First Debut

Idol's Life

The name with - thing was their manager. Also, the manager words will be in red colour for Jung-min and green for Yeon-yeon



At music bank waiting room (16.55, 24 september 2000)

"Girls, are you ready? Don't be nervous, just chill~" said Jung-min while doing his infamous gesture.

But apparently, no one's listening to him. They're busy with their own business. Hyeo Na and Eun Hye were doing cute gesture while singing kid's song on the couch, Min Young and Ye Eun were reading something while waiting for their make-up done, while Sun Mi daydreamt on the corner, and Shin Hye were sleeping on the couch.

"Yah, get ready. You will be airing in 5 minutes"

"Yah, do you think we can meet with H.O.T Oppas?" ask Hyeo Na

"I think so, they have a performance today. Wae?" said Min Young hesitating to let the book down

"Because Hee Jun Oppa still owe me a Naengmyon. He's running away from me! He breaks the rules! Such unwise Sunbae, or should i say.....Hoobae?" Hyeo Na smirked then laugh at her own words

"Yah, cut it off. We're going to stage now. Don't do silly things okay?"

"Especially you two" pointing to the laughing Hyeo Na and Eun Hye who's suddenly stop laughing

"What things Oppa? We're doing nothing" pout Hyeo Na

"Yah yah yah, your pouts won't work for me. Do that when you find Hee Jun hyung, you will need that"

"Yah! Jung-min, what are you doing? Get the girls already!"

"Let's shout first before going to stage" suggest Shin Hye

"1,2,3, HWAITING!!" they all chorused


Hyeo Na's POV:

I heard Jung Oppa said something about nervous. Duh, who cares anyway. I'm making cute gesture with Hyukkie while singing kid's song. Hyukkie is Eun Hye's nickname, given by me ..........of course. She's my beloved and favourite cousin after all, so i decided to give her that nickname.

Suddenly, i remember something. I had the urgent to find Hee Jun Oppa, but what is it about? Hhhhmmmm......, that's it! The Naengmyon game!


Practice room in S.M Ent.

"Oppa, i'm hungry~" i whined while pouts to KANGTA Oppa

"What? But i just saw you having lunch 5 minutes ago, and now you're already starving?" asked Hee Jun Oppa

"What do you want to eat Hyeo Na-ya?" KANGTA Oppa looks at me with his concerned warm eyes >.<

"Galbi, Naengmyon, Jajangmyun, Tang, Samgyetang..........there's so many Oppa~"

"Yah, let's play a game. Whoever fail, pays for today's lunch." blurted Seung Ho Oppa

"Sure^^ That'll be interesting. This kid here, eats a lot"  Hee Jun Oppa pointed his fingers at me

"What game Oppa?" i smirked to Hee Jun Oppa

"Pero-pero!!!" scream Jae Won Oppa


Yay!! I'm pairing with KANGTA Oppa^^

pfffft Hee Jun Oppa paired with Toni Oppa, they will definitely lose~ :)

Woo Hyuk Oppa got paired with Jae Won Oppa


At the end, Hee Jun Oppa and Seung Ho Oppa got lost. But they just give their member moneys and runaway from me.

Oh yeah, if you're wondering why i'm in the H.O.T Oppas practice room, it's because i'm skipping practice and in case Jung-min looking for me, i'm hiding in here. Smart heh?? Thanks to my great brain^^

      *end of flashback*


I let go Seung Ho Oppa 'coz he already pays back by sending a package of  pork belly to our dorm last night. So i'm hunting Hee Jun Oppa right now.

On my way to the stage, i look for Hee Jun Oppa in their waiting room. But Seung Ho Oppa said he was in the rest room, probably hiding from me.......TT

"Oppa, please tell Hee Jun Oppa that i will find him, wherever he hides. There's no use hiding from me^^" i told Seung Ho Oppa while smirked to myself.


When we're performing, i saw some familiar face in the audiences. And he's looking at me, am i his favourite? Could be, i'm Korea's #1 magnae after all.

OMO!! I think i knew who is he. But what is he doing here? I thought he was in America, did he lie to me?


After our performance, i entered H.O.T waiting room. Still no sign of Hee Jun Oppa, Heck! where did he go? He couldn't be in the rest room all the time!! Wait, he could.......=="


So i told Jung-min to leave me there, i still had some things to settled.

And i ask Ji Won Oppa to look for Hee Jun Oppa in the male rest room.

"What did he do to you Hyeo Na-ya?" asked Ji Won Oppa

"He ran away like a chicken running away from the butcher after he loses in the pero-pero game......TT"

Ji Won Oppa just shrugged and get in the rest room

After a while, i heard some conversation inside, but i can't heard it


Hee Jun's POV:

Crap! Hyeo Na must be looking me right now. Where should i hide myself? I must find someplace where she can't get in........... Aha!! The male rest room, she wouldn't dare to go in there!! Thanks brain, i love you!!

It's been 30 minutes i'm hiding here. I was about to go out when i saw her shoes at the end of the corridor. 

Oh no!! Seung Ho must have told her!! Crap!!

Wait~ i'm in the male rest room right? Hyeo Na is a female, so she can't get inside here and kill me^^

I felt relieved when suddenly the doors swung. I saw Ji Won from Sechs Kies coming in.

"Ji Won-ah is Hyeo Na outside?"

"Yeah Hyung, actually, she send me here to look for you."

"What?? Oh My God,, i can't go out now. If i did, she'll kill me right away"

"Hyung, why don't you text her? Tell her you're sorry and promise her that you will give her Jeju Pork Belly? We all know she likes to eat"

Hhhhmmmm should i? Ji Won is right, that's the only thing that will make me alive.

"Okay, i'll do it"


Hyeo Na's POV:

What is he doing?

What's taking him so long?

pffft i shouldn't ask Ji Won Oppa, maybe i should ask Tae Woo Oppa........

Suddenly, my phone rings. There was a message


From: Hee Jun Oppa


Eh? Hee Jun Oppa??

Pffft probably afraid to go out......


Hyeo Na-ya, can you forgive Oppa??

I will give you Jeju Pork Belly as my apology......


Bwoh?? Forgive you?? Not that easy Oppa....

Well, i should play a trick on you.... kekekekeke


To: Hee Jun Oppa



After sending the message, i return to my waiting room. But it was empty, no one's there. The coordi Unnie, Stylist Unnie, my managers, not even my members.........where are they??

Suddenly, i remember, they have left me here because i want to look for Hee Jun Oppa. 

Otteohke?? If i walk or get a taxi, my fans will recognize me!! Not just that, what if there's some stalker out there? 

Pffft you just can't resist my charming yet beautiful face aren't cha??

Suddenly, my phone rings. Oh, it's a message. But from who?

Pffft maybe Hee Jun Oppa


From: Unknown Number


Eh? Unknown number?? Is it my fans?? Wow, they're really quick, good job my fans^^


How's my favourite dongsaeng going on?

I've seen your performances today, DAEBAK!^^

Oppa miss you~ TT


Eh? Dongsaeng? Oppa? Could it be....... 


Hehehehe, cliff hanger^^

Guess, who is this Oppa (who send Hyeo Na message)

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