Back Then

My Screwed Up Life

~~ November of 2010~~ 

"Hi __________!" Jiyong greeted me as he walked pass me and walked into the front gates of our school. Jiyong and I had a lot of classes together, so we talked here and there about our classes, how much we hate Mr.Chang our science teacher, and homework. Jiyong is really nice and he has a lot of friends like Junsu, Seunghyun, Little Seunghyun, Daesung, Youngbae, Yunho, Jaejoong, Dara, Bom, and I could go on for hours! 

"Hey Jiyong!" I greet back while waving with a big smile on my face. 

"_________!!" I turn around to see my best friend Jiyeon. Jiyeon and I have been friends ever since I can remember. We're practically sisters.

"Hey Jiyeon! What's up?" I greet her as we walk to class together. "Anything new??" 

"Oh.My.Gosh. YES! You wouldn't believe it!!" She yells loud enough for me to jump back in surprise. 

"What? What?" I ask her eager to know if she got asked out by Jiyong or not. *Please don't say yes. Please don't say that he asked you out.*

"HE ASKED ME OUT!!" She screams in joy and jumps on me for a bear hug. 

"Oh my gosh Jiyeon! YAAY!!" I yell as I hug her back.  *Of course he would. Who doesn't want Jiyeon?*

"OKAY class! Settle Down!" Mr.Chang yells as he walks into the class room wearing his bright yellow, red, and green shoes. 

Jiyong turns around and we look at each other stifling our laughs. This happens whenever Mr.Chang wears his "Traffic Light" shoes. When me and Jiyong used to sit next to each other, we would make fun of Mr.Chang whenever he wore them. I look back at Jiyong with a mischievous glint in my eyes and his, and we both end up laughing silently till our stomachs hurt. 

"_______! What are you doing? What's so funny?" Jiyeon asks me with a confused look on her face. 

"" I barely make out those words after I'm finished laughing finally. Those were the times that I cherish so much. The fact that Jiyong and I have an inside joke together, an inside joke that Jiyeon didn't even know about.. 

Those were the good days... 

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