replied.


Jonghyun smirked, rounding on him quickly and wrestling him onto the bed, jabbing his fingers viciously into Onew’s sides causing the older boy to yelp in indignation.


"Jonghyun stop it!"  Onew screeched.


"Give me the damn phone,” Jonghyun countered. 




Onew flailed wildly but to no avail, Jonghyun was stronger and more persistent.


Onew finally stopped moving, laying limp and accepting defeat as the younger boy had him pinned face down on the bed and was sitting on his back.  He protested weakly as Jonghyun began digging through his pockets until he found the device.


Keeping Onew in this submissive position he began scanning through the phone.


Onew could here the light click of the virtual keys as Jonghyun began typing and then faint sound of ringing.


"This is Jonghyun, Onew’s friend.  You helped him fix his atrocious wardrobe, lets work on the hair next.  Please tell him how good he would look with brown hair and some highlights.  You are on speaker, go," Jonghyun said, speaking casually as if he and Key were old friends.


Jonghyun quickly flipped on the speakerphone option, allowing Key's voice to ring throughout the room.


"First of all, this is hands-down the weirdest phone call I've ever received.  Second, Onew hyung you would look fabulous!  Why haven’t we done this sooner?  I can't make it over tonight because it is super late but send your address and I'll come over tomorrow.  Don't touch a hair on his head until I get there!  Highlights are serious business and I don't want you to mess it up!"


"Hey! You don’t even know me!"  Jonghyun argued, apparently offended that his nonexistant stylist abilities were being questioned.




"Whatever.  Be here by seven and bring gloves with you, we don't have any,” Jonghyun replied, hanging up the phone to quickly text him the address.


"," Onew muttered, struggling for air as Jonghyun continued to crush him.


"You should have just agreed when I suggested it the first time.  I wouldn't have had to go to such lengths," Jonghyun replied smoothly.


"Will you let me up now?"  Onew croaked out. 


"Oh right!"  Jonghyun said, quickly jumping up with a laugh.


"Idiot," Onew grumbled.


"Well now that we have that all settled, do you want to start our crash-course in basketball?”


"Sure," Onew replied, glad to finally be back to the reason why he had invited Jonghyun over in the first place.


"I brought the greatest basketball movie ever made, Spacejam!"  Jonghyun exclaimed.


"Please tell me that is a joke," Onew said, growing more and more uneasy from the look on Jonghyun’s face.


"What? It has Michael Jordan in it and everything!"  Jonghyun replied seriously.


"Jjong you are hopeless,” Onew groaned in annoyance.  How was he supposed to learn anything about basketball from Jonghyun?  What had he been thinking asking him in the first place? 


"You don't even know what I had to do to get this movie in such short notice!"  Jonghyun argued with a pout. 


“Jonghyun it’s in English!”


“There are subtitles.”


“It is about cartoons.”


“And basketball!”




“I suppose we could just watch the sports channel,” Jonghyun offered, obviously disappointed that Onew was less than thrilled with his movie choice. 


“No, we can watch the movie, it’s fine,” Onew replied tiredly.


“Good!  Go make some popcorn; I’ll get the movie set up!”  Jonghyun said, ignoring Onew’s total lack of excitement.   


Onew grumbled but complied, heading towards the kitchen without further complaint.


“Oh and grab my favorite blanket on your way back!”  He called down the hallway after him.


Onew made quick work of the microwave popcorn, putting it into two bowls before heading back up the stairs, making sure to grab some extra blankets and pillows from the hallway closet. 


He walked in to find Jonghyun sprawled comfortably across his bed, mindlessly watching the title page animation on loop.  Onew unceremoniously dropped the pile of blankets on the younger boy; ignoring Jonghyun’s surprised yelp as he nudged him, “Scoot over.”


The two settled comfortably on the bed curled up in Onew’s blue and pink quilt his grandmother had made while eating popcorn and giggling over the ridiculous movie together. 


‘So maybe it wasn’t the worst idea Jonghyun had ever had,’ Onew thought to himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face and a best friend hogging all of his blankets.



Have a nice little plot interlude of nothingness. 

For no reason other than I wanted bromance fluffiness to happen.

Because everyone does stupid, pointless with their bffs right?


Did any of you miss the Minho POV they went along with the last chapter?  Go read. 

That's all I got today... enjoy


Also, this.

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965 streak #1
Chapter 10: You can always add the word 'deized" in your spell check. So, it will be acceoted everytime you use it. Hahaha! I' m having a blast.
965 streak #2
Chapter 7: I totally feel Onew's frustration in getting to his tight pants. That happened to me before. It was very tiring.. In my country, we actually have a catch phrase for suffering for looks.
965 streak #3
Chapter 5: Don't apologize. I love onthighs, too.
965 streak #4
Chapter 4: You have every right to pick Jonghyun as your favorite character here. He is so hilarious in his seriousness. U could even pucture his face. Oh dear!
965 streak #5
Chapter 2: I'm running out of Onho fics to read and I stumbled upon this. I love it.
flrite #6
Omg i love rhis so much
Chapter 28: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3