Those Two

when donghae's mom speaks up

It was a fine morning to begin with.

Nonetheless, it was quite a rare scenery if you looked up at one specific floor at a well-built apartment where a set of twins gold, shining number 1hanging brightly on the front door. Yes, it’s the 11th floor. One of two dorms belonged to a biggest guy group in K-pop history.


What made it out of ordinary then, you ask?

Well, let’s say even if they were—by now—almost a dozen of big boys made up the group, the dorms were rarely ever so live since they’d usually have way different schedules that makes them get on and off bed in various hour each day. Therefore, it sure was quite a view to see the said floor became more lively than anyone could remember as there’re not only the boys living on that particular dorm but also the boys from a floor above has been gathering around the dining table at the moment—chattering while munching their breakfast noisily.

Apparently, the loving eternal maknae of the group had purposely made double amount of breakfast since he’s really happy for the fact that that day all of them would finally make appearance in a show together again after a long time. It took only seven minutes or so to gather everyone in the dining room after he called the 12th floor and waking up the remaining members in the 11th floor itself. It’s not really a surprise though—it’s been a while since they have a morning off together, let alone Ryeowook’s cooking on the line.

He looked around with content smile as he laid the last dish on the table, but then a frown had quickly erased the smile off his face when he noticed something off. He silently counted in his head while looking at the chattering boys one by one.

Where’re those two?


“Teuki-hyung, is Donghae still sleeping? Why hasn’t he showed up yet?” That was Siwon, asking the leader for his roommate absent presence before looked up at him, ”Oh, and where’s Hyukkie by the way?”

But before Leeteuk could even part his lips from the coffee cup he’s currently sipping, Heechul already answered the question for him, “He was not even sleeping in our dorm lastnight, I bet he’s still in his happy-fluffy dreamland with his bestfriend right now” and ended it with his usual obnoxious smirk.

That one sentence coming from the second eldest of the group was enough to answer both of Siwon’s question..


Ah, Donghae-hyung must’ve been sleeping with Eunhyuk-hyung again.

Why I didn’t see him when I waking up the members earlier then?

As those thought crossed his mind, the observant petite maknae had not missed a mere glance the leader threw towards Heechul. It looked almost like he’s annoyed at the later casual words. But no one else seemed to noticed as they were busy with the breakfast and their own conversing—not that it’s the first time those two bubbly members slipping out together from such occasion either.

Ryeowook decided to shrug it off and get himself a plate of food after take a seat beside Sungmin who flashed him a bright smile he interpreted as a morning greeting. Then they began to engage in a light conversation about how they were looking forward to the show they would be tapping that evening. However, as minutes passed Ryeowook’d noticed how the loads amount of food decreasing gradually. He’s starting to worry about his two hyungs not showing up before everyone else finished all the food. Not that he’s unwilling to have another round of cooking for his beloved hyungs, but he knew better how Donghae would be fussy over such a silly matter.

He was about to get up from his sit when he heard Leeteuk spoke,

“Kyu, go wake Eunhyuk and Donghae up before all the food had moved to Shindong’s tummy” The leader nudged Kyuhyun who’s sitting next to him.

Everyone else laughed at the statement—even Shindong himself—as the real maknae merely groaned, earning a stern glare from a certain bunny hyung across him that not liking his lack of respect behavior.

“Let me do it, hyung. I’m about to anyway,” Ryeowook smiled to the leader as he got up.

“Sure. Thanks, Wookie” Leeteuk returned his smile with his dimples-peeking one.


As he’s walking down the hallway towards Eunhyuk’s room, he sensed another presence trotting behind him. He couldn’t help letting out giggles when he looked over his shoulder just to find Kyuhyun following him along.

“Getting away from Sungmin-hyung’s scolding glare?” He asked Kyuhyun rhetorically. The later just scoffed nonchalantly as an answer. 

Eventually, they’d arrived in front of a door at the very end of the hallway.

Ryeowook held his right hand up and was ready to knock when he heard some muffled groans and hums coming from another side of the door, stopping him on his track. He widened his eyes and glanced up at Kyuhyun beside him only to find the latter mere frown for a second before it’d turned into a mischievous smirk. And before he could stop him, the evil maknae had already turned the doorknob and let the door widely open without even knocking. He was about to scold Kyuhyun for his not-so polite action, but then hold himself on as the sight before his eyes amused him.

There, on the bed, Eunhyuk was struggling to get up—messing the bed sheet as it tangled even more around him in the process. It seemed like something really strong was holding him back everytime he tried to get up—or better, someone, for the two maknae could finally recognized the shape of a head from a bunch of brunette hair peeking out from the tangled sheet and between the dancer shoulder blades.

No wonder I didn’t see Donghae-hyung earlier, Ryeowook thought.

The muffling groans they heard from just now were actually coming from Eunhyuk that still struggling and groaning inaudible protests, obviously has yet realize the presence of the two intruders in his room.

All the maknaes could make out from Eunhyuk’s muffling protests were,

“Hae, let go..” 

“..Wookie.. breakfast.. time.. wake up..”

Oh, so he knew when I woke him up earlier, Ryeowook thought at the mention of his name.

“Donghae.. seriously.. get off me..”


“..Hae.. breath..”



Finally, Eunhyuk pried Donghae’s grip off him as he forcefully sitting himself up. He then looked up, noticing the now grinning boys standing by his door.

“Kyuhyun..? Ryeowook..?” Were all he could managed to say between his catching breaths.

“You noticed us at last?” Kyuhyun scoffed.

Eunhyuk had just opened his mouth to ask something but got distracted as he felt an annoyingly familiar hand tugging on his wrist. Then a hoarse morning voice spoke—wait, more likely whined, “Hyuk, let’s just sleep a bit more.. it’s still early. We’ve a morning off anyway..”

The maknaes had barely noticed a faint blush creeping up the dancer cheeks for a second before he’d returned to his playful self, shoving his bestfriend’s hand and yelling a “Just wake up already!” right in front of his ear. Just to earns another whine from the still oblivious Donghae.

“Obviously, someone’s still in his little happy-fluffy dreamland as Heechul would say..” Kyuhyun muttered—purposely loud—to himself, brought not only Eunhyuk attention back this time, but also succeed in making Donghae finally noticed his presence. Donghae scratched his head with one hand while the other was supporting himself up to a sitting position.

“Kyuhyun? Ah.. Wookie, you too..? What’re you guys doing here by the way?”

Donghae voiced out the question Eunhyuk’d failed to ask just a moment ago.

“Waking you guys up of course! You two never showed up after I woke you up a moment ago,” This time, Ryeowook choose to answer Donghae’s question before the evil maknae came up with another assertive words of his.

“I’ve made some breakfast earlier, and Leeteuk-hyung wanted to make sure you two would get some before the others finish them all.” He continued.


“Leeteuk-hyung? He’s here?” Eunhyuk asked as he getting off the bed.

”Not only him, but all the members are currently having breakfast on the dining table. So hurry, hyungs!” Said Ryeowook with a smile.

“Or else you two still can’t get enough with your alone time? We’ll understand, really~”

Of course, it’s Kyuhyun and his snarky comments.


Eunhyuk just rolled his eyes at the evil maknae before turned to Ryeowook again, “I was about to anyway, but this fish just wouldn’t let me go,” He motioned towards Donghae that still sat on his bed, half covered in the messy bed sheets.

The said boy just smiled harmlessly at him, either ignoring or really unaware to his remark.

“Then let’s go! What else do you wait?” Kyuhyun grunted.

 Eunhyuk just ignored that as he spoke to Donghae,

“Let’s go, Hae! I’m hungry”

He then started walking towards the door just to be held by his wrist, again.

Donghae..” Eunhyuk scowled. He was about to turn to his friend again in irritation but then groaned when Donghae suddenly lunched himself onto his back.

“Giddy up!” Donghae spoke with a grin, made him groaned yet again.

Ryeowook was smiling amusedly at their little scene while Kyuhyun muttering, “I felt like throwing up”

Then they started making their way back to the kitchen, leaving the still groaning Eunhyuk and giggling Donghae behind.




Super Junior’s now in the waiting room, getting ready for recording the show where they would be a special guest for that particular episode. Siwon, Yesung, and Leeteuk were getting their make-up and hair done (Leeteuk was obviously zoned on and off his consciousness as the stylist worked on his hair) while Sungmin and Shindong were engaged in some random conversation. Heechul was out by himself, most probably lurking around to other artists’ waiting room like usual. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook were both sitting on the couch, a game console was in the evil maknae’s hands. Opposite them were Eunhyuk and Donghae, and clearly Donghae was messing with Eunhyuk—or rather bugging him with something.

Ryeowook—had nothing better to do—let his eyes wandered around the room, observing everyone actions before fixating his gaze on the two hyungs opposite him.

It’d always amazed him at how those two could be that matched with each other.

A mere glance and one could tell—though would barely understand—how different they were when they both together. The actions. The smiles. The laughs. Even the mere frowns. Those were just.. different. Well, different but identical.

I never recalled Hyuk-hyung had ever acted that way towards anyone, Ryeowook thought as he saw the dancer frowned as he obviously pretending like he was bothered with whatever Donghae’s blabbering about.

Eunhyuk has always been someone who’s hard for one to figure out. He’s really fun but could be mature at times, and he tended to keep his problems to himself. But with Donghae, he could be more than a fun friend.

While Donghae..

Ah, that whiny-whiny hyung..Ryeowook giggled at his own thought as he diverted his attention to Donghae, who was whining while clutching the dancer right arm—trying desperately to get Eunhyuk to do or say something, who knows?

Donghae, on the other hand, was someone that really easy to read. He always let whatever he felt at the moment known by people around him. And he could be really childish at times—not that it was a secret, really. But in front of Eunhyuk, he could be ten folded more immature than he already was. Just like he’s been acting right now..

Eunhyuk and Donghae.. Together, they could be a source of headache for the other members. They tended to create mischief and pranks, but only when they both were together. If not, they could be just like now, bickering over nothing while totally ignored their surroundings—created their own Eunhae’s world, like Kyuhyun’d quoted.

Seriously, the only comparison that could be match to those two was a set of identical twins with identical mindset.

But again, something that made the observant maknae so intrigued with those two hyungs of him was—


“Quite staring, Wook, or your eyes would be loose their innocence.”

Ryeowook’s train of thought was cut off abruptly when he heard the sudden voices right in front of his right ear. Looking to his side, he found Heechul leaning on the arm rest while looking at him amusedly.

Since when did he sit beside me?

Recalled the other words, Ryeowook tilted his head questioningly at his feline hyung, “What do you mean, hyung?”

Heechul merely shrugged at the question and instead asked the latter, “What did you staring at anyway? Found something interesting?” He then smirked.

“No,” Ryeowook shook his head before adding, “It’s just.. those two” He motioned towards the two still-bickering figures across from them.

Heechul raised a brow at him, silently demanded him to continue his words.

“Haven’t you noticed.. any differences between those two, hyung?”

Again, instead of answering, Heechul asked him back with an incoherent “Like what?”

“I’m not sure.. but I kinda noticed,” He started in a low tune, “Ever since Donghae-hyung came back from Taiwan, he seemed so.. clingy to Hyuk-hyung.”

“You mean even more clingy than he already was?” A voice retorted from his left side, and he knew who it was even before turning his gaze to the latter. When Ryeowook turned to his left anyway, he met Kyuhyun’s evil smirk as the latter looked up from his game console.

But before he could say a thing, Heechul’d already spoken as the latter raised a brow at the smirking maknae.

“Have a say, maknae?”

“Nothing. Something. Everything.” Kyuhyun shrugged, actually had a nerve to mess with the almighty Kim Heechul.

“No one speaks to me in riddles, brat!”

“I’m not.” Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders once more, “Just stating a plain truth. Everything I’d found out would be nothing compared to what hyung’d known, am I wrong?”

“You got a point, maknae. Of course, Kim Heechul knew better.” Responded Heechul, looking somehow satisfied at the maknae statement.


"Guys, you do know that I can't keep up with that style of conversation, don't you? And to think that I'm the one who's asking in the first place." The forgotten eternal maknae finally spoke out in an unconvincving irritated voices,

Both Heechul and Kyuhyun then looked at the frowning Ryeowook before they exchanged a knowing smirk. but right before they opened their mouth, a loud shouting voices rang through the small room, making all attentions turned to the source of the voice.

And there stood a scowling Donghae in the middle of the room, the confused looking Eunhyuk right beside him.

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Chapter 1: The first chapter caught my attention already ^^ im anticipating the next updates :)
Fanaeh #2
the waking up scene is so cute!!!
can't wait for next!!
Looking forward for more!!!!
this is interesting...h
new reader ! i find this interesting ! update soooon :)))
brattygurl #5
New reader here. I can't tell if Hyuk and Hae are already together or if Hae likes Hyuk while Hyuk thinks of Hae as a friend only. They act like a couple but Hyuk seems to treat Hae like a friend.

Innocent Ryeowook observing the couple while Heechul and Kyuhyun already coming to their own conclusions about the couple.

I wonder what Hyuk said that upset Hae. I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter.
omo!! this is realy interesting!! ^^ pls! update soon!
EmiliaH33 #7
Please please please update sooon!!!! <3
want to read it ^^ it sounds really interresting :D