The Magic of Ordinary Days

Just a Day


Just a Day

It was a quiet Tuesday evening and Kyuhyun was sitting in the 11th Floor of a nice building in Seoul, next to one of his favourite hyungs. It was a day like any other, if you were a world famous idol, with millions of adoring fans, crazy fangirls and interesting fanboys, with record breaking albums, that is. Such circumstances tend to make normal a subjective concept. Comparatively it was a peaceful date for Kyuhyun. He got up dreadfully early, attempted a photoshoot, smiled till his jaw hurt, then met with Directors that sneakily questioned his ability with barely hidden contempt but never the audacity to outright mar his talents, then a quick stop at the Company to be told that he needed to work on his dancing and then finally a quick bit of vocal training to end the day peacefully at 5pm. It was a really quiet day, Kyuhyun realized. He supposed to a bystander that may be rather active, but as a member of Super Junior, you pray for days like those, instead of the back breaking promotions and concerts they did on a regular basis, not to mention his individual schedules. He would clarify that he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He lived and died on that stage. Well the stage, amongst other places. He was suppose he lived entirely somewhere else. He could never complain. He was living his dream and he got to spend his life with some of the most amazing people on earth and one even more amazing person. Kyuhyun smiled. He was beyond amazing.

The only him that could ever make the evil maknae smile like a bumbling fool, could only ever be Yesung. Apparently the maknae of Super Junior was hopelessly, irrevocably, mindlessly, eternally and all those other nice adjective that indicated embarrassing and forever, in love with the lead vocalist of Super Junior. To say this was unexpected would be fair. If someone told Kyuhyun a year ago he would have a special relationship with Super Junior’s resident 4D personality, he would laugh meanly and advise that said someone seek the treatment they required. Then his mind would chastise him for being in denial and he would argue endlessly that it was not a possibility, only to find himself smiling at the thought of the man. So maybe it was not that unexpected, but it was still a bit odd.

Kyuhyun remembered when he met the man. He was interested and sort of intrigued and if he was being completely honest, would admit to being slightly weary. The man was the definition of odd. He did everything to suit himself and was oddly emotional and sensitive, yet always stubborn and fierce. Kyuhyun thought he may have even been bipolar. Yet somehow over the years that they spent together, the odd man crept slowly and softly into his heart, working his way deep into Kyuhyun’s very being. Kyuhyun didn’t even know when it happened. They weren’t exceptionally close; he was much closer to some of the others. Unexplainable though, it just grew and grew, until one day Kyuhyun would without hesitance claim that Yesung was a hyung that he admired and truly valued. Then from there, again without notice, they developed some odd sort of special friendship. It was deep and everlasting, yet never spoken about or properly acknowledged. Somehow they became two people that just understood each other, possessing this amazing unexplained everlasting friendship; their very existence providing comfort for the other.

That unexplained friendship, evolved slowly and unnoticed until it pierced Kyuhyun heart and constricted it, moulded it; until Kyuhyun was a man in love. Kyuhyun couldn’t say what made him fall in love or ever truly state when it had happened. He truly had no idea when he fell in love. Like they say hindsight is vision 20/20. He supposed it could have been at the first smile, or the first sweet word. Maybe it was their first hug? Or was it the first time he felt happy that he had made the older man proud? Maybe it was after he returned from his unfortunate events and was just happy to see him? Or maybe it was when he went to China the first time and missed his brothers endlessly, him included? It could have been when he was tired and that certain hyung would be a shoulder for him to lean on in the days of explosion, or then again it could have just the time they had together. No matter how Kyuhyun looked at it, he couldn’t figure out when love had blossomed. He supposed it was never one of those things, just perhaps all of those things, that accumulated and amassed a level of affection that he could not even conceive, much less experience. Yet here he was, embarrassingly in love with his weird hyung. He supposed it was never love at first sight, but it was love that grew and evolved, a fate that came by moments rather than the ultimate alignment of the stars. No matter how it came, Kyuhyun was grateful that it did.

 The love he felt in his heart was breathtaking and everlasting, filled of warmth and comfort. It was burning and cooling at the same time. It was based on everything and nothing, explained by every glance or smile, unexplainable by its very nature. It was consuming and freeing at the same time. It made him weak and made him mighty. He was weak, weak for the man. His will completely obliterated, his self respect in shambles, his coolness destroyed, his pride holding on firm, boosted by the fact that he could call the man his. He couldn’t deny it, well he could to everyone else but his subconscious. He was weak for the man, weak for his smiles, his words, and his warmth. As much as he was weak though, he was strong. He was strong for his love. He was made strong to want his love, strong to fight for it, strong to defend it, to protect it, to hold on to it and never let go. No matter what happened in life, he was made strong to never let go if his love, to never regret, to never doubt, to never release tiny fingers that made him feel as if he were on fire. Love had made him weak. It made him weak to the object of his affection, but he was grateful for its returns. As much as it made him weak for Yesung, he was even stronger for him. He was strong enough now to do anything to hold on to his weakness. Love was a confusing concept, Kyuhyun decided. He also realized that he was a sappy love sick fool, but that was probably not news….it was sort of the consequence of the being hopelessly in love thing.

Just because he was hopelessly in love, didn’t make things easy though .No matter how much they loved each other, the awkwardness persisted.  It had only been about 4 ½ months since they had confessed to each other.He knew it was hard for them to adjust to the whole being in love with a man thing, when you were straight before, and even worst, probably still straight. He really didn’t know how this whole thing worked. Kyuhyun liked girls, he liked their softness, their appearance and well he liked their bodies. Then he liked Yesung, who was not a girl. He couldn’t bring himself to lament that fact though, simply because he loved him too much for him to be anything but himself. It was entirely confusing to be hopelessly in love with someone that you didn’t find to be attractive especially, but Kyuhyun was happy to announce that they were making it work. It was still awkward and weird and it was taking time getting adjusted but it was working and Kyuhyun was floating on a cloud.

 It was an experience, but one he would cherish his entire life. He was just so happy to be near the man, to hear his voice, to see his soft smiles and just hold his hands as warmth washed over his body, gently, peeling him back till it touched his soul. Kyuhyun was just that happy. They never did anything amazingly special. They didn’t even go on a first date as yet, but Kyuhyun didn’t mind. Kyuhyun didn’t dare complain. He was grateful to be in the mere presence of the man. Everything would take time , and Kyuhyun was willing to wait. He was willing to wait as long as it took for them to be comfortable, for him to be comfortable. Kyuhyun was building a relationship that would last forever and that was all he needed. He needed to hold Yesung in his arms forever and he would be in heaven. Everyday would be a taste of heaven, once he was near the older man. Just near him. ‘You are gonna give yourself cholesterol if you don’t stop the cheesiness’ his mind snickered. He kindly informed it that it was beyond annoying and he was a man in love. He was entitled to be cheesy. ‘Just keep your mouth shut. If anyone ever found out I will disown you’ his mind threatened. Kyuhyun didn’t want to know how a mind could disown its own being. He was spending too much with Yesung. He was even weirder now. His heart thumped violently, ‘you can never spend too much time with him’ some soft voiced gushed from somewhere within him. That was it. He needed to find a way to end these mental arguments before he completely lost his mind. Kyuhyun sighed.

“What is it? You don’t like the drama or missing someone?” Donghae questioned with fake innocence, smile sweet and soft, hiding the cheekiness of his teasing jab, as he looked at Kyuhyun with warm playful eyes, from his seat next to him on the couch. Donghae had realized that Kyuhyun had gotten quiet and pensive looking, which naturally meant he was thinking about their weird hyung. In Kyuhyun’s current state it was unlikely that he was doing anything else. Donghae found it amusing, especially when he denied it or dismissed it. No matter how tough his words are, Donghae knew that he was pure mush when it came to the lead vocalist.

“Just contemplating how you could realistically expect us to watch a drama when you have yet to change the channel. Is SpongeBob what you are calling a drama now Hae hyung?” Kyuhyun smirked in response his words delivery with a mocking curiosity that was infuriating and admirable all at the same time. Donghae had no intention of carrying on this line of conversation, especially seeing the shine of his eyes. Then stacked against him was that fact that he had accidentally flipped the channel during his teasing and to argue, Kyu would only point out that he was a klutz. So much for their mushy maknae. Donghae would just have to wait till Yesung returned to see some of that newfound sweetness. It was amazing how he was still barred wire and fireworks with them, yet at the same time be flowers and cotton candy with the older man. It was an amazing thing to experience.

“We should just watch the drama…yeah that is a good idea” Hae suggested slightly nervously, smiling innocently at Kyuhyun. Donghae was sly in his own way. He often got away with teasing, once he flashed that innocent smile that he was sporting now. Unfortunately it worked better with hyungs and not so much with evil dongsaengs.

“I think so too” Kyuhyun affirmed with a teasing smirk. He knew Hae was slightly nervous now. He was genuinely always fond of his Hae hyung, always finding him adorable, especially with that innocence that he always seem to possess. It would be hard to be snarky with him and he seemed to give up all intentions of teasing, so Kyu had no qualms about letting this one go. Hae smiled at him and he begrudgingly returned the smile.

Together they both sat on the couch, enjoying their easy day, intending to watch some drama Donghae had read about. Kyuhyun generally like to use his free time playing games, but Donghae was lonely and bored, which is never a good combination. There was no telling what he would get himself into if he was left unattended. Kyuhyun decided to do the other hyungs a favour an keep him company before he found something to entertain himself, either destroying the place or comically hurting himself. If nothing else, he had met interesting people during his time in Super Junior, Kyuhyun mused. Kyuhyun was not particularly interested in that particular drama, his taste being more into the historical genre, rather than the bubble gum thing Donghae seems to prefer, coercing Kyuhyun to agree into watching My Princess. He often wondered how Donghae’s mind worked, but decided it was best not to know. He was a different sort of complex from Heechul and Yesung and well his time would be better spent trying to figure out the one he was determined to spend eternity with, without prejudice to the others of course.

Well atleast Kim Tae Hee was hot, so the drama would be tolerable. They sat in silence, well silence on Kyuhyun’s part, whilst Donghae reacted as a normal person would to a cute scene or a pretty girl. Kyuhyun would just roll his eyes and decided if he agreed or not inwardly. There little party of two was interrupted two hours into their drama watching activity, when they heard a husky voice drawing their attention. Both men were feeling excitement. Donghae was happy his hyung was back to save him from non reacting Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun was excited because the supposed,  the self proclaimed love of his life was back. It was rather unfortunate that it was Donghae that actually showed a stronger reaction.

“What are you guys doing?” Yesung asked mildly inquisitively as he made his way into the Living room, stopping only to remove his shoulder bag, resting it on the table that they used to leave odds and ends, smiling at the two men as he entered, his eyes tired but friendly and happy.

“Hyung I’m glad you are back. Come watch a drama with us” Donghae warmly invited, happy smile overtaking his face as he saw Yesung enter into the room. He was glad for Kyuhyun’s company, but honestly it was not much of the company that he enjoyed. He was sure Yesung was the better of the two at watching dramas. Yes, it just happened that some people were just better at watching dramas with other people than others.

“What are you guys watching?” Yesung inquired as he approached, still smiling happily at then, brushing his hand lovingly on Kyuhyun’s head, before he was guided to the seat next to Donghae, by who looked mildly excited by his presence.

“My Princess. That show with that hot actress” Donghae informed with a smile, as he lead Yesung to sit next to him in the vacant position, smiling warmly at the obviously tired man. He wondered what Yesung’s schedule was for the day, but decided that watching a pretty actress with his favourite dongsaengs would be enough to cure him. His mind informing a little meanly that it would actually be Siwon’s and Kyu’s job, but Hae ignored it. He was a special dongsaeng he would have all know. Yesungie hyung loved his jjokkeumani after all.

“Moon Geun Young?” Yesung asked hopefully, smiling wide at the very thought that it is his favourite actress. He was rather fond of her and would love to watch her in anything. He was looking at Donghae hopefully with cute eyes, but it was not Hae that responded.

“No, it’s Kim Tae Hee” Kyuhyun responded nonchalantly, rolling his eyes at Yesung’s excitement, and resisting the urge to scoff at him after he made his disappointment so obvious. Kyuhyun was not jealous or any of the ridiculous sort of thing, just that he found it annoying how obsessive Yesung was over the girl. It was not as if she was giving him a chance anyway. Then he realized that Yesung shouldn’t even want a chance with her and then had to resist the urge to actually glare at him. He would do no such thing however. He was not likely to give Donghae the opportunity to even suggest that he was upset by the mention of the girl’s name.

“Oh…that’s too bad, but Kim Tae Hee is hot as well” Yesung summarized with a shrug of his shoulders, making himself comfortable on the couch, obviously intending to enjoy watching the pretty actress even if it was not the one of his choice. He completely missed the fact that Kyuhyun was adamant in his stance not to look at him and Donghae just watching between the two amused.

Kyuhyun in the meantime was diligently coaxing his anger into retreat, feeling rather embarrassed that it had actually arisen. He saw no really reason for it and rationally knew that Yesung just wanted to watch his favourite actress, just as Kyuhyun enjoyed watching Kim Tae Hee. He supposed it only arose as he had briefly suspected something ridiculous and it was never to be repeated again if he could help it. It was just a little unnerving to realize that Yesung still harboured attraction and admiration for someone else. It was not that he could blame him either. It was not as if they felt great attraction to each other and Kyuhyun could admit that he still found other women to be way more appealing than Yesung in that way. He just hoped that love always remained the deciding factor. He finally washed it all away, to turn to see Donghae practically on the older one. He supposed this sight was supposed to annoying  him but it didn’t really. Donghae was resting his head on Yesung’s shoulder, his hands on the smaller man as they both talked about something or the other. Kyuhyun was not listening to the conversation, instead just observing them. Donghae was obviously excited that he could be with someone that would properly baby him and Yesung was the perfect candidate.

Yesung would treat Hae like a little kid and both would be happy. Kyuhyun was well aware of the sort of relationship that they had, and found it rather adorable actually. If you asked if he was happy that Donghae was one that got the near hug, when he was the one that was waiting to see the older man, then the answer would be no. He just found it hard to dislike to Donghae though. The man was just so innocent and childlike, especially with that adorable fishy face and pout. When he was mean to Hae he would feel like the devil. It was just impossible to harbour any ill feeling towards the man. It was against that backdrop that things like what was occurring did not affect him significantly. Despite the fact that Yesung was Hae’s hair and both were happily chuckling about something, Kyuhyun just looked on in amusement at the two. He realistically couldn’t believe that both were older than he was. Yesung babying Hae was inconvenient, but atleast he could still see his smiles and hear his laugh. He couldn’t actually deprive him of his jjokkeumani now could he? His mind maliciously inquired ‘Why can’t you apply that same logic to Siwon?’, which he pointedly refused to engage in. Siwon was just different…he was to hands on. He was feeling his anger breaking free. ‘See what you did? Why did you have to bring up Siwon?’ he chastised his own mind, taking quick breathes to calm himself, trying instead to focus on the drama and not his thoughts.

Kyuhyun forced on the drama as best as he could, but couldn’t help the inconvenient thoughts that would enter his mind now and then. He wondered if Donghae didn’t have the sense to realize that he would want Yesung to sit next to him. He figured it would have been pretty obvious that since he had not seen the man all day he would be anxious to see him once it was possible. He supposed he was being a bit dramatic. It was not as if he was not seeing him. Yesung was less than three feet away, smiling at Hae or Kyu whenever their eyes met, or he would be laughing at the drama and making his comments to Hae , for them both to chuckle. Kyuhyun supposed he should be happy that the man was close, but by now he would be willing to admit that he was missing warmth. For it to be so near and not in his reach was mild torture. He could see his hands clearly and every through Hae’s hair only served to remind that it was warmth that he was deprived.

So it was natural to react that way when Hae got up and said he would be getting a drink, being so kind as to offer to bring one for them if they so desired. Yesung accepted immediately having joined them as soon as he had returned, not having the opportunity to have one before and Kyu non responsive, lost in his previous thoughts. With Donghae’s departure though, he snapped out of it pretty quickly. Without a second thought he extended his hand and caught Yesung at the wrist, drawing him closer. Yesung was surprised when he felt Kyuhyun’s grip but allowed himself to be pulled gently, closer to the maknae. Yesung just smiled at him as Kyuhyun muttered something about him being too far, as he pulled him to the position next to him. He did no more after that, other than position his hand to wrap around one of Yesung’s, just sitting next to each other side by side. Kyuhyun was not greedy. He just wanted to feel that warmth that he was craving and their shoulders brushing against each other was just a bonus. Yesung shook his head as the maknae’s action, but did not hesitate to join their hands or sit beside him, happy to just smile at him as Kyuhyun did his best to act nonchalant. Yesung was happy to be beside him, having realized that he had not seen him since the night prior, and also sort of missed the feeling of his hands being held prisoner. It was warm and tingly and he liked it. Kyuhyun in the meantime had returned to watching the drama, though the only thought that actually occupied his mind was how warm those tiny hands were and how he felt complete finally.

“Well that took you longer than I expected. It was quite impressive that you survived so long actually” Donghae observed, chuckling at his tease to the maknae, eyes shiny and playful, as he looked upon their new seating arrangements and joint hands.  Kyuhyun was just watching him with darkening eyes, no doubt planning a retort, whilst Yesung just blushed a little, but made no attempt to change his position.

“Whatever. If I were you, I would stay quiet” Kyuhyun calmly threatened, looking at Donghae with suggestive eyes, as he took his new seat on the other side of Yesung. Kyuhyun smirking in that evil way, that was sure to make Hae’s heart flutter a little bit from the evil thoughts that could possibly be running through their baby’s mind.

“Leave Hae alone Kyu ah” Yesung instructed with a smile to Kyuhyun, then turned his head in Donghae’s direction to smile at him warmly, assuring him that he would not let Kyuhyun harm him in any way, to receive a grateful smile from the innocent man and a glare form Kyuhyun. Donghae was energized by his new shield and intended to get a jab in whilst he could.

“Yesungie hyung do you see how mean he is to me? I am innocent and he threatens me.” Donghae purposely whinnied for Yesung. The older man immediately comforting him, smiling warmly and protectively, turning to shake his head at Kyuhyun, who was now glaring at them both, but primarily Donghae that was once again sneaky behind that innocent smile. Kyuhyun wished to retort, but Yesung was already back to babying Donghae and it would get him no benefit to respond. Instead he just chose to glare at Donghae who winked in his direction.

Kyuhyun wisely choose to ignore Donghae’s little attempts to bait him. He was sure Donghae knew that Yesung would think he had to protect his baby from big bad Kyuhyun and make Kyuhyun be nice. He was not looking forward to the smug look Donghae would wear when he gave way to Yesung. It was rather embarrassing that he couldn’t effectively say no to the older man, especially when he smiled that smile of his. It was one thing to do so privately, but another to do it openly. He was not interested in giving any of them any material to tease. It was unfair how they hid behind Yesung already, apparently realizing early that Kyuhyun lacked any will power when it came to the man. Then added to his intent to ignore Donghae was the fact that the warmth was driving him crazy. The tiny fingers caressing his hands, held securely where they belonged, shoulder brushing against his, giving him endless comfort. Then there was the scent of coffee/cinnamon washing over him, consuming him, engulfing him. He would be a fool to play with Donghae when he could be enjoying the sensations of being close to the man he was hopelessly in love with right? He let everything else fall away, instead focused on enjoying the warmth surrounding him and the aroma of coffee/cinnamon invading his nostril, simply tightening his hold on the hand in his, rubbing his thumb on the back of the palm as he leaned back onto the couch, mildly paying attention to the drama, thinking about how lucky he was that he got to things like that.

He sat in a comfortable silence, whilst Donghae and Yesung chattered about this and that, watching Kim Tae Hee be adorable for another hour, before they all were greeted by the return of Leeteuk, Sungmin , Eunhyuk and Finally Ryeowook who brought with him their dinner. The others at joined periodically but Kyuhyun gave no major acknowledge, though they saw the teasing looks they would spend in his direction, once they saw their joint hands. A few of them made slight comments that made Yesung blush, but were not enough to trigger a response from the content maknae. Though he was glad Ryeowook returned with the manager and their dinner. He had not eaten since he returned home and was hungry. He supposed that Yesung was hungry as well, judging by his expression when Leeteuk instructed them to get ready for dinner. Yesung being the kind person that is normally was, assisted the others get everything ready, whilst Kyuhyun choose to be his usual lazy self, by just sitting on the couch, until he was called into the kitchen by Sungmin. He didn’t hesitate to enter though; he was after all actually hungry. He casually entered and immediately glared at Eunhyuk that was intending to sit next to Yesung. Eunhyuk didn’t need to be informed, just rolling his eyes and jumping down a chair, leaving a position next to Yesung vacant for the maknae. Once again Yesung took no notice, of his other half’s less than kind representations, instead being focused on his conversation with Leeteuk.

Kyuhyun settled comfortably, happy that Yesung finally noticed his presence, smiling loving at the maknae before he turned his attention to whoever was talking to him. Kyuhyun was just focused on eating to be honest, to actually try an engage in any of the conversations going around the table. He was busy stuffing rice and broth into his mouth for the first few minutes, until Yesung told him to slow down, before patting his head gently, smiling at him. He would only smile embarrassedly, ignoring the few teasing words from the others, though glaring at the few he thought deserved atleast that. Thereafter, Yesung paid more attention to him, ever so often placing pieces of vegetables on his rice and smile at him with that smile of his. It was no secret that Kyuhyun hated veggies and would avoid them at any opportunity he could do so. Yesung in a sneaky move would continuously place these little pieces onto his rice and smile sweetly at him. It was sneaky as it was never too much that he could outright refuse to eat, but just enough that he couldn’t realistically complain. Then it didn’t help that he would always want to avoid Yesung  nagging him about how unhealthy he is. It was always done in such a sweet way, that Kyuhyun in his current sappy state couldn’t ever possibly refuse to acquiesce to the small requests. He would grumble to himself but still eat the small pieces of veggies and Yesung would just smile at him at regular intervals. It was rather sad how domestic his life suddenly seemed, yet he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Ever so often his hands would brush against the hans of the older man, who would smile sweetly at him, before re engaging in whatever animated conversations he had left before. It was comfortable and almost sort of routine. Kyuhyun enjoyed it a lot.

After dinner, Kyuhyun casually left the kitchen before anyone could even suggest he help with the dishes. He was just lazy like that he was afraid. Anyway, Eunhyuk had invited him to play video games and he was not going to decline. He would thoroughly enjoy squashing a little anchovy. He did however, keep himself well informed of Yesung’s position. Yesung had opted to sit on the couch with Donghae, as Sungmin and Ryeowook had Sukira and Leeteuk said he would return to the lower dorm to catch up on some sleep and see if Shindong and Heechul were back yet. Yesung and Donghae had chosen to entertain themselves with watching the rest of the drama, whilst Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun played their games. It was all a good idea Kyuhyun thought. He could play his game and could still have the object of his affections in his peripheral vision and share warm smiles with each other, without being overly sappy or anything like that.  That was until Siwon showed up. The guy didn’t even greet any of them, instead heading straight for the couch throwing himself on Yesung and Donghae who would only playfully push him away. Eunhyuk called out his greeting and Kyuhyun well…..Well Kyuhyun glared. Siwon either didn’t notice or care, choosing to greet both fondly, before he positioned himself until he was practically lying on top of both Yesung and Donghae, both now treating him like a child. Yesung was his hair and Donghae was playfully trying to displace him. It didn’t take long until all three were laughing at something or the other, but all Kyuhyun could focus on was the fact that whilst Siwon had pulled his weight mainly off of Donghae, he still remained mainly leaned against Yesung, continuously smiling at the older man.

It was seriously grating on Kyuhyun’s nerves. He could deal with Donghae, but Siwon was a completely different thing altogether. No matter how much he thought about it, he just found the man to be a nuisance. He was well aware that Yesung and Siwon were close and all that, but that did nothing to alleviate the annoyance the muscled man always seem to invoke him .He knew it was irrational and probably unjustifiable( ‘Atleast you know’ his mind added), but he couldn’t get the feeling to dissipate. Did Siwon realistically have to hang himself all over his Yesung? He should atleast have some boundaries. Then aside from the fact that he was so touchy feely with things that won’t his, he also made Kyuhyun distracted, which also annoyed Kyuhyun. He was so focused on his task of glaring at Siwon covertly, that he was losing life points and life energy rapidly and was barely holding on. He didn’t know what was worst, resisting the urge to throw Siwon of the couch, or having to pretend that he wasn’t resisting said urge. Then couple that with the fact that he was losing and Eunhyuk had already began his gloating was enough to make his blood boil. Since he couldn’t glare at Siwon, he instead glared at Eunhyuk with such ferocity that the poor Dancing Machine, gulped audibly before he quickly averted his eyes, only focused now on his game, wanting to avoid the maknae’s wrath. He didn’t even know what he did wrong. Kyuhyun was mean but he wasn’t especially a sore loser, he would just claim that you got lucky and insist on a rematch. Hell, the game wasn’t even over. He would normally be boasting of an amazing recovery at this stage. Eunhyuk decided that he didn’t even want to know why the maknae looked ready to kill.

Kyuhyun’s mood did not improve significantly, with Siwon still having his arms wrapped around Yesung, even if he was speaking to both Donghae and Yesung. Kyuhyun thought his head was going to explode trying not to look as if he was not planning ways to cause Siwon actual bodily harm. He was grateful when Siwon  stood up and pulled himself off of Yesung, thinking the worst of it was over.  Siwon then had the gall to invite Yesung out to workout with him and Hae. Apparently he was on his way to the gym and decided to stop in a pay a visit, seeing if he could coax anyone out with him.  Kyuhyun didn’t see why he couldn’t just go by himself. Who would want to work out with him any? He was already sculptured like a Greek God…that wouldn’t be burdensome to the other party right? Kyuhyun scoffed and Eunhyuk asked him if he was alright. He once again glared at the man for interrupted his evil plans when it came to Siwon. Eunhyuk then decided that he would just focus on his game, till the maknae was less bipolar. Kyuhyun sighed when Yesung politely declined. That was the smartest thing Yesung did all evening, even better than holding Kyuhyun’s hand, Kyuhyun decided. The older man finally understood that it was dumb to spend time with Siwon. His little bubble was busted, when Yesung stated that he was tired and still had to feed his turtles and so on, so he would take a rain check. Well apparently Yesung had not come to realize that Siwon was a nuisance, but Kyuhyun was willing to look on the bright side, atleast Yesung would not be with Siwon. ‘I hope you know that this is not normal. You really need to stop being so obsessed with Siwon’ his mind advised gently, but it sounded condescending to Kyuhyun. He didn’t see anything wrong with his logic. Siwon was touchy feely and he didn’t want him touching what was his. It made perfect sense to him. ‘You are hopeless’ his mind sighed.

Kyuhyun looked on in glee as Siwon said he was leaving, Donghae tagging along with him. Kyuhyun really could have done without the hug goodbye that the both shared. It caused him annoyance and life points. Apparently he was observing Siwon’s hands so diligently that he had missed a crucial point in his game and was in shambles. Eunhyuk was chuckling slightly having gained the upper hand. Is there nothing that Siwon wouldn’t destroy? ‘Would you stop being so dramatic. Do you even realize how crazy you sound?’ his mind once again questioned. Kyuhyun ignored it obviously. He had to keep an eye on Siwon. A man had to have priorities after all. He released a breathe he didn’t know he was holding when Siwon finally left, rubbing the back of his neck to release the built up tension.

“You are so going to lose today. I hope you enjoy being owned” Eunhyuk taunted a little, not looking at the maknae least he was glared at once again. In fact his eyes didn’t leave his screen, the words taunting but extremely playful .He rather have Kyuhyun rant and rave than look murderous. He had watched even horror movies to know that the silent ones were the most dangerous, hence why he tried his hardest to never upset Yesung.

“Silence saves lives” Kyuhyun retorted, still trying to remove his tension, not looking at Eunhyuk, but he was sure the older man had heard the threat loud and clear. Their little exchange was then interrupted by a chuckle. To Eunhyuk it was a saviour, an angel from the heavens, coming to save him from a crazy spoilt maknae. To Kyuhyun it was the sometimes cause of all his stress and crazy tendencies, as well as the person he was positive he would die loving. Wasn’t that an odd combination? That was love for you.

“Kyu ah stop bullying Eunhyukkie .You are scaring him. Play nice” Yesung instructed with a smile as he walked in their direction. He smiled at Eunhyuk as he patted his head softly, then touching Kyu’s cheeks lovingly, chuckling when Kyuhyun pulled away slightly, almost childishly. He just laughed a bit before ruffling Kyuhyun’s hair, flashing them one last smile as he left the room heading to his room, they assumed. Kyuhyun watched him go, feeling a hundred things at once.

Kyuhyun had intended to play the rest of the evening with Eunhyuk, but apparently his mixed up mood was killing his luck. He kept making small mistakes and was not concentrating properly. Since Siwon came his mood had not entirely returned to normal. He was happy that the man had left, but was mad atleast for always being that petty and childish, always so single minded in his immediate reaction, that he never allowed himself to think sensibly. It was so unlike him and it was frustrating. That frustration had a negative effect on his game strategy and he kept having to salvage the game which was stressing him out even more. After an hour of playing and having to glare at Eunhyuk to prevent him from even attempting to gloat, he had called it a termination, ending their gaming sensation. Eunhyuk was regretful that his opportunity to beat the maknae was lost, but he supposed it was the best option for his life to have a continued existence. Kyuhyun had two options. He could go to his room and let his frustration fester or he could go annoy Yesung. It was obviously the latter. Yesung was indirectly the cause of his stress anyway. He made his way to the room quickly, pausing a second, deciding if to knock before just pushing the door open. He immediately saw Yesung sitting on his bed, reading something. He wasn’t sure what it was though. Yesung however greeted him immediately smiling at him and making a sign with his hand for him to come closer. He wondered why Yesung even found it necessary to do that .It was not like he wouldn’t come closer anyway.

“What’s wrong with BabyKyu?” Yesung inquired with a teasing smile, having seen the grumpy face the maknae was wearing. He supposed Kyuhyun did it unconsciously, but it was adorable. Kyuhyun didn’t answer, just made his way over, lying on the bed flat on his back, displacing Yesung, who only chuckled at the audacious act.

“Did you lose?” Yesung asked, looking down at the maknae, lying next to him with his eyes closed. For him to be this grumpy and not work related, it meant that he lost. Kyuhyun hated to lose, so he was no doubt upset. Kyuhyun once again remained tight lipped. It would hurt his pride to admit that he lost outright and even more if he had to admit the reason for his distraction. He was feeling better now anyway. He was feeling light patches of warmth spreading through his body from the areas in which Yesung touched him and the smell was intoxicating. He was pushing his frustrations away; instead focusing on the comfort just being near the man gave him. The defeat still annoyed him though. That stupid Eunhyuk would no doubt boast an eternity. He pouted unconsciously.

“Ahhh…sooo cute” Yesung cooed annoyingly, reaching down and then stretching forward to pinch Kyuhyun’s cheeks softly, chuckling when Kyuhyun mock glared at him for the ridiculous treatment he was administering to him, yet noted that Kyuhyun made no effort to avoid the pinch or shake off the hands that remained on his cheeks a little longer than necessary.

“What were you doing anyway hyung?” Kyuhyun questioned with genuine curiosity as he watched as Yesung was once more trying to find a comfortable spot on his own bed, Kyuhyun having displaced him significantly, unable to properly position his legs. Kyuhyun took note of the awkwardness of the man, instead shifting himself, until he had his head resting on Yesung’s lap and the older man finally able to position his comparatively shorter, but still fairly long legs. Kyuhyun adjusted himself and Yesung did the same wordlessly, until they both were fairly comfortable. Yesung then responded to the question that was posed to him before.

“Reading a manga. It’s pretty good actually” Yesung informed with a smile and his voice sounding in awe. He was not kidding; it was actually a pretty good one. The drawings were beautiful and the story progressing at a nice pace. He should probably point out to Kyuhyun that he had interrupted just when he got to the good part, but then that would pointless. He rather liked having Kyuhyun with him, so in any case he would still rather be sitting where he was with Kyuhyun than reading.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Kyuhyun teasingly questioned, looking at Yesung was a barely there smirk and playful mischievous eyes. Kyuhyun marvelled how childish the man was actually. He wouldn’t argue that mangas did not have their own appeal, but maybe Yesung should be acting like the adult he was supposed to be and read an article or a book instead. That was Yesung though. It was adorable in his  own very special way.

“Like playing games all night is so much better?” Yesung retorted sarcastically, looking down at Kyuhyun with slightly mocking eyes, obviously displeased that Kyuhyun had disregarded his manga as being useless. Kyuhyun had a witty retort on the tip of his tongue, but Yesung’s expression was hilarious. It was like he was in protect mode, expect he couldn’t keep the tenderness out of his face as he looked at Kyuhyun, so it came off as a tender sort of fierceness, that caused Kyuhyun to burst into laughter. Yesung looked like he would reprimand the maknae but was swayed by the sweet sound of his laughter, making him laugh despite himself. They both just continued laughing unexplainably for a good three minutes, until finally Kyuhyun calmed himself, and Yesung just his hair tenderly, smiling sweetly at him.

“How was your recording today hyung?” Kyuhyun inquired, having realized that he had not made the inquiry prior. It was common for either to make such inquires even before they confessed, so it was just a normal thing that could be expected. Kyuhyun was genuinely interested, hoping that it went well. When things didn’t go well, it tends to upset him and make him worry, even if it was not immediate.

“It was okay. I am sure I embarrassed myself though” Yesung informed, voice tinged with mild regret as he related his opinion on the outcome of the day. He shook his head side to side, as if mentally replaying it in his mind, trying to determine if it really was embarrassing or not. He smiled at Kyuhyun though, a little shyly, probably deciding that it was probably embarrassing indeed.

“Don’t you always embarrass yourself though hyung?” Kyuhyun quipped, with a playful grin, eyes mischievous and teasing. Kyuhyun was never the best at comforting, so he did what he was good at. Even if it was not perfect, atleast Yesung would focus on his tease rather than the recording. Kyuhyun hoped that his methodology was effective and in a way felt sorry he couldn’t do better. It seemed to work though, as Yesung looked at him in mock offence, smiling brightly as he smacked him on the head.

“I don’t even know why I keep you around. You are no comfort” Yesung declared with a playful smile and an accompanying dramatic shake of his head to indicate that he was genuinely flabbergasted by his actions, and that he was disappointed in Kyuhyun’s inability to be comforting, except that it was not well played and completely pointless when he giggled a little when his eyes caught Kyuhyun's.

“I think it’s because I am handsome and witty. Well…. it can be any reason really. I have so many attractive qualities.” Kyuhyun boasted nonchalantly as possible, smirk firmly in place, also nodding to show the accuracy of the statement, finally turning into a beaming smile as he waited for Yesung to respond verbally, his only other reaction thus far was to roll his eyes and once again smack Kyuhyun lightly on his chest this time.

“Maybe it was because I am tasteless and like being annoyed. It must be a personality flaw to actually want you around” Yesung teased with mock vigour, smiling widely that he actually had an appropriate response. These games were fun for the both of them. They both liked the gentle, loving teasing but it was no secret that Kyuhyun was slightly better at that whole banter thing. Kyuhyun just smiled devilishly at him. He doubted he would like the next response in terms of content but he often liked hearing Kyuhyun’s voice and seeing his smiles, so it was never a loss. Always some benefit. ‘Can you focus and stop being a love sick fool?’ his mind chastised. He supposed his mind only said that because it was not seeing Kyuhyun’s smile or feeling the warmth that radiated of the younger man. He felt sorry that his mind was deprived.

“Nah…it’s not because you like being annoyed. It more probable that you just like me so much that you like even when I am annoying. It’s perfect logic actually” Kyuhyun retorted with a full on devilish smirk, sensing victory immediately when a light blush took the older man’s face. These little conversations were fun, especially since Yesung was so shy, it was child’s play for someone like Kyuhyun. Aside from the victory, Kyuhyun rather enjoyed seeing the light blush take Yesung’s chubby cheeks and seeing the shy smile he would wear. Kyuhyun would argue that was the entire point of having these little teasing sessions, just so that he could get a good view of those tainted red cheeks. Kyuhyun smiled out of happiness then.

“Shut up! ….What did you do today anyway?” Yesung sputtered slightly at first, then found his voice to make the inquiry. Kyuhyun was a sneaky little demon. He knew well that Yesung would be too shy to actually affirm that he liked him and couldn’t dispute the claim without his heart trying to kill him. He was taking advantage of Yesung’s shyness. He just had to smack him, for making him blush like a school girl. He really didn’t know why he kept the little monster around for. ’Maybe it’s because you are embarrassingly in love with him and probably would suffer just at the thought of being away from him?’ his mind questioned sarcastically. If minds had eyes he was sure his would be rolling theirs. Well aside from the endless love part, he didn’t know why. ‘Why pretend you wouldn’t still want him near even if it wasn’t love’ his mind informed again meanly. Well it was obviously best he left that one alone and just go with he was glad Kyuhyun was there, no matter what.

“The usual. Tell me about the recording instead” Kyuhyun instructed, looking at Yesung with warm curious eyes, soft smile. Yesung had resumed his hair. Kyuhyun was comfortable and honestly didn’t find his day to be particularly interesting, and would genuinely prefer to listen to Yesung’s stories. Knowing the man it was bound to be interesting and it was also a benefit that Kyuhyun absolutely loved hearing his voice. It was soft and deep and just melodious. He continued smiling at the older man encouraging him to tell him about his instead, with Yesung eventually nodding his head.

Kyuhyun made himself comfortable as he listened to Yesung describe his interesting day, well Kyuhyun supposed it was only interesting because it involved the things that Yesung did. Kyuhyun would allow himself to be submerged in the melodious rise and fall of his voice, to be engulfed by the coffee and cinnamon, overwhelmed by blinding unbelievable warmth that spread through his body from the heat that seem to be exuded by the man, and drown in every smile, every expression, every word. Kyuhyun would interject here and there, making and inquiry for clarification or would just tease, earning himself a smack now and then, but he didn’t mind. They were never painful and he quite liked the softness of such tiny fingers against his firm body. Kyuhyun remained in his contented state for what seemed like hours, closing his eyes, listening to the man, only to hear his voice slightly strained and the less rhythmic. Kyuhyun would immediately open his eyes to ensure all was well, to be overcome by the adorableness of it all. Yesung was beyond drowsy, head leaning against the wall, fighting to keep his eyes open with adorable force. He looked like a five year old insisting they weren’t tired but unable to keep their eyes open. Kyuhyun realized that he had indeed mentioned that he was tired before, and from his recollections he didn’t seem to have an easy day. Kyuhyun wondered why he didn’t just say he wanted to sleep, then it occurred to him, that he would probably do the same thing. He would try his best to make their time together last as long as possible, even if he had to forsake sleep. He smiled at the man, whose eyes were shut now, but Kyuhyun knew he wasn’t asleep exactly yet. Kyuhyun made to remove himself, causing Yesung’s eyes to bolt open immediately, shaking the sleep from his mind, holding onto Kyuhyun’s hand. Kyuhyun would only smile and easy himself out of the hold.

Once he was off the bed and fairly out the way, Kyuhyun would guide the man to a lying position, smiling at him fondly when he tried to resist. Kyuhyun would lean down and instruct “Sleep”. Once the man comfortable spread on his bed, based on Kyuhyun’s opinion, he would carefully pull the comforter into place, handing the drowsy man his plushie that he immediately cuddled, causing Kyuhyun to chuckle. Once he was sure he was in place, Kyuhyun made to get up and leave, that is until he was held back, by a firm hand on his wrist even if the rest looked adorably sleepy.

“Make sure and get some sleep. Don’t play games all night” Yesung instructed as firmly as he could, with his eyes closing and his voice groggy, yet fighting hard to get the words out, silently pleading with the maknae to do as he was told.

“I will don’t worry” Kyuhyun assured as he leaned down to put the comforter back into place, smiling warmly at the man.

“Promise” Yesung once more instructed as he reached a hand up to touch Kyuhyun’s cheek, finding the strength to force his eyes open and stare firmly into Kyuhyun’s eyes, willing him to make the promise, to take care of himself, to get some rest.

“I will only play for a little while, then I will sleep. I promise” Kyuhyun vowed, as he looked at the man with a loving smile. Yesung would nod his acceptance finally allowing sleep to win the battle, but not before he wished Kyuhyun a good night and instructed him to sleep.

Kyuhyun gazed fondly at the man for a few seconds, before reaching out to straighten his hair tenderly, before finally leaving the room. He grabbed his laptop on the way into his room, settling himself on his bed, ready to play. He was in a much better mood after his time with Yesung, all his frustrations and annoyance forgotten. As a result he was able to focus better on the game and had improved significantly, even levelling up. It was a perfect gaming period, that is until the guilt started clawing at his heart, reminding him of a promise. Therefore after two hours, he had to withdraw from his game, despite his winning streak. His consciousness wouldn’t allow him to go back on the promise, no matter how good it was all going. Love had made him such an obedient push over, he lamented. Thankfully that only applied to Yesung and he wouldn’t trade it for the entire world. He closed his laptop and settled under his covers. He looked back on the day and smiled like a fool. It was just a day. They didn’t do anything special or extraordinary. They just spend a day as they normally did and it was perfect. He wouldn’t mind spending his whole life like that. Once he got to be near the man, smell coffee/cinnamon, held tiny hands in his, and basked in the sweetness of shy, soft smiles, each day would be special. ’You are so mushy…I am starting to worry’ his mind taunted. He actually agreed with it completely. He would only propose that he had a right to be mushy. He was experiencing the magic of ordinary days. He hoped it last forever. Kyuhyun smiled happily as he closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to claim him. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow. It would be just as amazing.


A/N:I just wanted to look at a day in their lives, without any special event or intimacy progress…just a day in the life. I am sorry if it was dull, but that was a natural consequence. I want to do some of these fluff pieces before I get to my planned angst series, dealing with telling their parents. I hope I get to write it and I hope there are people actually interested in reading it. I don’t know how often these stories will be anymore as I have semester finals in less than a month and an exam timetable from hell….but hey …..Cheers!! :)

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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: I enjoy every story that you made! I can't wait to reread the others! You have so much potential! I wish you're still here, write another story again about their relationship now
Chapter 1: I don't know why but the prospect of Kyuhyun getting jealous over Yesung's favorite actor just made me laugh. He can be so petty at times, but I suppose I like those qualities about him, it makes him a very interesting person. An ordinary day of just watching a drama is so refreshing, because it's so true. And of course mayhem happens whenever Siwon shows up. Sigh, maybe one day Kyu will stop with his jealousy.. or not. I am so grateful for the time and effort you just into these incredible fic's authornim, and I admire you more and more whenever I read them. Your Kyusung is so special and I'm so lucky I got to read them <3.
Chapter 1: awwww KYUSUNG!!!!!!! love how kyuhyun is till jealous of siwon even though he isn't there! XD i want a jealous yesung now...!!
Oh thank you thank you so much for this new story! *o*
You are the best! :D Your KyuSung makes me so HAPPY ^.^
This story is so cute, I really like it! I LOVE IT!
Oh and thank you for not forgetting Siwon xDDD
First, thank you so much for spend hours writing, it is gratifying have a new good story almost every day.
Really they don't need words to understand each other in front of the other members. I always love the sweet conversation at Yesung's room. However in this one i missed Heechul...LOL.

I am waiting for next update patiently, definitely a important step in their relationship
fighting for your exams!!!
thursday #6
Ordinary days are just as important as special ones. This was very sweet and I needed a sweet story this morning. Please keep writing! I am very interested in reading your planned angst. And some more fluff is even better. My life is very stressful right now, and your stories(even the angsty ones) always bring a smile to my face. Good Luck with your exams!
ice420 #7
Gosh, I wish I was Yesung and have the same day, everyday!!! Coming home to your favorite people is relaxing enough but add in someone who loves you that much? Well, who needs Malls to relieve stress when you can go home?

THANK YOU!! I think, now, we can have a clear idea on how their relationship is developing. I know the angst ahead is not gonna be pretty but I think, nope, I KNOW they'll pull through. Both are stubborn to keep what they have so, yup, they'll be okay ^^

Oh, we know how a jealous Kyu is, but, how about a jealous Yesung? Not with bandmates coz' if KyuMin does nothing to Yeye then any other pairing with bandmates would be bleh as well. How about outside? *lol* I dunno. Let's hear Yeye sometime :D

Please write more *throws you Hae's puppy dog eyes* I need more KyuSung!!!!