Chapter Seventeen

Star Witness

Author's Note: This is probably one of the longest chapters I have ever written. Chapter Seventeen is part 1 of a four part finale. The series is about to end! Don't miss it!



Earlier that day, Donghae dragged himself out of Officer Wu’s house. He was already dressed for the festival – a white t-shirt, a black blazer and dark skinny jeans. He looked proper and decent, but deep inside, he was a wreck. He still couldn’t get over what happened.

As much as it hurts, I still have to do my job. And he did. He got into his car and drove to Yoona’s house. He parked behind a giant bush not far from the witness’ home. He was concealed, but from his spot, he could clearly see a black Benz pull up in front of the house. An elderly woman came out first. She was wearing very flashy clothes and she walked in tiny, hurried steps.

She must be the matchmaker, Donghae thought. 

A tall, muscular man followed. He was wearing neon-colored shoes and a leather vest. 

And he must be Yoona’s husband-to-be. Donghae’s felt as if his heart was repeatedly being pierced by cold, sharp icicles. 

As painful as it was, he watched as Taecyeon embraced Yoona. He watched as the two walked arm to arm towards the Benz. He watched as the car zipped away.

What he didn’t see was the half-hearted look on Yoona’s face.

After making sure Yoona arrived at Jeongsan High safely, Donghae drove back to Jessica’s house. The girl looked irritated when she got into the passenger’s seat. She did a lot of pouting and tried to put on adorable frowns. 

When they arrived at the festival, Jessica literally paraded around, showing him off. While doing this, she launched into one of her monologues of how rich and beautiful and perfect she is. Donghae pretended to be interested. They stayed like that until they got to a small square where several couples were dancing intimately to the slow and somewhat sad song that was being played. 

“Do you know how to dance?” Jessica looked up at Hae, batting her eyelashes.

“Of course!” Donghae forced a smile. If there was something he was good at, it would be dancing. 

“Then would you like to show me?” Jessica put on a pout when she asked this. The pout always worked with the boys. 

“A-alright then,” Hae replied hesitantly. What’s wrong with a demonstration? 

He led the girl to the floor. He put his hands on her waist and she placed her other hand on his shoulder. A group of students applauded right after.

I’m so awesome, Jessica thought, smiling to herself. Hae doesn’t know anything about the Plum Blossom Dance. He doesn’t know that when we start dancing, it means we’re officially a couple.

As Donghae swayed with Jessica, something stirred inside of him. This feels so wrong. You know you’re not into her. Why are you doing this?

The junior agent tried to fight off these thoughts, but they kept coming back at him, bombarding him with unexplained feelings of guilt. About ten minutes later, Donghae broke free from Jessica. 

“I-I’m tired,” he lied. “I’m going to go get something to drink.”

[End of Flashback]

Officer Wu was already in his pajamas when his mobile phone started to ring. He sighed heavily when he saw that it came from the police dispatcher. I hope it’s nothing serious. 

“Hello? Officer Wu Kwang-Ho speaking,” he spoke wearily into the receiver. Upon hearing her voice, the police officer’s eyes widened in surprise. Immediately, his posture straightened and he hurried to get his uniform. “Alright. I’ll contact NPA. We’ll be there in a second.”

Choi Siwon placed his phone on the table. Officer Wu had just called to inform him that the murderer was recognized because of the mask she was wearing. 

A mask with yellow skin and a curved, pointed nose, Siwon mused. That explains it. Im Yoona did not see the killer’s actual face. She saw the killer’s mask.

The agent informed Eunhyuk, Amber and Officer Lee Myungdae. Soon, NPA cars sped out of the agency and into the highway leading to Jeongsan.


Those who went to the Moon Festival that year never forgot the ominous sound of police sirens that interrupted the festive air. As expected, panic ensued, especially among the younger students. Shouts, whispers and nervous laughter prevailed over the lively music and carnival sounds.

Soon, two police cars came into view, their flashing red and blue lights ironically blending into the bright, colorful lights casted upon the festival grounds. Officer Wu and a broad-shouldered young man alighted from the first vehicle. The second one was occupied with three NPA agents – a young man and woman, accompanied by an older man wearing shades. 

Officer Wu, Eunhyuk, Siwon and Lee Myungdae ran backstage, guns in hand. Several students who saw them let out anxious yelps. 

Im Yoona instantly ran towards the young woman with short hair and embraced her.

“Yoong,” Amber said when she realized that Yoona was crying. “I-it’s okay. We’re going to get that murderer out of here. Anyway, where’s Donghae?”


When Donghae arrived at the scene, he was surprised to see his father, Eunhyuk and Siwon drag Park Minhee into a police car. The woman was screaming hysterically and in vain, she was trying to shake off her handcuffs.

“H-hey!” Donghae called out, surprised.
His father stopped and turned towards him.
“Son,” Lee Myungdae greeted. A wide smile spread across his face as he walked towards Donghae. “Officer Wu informed me that you and the witness have properly identified the killer because of the mask that she wore. I am proud of you.”
Truth be told, Donghae had never heard such words come from his father. He would’ve felt elated right there and then if only he knew what was happening.
The mask? Killer?
Afraid to lose the moment, Donghae just nodded, trying his best to hide how clueless he really was.

“I’ll see you tonight at the NPA,” Lee Myungdae gave his son a pat on the back before retreating to the car.
Eunhyuk, seeing how dazed and confused Donghae looked, rushed immediately to the latter’s side. “Oy!”
“H-hyung,” Donghae stuttered. He pointed at the police cars. “Park Minhee’s the killer?”

“Why are you asking me?” Eunhyuk’s brows furrowed. “I thought you and Yoona were the ones who contacted NPA to report that the killer was at the festival. Yoona said you realized that Kim Kyubong is an actor in the play and Park Minhee is involved in the festival preparations. Since Amber and I found out that Kyubong has a reliable alibi, that leaves us with Minhee. Anyway, that was some quick thinking, Hae. You did really well.”

Yoona must’ve found this out and gave all the credits to me, Donghae assumed. Why did she?

“Hae!” Eunhyuk was waving his hands in front of Donghae’s face. “Are you alright? Did you drink anything with alcohol? Is that why you finally succeeded after years and years of consecutive failures?”
“Shut it,” Donghae brushed his friend’s hands away.
“Jeez, I thought since you caught the killer, you’d actually be in a good mood,” Eunhyuk retorted, rubbing his hand. “I’ll see you at the NPA later then. Your father said he’ll treat us to dinner after the final interrogation.”
Eunhyuk also gave Donghae a pat on the back and got into the car with Siwon, Myungdae and the suspect.
“Hey, you loser!” It was Amber. Unlike his father and Eunhyuk, Amber did not look at all pleased as she stomped towards him. “What did you do to Yoona?”
“What?” Things were becoming more and more complicated by the minute.
“She was shaking and sobbing. Wouldn’t talk.“ Amber pressed her index finger into Donghae’s forehead. “What happened?”
“I don’t know…” Donghae began. He honestly didn’t know. He didn’t know why Yoona made him feel there was something going on between them. He didn’t know why she kept Taecyeon a secret from him. He didn’t know why she “identified” the killer and gave all the credits to him. He didn’t know anything anymore. “I need to talk to Yoona. Where is she?”

Yoona watched as the police cars disappeared down the road.

I’m glad this is over and done with. She smiled to herself. Then right when she thought everything would be back to normal, the image of Donghae and Jessica dancing entered her mind. Will she get over this? She tried to choke back her tears. I hope all of this would be over and done with.
Heaving a sigh, Yoona stepped out of the school grounds when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Twisting around, she became face to face with Lee Donghae. The young man’s face was only inches away from hers. She could feel his rhythmic breathing. She could feel the intensity of his gaze.

“Yoona-sshi, I need to talk to you,” Donghae started. “I’m going to walk you home.”

“No.” Yoona stepped back defensively and avoided his gaze. “The killer’s been caught. You no longer have to protect me.”
With that, she spun around and ran. She occasionally turned to look back to make sure he wasn’t following her. Her heart beat quicker and quicker with each step. Donghae, you have hurt me beyond words. I want nothing to do with you.
When she gained distance, the girl slowed down to a walk. Her heavy breathing sounded loud in the icy silence of the night. That was when Yoona realized she was at the corner of Wisteria Street and Main Road – the scene of the crime. She turned to look into the forest. 

This is where it all began.
Suddenly, an image flashed in her mind. It finally returned to her. It was the very same image that had escaped her weeks ago. It was that one, very important detail about the killer that she couldn’t remember – until now.
Park Minhee isn’t the killer, Yoona stopped in her tracks when suddenly, she felt a blow to the head.
Then everything turned black.
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Chapter 20: Ooooow, make another fic! I love it
I'm going to read
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 20: i'm curious what happened with his dad...
but, nice story...>.<
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
nerdscandy #5
Chapter 20: OK THAT WAS PLAIN AMAZING. Your words created so many emotions inside of me, and I actually screamed/cried/laughed/squealed in almost every chapter <3 And as a huge plus, this was written in correct English :) It's really refreshing to find a fic that is really engrossing and written extremely well. I'm officially a fan of your writing now :) So please write more!!!
Chapter 20: Your writing is amazing !!!! Grammar is top notch and so much emotion~ (=
Chapter 20: soooooo....
what happen to Donghae's father?
just being curios!
Jesshika #8
Love this story, good job :D
Aww, that was so delightfully cheesy *gushes like a fool* Cute story, pepperback - I love how you write Yoonhae. Loads of drama and suspense and plenty of comedy too, a great combination :D
This story is daebak!!! It is so so cute!!!