Chapter One

The L Word

Chapter One


“Mr Nam, there’s a meeting at five o’clock today and it won’t proceed unless you’re there,” Jeremy, one of the many employees in charge of taking care of me, said. I chuckled lazily and beckoned a hand. “No problem, Jeremy, I’ll be there,” I sighed and strode out of the elevator and into the main lobby of my father’s business, Nam Electronics. The steel white interior seemed vacant although many workers were walking in and away of the company- it really brings out the enormous size of the space.

“But, Mr Nam, this meeting is important and it has to be discussed by today,” Sooyeon, an additional one of the annoying employees, reminded, hastily trying to keep up with my walking pace on her black heels. I cursed underneath my breath. Didn’t they get it the first time when I said that I’ll be there? I had to deal with this every day and it was one of the many things I really hated.

As soon as ten seconds was up since I stepped out of the elevator, about five other secretaries bombarded me holding schedule books and reminding me the dates of meetings, important lunches and events. I heaved a sigh and shoved my hands in my pockets, an indication that I was sick of the people my father had employed to produce a schedule for me.

“Mr Nam, your former personal assistant, Do Hyesung, has just been fired and he is continuously threatening the company saying he won’t stop until he talks to you,” Jeremy said in his deafening and nagging voice, pushing his way adjacent to me, holding his electronic notebook and scrolling through important events. I chuckled and quavered my head. “That rotten rat,” I mumbled, slyly smiling. “Tell him to do whatever he wants to, I have nothing to say to him,” I had ordered. “Oh, and don’t forget to mention he was the worst personal assistant out of the hundreds I’ve ever had.”

As I walked down the white marble floors of the main lobby, every staff member halted to bow ninety degrees. Smirking, I made my way out of the rowdy company and into my brand new 2-seated red Mercedes Benz. As soon as I got in, I left like a racing horse.

I loved to have fun on the road and would often scare other drivers which lead to me once having my license confiscated by the police. They say I drive like water, filling up every single little space I could find.

After dropping by a jewellery store and setting out to get what I wanted, I stepped out of the store and smiled to myself, holding up a black paper bag. I took out its only content and opened the soft, red velvet box to have a precious round silver ring with a tiny diamond gem carved in the shape of a six-pointed star beaming in my face.

“Very precious, this ring is. It’s the only one in the world. Take care of it and remember that its rightful owner will never be able to take the ring off her finger.”

I knew very well that my humble girlfriend doesn’t like fancy things and scenes so I threw away the box alongside the black paper bag in the bin beside me and popped the ring into my wallet.

Tonight, Jiyeon, you’re going to be officially mine, forever.

Smiling, I turned my head around and made my way towards my car but completely halted. Where was my car? I was pretty sure that I had parked the vehicle right in this spot but then it slowly came to me as I stared at the car sitting in front of me- it was trashed, dented, abused with graffiti with windows all cracked. That was my car. I stood there with an emotionless face and laughed quietly, shaking my head. “Do Hyesung, you funny man.” So this was what my former personal assistant meant with ‘threatening’ me if he didn’t talk with him. Pathetic.

With a sigh, I checked the time on my Guess watch- 4:32pm.

What time did I have to get to the meeting by? 5pm. Oh .

I couldn’t care less about the meeting, but I had a dinner with Jiyeon at 7pm and I knew that the boring meeting would drag at least more than one and a half hours. As Jeremy said, the meeting wouldn’t proceed until I was present so I wanted to get this over and done with and then see Jiyeon.

Keeping calm, I dialled one of my assistants for another car and they painfully told me they’ll be 20 minutes. Don’t talk about being late, I could not stand waiting. Sighing once again, I stood on the sidewalk, trying to focus my eyes on an available taxi or some sort of transport. I chased taxi after taxi and they all rejected me. Maybe it was a bit weird seeing a half-crazy man chase their vehicle.

Scowling and breathing hard, I watched as another taxi driver drive past without even glancing at me once. Then my eyes flickered to the big green engine that transported over 50 people.

No, I couldn’t take a bus. That would just be asking for pathogens to invade my body system. You never know what’s been on a seat and whose touch the handle bars.

I checked the time once again- 4:41pm. it. “Bus driver! Ahjusshi! Wait! I need to get on!”


“YAH! What are you doing?! Get your dirty hands off my fish!”

“What are you talking about, kid?! This was my fish ever since you were born! Let go!”

“YOU! Who are you calling kid?! I’m 22 this year!”

“Just please settle this the mature way, guys, you’re shooing away my customers!”

“NO!”  a middle-aged man and I yelled in unison, frightening Choi Wooshik, the owner of the fish market, causing him to jump slightly back. I glared at my enemy, gripping onto the chunky and meaty fish tightly and the man glared right back. Psh, like I would back down.

Wooshik sighed and shook his head, raising his palm towards his forehead. The public stopped and glanced at the commotion, wondering why the hell a young girl was fighting with an old man twice her age for a fish.

“How about you, Yoohee, let go of this fish and I will give you another one for free, okay?” Wooshik bashfully smiled, reaching out for my arms. “YOU, CHOI WOOSHIK!” I screeched in his face, making him coil back with a pout. “It was enough that you bullied me and Soyeon when I was five and now you want me to give away this piece of treasure the price of a buck for this old man?!”

Woo Shik rolled his eyes and inwardly sighed before putting on a completely fake smile. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, Yoohee-ah, for bullying you and Soyeon, forgive me?” he pleaded and put on a show of aegyo.

 “No, I will not fall for your aegyo! Let go!” I shrieked as high as nails scratching on a chalk board. We continued our squabble for minutes while Wooshik tried to stop us.

I had to buy this fish. When I saw it, I knew I needed it. I swear I saw it first, but this old man came out of nowhere and gripped onto the other end of the fish.

Out of determination, I had accidently yanked the fish to my side too hard that my legs went out of control and my body went flailing straight to the wet and dirty ground. I yelped loudly as my bottom met with the cold floor.

It hurt- a lot. And it was going to bruise. I mentally sighed at the thought of not being able to sit properly for a whole week.

The old man saw this as a great opportunity to flee and so he had slammed a stack of bills into Wooshik’s chest and ran off without even waiting for the fish to be wrapped. I was oblivious to the whole situation and just sat there, groaning while clutching onto my bottom. My head shot up as I heard someone running and I stood straight up, getting ready to chase the old man and the fish.

As I was getting ready to take a step and chase after the old ugly man, a hand gripped onto my arm, halting me, which led me to flip my head around and glare at the person. Wooshik raised both his hands in the air as if saying he’s innocent. He shrugged and sighed, “Look, Yoohee, it’s a fish.”

My eyes narrowed even deeper. I’m concluding that he didn’t know how much I wanted it.

“I’ll give you a free fish for always buying here. Oh, maybe add an extra one as an apology for bullying you when younger, okay?” he bargained, giving me a smile which made me gag.

I guess you could say my life is just a ball of hair, tangled together everywhere. I couldn’t go anywhere without causing trouble. I just stepped out of my house for half an hour to buy some meat and ended up smelling like fish with a big bruise on my bottom.

Groaning for the umpteenth time since I’ve gotten on the bus, I crossed my arms in a grumpy manner. I bet you Soyeon is having the time of her life, scamming people and being a pickpocket. I’m most likely going to open the door to our apartment to have her hold stacks of bills in my face.

The bus stopped and a few people came on, taking up all the empty seats. As soon as the door closed, the bus moved but abruptly halted, sending everyone off their seats. Lucky for me, I hit my forehead on the front seat. I hitched a breath and fervently rubbed my red and tender forehead with my palm.

“Aish…” Today was just not my day.

The doors opened again and a young and tall male stepped in, trying to catch his breath and bowing at the bus driver. He paid and uneasily glanced around looking a seat. The only empty seat was beside me. He flicked his pretty head towards my direction and I fixated my focus outside the window, throwing my bag in the spot beside me.

He was pretty surprised by my actions and slightly stepped back. What? Never seen a girl having a bad day? I was never going to give that seat up. He caused my forehead to swell and bruise.

With a clear of his throat, he held onto a pole and the bus started moving again. After a few more stops, the bus was literally full and people couldn’t move anywhere without touching a stranger. The pretty boy lunged forward a few times when he was pushed, but I acted as if I didn’t know anything and innocently tapped my thigh with my fingers.

A few more minutes passed and I could tell people were judging me for not giving up a seat. I sighed. I couldn’t go a day without being judged. Society is a mess. But I wouldn’t blame people for thinking that I’m a selfish snob because I stank of fish. Wasn’t there a saying that an ugly personality goes with an ugly aura?

I looked to my right and saw the pretty boy struggling to stay standing when there was an oversized couple standing beside him, giggling and initiating ual contact with each other.

I chuckled. No, not at the overweight couple, but at the pretty boy’s face. Disgusted was an understatement. He had trouble with pulling up his sleeve and checking the time on his white gold watch. He let out a soft sigh and glared at me. A rich and city boy like him doesn’t belong in this environment.

Wait…He’s a rich…city boy…

Ah-hah. Perfect. Within a second, my bag was on my lap and the seat next to me was vacant. The atmosphere on the bus completely died and the people standing were inspecting as the pretty boy ogled at the empty seat. He gave me a glance and tentatively sat down in relief.

I evilly chuckled. Soyeon and I used to always do this when we were moody. We would go in a public place and pickpocket. I just didn’t know why, but it was a guilty pleasure. We would return everything the way it was to the police station and say that we found it, but sometimes Soyeon would just steal some of the cash and return the license cards.

I figured it was the thrill and adrenaline that ran down my spine at the thought of getting caught.

I peeked down at the pretty boy’s pocket and saw his wallet sticking out of his pocket. Brilliant. I was confident in smoothly getting it as I had more than half a decade experience. But before I could even move, he stood straight up and walked towards the door that was in the process of opening. I also quickly scrambled up and quickly followed him.

As I stepped off the bus, I was confused. My body moved out of its way to follow the boy that I do not even know. Maybe it was determination of getting that wallet in my hands. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants and made his way down a dimly lit and clean alley way towards the famous Nam Electronics. With the way he dressed, of course he had a good job and life.

I followed him, watching his every step closely. I don’t know why I was so interested in this guy. There was just something that told me I had to get his wallet. Maybe I thought he was cute…

After taking another 10 steps, he took his hands out of his pockets and fixed his hair. Metroual. But in that process of fixing his hair, his wallet had slipped out of his pockets and went tumbling on the ground.

What in the world…

I remember being born a normal child, not someone who had the power of telekinesis. Oh, my luck. I stopped in my steps just gawking at the wallet. Turning around to check no one was there, and waiting for the boy to get out of my sight, I, a bit too giddily, scuttled towards the wallet and with glee, took it in my hands. It was just an ordinary wallet that any other male has in this world. Leather, black and simple.

I manically laughed aloud, pressing the wallet tightly against my chest.

When I arrived home, I threw the wallet onto the desk in the lounge room and placed the groceries onto the kitchen table. Soyeon came hopping out of our room onto a lollipop. She slyly smiled at me and took out a few bills from the pocket of her hooded sweater.

I laughed and shook my head. She saw the pretty boy’s wallet on the table and ran over to it. Soyeon plopped onto the floor and looked at me with wide eyes, taking the lollipop out of with a pop. “Did you steal this, Yoohee?!” she gasped, frantically searching the wallet. A small, shiny ring rolled out of the cash pocket, bouncing on the table a few times before disappearing underneath the couch as Soyeon wobbled the wallet upside down. I walked over and got onto my knees, sticking a hand underneath the couch and feeling the carpet.

“Yah, Yoohee, what are you doing?”

I finally got hold of it and positioned myself back up to examine the ring closely.

It was truly beautiful.

I smiled and slipped in onto my own finger. Aigoo, it fits perfectly.

I was too mesmerized into the ring that I didn’t even realise that Soyeon had been trying to get my attention, telling me how rich this boy was. Before walking into my room to get changed, I heard Soyeon reading the pretty boy’s license card. “Nam Woohyun,” she said.  


Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Where the hell is my wallet?!

I completely embarrassed myself in front of Jiyeon. She sat there, expecting something and I couldn’t even do anything because I had lost my wallet which had my proposal ring inside. After the dinner, I ran straight to my personal apartment and literally trashed the whole place.

It couldn’t be. I had lost my ring.

Waking up the next morning was hard. I was all groggy and my muscles were all knotted from the uncomfortable position I was sleeping in. I still couldn’t believe the fact that I had lost my wallet.

As I drove to the company, I received a call from father. I wasn’t necessarily nervous or surprised. I just couldn’t think straight.


“Son, I heard you had fired your personal assistant.”


It was quiet for a few seconds. “I am disappointed.”

I sighed and rubbed my temple, still keeping an eye on the road. “But father, you appoint more than 10 people to take care of me. Honestly, you don’t need to. I only need one assistant.”

“If this is what you wish, I would want to make a deal with you.”

A deal? How good of a deal can this be?

“You find an assistant trustworthy enough to take care of all your things by the end of the day and I will fire all of the other employees. I will have to approve of your new assistant first…Is that a deal?”

I hitched a breath before saying, “Okay, dad. Deal.”

After parking my brand new orange sports car in the private parking lot beside the company, I proceeded to walk down the main road to the front entrance of Nam Electronics. I was thinking while walking.

A lot was on my mind.

I was mainly thinking about Do Hyesung and my bloody trashed car. I still had to get him back for what he did, but no one could’ve tracked him down.

Other things on my mind were finding my new personal assistant by the end of the day and Jiyeon. Dad really wanted to test my skills didn’t he? I think he knew I couldn’t find a decent scheduler by tonight. Does dad know about me proposing to Jiyeon? I didn’t tell him. Maybe I should so that he could take it easier on me for finding such a great daughter-in-law.

He doesn’t even know I have a girlfriend.

He was always so busy and I always found it annoying because he’s never really looking out for me, that is why he gets 10 annoying people to annoy me.

I was too deep into my thoughts that I didn’t even realise I bumped into someone until I heard a loud gasp. I looked down to the girl’s height and her face seemed pretty familiar. But that didn’t matter at the moment. All my thoughts just washed away in that one second of collision when I saw her ice-cream cone pressed against my attire.

Everything practically happened in slow motion. We bumped into each other and her ice-cream stained my shirt. She gasped and I gasped. We both looked at each other with widened eyes.

The familiar girl bowed multiple times while apologizing and pleading for forgiveness. I just didn’t know what to do but just stand there and gape at my suit and her face. She hastily took out tissues and shoved them in my hands.  A thought came into mind as the cold and chilly wind whistled along- why was she even eating ice-cream in the middle of winter?

But that was beside was I was thinking as of right now.

She was wearing my ring.


This is indeed chapter one.

You are not hallucinating. I updated. 

How this will work- each chapter will have a different story and it goes in order, so,

Woohyun - Myungsoo - Hoya

And repeat, repeat, so on. 

I will try to update faster from now on. 

Every few weeks, not months...

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love the first chap ^^
Ah I love your writing style too much to let it go. I'm subbing :3
interesting ^^
update soon :D but i don't understand the foreword ^_^ can you explain to me?
I.THINK.I.AM.LUCKY.I.SAW.THIS~ xDDDD UPDATE.FAST! can't wait! *press subscribe*