A brief leg stretch

Sherlock's Lost Chapters: III
A large, dark wooded carriage pulled up next to not the best but one of the most popular butchers in this part of London. In this carriage were probably 5 of the best minds London or even England knew.

The first to get out was the only one who looked like he knew what he was doing. He was young but well dresses. Not wasting any time he strolled into the meat shop.

The other 4 exited the carriage, stretching their stiffened legs. The eldest though, had gotten a bit too carried away; it wasn't until he straightened up and brushed off his suit, that he realised he was alone with a grumpy driver to pay.

"Oh..." Jinki heaved a sigh and handed over the sum from his rather weathered looking wallet. Pivoting on his heels he headed into the disturbing looking shop.

A counter stood stretching across the room showing off an array of different meats. 3 of the 4 other boys were stood talking by the sausages. A muscular man with a large handle bar mustache, hammered a hunk of beef while staring at them through squinted eyes.

"Where's Taemin?" Jinki asked as he sided up to Jonghyun.

"He went t-" Kibum had started before being cut off by the mustached man.

"The kid is talking to Miss Evans. One at a time though!"

The man's voice shook the whole shop making the boys jump out of their skin. Jinki gave a questioning 'who's Miss Evans?' kind of look over to the younger 3. They all replied with the same 'haven't a clue' look making Jinki shake his head and stand silently.

It was another 5 minutes before the youngest emerged holding a brown briefcase. He bowed at the man behind the counter and left the shop not even looking back to see if the others were following. Which they did anyway. It was not until he had turned a corner into a cramped alley that he turned back seeing 4 faces with confusion painted on. He placed the briefcase down.

"Wha-" Jonghyun had started to speak but was cut off when the slim index finger of the youngest rested on his lips, shushing him. Bringing the other index finger to his own lips, he moistened the end raising it into the wind.

A crash was heard.

"That's out cue!" Taemin said calmly. He picked up the briefcase and shoved it into the folded arms of Minho before pegging it. With no other option the rest followed. This wasn't odd for them, they would often find themselves in this type of situation and as they were still young, they found it exhilarating.

They had run as far as they could on ground, now it was time for the heights. They could hear the pounding of feet behind them but didn't dare to steal a glance.

Minho being the fastest reached the unstable looking wooden ladder first, starting to climb before checking to see if it was safe.

'20 wrungs. 7th one small crack, 14th, broken on one side, badly fixed. Stay away from them. Likelihood of splinters? Very likely!'

They had all noticed this. Kibum was the last up as he was holding the ladder stable. Taemin was holding it at the top as he climbed. Once he was joined by the elder he pushed the ladder away hoping to give them more time.

Jonghyun tried to unlock the roof door but it was hopeless. As much as the thought scared them the only way off this roof was, well there wasn't another way off. Apart from a 6 foot jump to the next building.

"Taemin, you idiot! What did you do to upset someone this time?" Jonghyun yelled.

"There will be time for answers late first we need to deal with them!" Taemin pointed at the group of about 5 men running towards them across the vast roof top.

Not having anywhere else to go Minho and Jinki took a running leap over the gap. Jonghyun followed leaving Taemin with a cowering Kibum.

"I- I can't..."

"Come on hyung..." Taemin pulled Kibum's arm making him fall into a runner jumping elegantly onto other roof.

They followed after the others but didn't have to run far. Dead end. Jinki was staring over the edge of the building, Jonghyun now had the briefcase and was hugging it tight and Minho was stood on a slight wall looking for another escape route.

Something or someone grabbed Taemin's shoulder, spinning him around. A heavy fist greeted the side of his face, overpowering him making him land heavily on the dirt.

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CutieWay #1
nice story i like it!!! <33
Ouch!! Poor Taemin! :(
But seriously.. What did he get them into??
Update soooon!! XD
poor taemin...

what will happen now?! *curious*
now I find myself automatically subbing and reading all ur sherlock series..
Wonder what will be the next lost chap mystery..