Chapter 1

Why Life Is Unfair


The silence of the Kwak family when eating was deafening. No one at the table for six said anything, it was just a complete awkward silence. Just then, a stunning, gorgeous female spoke up," Oh yeah! Mom, dad! I just remembered! I just finished my photoshoot, I'm going to be on the cover of Vogue magazine tomorrow!"

An old female spoke up, obviously pleased of what her daughter said," That's great, Hyunbi! Bring us a copy, I'm sure you looked beautiful in it!"

Hyunbi replied with a smile," Of course, mom!"

The short talk between the mother and daughter brought a frown upon the other young girls face though. She had the same face as Hyunbi, but there was something different about the two. She, was Hyunji. The younger twin of Hyunbi. She dropped her spoon into her bowl, and got up. She bowed slightly, and murmured," I'm finished."

She trudged over to the sink and threw her bowl in. The clatter of the bowl seemed to infuriate the father of the household. But before he could snap at his youngest child, she had already left the kitchen.

Hyunji had trudged upstairs, towards her own bedroom. She kicked the door open and slammed it shut. She sat down on her bed, with her hands covering her face. She was obviously stressed out. She had been compared to her sister for the past few years now, and she was slowly getting tired of it. At first, she barely minded, but now, everything was focused on her siblings. Her older brother, a famous actor for commercials (who was now going to star in a movie), was Kwak Jungsoo. He was very famous. Very. He had done many commercials, photoshoots, and even starred on several variety shows as the host.

Everyone loved Kwak Jungsoo. But then there was her twin sister, Kwak Hyunbi. She was famous too, a model. She had modelled for so many famous brands. She even travelled worldwide to model because everyone wanted her face. The only person that understood her was her other sibling, Kwak Moonsung.

Kwak Moonsung was average, just like her. Silent, but understanding. She loved him, they could talk for endless hours, but still. They never said a word to each other. Because they just knew. They were so close, that words were not needed. Actions were the only thing that brought them closer. Not that she minded if he was silent.

A sudden knock jolted the girl out of her thoughts. Her twin came in, with a satisfied smirk on her face. Hyunbi didn't say a thing, although the younger twin knew the elder was itching to say something. After moments of silence, Hyunbi let out a amused chuckle," Oh, Hyunji."

After that, she didn't say anymore.



First chapterr!!! Yaaay! LOL. This is just the beginning, sorry if it . Just had to introduce her family and how they act and etc. Will update soon.. I think ^_^ LOL, anyways. SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT PLEASE. Thanks!(:

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can you please update? i can't wait to see what happens next. It is very interesting. also can you make the next chapter longer please? (:
Heyya.. may I have a question as to like, how the idols tagged are going to appear in the story?? Just curious.