We Are All Sinners

The Seven DEADLY Sins




“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers” A voice called out. Everything was really cloudy and a thing could not be seen.


Seven teenagers were summoned in a place somewhere between the heaven and hell. They have committed the seven deadly sins which the God will not forgive; Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride as the root of all sins.


“All of you were supposed to suffer in hell because of your sins, but God gave you a chance …”


“So that means there are others here too?” A voice of a lad could be heard.


Suddenly the fog disappeared. Everyone saw each other’s faces and started asking of why are they in this unknown place.


“Lee Joon…” As the voice called out of nowhere, a projection could be seen of how he died because of his sin.


Lee Joon (18 years old)- Cause of death-


Joon was fond of watching ographies ever since he was eleven. Now that he's 18, he goes to club and sleep with girls (with no commitment)at least twice a week. He grew addicted to it. A friend told him to get an STD test; thinking that he may have acquired the disease, he took the test. The personnel told him that he need to wait 5 years to get the accurate result. He knew that STD's don't have a cure. Joon was in deep despair,; many days past he grew weaker and committed suicide.


Lee Joon could not believe his eyes. |Am I in hell already?| Everyone was quiet; it seems that they can relate with what happened to him.


“Lee Jinki…”


“Ww-wait! I died due to diabetes! I don’t want to see myself die!” Jinki complained. It was obvious that he was lying about how he died. He covered his face with his hands as the rest watched the scene of how he died.


Lee Jinki (18 years old)-Cause of death-


Lee Jinki eats anything to the extreme especially those fried crispy chicken. He always locks himself in his room and drowns himself with foods and drinks. He believes that ‘too much is not enough'. Choked on a chicken bone and died.


Everyone laughed, “How could he choke on a chicken bone?!” |It was more embarrassing than mine| Lee Joon thought.


“Yah! That bone was big as your dad’s d**k!” He retorted.


“Jung Jinyoung…”


“Can I be the last?!” Jinyoung complained. Nobody answered him. He shrugged and just watched his live-action kind of drama.


Jung Jinyoung (18 years old)-Cause of death-


JinYoung came from a poor family. He treasures everything that he has but doesn't want to share it with others. He wants money more than anything. On a Friday night, he was bribed to steal something in exchange for money.He was framed and was caught in the act by the police. He was shot straight on the chest when he tried to escape.


“Lee Ki-kwang…”


“It’s Lee Gi-kwang… how could you murder my name… Such a drag…” Ki-kwang yawned.


Lee Gi-Kwang (18 years old)-Cause of death-


His parents died in a car accident, since then he was living alone. His laziness upgraded to another level. The time came where he has nothing to eat, he was too lazy to get his up on the bed; he died due to dehydration.


“You’re at my level…” Jinki smirked and elbowed him. Gi-kwang was about to yell at him but he was too lazy to do that.


“Kim Jong In…”


Jong In clenched his fist, “Stop it!” He couldn’t control his anger. The others were surprised by his actions. “Damn it! Where are you?!” He started shouting as he punches the smoky air. Myungsoo on the other hand couldn’t stand his noise anymore.


“Shut your filthy mouth, peasant!” Myungsoo covered his ears, provoking Kai to pull him up by the collar. “How dare you?!” Kai punched him on the cheek. He fell on the floor while touching his cheek, “I can’t stand low-life people like you! your existence!”


Kai was about to punch him again but Jinki stopped him, “Stop fighting, it will make your situation worse.”


“Shut up! And choke on a fish bone!” Kai pushed him on the ground. Jinki got up and seek for Gi-kwang’s help. “I’m too tired, you can do it!” Jinki sighed and didn’t do anything. |Am I the only normal here?|


Kai stopped when the air formed into a scene of his death…


Kim Jong In (18 years old)-Cause of death-   Kai


Kai's girlfriend was a victim of . She filed a case against the alleged suspect. The judge was bribed and the defendant was proclaimed not guilty of the accusation. Kai couldn't accept the fact that they were cheated and went for revenge; he tried to kill the man but ended up getting ganged up and killed.


Everyone felt sorry for him except for Myungsoo, “You should stop seeing the girl when she is already ed up by men!” He started laughing. Everyone felt that Myungsoo was heartless for saying those harsh words. Kai dashed towards him with flaming anger.


This time, Jinyoung and Jinki stopped Kai from attacking Myungsoo.


“Stop making things worse!” Joon pulled Myungsoo towards the corner. “Why did you touch me? Ugh! Stop spreading your virus on me!” He brushed his hand where Joon held him.  Before everything would come to its end, a strong wind came by and pulled them up and down.


“Why was I dragged into this mess?” Kwangmin rubbed his . Everyone kept quiet.


“Kwangmin…” A voice called.


Jo Kwangmin (18 years old)-Cause of death-


Kwangmin has a twin brother named Youngmin. Youngmin was favored by his parents because he is bright and very respectful towards his elders. Kwangmin was disregarded and was pushed aside. 'If only he was born as Youngmin' He always thought. He planned to kill Youngmin but regretted it in the end. He hated himself for thinking that way; he killed himself.


Kwangmin turned around to see everybody’s reaction but they a blank expression on their faces. |No comment|


“I always thought mine was a tragic story…” He mumbled.


“My turn…” Myungsoo got up with a smirk on his face.


|We’ll be glad to see you get brutally killed by ninjas!|, they thought.


Kim Myungsoo (18 years old)-Cause of death-


The most famous Kingka of Woolim Academy. He believes that he is above all humanity. He seeks compliments from other people; Yes, I am the most handsome. He never acknowledge the existence of God; he would never lower himself for he is the 'Almighty L' <--- That’s what he call himself. The other school's Kingka was jealous of him; he and his friends saw Myungsoo walking towards his car. While Myungsoo was complimenting himself, someone hit his head with a bat. He was magnificently murdered and was forgotten.


“It didn’t hurt much, just a scratch on the head…” Myungsoo laughed. |May God torment this sinner|, they thought.


“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”  The voice called out again. They stopped cursing Myungsoo and listened to what the air has to say.


“So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with ual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.  Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming.”


“So what do we do now?” Joon asked.


“This girl will teach you everything…” The clouds formed into a scene where there is a girl who is alone in the middle of the classroom while everyone was busy chitchatting with their friends. Everyone has a question written on their faces. “You want us to become loners?” Myungsoo gave a disgusted face. Everyone nodded except for Joon and Kai who were insulted earlier.


“Those souls who did not fulfill God’s wishes will be tormented in hell for eternity.” Suddenly cries of suffering could be heard all over the place. |Eternity|    |Eternity|     |Eternity|     |Eternity|    |Eternity|    |Eternity|    |Eternity|


“Help! Help!”


“W-wait! So we need to find this girl?” Joon hoped for a solution for him to die peacefully and go to heaven.




Everyone stared at the girl’s face for awhile.


“She looks familiar…”


“Judging from her uniform, she must be from Yong Nam High School…” Myungsoo tapped his chin with his index finger; The Almighty L knows no boundaries.


Myungsoo smirked when all the attention was on him, “How did you know that?”


“They’re the ones who killed me; let’s see their faces once they know that I came back from life!” His laugh was pure evil.


“Your time is up…”


“People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.”


With just one snap, they returned back to earth with the conditions on their unknown mission:



T . I  . R . E . D

Please tell me what you think 'bout this chap^^





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pls update! c:
The first chap is good!
tatokki0927 #3
EggYeol #4
Update soon pleasee ^^
JayStar #5
Sounds awesome! Update soon ^^
wa! that was an AWESOME start =D
Cnt wait!!!!!!^^
so nice...can't wait for the next chap...
infinitemask #9
wow it was so detailed! I like it :D