
After School Hours,

A week went by pleasantly because I didn't see G.O or his gang. IU had returned to SNU and successfully made the cut into the LOEN Entertainment. A debut recording would be held in the end of the week, assuring her place into the company. As I sat at lunch between my two best friends, I laughed as IU told me about her experience in the music industry.

"Thunder-ah, everyone there was always panicking!", I chuckled adoring her conversations and suddenly looked up to see Lee Joon holding his tray with his killer smile, "Doongie, can I ---",

"sorry", Ha Na coo's slyly and place your arm instantly around IU's neck.

"this table is full", you state flatly. Our table actually consisted of three seats and since IU had left for over a week, Lee Joon was our third person, now thing felt awkward but you were looking for any reason to keep Lee Joon at distances and this was the perfect one. I could see Lee Joon frowning slightly but holding his composure with a false smile lingering along his beautiful fine lips. IU turned to Ha Na and then up at Lee Joon and then to me.

"Thunder-ah, Ha Na, you guy's made a new friend without me?", she gushed.

Lee Joon smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Lee Changsun, Lee Joon, please treat me prettily",

"of course, Joon-ah!", IU slipped from your grasp and went over the the table behind us dragging the empty chair, offering Lee Joon to sit as he did and thanked her. You merely frowned and slapped IU's shoulder,

"ouch! Ha Na!", she whines. I merely laugh, my friend circle was complete.

Another lunch day and then obvious: Ha Na and Lee Joon never got along. IU and I decided to tease them.

"aigoo, Ha Na, Joon-ah, you guy's fight like a married couple", IU cooed, causing me to burst out laughing in agreement.

"Yah! I would never marry someone like her!", Lee Joon protested as Ha Na flips her hair, "as if your any match, pabo",
Lee Joon and Ha Na excused themselves from the table to get their lunches as I could hear bitter comments such as: "idiot", "aigoo, stop being a ", "yah! who are you calling a ?!", "obviously the only one here", "I'll make sure you aren't the lead in the play", "aish! you can't do that!", "watch me!", "wae! wae! ---", their conversations drifted, leaving IU and me to merely giggle at the cute rivalry.

"Thunder-ah, how was your week though, you didn't tell me", IU asked cutely as she took a sip of her smoothie. I suddenly felt upset again, recalling the previous week. I sighed,

"IU, promise you won't tell Ha Na or anyone?",

"but Thunder-ah why would you need to hide anything from either one of us...", she said sadly.

"IU you know I wouldn't hide anything from Ha Na, but you know how fragile she is", I cooed. Ha Na had too much power and if I were to share the topic of G.O, she'd have him expelled under my request. However, IU agreed as I whisper to her my confession.

"Is... G.O, gay?", I asked awkwardly embarrassed. She rose a brow and nodded,

"no, I don't think so, wae?", she asked abit confused as my cheeks began to flush.

"He... kissed me", I hesitantly spoke as she gasped, "He likes you, Thunder-ah?!",

I nod, "No, of course not, I barely know the guy!",

"uhm, do you like him, Thunder-ah?",

"No! never, not after...", I looked away, disgusted. IU looked worried now and from the corner of my eyes I could see her lips quivering in anticipation to complete the sentence,

"He physically harassed me...", causing to drop and place her hand over it.

"Thunder-ah, you need t-too get him reported", IU shuttered. I nodded, "No, it's a hassle' I just want to avoid him much as possible". IU placed her hand on-top of mine, "are you sure you'll be alright?", I nod.

"I have been so far".

After two months, winter had finally began and the mid-terms were approaching; what was more to my relief, I didn't see G.O. at all. I had completely dragged him out my life and my wounds of my past were finally closing. All my focus was now going into my studies again as I knew I'd excel in my mid-terms as well. But during those days, I found myself again, alone in the hallways as I walked in cautious again. I went into the empty bathroom and even dropped my guard, but that was such a mistake. Because when I exited my stale, I was pinned against the door, by no one other than, Byung Hee Jung. I began to shake slight against the flat surface, scared out of my mind. He tilts his head to the side with his usual poker face,

"what's wrong Cheundoong?",

"get away from me", I say harshly between my teeth.

"you know that's not possible, Cheundoong",

"wae! wae are you doing this to me?!", I yelled. I was irritated that I was a pray to him, when I clearly never even crossed paths with him. If he was doing this to all his victims, he needed to be reported, this was enough. But he chuckled and brought a hand off me as he places it behind my head and suddenly grips my hair causing me to ah, in pain. His other hand removed itself off me also and started to caress my jawline as I was being pulled back, my eyes shut.

"do you have any idea, how hard it is to stay away and hate the one person you love?", I opened my eyes and began to breath heavily, was he serious?

"something about you attracts me very much Cheundoong and I hate this feeling you give me...", after a few minutes of him confessing his love for me, I managed to mumble,

"I hate you", he rose a brow, "and I'd never love someone like you".

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Chapter 12: lol i really feel weird since im not used to read "you" fics but i really like this i hope you'll make this joondoong fic!! kekeke i love joondoong and update it soon thankyouu^^ oh and poor thunder!
oh that was really good.
Author-nim are you still on hiatus? Come back please! I love this story so much that~
no more update!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh... I want an update Plssssssss................... <3
Hotpinknails #4
Awww... cheondoong :( getting by byunghee and now might be brokenhearted because of changsun?! aigoo... i like your story and btw, new reader here! ^^,
wahhhhh T^T poor doongie
UkissShinee #6
T'awwwe the last line was sooo sweet!!!~ <3
Raphie501 #7
Your idea is pretty cool! =D Tho I kinda would've like more of ByungHee.. Wanna see some exposure of his inner thoughts and emotions! But jinja you..! How could u see my sweet G.O goonie actually hurting someone I dunno *o*
^w^ squee!!! This story is pretty awesome so far. Please update soon
immarvelleuix #9
Wah. i really like your fanfic i mean seriously =))))) even though im a hardcore seungdoong bias i can't help but to love your story :) and it's actually rare to see G.O/Thunder fanfic. so keep it up.
btw when i saw "Cheonhee" couple i thought it's Cheondung/Sohee. it's actually Cheondung/Byunghee. haha.
Mcgirl #10
I really can't wait for this chapter. It sounds super good for a preview and your writing is very good. Hope you have fun and return safely.