Mystery Behind Jessica's Appearance

The Mystery Behind Jessica's Appearance [[ONE-SHOT]]


Onew’s POV

After solving the mystery of the missing jewelry, we looked up the girl we saw and it turns out, she was the most beautiful girl back in 1910.

But, why would she help us solve the mystery? She was the reason we were able to solve the mystery in the first place.


“We should go back and look for her.”Minho, who’s looking at the pictures he took of her, said.
“What for?” Taemin asked.
“To find out why she showed herself to us.” Minho replied. “Like, why she showed up, why she helped us solve the mystery, why she was there in the first place.”
“Minho’s got a point.”
Onew said. “Ever since I saw her, it’s been bugging me to find out who she is.”
“Jessica Jung. Born in April 18, 1889.”
Key, who was just typing something, read from his laptop screen. “She has a partner and best friend. Taeyeon Kim. Born a month before her, March 09, 1889.”
The other then gathered over to him. “They were both one of the happiest people until a very horrible event occurred.” Jonghyun read. “Taeyeon Kim was found dead in their office in December 15, 1909.” All of them gasped. “Many investigators and agents investigated and concluded that it was a suicide.” They finished reading the report.
“Wow. She must be very devastated.”
Minho grabbed his stuff and walked to the door.
“Yah, Choi Minho! Where are you going?!” Onew yelled.
“Back to the crime scene.” He replied before completely walking out the door. The others just grabbed their stuff and walked out and followed Minho without any hesitation.

When they arrived back at the crime scene, the museum, they started looking at the same places where they saw her. Meaning, they split up and went back to where they found clues.

“Jessica Jung?”Onew yelled, hoping she would hear. “We just want to ask a few questions.”
She appeared in front of him, right on the spot where Onew saw her, and then disappeared the second after. Onew tried to chase her but she disappeared into thin air.

“Ms. Jung?”Taemin asked while looking around. “Please… I need some answers.”
Jessica appeared in yet again the same spot he saw her. She then disappeared the second Taemin saw her.

“We just want to ask you something.”Key said politely, hoping he is talking to someone. He, yet again, felt something behind him, but when he turned around, nothing happened.

“We want to know why you helped us.”Jonghyun said. Jessica appeared a few metres from beside him. Just like the first time, but this time, she didn’t disappear until Jonghyun saw her. She ran away and Jonghyun tried to chase her but she disappeared.

“You seem down.”Minho said. “According to the pictures I took, it seemed like you had some kind of frown.” Minho then looked through his camera and Jessica appeared. When he moved his camera away, she disappeared.

They all walked around and ended up meeting in the hallway.

“You guys see her?”Onew asked.
“No luck, here. I only felt something behind me.” Key replied.
“I saw her through my camera.” Minho replied as well.
“I saw her but she disappeared when I saw her. What about you, hyung?” Taemin asked. “When I tried to touch her, she disappeared.”
“I saw her. She ran away when I walked over to her so I chased her and then she disappeared.”
“There’s something I don’t get.”
“Well, I’m confused at everything.”
“When we talk to her, she appears. But when we try to see her or touch her, she disappears. What does she want?”
“We should just… go home.”
Onew said. The others just looked at him. “There’s one more place we haven’t checked.”
“Where is that, hyung?”
“Where we found the jewelry.”

They then went to the hidden place where they found the jewelry. But, they found nothing.

They sighed. “Maybe we should just… give up.” Key said.
“Alright! We don’t know what you want, but whatever it is, we have nothing to do with it!” Onew yelled and they all started to walk outside of the hidden place. Before they even reached the door, Jessica appeared, with her arms out, signing them not to leave. “No, please don’t leave.” She begged.
Their eyes widened when they saw her. Onew walked over to her. “Who are you and what do you want?” He asked. “You kept us wondering why you kept showing up.” He said with a serious voice.
“I’m sorry I startled you, I didn’t mean it.”
“So who are you?”
“I’m Jessica Jung.”
Jessica said.
“That, we already know.” Key said. “We also know you were born in April 18, 1889. Why do you keep coming back?”
“You read the report, didn’t you?”
“I have a partner.”
“We’ve heard about her. Taeyeon Kim, right? Your partner and best friend. It said she committed suicide.”
“Taeyeon enjoyed her life to the fullest. She’s one of the happiest girls I know.”
“What’s this got to do with us? What… what are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to say, I don’t think she has a reason to kill herself.”
“So you’re saying it was a homicide and that she was murdered?”
“Why would she kill herself?”
“Why would anyone want to kill her?”
“Well you know. People are mostly jealous of her. Rivalry and other things.” Jessica replied. “For almost a century now, I kept coming back. I can’t just leave yet. My bestfriend’s life was lost and she didn’t even get any justice.”
“We’re still a little bit lost.”
“Ever since it was concluded that she killed herself, I’ve known for sure she didn’t. Ever since she died, I’ve been trying to look for investigators who I know will be able to solve it.”
“So all those years, you kept coming back to find investigators?”
Jessica replied.
“But why did you help us recover the missing jewelry you once wore?”
“That jewelry was made by Taeyeon.”
“It is?” Jessica just nodded. “But how did you know it was there all along?”
“Because I’m the one who put it there.”
They exclaimed. “The jewelry that’s been missing for over a hundred years, you were the one who took it all along?”
“But why?”
“Having it missing, it would make authorities hire private and professional investigators to look for the jewelry. I did the same thing to them. I helped them but they couldn’t find it. That was until I found you guys. You were the first investigators to find it and the first ones to ever be brave enough to come back for me. That’s when I truly knew that you were the right investigators that can help me.”
Jessica explained. “Please. Put me out of my misery and solve my partner’s case. I cannot leave peacefully.”
“It’s a case that’s never been touched for more than a hundred years, who would believe us?”
“Please. I just need to know that she didn’t kill herself.”
“Hyung, she’s really loyal to her friend and she really cares for her.”
Taemin told Onew, who was looking at the floor and stood there frozen. He then looked up. “Alright.”
Jessica smiled. “Really? I knew I could count on you.”
“Except for one condition.”
Jessica’s smile faded.
“What is it?”
“You need to take a picture with us.”
“You were once a legend. You always will be. I just wanna make sure I get a souvenir.”
“Uhhh… alright.” She said. They then set Minho’s camera on timer and they ran over to Jessica and smiled. Jessica smiled as well. The camera clicked.
“Can we also get like a solo one with you?”
“Yeah, can we?” Taemin asked like a kid.
“I’m born in 1889. You’re talking to someone way older than you.” Jessica replied.
“Please, can we? Can we?” Taemin ignored her.
Jessica sighed. “Alright.”
They then took turns on taking a picture with her.

After their ‘photoshoot’

“Wait.”Onew asked.
“Your friend’s case has been over a hundred years.”
“Yeah, so?”
“The crime scene would’ve changed.”
Jessica looked down. She then looked up. “It’s our office.”
“We know that but-”
“No. That’s not what I meant.”
Jessica interrupted. “I meant, it’s our office. Since Taeyeon died there, they didn’t want it ruined or renovated so they left the room the way it was when they found her.”
“Then take us there.”

Jessica took them there and when they opened the door to the office, they coughed as they inhaled the dust coming from the room.

They started looking around and saw papers on the floor and broken glass. Some of the broken glass was from a picture frame, which was containing a picture of them two.

When Jessica saw the picture frame, she stared at it for a long time and started tearing up. She walked over to it and grabbed the broken picture frame from the ground and lifted it up. She then started crying.

The boys just looked the sobbing Jessica. Jonghyun, who was the nearest to her, walked over and held her shoulders. “Please don’t cry. We’ll find justice for your friend.”
“I know you would. It’s just that… her getting murdered lessened our time together.”
She said while sniffing and crying, her words were trembling. Jonghyun started rubbing her shoulders. “I’m sorry for your loss, Ms. Jung.”
“Please, call me Jessica.”
“But… you’re way older than us.”
“I passed away when I was your age. We’re about the same age.”
“Okay, then.”
He then looked at the others and yelled. “What’d ya’ find?” He then looked at Jessica. “I need to go and talk to them.”
Jessica sniffed and nodded. “Sure.”

“What’ve you got?”Jonghyun asked.
“Well, the papers and blood everywhere, which was covered by thick layers of paper, shows signs of struggle. Gosh, how could anyone not notice this? The windows are fully closed and the air conditioner seemed broken. There’s no way these papers would just be scattered on the ground by itself.”
“No. You see, before Taeyeon died, we had a fight.”
“A fight about what?”
“Okay then. Did the investigators know about your fight?”
“Explains why they thought this was a suicide.”
Key just said out of the blue, while holding a piece of paper.
“Scattered papers everywhere.”
Key said. He then showed the side of the paper he was holding where it’s got writing on it. “The blood everywhere can show signs of struggle. And… it can also show signs of torture.”
“It seems that she was forced to write this letter. Jessica, can you read it?”

“Uhh, yeah.” She said, then walking over to him.

Dear Jessica,

I’m sorry about our fight earlier. It was my fault. Please forgive me about what I’m about to do. Or in your case, what I just did.



Sincerely, Taeyeon

Jessica gasped.
“What’s wrong? It’s not her writing?”
“No. It is her writing.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“You know what that means?”
“What does it mean?”
“It’s our secret communication.”
Jessica replied. “Each number represents the order of a letter of the alphabet.”
“So… you’re saying that…”
Taemin started talking. “18 represent the 18th letter of the alphabet?”
Jessica said.
“18 equals R, 25 equals Y, 12 equals L, 5 equals E.” Minho said. “R-Y-L-E-E. Rylee?”
“Yes. Rylee.”
“I heard about her.”
Key said. “She and Taeyeon had the biggest rivalry back in the 1900s.”
“That is correct.”
Jonghyun said. “Their rivalry can be used for motive.”
“Then this case is solved.”
Minho said.
“But how do we prove that Taeyeon is murdered by her biggest rival?” Key questioned. “Other than this letter, there’s no other evidence proving she killed Taeyeon. Maybe she just wanted to tell something to Rylee. Having her name written using codes doesn’t mean she killed her.”
“But why else would she write her name in codes for?”
“I dunno. She was probably telling Rylee about her death or something. I mean, she could’ve been the number one suspect that time because of their rivalry. There’s a chance that she might’ve thought that the investigators would find her letter, use it as evidence and then Rylee will realize something.”
“But she could’ve just used Jessica’s name.”
“But she might’ve thought that since she can be the number one suspect of her death, and that their rivalry can also be used to lessen the suspicion that she killed her.”
“I’m lost.”
“I’m saying, people knowing about their great rivalry, it would make Rylee the number one suspect. But the killer could’ve known that Rylee can be the number one suspect due to their rivalry. That way, the blame was passed onto her. So I’m saying, the killer might’ve used that opportunity to get away with the murder.”
“You may be right.”

The grandfather’s clock in the office rang.
After a hundred years, that clock still works? Onew thought.
They looked at it and saw that it was already midnight. They then all yawned.
“I’m tired.” Taemin said.
“Me too. We should call it a day and just come back tomorrow.”
“It is already a day.”
Key said at the end.
“And we won’t be able to think in this condition. And we also can’t find anything.”
They then all went home.

But Key couldn’t sleep. So he decided to pass some time looking at the things they found in Taeyeon and Jessica’s office.

He was looking at the letter again, but the lights were off since the others doesn’t like the lights at night, so he was using his flashlight.

When he the flashlight and put it on the letter, he saw something and his eyes widened.

He ran upstairs and woke up the others.

He kept shaking them and yelling at them. “Yah! Yah! Wake up! Yah! Come on, guys! Wake up! This is important! Come on!”
“Ai~ Key~”
Jonghyun whined. He then covered his head with a pillow.
“Yah!” Key yelled. Then he didn’t move. None of them moved. Their room is filled with silence.
“I found something in the letter!” They stood up the second Key said what he just said. They all got up from their beds and ran downstairs.

“What is it you found?”
Key said, flashing his flashlight on the letter again. Their eyes widened.

When they flashed the flashlight on the paper, underneath the number coded name, there’s writing on it.

“Jessica? Are you there?”
“Ai, hyung~ Why are you calling her here? She won’t be here.”
Taemin told Jonghyun.

Just so suddenly, Jessica appeared behind them. “I’m here.”
They turned around, shocked. “Oh my god, you scared me.”
Jessica apologized. “Now, why were you calling me?”
Key handed her the paper and Jessica just looked at him, confused. Key then shone the light of the flashlight on the paper. Jessica’s eyes widened.

“How is that possible, Jessica?”Onew asked. “How come we only see it at night?”
“That’s not it.”
Jessica said. “It’s not that you can also this writing at night, this type of writing, it can only be seen when a light is shone upon it.” Jessica explained. “Taeyeon and I learned a lot of things to communicate in many different ways. And so, we learnt this.”
“Okay then.”

They then read the extra writing.

Top-right corner of jnoh cabinet.

“Ai, there's one word that doesn't exist.”Minho complained.
“Well, let’s just ignore that part then.” Onew suggested. “Top-right corner of cabinet. What cabinet?”
“Probably hers.”
Jonghyun answered. They all looked at him. “What? She wrote it.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
They then ran off to the crime scene in the middle of the night.

When they got there, they were all yawning.
“I’m sorry you had to do this in the middle of the night.” Jessica apologized.
“No, it’s alright.”

They searched the top-right corner of Taeyeon’s office cabinet behind her desk. They found nothing but… dust.

“Nothing.”Taemin said with an annoyed voice. “There’s nothing.”
“Well, what the hell does the extra writing mean?”
Onew asked.
“Can I see the letter again?” Jessica asked. Onew, who was holding the letter, handed it to her. “Is something wrong?”
“Can you see another way of your communication?”
Jessica replied. “We also learnt this thing. It’s where, when you look at it normally, the word won’t make sense. If you turn it upside down, you’ll be able to read the word. You see, it’s like using other letters to make a non-existent word, and when you read the word upside down, it would make sense.”
They turned the letter upside down and read four-letter word.


 “It says…” Jonghyun said. “Your.”
Key then grabbed the paper from him and read. “Top-right corner of your cabinet.” They then looked at each other, and they all looked at Jessica, and then the cabinet behind her desk.

Minho walked over to her desk and climbed up and stood on Jessica’s chair and started looking on the top right corner of her cabinet. When he saw something, his eyes widened, he grabbed it and jumped off the chair. “I found something.” He told the others.
“What is it?” They asked while walking over to him.
He put it out. “A camera.” They were all shocked.
“Is it working?”
“Hope so.”
Minho said. “But it may be out of battery.” He said. “Let’s go home and I’ll charge it.”

They went home and the camera. “It’s working.” Minho said. “The last thing taken was a video.” He said, holding a film that he took from the camera. He then put the film in one of his gadgets that transfers multimedia from films to his computer. He then connected his computer to the big TV screen. “Play it, Minho.”
Minho played it while Jessica is nervous. They then all sat down on the couch in the order from left to right. Jessica, Jonghyun, Key, Onew, Taemin, Minho.

“The video was taken for hours. Probably since the start of the day.”Minho said.

They watched the video and saw their fight. Their fight was about Taeyeon’s self-made jewelry. Taeyeon wanted to show it to the public while Jessica disagreed. After their fight, Jessica left and Taeyeon sat there. After a few minutes, someone came in. Rylee. There, they watched Taeyeon get tortured and forced to write the letter. She got hit and slapped and she was screaming when she got dragged to the spot she was found in. Behind Taeyeon’s desk was a rope tied to the ceiling and a chair underneath. Taeyeon was forced to climb onto the chair and her head was put through the hole while her hands were taped together. Rylee then kicked the chair away and Taeyeon struggled.

Jessica just couldn’t watch anymore. She turned her head away, onto Jonghyun’s shoulder. She started crying. Jonghyun was shocked but he understands why she’s like that. He put his hand on her arm and started rubbing it slowly.

They watched the video until after Rylee left the scene.

“That’s all we need for evidence.”Minho said. “But… what’s going to happen to Rylee? This is back in the 1900s. She’s already dead. Your friend won’t get the justice she deserves.”
“It’s alright. Everyone at least needs to know that she didn’t kill herself.”
Jessica said. “Please do me a favor and let everyone know that she didn’t kill herself.”
“That’s a promise.”

The next day, they went to the public and showed the video. It was up to the court what happens to Rylee, who has already passed away. But Taeyeon's image was cleaned.

They went back to the museum to tell Jessica the good news. When Jessica and Jonghyun were alone, in 4 step of the stairs in the museum, Jessica was just thanking Jonghyun.

"I'm really thankful for what you did."
"No problem."

Jessica then put her hands on his shoulder and kissed him. After 3 seconds, she let go of the kiss and ran up the stairs and disappeared.

When they were all together again, they drew on Jessica's arm before she leaves.

Taemin drew banana milk. Onew drew a chicken. Key drew a key. Minho drew a soccer ball. Then Jonghyun drew a heart.

"Noona, never forget us, okay?"
Jessica chuckled. "I won't."

Then a light shone through the ceiling. In the middle of the light, there was a hole and they see clouds and angels. When the light shone on Jessica, she started floating to the light. She waved at the boys and said "Thank you.". A hand poked through the hole and they saw a girl's face that seemed to be very familiar to them and especially to Jessica. She was smiling and giggling. It was Taeyeon. She was reaching out for Jessica with her hands. When Jessica saw her, she had a broad smile on her face and reached out for her as well. The boys watched as the two girls, after more than a century, reunites. They watched until they waved back at the boys and until the light disappeared.

"Good job, guys."
"I wish she never had to leave."
Taemin said.

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nerdscandy #1
So what exactly were Taeyeon and Jessica's job? Were they investigators or something because they cant have rivalry over nothing right!