chapter 4

My other half


“Dude, your eyes! It’s swelling! Do you cry for the rest of the day Kyung? Or you are watching Titanic all the night again, loser!” Taeil laughed at Kyung as he placed a cold bottle on his eyes as he closed his eyes.


“Shut up, Hyung! This is why I don’t like to cry, my eyes hurt so much” he groaned as he rested his head on the table before Yukwon and Taeil started to burst into laughter again. Urgh, they are the worse friends he ever had.


“I want to go to the library” He stood up with the bottle he pressed on his left eye and he looked at Yukwon. “How are my eyes?” He rolled his eyes as the red hair guy burst into laugh again and hugged Taeil as he tried to hold his laugh to answer to Kyung.


“Yeah right”


Kyung ignored them as they burst into laugh again. What’s so funny about getting puffy eyes when crying? They’ll get too when they cries. So what’s the problem? He hummed while walking to the library. He doesn’t see Jiho today. Weird, where did that jerk go?


He took a glance at the quite library, no one is here? He thought. Well, students in his school think library is the last place on the earth to hang out but to him it was heaven for him to sleep there. Even the teacher doesn’t bother to look at the library because they knew their student very well.


He placed the book on the table as he pulled the chair out to sit. Instead of reading the book, he makes the book as his pillow. Well he was clever enough to make the book be his pillow.


“Kyung?” He blinked. Who’s on earth come and disturb him when he wants to sleep? But he ignored the person. Closing his eyes although he heard the other guy pulled the chair in front him. “Hey, I’m sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t talk like that to cover it up”


His eyes fluttered open and Kyung lifted his head to look at his front as he noticed the guy was Jiho. What did he want from me? He thought with his eyes narrowed to the tall guy. His eyes were trailing him, looking how the glasses he was wearing really suit him and a name tag on his shirt written ‘Zico’ instead of Jiho.


Should he be care about him? Kyung stood up and shoved back in his chair, he don’t want to see this guy actually although he been searching for Jiho to show up today but he was angry with him. And his action stuck when Jiho’s fingers wrapped around his wrist to stop him from running away.


“Please stay” Kyung shut his eyes as he flushed by Jiho’s words that killed his entire body and his soul before he realised the tall guy released his grasp. Kyung turned to look at him as he ran his hand through his hair. Kyung can’t help but to smile at him.


“You really like your hair, I mean like running your hands through your hair and stuff” He showed at Jiho how he ran his hand and he stared at the tall guy as the corner of Jiho lips twitched before Kyung sat back on his placed.


“Well, I think it’s because I’m totally worth it” Jiho’s smile turned mischievous.


Kyung gulped and looked at the book he placed on the table that seemed particularly interesting and other than that it is because he was hiding the fact he was blushing again. He must handle this situation professionally!


“What are you reading at actually?” Jiho peeked at him as Kyung covered his face with the book and pretended he was reading it. “Come on, show me” He whined as the other guy shook his head and refused to give the book to him.


“Fine” He stood and the little guy stared at him as he pulled out the chair next to Kyung and sat beside him. He looked at Jiho as the other smirked and took the book from his grip. “There. I can read it and so do you”


The little guy wanted to scream or run away from this. Why did this weird guy keeps on appearing and most importantly why must he cared about yesterday? Did he lose his minds? He turned to look at the book instead of staring Jiho.


The tall guy shifted towards him and carelessly threw his arm over the back of the Kyung’s chair. Kyung stared at Jiho’s arm in shock and he slowly turned away from Jiho’s arm before he glanced at the other guy as he noticed Jiho was staring at him instead of looking at the book.


“What?” He glared at him as Jiho stretched out his legs on the table and closed his eyes. Kyung rolled his eyes as he received nothing from the other guy, taking his guess that Jiho was sleeping.


“” he placed the book on the table before leaning back, holding his breath as his neck came in contact with Jiho’s arm. ‘So tired’ he squeezed his cheeks before closing his eyes. Slowly drove him to sleep.




The first thing Kyung saw when he opened his eyes was Jiho was staring at him. Again. He took lots of time to progress the situation and he quickly jerked his head as he realised he was laying his head at Jiho’s shoulder.


“You look tired so I don’t want to wake you up” He rolled his eyes. Yes he was so tired actually and thank you for ruining his life again today.


“Probably because I cried for the rest of the day yesterday” Kyung murmured softly but lower enough from the other to hear it and rubbed the corner of his eyes before resting his head on the table, ignoring the tall guy.


“Sorry I guess, I didn’t mean to make you cry” the little guy watched Jiho with his mouth opened. Did he speak to loud for it? “What?” the tall guy grinned at him.


Kyung bit his lips as he feels the heat increase rapidly every time he saw Jiho grinned and he was about to melt anytime. His eyes were fixed on the tall guy as Jiho leaning towards him and he trailed his fingers through his face, slowly his cheek using his thumb “Your eyes, they looks like they got stung by the bees”


Kyung rolled his eyes and looked at him as Jiho leaned closer to him, closing the gap between them. But then Kyung gasped as he realised the situation, what are they doing actually. Does he want to kiss him? This is wrong. Jiho don’t like guy. He slowly pushed Jiho and stood up.


“I… I think I need to go now” 

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Chapter 13: Omo i live in korea and school starts at 8:00 when i still lived in austria it even started at 7:45 !!! Aigooo when does school start in ur country ?!?!?! I almost die every morning!
Chapter 15: omo!
i really liked this story!
aw it was some chapter where i wanted to punch Zico in the face! such an ! and poor kyung :c and i love the ending tho!
hahaha i was kinda confused with the taeli-pyo-jaehyo stuff but it was great that u let them like that ~
everything was great! nice story! thanks ~
Chapter 15: oh my god!!!!
nice thing here!!!
and the all the pics!!!
love this!!!!
this story was great its so sad that it is over nows. v.v ubomb so cute seriously and zikyung~~ awws so wonderful they are together!!
damn, done already and i still havent started reading LOL, imma start reading right now!! hoho^^
Kya-!!! Ubomb >.< so, they already been together . If only I know from earlies . Muahahaha Jiho is jealous XDD I would never touch cucumber in my whole life XDD Cute ending :3 smiling like crazy while reading it.. Ima gonna miss this story TT____TT Author, you are the best, Love this story so much <3 jjang *thumbs up*