matayakara - Hanburger ~ Han-버거

Shut Up! Poster Request Shop (Closed)


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(Jiseul) Another poster done! :D Ihope you like it! It doesn't look cute... SORRY!!!!!! ;________; Anyways, I hope you can e featured someday and I hope you can have more comments and subscribers in the future! :D Oh and, thank you for requesting! Have a nice day and GOOD LUCK! :D

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Hi! Do you want to be affies with our shop? ( ) (✿◠‿◠)
Hi, what font did you use in your layout. It's so cute.
lexa_yeye #3
i likeit very much :)))
I'm gonna miss this shop! Come back~ T_T
Thanks for the poster and its not ugly at all! Love it <3
It's not ugly at all! <3
Thank you Jiseul~~
Hi JiSeul, thank you for the poster. Love it a lot! :D
Thank you for taking your time off work and do the poster *hugs* ^^