
Her Heart. His Broken heart. His Promise [Sequel to 'Her Faith. His Absence.]


Broken. That was the perfect word to describe Haewon. She’s broken. Tears fell from her brown orbs as she recalled what happened a week ago.

Haewon closed her eyes and felt Seoul’s cold breeze. The corners of her lips finally turned in to a smile. “Despite of Myungsoo oppa’s good looks, intelligence and talent; he has a good heart. Me, I’m just his bestfriend’s girlfriend, but he looks at me like a part of his family, he also treats me like his own girlfriend. He’s always there while-” Haewon stopped talking and was frozen because of the sight she saw. 

There, she saw a red haired guy kissing a girl that looks exactly like her sister. She didn’t believe it at first. She thought that it was only her sister’s boyfriend, not her beloved Chunji. But when the guy moved a little bit to get the perfect angle to kiss Junghye, Haewon’s world came crashing down. All she remembered was being kissed by her ex-boyfriend’s bestfriend and continuously shedding tears.

Her lips trembled as she wiped her tears away. How could Chunji even do that to her? She blankly stared at the wall and proceeded to her work.

After what happened a week ago, Haewon did all sorts of things to make herself busy; to take her mind away from what happened, from that nightmare. She studied harder by staying at the school library at 6 during weekdays and working overtime at her part time work every weekends. Chunji seriously broke her heart and whenever she’d think of him, she can’t stop herself from releasing tears. It was all too painful. Well, you can’t blame her because Chunji’s her first love.

As she wiped tables, her hands were trembling and her eyes are no longer shining. She seriously needs rest but she refused to. Myungsoo, who was aware of what she’s doing to herself kept on helping her. Without Chunji in the picture, someone needs to catch the falling angel, someone needs to catch Haewon and make her stand up again.

Myungsoo was looking at her. He would always do this, check up on her every once in awhile. He can’t help it. This girl is so important to him. But why?

Myungsoo isn’t the type of person that talks too much, neither the type of person to give special treatment to you. He’s not the type of person to voluntary request to be your ‘temporary’ boyfriend. Something is surely up if he did those things. Let’s say, after the confrontation, he realized that he has feelings for Haewon, he was just too caught up that’s why he didn’t notice. He only noticed it when he realized what he did for her. Usually, he’d just stay at the borders and watch two people fight for all he care, but this time, he took charge and fought for her. Haewon changed him, but in a good way.

It hurted Myungsoo so much. He can’t be with her because he wants her to have some space. Haewon wanted to have some space to regain herself that’s why she drowned herself in her work and studies. Myungsoo wanted to be with her. He wanted to be with her side and tell her that everything’s gonna be alright.



Haewon sighed and continued on wiping the counter. She was tired, she admit it, but she wants to continue on taking her mind off things. *I should rest, resting a bit wouldn’t hurt.* But as she turned around, she met eyes with a handsome dirty blonde. He smiled warmly at her. Haewon just looked at him with widen eyes and blinked. “C-can I do something for you?” He was awfully close to her. If Haewon would tiptoe a little bit, she could kiss him.

The guy noticed Haewon’s uneasiness and backed away a few centimeters from her. He chuckled. “I should be asking you that. Can I do something for you?” The guy replied. Haewon looked at the guy’s clothes. He wasn’t wearing the café’s employee uniform, why on earth is he asking her if she needs help?

“I work here.” She simply said. “What about you? Do you work here? Are you new? Why aren’t you wearing the café’s employee uniform?” She threw a lot of questions at him. The guy just chuckled, amused by the girl he just met.

“First of all, Yes. I do work here. No, I am not new. And lastly, I’m not wearing the uniform because I’m not an employee.” The dirty blonde said.

Haewon tilted her head in curiosity and squinted her eyes. “Then, what are you?” The guy once again chuckled and ruffled her hair. Haewon’s eyes widen in surprise. She just met him and now he’s acting as if they’re friends?! “I’m the owner’s son. This café will soon be mine after appa retires.”

“You’re Mr. Lee’s son?” The young man nodded and looked at Haewon. “You seem tired, you should take a break.” He said as he observed Haewon’s features. He saw bags under her once glistening eyes, She looks sort of pale too. Her hair looks like a birds' nest but there something about Haewon that made him fascinated in her. The young man’s eyes landed on her name tag. *Choi Haewon. I've got the right girl.*

Haewon still looked at the man weirdly. Why was her soon-to-be boss tell her to take a break? That was very unusual. The guy looked at her and noticed her weird look. “What? I’m just taking care of my soon-to-be employees. I don’t want any of you to get sick. Hmmm… why don’t you take the day off and rest? I’ll explain everything to appa later. You seem hardworking so I guess he’ll let it pass.” Haewon shook her head in disapproval. “Aniyo. You don’t need to do this, -Wait. I still didn’t catch your name. May I know what it is?” The young man chuckled and smiled. “I’m Lee Byunghun but my friends call me L.Joe.” Haewon seemed puzzled but nodded anyways.

“My name’s-“ “Haewon. Choi Haewon.” Haewon gave Byunghun a ‘how-did-you-know’ look. Byunghun pointed at her name tag. She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Byunghun pushed her to the employees room to let her get her things and leave but Haewon protested and held back. “C’mon, don’t be like this. You deserve a day off.” “B-but-“ “No buts. Just be a good employee and follow your boss.” *You’re not even my boss.* Haewon pouted. Byunghun saw her cute little pout and softened. It makes him want to pinch her cheeks but he doesn’t want to rush things. He just met her, he doesn’t want go on the next stage of friendship and startle her. He knows how fragile Haewon is. He knows her story but how?

At last, Byunghun finally convinced her to take her day off. She sulked as she went out of the café. Byunghun watched her actions and chuckled to himself. *How could he let go of something so precious like her? Pabo.* Byunghun sighed and began to work.


Myungsoo was watching everything from a far. He was thankful that the café has glass walls and doors. It was easy to look out for Haewon.

His hand formed in to a fist as he saw Haewon share a moment with the blonde dude. He wanted to be the guy that can push her to things but he’s afraid if he kept on pushing her, she’ll get angry at him and ignore him.

He spotted Haewon walking away from the café in her regular clothes. Since he didn’t hear Byunghun and Haewon’s conversation, he thought that she was early today. The young man made his way to her. His heart beat getting faster and faster as his distance with her is closing. Finally, he grabbed her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze. Haewon turned around and saw someone who is so important to her.

She gave him a smile. “Annyeong oppa! What brings you here?” Myungsoo felt a tiny bit of load taken away from him. He always loved seeing her smile. It makes him think that she’s slowly moving on and now is, happy. But that wasn’t the same smile she puts on when she was still her old self.

“I was just walking around and I saw you.” He lied. “So, why are you so early today? I thought your shift will end at 6 pm. It’s just 12 noon. Did anything happen?” Haewon pouted at the thought. She likes to work but her soon-to-be boss stopped her. “Some bastard told me to stop working and told me to take this day as my day off.” She sighed and looked at him. He chuckled. “Do you want me to take care of him?” Haewon giggled and childishly nodded. “Aigoo~ Such a choding.” Myungsoo received a slap at his arm. Myungsoo pouted as Haewon released a cute giggle. *It’s alright getting hurt as long as you’ll be happy.*

Soon, the two were walking at the streets of Kangnam, side by side. Haewon was enjoying her ice cream while Myungsoo is holding her bag. They looked like a real couple. Myungsoo turned to look at his side to sneak a glance at Haewon. She was adorable at how she sips the end of the ice cream’s cone. He chuckled and diverted his attention to where they were going.

The two felt each other’s hands touching each other. Myungsoo’s heart skipped a beat while Haewon just blushed and looked at away. Before Haewon could yank her hand away, Myungsoo held it tight. She felt a fuzzy feeling in her insides. He heart was beating faster. It was unusual. *What is this I am feeling? It’s been a while since I last felt this.* She looked at his hands holding her and blushed. She smiled.

Myungsoo saw her reaction and looked away. *That’s right, Haewon. Move on and be happy with me.*


After the so called date with Myungsoo, Haewon went back to her old self. She was inspired and happy as ever. Byunghun noticed her change and was glad about this. She, too, became much more determined in working. Just by thinking about Myungsoo makes her want to strive more.

It’s been almost a month now. Byunghun and Haewon are becoming closer and closer. They talk often and Byunghun understands her. It felt different because she just met him and he can understand her. There was something up about him.

The two were on a break and were casually talking like they usually are. Byunghun was sipping his coffee and was looking at her. He’s been meaning to ask this to her. He was having a debate mentally whether to do this or not. Meanwhile, Haewon was just talking to Myungsoo through text messages. She would smile every now and then. Byunghun thought that now she’s happy, it should be the right time to ask.

“Haewon-ssi?” Haewon looked up. He played with his fingers. “Are you happy now?” Haewon gave him a confused look. “Err... I guess? Why did you asked Byunghun-ssi?” Byunghun sighed. “Chunji. Does that ring a bell?” Haewon felt her insides turn. It’s been so long since she last heard of that name.

She swallowed hard and looked at Byunghun. “Chunji… he changed. He was so sorry of what he had done to you. He loves you very much. He was just attracted to Junghye, that’s why. Please give Chunji another chance. Please. I am begging you.” Haewon didn’t know how to react. After what happened, he still loves her.

Haewon felt her cheeks getting wet. She touched her cheek and realized she was crying. After Byunghun’s confession, her heart stopped screaming for Myungsoo and began to scream for Chunji. She loves Chunji very much and she thinks, no one in this world can take his place.

“Where is he? What's your relationship with him?” Byunghun’s eyes widen but he smiled. “He's my very close cousin. He told me you’ll never cry again. He promise to take care of you and only set his eyes for you.” Haewon softened and nodded. “Here’s his number.” Byunghun gave Haewon Chunji’s number. She immediately called him. All she could hear was his voice begging for forgiveness. Haewon softened. She missed his voice so badly. She missed it when he will sing for her. But now, she’s confident that one of those days will come back.


After a week or so, Myungsoo finally got the time to look after Haewon. As usual, he waited outside the café. He looked at his watch and it was almost 6pm. Myungsoo saw through the glass that Haewon was wearing her beautiful smile. Myungsoo smiled in contentment.

Today was the day he’ll confess to her. Today is the day he’ll tell her everything what’s going on his mind. Today is the day he’ll tell her he loves her. Myungsoo looked at the rose in his hands and smiled.

Finally, Haewon came out of the café in casual clothes, still wearing that smile of hers. Myungsoo stood up to go to her but something stopped him from doing so.

He saw a tall figure with dark red hair approaching her. Haewon’s smile became wider and brighter. She hugged the person and kissed him in the cheek. Myungsoo’s heart ached. *W-what is he doing here?* Myungsoo tightly held on to his chest and felt his heart break. The rose he was holding suddenly fell to the ground. Soon, tears were streaming down his gorgeous eyes. He tried to smile as he watched Haewon walk away with the guy.

*I didn’t know you’ll come back, Chunji.* More tears streamed down his cheeks. *It’s alright to get hurt as long as she’s happy.* Myungsoo weakly smiled and went home, heartbroken.



Care for a Three-quel ? XD I was thinking about it though.

Let's see~ 

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Please don't kill me! /hides/ I'll do a three-quel ! I promise ! Please give me more time ! TT~TT


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Chapter 1: Omygod!! It's alright to get hurt as long as she's happy??!!! That the sweetest thing i ever heard!!

Where did her sister go??
Chapter 1: make a sequel for this sequel x)
_-Sumin #3
Chapter 1: moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 1: Yes yes! And make Chunji cheat to her again so that she'll be with Myungsoo. Kekekeke~
readingglass #5
amazing story!!
Chapter 1: Yes you make another sequel. Omg poor Myungsoo :(
Chapter 1: ANOTHER!!!!!
phamie_gracela #8
trilogy please :)