Troubled Situations

Unexpected Meeting


-SLAM- the sound of Onew's back hitting the wall echoes in the dark alley.

" Well if it isnt Jinki." said a low evil sounding voice.

"What do you want Yuhno?" Jinki says in a low angry voice.

"well you see im looking for jonghyun, he's been good at running away from us these past few months."

"what are you talking about? He already quit your gang! you should just let him be already"

"That the whole reason we're after him, you of all people should know better about the rules of leaving the gang, former leader Jinki" Yuhno said with a smirk on his face.

"Dont call me that. That was years ago. Im no longer involved with you people and i prefer being called Onew." onew hissed while giving a deadly glare.

"Ha Ha 4 years to be exact. and oh how long it has been since ive seen that deadly glare of yours! Too bad you betrayed us" yuhno evilly smiles to later glare back.

"At least i decided to move on unlike you. Jonghyun made the right choice to leave. So You better leave him alone." onew says still glaring

"Or you'll what?" yuhno smiles evilly

" Or there'll be hell to pay."

"HA HA Bring it on"

" You asked for it"



Jonghyun POV

Its been almost a year since key saved me and first met key (which key prob dosent remember) and three months since the time i saved key from a ert on the train and two months since the incident of realizing my feelings for key. I wish i could just tell key i like him and then bam happy ending, but no its not that simple. Feelings take time. -Sigh-

 As I walk toward my class I see Onew Run toward me. Are those bandages on his face and arm?! What the hell happened to him? why is he so battered up?

"Onew?! What the hell happened to you?!"

"Jonghyun theres trouble, you better watch your back. They're seriously coming after you this time!"

" What the hell?! Is that what happened to you?! Thats it im going ing kill them!"

"No! Jonghyun! Im fine this is nothing compared to what i did to them but to be honest i was lucky this time to get out with just a few scratches because they didnt bring as many guys."


" No jonghyun really you know how they are, they play dirty you wont stand a chance, especially since they're seriously after you know. I just want you to lay low for know. we'll try to figure out what to do after ok?"

"alright...Hey thanks man and sorry that got you hurt" I say guiltily

"dont worry about it im just glad that you decided to leave that gang and change for the better." onew says smiling

"Oh! Make sure to tell Minho about this too. They might go after him too. you guys be careful ok?"

I nod and i see him turn to head to his class. this is getting serious..



Taemin POV


The bell finally rings. Today is a very important day to me. Today is Her birthday and also the day she died. To be honest to other people no one would do this really. But She was such a big part of my life that this is the least i can do every year. She's was what kept my world alive and made me feel needed and loved when i felt unwanted. It may be silly to other people the way i care so much for her. She was my cat coco.

Its amazing what a pet can do to you, once you keep one in your home they start becoming part of your family right away. Like literally part of your family, that once you find out they're gone a piece of your heart gose with them no matter what and you feel like something is missing. She was like my little sister. At least she didnt necessarily die in a very tragic way like getting hit by a car but she did die because of getting sick.

When I first picked her up she was was hiding under a car near the park. I had to beg my parents to let me keep her because they weren't to found of keeping a pet but i managed to convince them. Coco was sickly kitten i guess because she would always get small colds and fevers so i had to take her to the vet alot. But as she got older she got better. As much as i needed her she needed me too which made me feel happy. We would keep each other company. Before she died she had a litter i guess giving birth to five kittens had a toll on her and she got sick again but this time she wouldnt get better. Luckily when she died the kittens were old enough to drink normal milk and eat packaged food we had to give away some of the kittens but i was able to keep two who i named Fluffy and socks. I was sad when coco died but i still had fluffy and socks now and i also met key around that time. I know my case is no where near as sad as key umma's but still coco meant alot to me.

i dont do anything big when i go to coco's grave, i just go to the place i buried her and leave some flowers on her grave. I buried her under a tree near to where i had first found her. Im thankful she was there to keep the loneliness from consuming me thats why i do these silly things just for my pet cat that i really loved.

I get up from my seat and see key and minho wait for me at the door.

"hey, today's the day right? come one we should get going" Key says

I nod and smile. key never laughed at my going to my cats grave every year instead he thought it was a sweet thing to do even if it was just for my cat. He nows how much my kitty meant to me.

"huh where we goin?" minho asks

" no one said you were coming frog" Key says sticking out his tongue at minho

"he can come if he wants" i smile at them

" sure but where?"


"oh... who's...?"

"My kitty's"

"oh..........Wh-- OUCH! KEY!! WTF!!!"

"Shut it frog face" Key hisses

" its ok key-umma i know its kind of a silly thing to do" i say shyly

"Oh! i didnt mean to make fun of you or anything...I sorry"

"haha its ok really" i say keeping my smile on

"well lets get going"

After leaving the flowers on coco's grave i turn around and thank key and minho for coming with me.

"well there all done Thanks for coming with me you guys" i say smiling

" its no problem at all taebaby" key says hugging me tight.

"well i guess we should head home now. I wanna go see fluffy and socks."

" haha alright do you want me to walk you home?" key offers

"no its ok its near by anyway." i say

"well ok if you say so, ill see you tomorrow ok?"

"ok bye key-umma" i say waving good bye

I turn to find minho still there.

"oh Minho i though you had left already" i say

" oh well i prefer waiting for you..."

"oh well thank you but you didnt have to"

" I'll walk you home ok? ill feel better if i do"

"oh um ok"

When start heading to the direction to my house. when we get to my front door minho stops me for a sec.

"hey um i really didnt mean to seem like i was making fun of you or anything..."

"its ok... it is a little weird going to your cats gave every year huh?" i say sheepishly and scratch my head

"No. Its not. That only means your cat meant alot to you and no one has a right to laugh at something you loved." minho says

"yeah.. she was, i only had her when loneliness would consume me. but i guess some people dont really get it because they still laugh. but my kitty was still an important part my life just like you, key, and jonghyun are. Im glad to have met you guys. thanks for being my friends."

Minho looks down frowning a bit but then he looks back up and grabs my hand staring straight into my eyes. "I love that about you. I know i may seem as though i dont take things seriously but i do. I love that caring heart of yours. I love how you hold on to things you love and cherish them no matter what it is... and i want to be one too...not as a friend but as something esle...i want you to love me too... because....I love you taemin"

My eyes go wide and my heart beats so hard that i feel like its going to jump out of my chest. I feel him squeeze my hand lighty and when i try say something the words dont come out.


"please think about it ok? I'll wait."  he says giving my hand another light squeeze and smiles at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow. ok?" minho says still smiling and i slowly nod. he then turns to leave.

I stand there still in shock and holding my cheeks that were surly turning pink know.



Minho POV

i turn walking away from taemins front door. Where i foolishly just confessed........ DAMNIT MINHO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!! I scream to my self stoping at an alley just to continuously hit my head on the wall. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. I was just caught up in the moment and It just bothered me to hear the word friend to refer to me.. because i want to be much more....  Damnit damnit damnit its so over now i bet he hates me now and will never talk to me again!

Yup its over i just know it damnit Im so gonna be--

"Ah Minho, found you, you didnt get your full punishment for leaving us as well because you know the rules for leaving the gang. either you leave damn near death or you leave dead."

"Y-yuhno.... I've already received my punishment.. i had to stay home for a week because of the beating you did last time... so please.."

" Well as you can see that was wasn't close to near death." yuho said with an evil smirk


Everything went black and next thing i know im on the ground barely keeping my eyes open, i couldn't feel any part of my body at all.

"Now this is more like it HaHa now with that little life you have left tell me.... where's Jonghyun?" Yuho say pulling my head up by my hair.

"g-go t-to h-he-ell" I barely manage to say

"Hm fine then" yuhno say letting go of my hair getting up to kick me in the ribs for the i dont even know many times ive ben kicked, punched, or completely beat up. They finally leave and with what little strength i have left to reach to take out my phone and call jonghyun.

Ring ring ring--

"hey frog prince whats up? i was just about to call you.......................Hello?"

"Heh d-dont c-call m-me that and why c-call?"

" hey dude you ok? you dont sound so great and i was going to call to warn you about yuhno"

"heh...arg.... y-yeah too l-late for t-that he a-already got t-to me....could y-you pick m-me up? I-I cant r-really move I-I can b-barly hold u-up my p-phone......a-and please h-hurry.."

"Oh God MInho hey! Are You ok?! I'll be right there where are you?!

"u-um...Im i-in an alley w-way near the s-super market n-near the p-park...h-hey i cant r-really keep my e-eyes open r-right now s-so just h-hurry ok?--"

"Hey! Minho! Stay with me HEY Hello?! Minho? DAMNIT!!"





tadahhh here is another chapter!!! so i kind of did a time leap of two month i think it was lol but well i hope i didnt confuse u too much >_< and as for yuhno yea he kinda the bad guy.... srry to those who luv him i like him too trust me i just randomly picked a someone that came too mind as a bad guy and it just happened to be yuhno >_< well anyway we found out taemins important thing! yay! his kittyyy that he luv dearly! srry if it dose seem silly but even to me my kitty's is the world to me. so yeah and minho confessed! YEAHHHHHH and then he got beat up.... well you'll see what happens in the next chapter!

also i made a new story called Target Love its and exo fic so if you want you can go check it out :D



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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o