chapter 2

My other half


Kyung shook his head and stood up, suddenly thinking water is one of his solutions to control his emotions now. Well, screw Taeil for suddenly talking to him like he was one of the fortune teller which making him goosebumps.


He watched the staircase as he walked down towards the hallway and making his way to toilet as fast as he can when his face flushed with the think of Jiho staring at him.




He stopped and lifted his head to see Pyo Jihoon standing in front him, blocking his way to the toilet. Suddenly he blames himself why he was too short for fighting people and when this one year younger than him was taller than him.


He doesn’t like him as much as he thinks. Well first it is because this Jihoon have almost the same name as Woo Jiho except for their surnames and the existed of ‘on’ at the end of Jihoon names. But most of all, he always disturbs him.


Like almost every day he will comes to his class and offers to eat together. At first he was okay with him because it was his dongsaeng asking him a request, why should he resist it? But it was different when Jihoon actually confesses his attract-ness to him which he found awkward and weird.


Kyung backed slightly when the tall guy leaned in close to his ear and he was extremely uncomfortable with this situation. He glanced at Jihoon as he makes his cute face to him like he always does whenever he flirts with girls.


This is Pyo Jihoon. He was one of the lists most wanted man for girls too. But he is not the same group with Jiho.  Obviously the other guy tossed Jihoon away because of their names and he know Jiho really well that he doesn’t like people that have the same characteristic like him. He was one and only.


“Stop it, Jihoon” Kyung placed his hands on the tall guy chest and pushed him as he ran a hand through the little man’s neck. “I don’t like this kind of stuff and seriously if you don’t want to release me now, I will crush you”


Jihoon smirked by shoving him against the wall with such force that he knocked his head against it and slumped down to the ground in a daze. Kyung squeezed his eyes with his palms when all around him are blurry and he feels like he needing a glasses to see.


Jihoon was just to reach Kyung’s collar when he was slammed away from him or he was kicked until he manage to fall on the ground. He groaned in pain and rubbed his chin as its feels sore and lifted to see Jiho was crouching in front him with lollipop in his mouth.


“Is this how you treat your hyung, little kid?”


Jiho took a glance at Kyung as the other groaned and rubbed his head before he turned back to Jihoon while stepping on the young man hand. “You are annoying and you know that right?” he growled.


“Since when you become his protector or guardian? You don’t look like one, ”


Kyung realised that this is the perfect times for him to escape of this two scary men in front him. But he doesn’t. Instead of running away, he watched the two men talking like they are entertaining him.


“He clearly didn’t want to talk to you and you shoved him like that?”


“Just ing go away and stay out from this almighty Woo Jiho that thinks he was so perfect” Jihoon gave him a cocky grin. “I didn’t know that you are some kind of man protecting others,” Kyung rolled his eyes.


Urgh! Both of them are arrogant, both wants to win. Really a typical people. Instead of getting angrier, Jiho smirked and stood up, “Well look like someone was pissed. Oh my bad” he laughed as the young guy quickly stood up while glaring at the other man.


Kyung softly smile from his corner when Jiho shot him a quick grin. “Have you heard about the three men that died here? Oh maybe you don’t right. Well I can tell you about that. It happened so fast and I couldn’t remember their names. Who is the first one I killed?”


He smiles coldly when Jihoon shivered and backed away. “I will get you soon Woo Jiho” he pursed his lips into a smile as the young man quickly walked from there.


“I lied” Jiho grinned, he sure likes to prank people. His attention returned to Kyung and he feels a strong weird force that pulled his closer to this wonderful man in front him now.


Kyung bit his lower lip and stared back as the tall man studied him for a moment and he was sure that Jiho could see the blush on his face. He wished that Jihoon will come here back and kidnap him from this situation which he found embarrassing that he was acting like a girl.


As the other man continued his stared, something flickered in his eyes, something that he should realised before it and about to ask him when the other reached his to grasp his hands.


“Come on, Kyung. Stop looking like a little girl that looking at something she wants to take that was above to her height.” Jiho was hoping that Kyung takes it as a joke because he was at making jokes with others.


But he didn’t. The little man narrowed his eyes and pulled his hands free. “Yes. Thank you very much for your none acts that pretend to be some kind of gangster instead of life saver. I bet you are making fun of me after this”


He looked at Jiho as the other looked away from him before turned back on him “Well, I don’t think of making fun of you, Kyung”


Kyung began to turn away, for once in his life that he was unsure of what he supposed to say or do. He turned his gaze to the floor as he heard Jiho move away. When he lifted, Jiho was sitting at the stairs while staring at him.



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Chapter 13: Omo i live in korea and school starts at 8:00 when i still lived in austria it even started at 7:45 !!! Aigooo when does school start in ur country ?!?!?! I almost die every morning!
Chapter 15: omo!
i really liked this story!
aw it was some chapter where i wanted to punch Zico in the face! such an ! and poor kyung :c and i love the ending tho!
hahaha i was kinda confused with the taeli-pyo-jaehyo stuff but it was great that u let them like that ~
everything was great! nice story! thanks ~
Chapter 15: oh my god!!!!
nice thing here!!!
and the all the pics!!!
love this!!!!
this story was great its so sad that it is over nows. v.v ubomb so cute seriously and zikyung~~ awws so wonderful they are together!!
damn, done already and i still havent started reading LOL, imma start reading right now!! hoho^^
Kya-!!! Ubomb >.< so, they already been together . If only I know from earlies . Muahahaha Jiho is jealous XDD I would never touch cucumber in my whole life XDD Cute ending :3 smiling like crazy while reading it.. Ima gonna miss this story TT____TT Author, you are the best, Love this story so much <3 jjang *thumbs up*