
Unexpected Meeting


I just stood there staring at the door once Jonghyun had left. He looked angry. Why? Did it seem like i was ignoring him?! Could that be it?! Oh no! I was so caught up in giving Minho a hard time that i forgot that was supposed to be helping Jonghyun! Chances like these dont come every day! DAMN!! How could i ruin a perfect chance to get closer to Jonghyun!!?

I turn to Minho angrily sending him waves of ~I-Blame-you~! And he just stares at me as if saying 'what?' Damnit Minho! If u weren't trying attack my baby this wouldn't have happened! I'll get you for this one day Frogface!

After we were done studying Minho went home while my Taebaby stayed over, saying he wanted to sleep over. As I was getting some blankets for taemin, Jonghyun popped up in my head again. I couldn't help but feel depressed at the though of Jonghyun being angry at me....-siiiighhhh- I know i shouldn't be blaming Minho but it is kinda his fault!

I sigh again, this time not being unnoticed by Taemin.



"What's wrong?"

"'s nothing." I say patting his head.



"...Do Minho...?.." Taemin asks me nervously.

I just stare at him wide eyed. WHAT?! ME!?? LIKE THAT FROGFACE??!!! PFFTT!!! NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!! I burst out laughing.

" WHAT?!! Oh dear god NO!! HAHA! Why would you think that, baby?" I say patting his head.

"Well you kept teasing him so I just thought so......and you guys seemed really you don't like him at all?" Taemin asked nervously but innocently.

"Well.... I don't hate him if thats what you're asking.... I like him as a friend and thats all and I'm pretty sure it won't change. Why the sudden questions?" I say wonder why my baby would suddenly be asking me these questions.

"I see....and no reason... I was just curious..." Taemin says making a pouty face.

Thats when it hit me.

COULD IT BE??!! NO!!! MY BABY IS GONNA BE STOLEN EASIER THAN I THOUGHT!!! I think to myself making a terrified face. I know my baby, and he wouldn't ask about someone if he wasn't interested them at all. I walk toward my baby and give him a bear hug. My baby...-sob- my poor baby is being taken from me! I think to myself hugging my taebaby tightly, while Taemin gave me a questioned look.

Taemin's POV

"I see....and no reason... I was just curious..." I say making a pouty face.

I wish Minho would pay that much attention to me too.... I think to my self. Yeah I like Minho. I've liked him since the day I met him, which was when he saved me from this harassing classmate during P.E. He was like a knight in shining armor. I know that may sound cheesy and all but its the truth, he was my hero. Though i could have taken care of that guy that was harassing me since umma taught me some self defense skills since this wasn't the first time that had happened to me nor to key-umma.

As I was changing into pajamas that key keeps for me here since I sleep over often, I found myself lost in my thoughts, when feel key-umma give me a hug.

"umma? Whats wrong?" I say wondering why key-umma gave me a hug suddenly, not that its something unusual, key-umma always gives me random hugs but I thought I herd him sob so I got worried.

"hmm? Oh nothing..... I'm still not gonna make it easy for him damnit......." key-umma says. Though I couldn't really hear the last part.


"nothing baby~ know time for bed! It's already late!" he says ruffling my hair.

"okie~" I say jumping onto key's bed, him later joining me after he changed into his pajamas too and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

 I like it when key pampers me, he really is like an umma, and is one for me. Especially since my parents were never there to pamper me or act like  real parents since they were always busy with work. I would always be alone, untill key came along. When we first met we got along right away. We had alot in common. We both were alone alot though in key-umma's case, I felt was lonelier which is why I worry about him when ever his parents were brought up. Key would always say that he wasn't lonely and to not to worry but I know it must have been hard for him at one point.

  Key would worry alot about me as wall which is why It wasn't long for me to feel that motherly side of him. whenever he came over or when I was over at his house he would always nag me about things like finishing my homework, cleaning after my self, to eat properly, telling to go take a bath and to brush my teeth and to go to sleep early. Though he can be TOO naggy at times I will forever love my key-umma! hehehe

And with that I fall asleep next to key-umma.

Heyyy guys sorry it's a little late but here's the promised chapter i said i was going to post up!! I hope u guys like it!!! this chappie has taemins POV :D i was trying to show key's and taemin's relation ship in this chapter i hope i explained it ok..... bacially taemin and key both had pretty lonely lives but they both had something to keep them going untill they met each other. I think i already said wat was what kept key from being too lonely before he met taemin--- It's his grandmother. as for Taemin u'll find out soon enough -w-
and taemin likes minhooooooo hehehehehehehehe but they're gonna get together so easily. just as key said he's gonna give minho a hard time so that its not that easy for him. and anyway it would be kinda boring if they got together that easily right? and as for the jongkey...... lets just say thats gonna take longer for them to be OFFICIALY together, though their will be hints of jongkey here and there so dont worry too much okie :3
omg sighhhhhh this story is SIRIOUSLY taking longer that i thought..... I dont even now how much longer this is gonna be anymore =_=
Oh hav any of u watched the drama Shut Up Flower Boy Band? OMG I LUVED IT!! SO MUCH!! IT WAS FRIGGEN AMAZING. though i almost cried at the library while it was watching the first three eps (lol i know im weird) and i was also a lil disapointed with the ending cuz i wanted them to stay together as a band (well they  kinda r but idk now they're going their seperate ways which made me both sad and happy at the same time...)
well anyway enough of me talking lol

oh btw if ur wondering if i drew the chapter pic, yes i did -w- though its not that great i did try.... a lil....i kinda rushed lol.and if u guys want u can check my DeviantArt and here r some other ones i drew:     



i know i havent drawn onew yet but i shall soon cuz he's our amazing onew XD


btw should i draw pics for the chapters sometimes? i know im not that great at drawing but if u guys want i post pics for some chappters that i drew. im willing for u guys =w=


well anyway bye :D till next chappieeee <3

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And this was updated MORE THAN A YEAR AGOOO!!!
Chapter 14: More, more, MORE~!!! Please!!!!
i totally love iiiit~~~~~~!!
PLEASE up date soon!!
magicbananas #3
Chapter 14: Yay! New chappie!!
I can't wait for what will happen next!!!!! >o<
Chapter 12: Yunho is a persistent idiot... Can you kill him with insecticide?
Chapter 11: Finally, you realize, you idiot dino xD
BaeYeonRin #6
Chapter 10: :X I love this story... GOD! They are so cute, and Key is just perfect for a mother:)) Jjong, don't be sad, I'm here for you:)) kekeke I'm waiting for your update hugs >:D<
Chapter 9: Jonghyun issssssss jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~
anonymous_95 #9
TT-TT Why did it stop there?!?!?! WHYYY!!! Me shall haunt you in your dreams (like what you're doing right now...) "I will punch you in de throat!"
XD *hugs* LUV YA!!! ^^
YAYYYYY! i really missed this lol minkey banter too cute :D i wonder if jjong got jealous :o