Onew's feelings


Title: Onew's feelings
Pairing: Onew/Key
Rating: pg
Genre: fluff?
Summary: feelings that Onew has... **fail xD**


This is my SECOND post here in AFF, so I'm assuming I know how this works now~ XD but if I made any mistakes, do point them out for me please~ :D newbie here.. keke~ thank you


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Chapter 1: Ok? Cute.
agito_kanon9 #2
kekekekekekekkekeke they are sleeping in one damn lucky bed cute! make more of these please~
sunday_lee, yeah, i posted this on LJ ^^ aha, it's okay~ i'm glad you enjoy reading my onkey fic.. :D
sunday_lee #4
you posted this fic on LJ right? I thought I read it before ^^ but too lazy to comment at that time, sorry T_T
cute OnKey ^^
Thank you for writing~
thanks for reading & commenting :D

Oh you remember this fic? XD yeah, i wrote it at my acc in livejournal before.. i'm glad you enjoy my short stories~ ^^
123Onkey #6
I like all her/yours stories!
Awwwwwww Lol!! Funny!~~ XDD