Chapter Five


Suzy PoV

I saw Jieun walking to the bathroom so I called her...


-Oh? Suzy-ah!

-What are you doing here? 

-I just... I was sleeping in class so I thought if I wash my face with cold cold cooooold water I'll lose the dream

-My poor big sister... I know we couldn't sleep all these days but I have some good news! I found the weapons and between today and tomorrow they'll send it...

-Woah! That's great but still, that's not going to give me, and us, more dream...

-Well, yeah but... At least we have it

-Nee... I'm sorry Suzy-ah but I have to go now because I have class and I don't want BoA sumbaenim think I skiped the class...

-You're right... Go

-Hey... What are you doing here?

-My teacher said me to search something in the direction


-Go now... palli!


Jieun left and I kept walking to the direction, when I arrived there was 4 teachers and the door to the principal's office, I walked to the door and knocked... The secretary open and let me in, btw she is really cute, HAHAHAHAHAHAH well I talked to the principal and then he gived me the papers and folders my teacher needed. I waited in the direction because the secretary told me she needed to give my teacher something and she was searching it... *sigh* Why you just walk to the class and talk with him? She is making me crazy, making me wait here just for her -____-  I walked to the nearest wall and stoo there waiting...

-Oh I find it!- the secretary said


-Well tell him that the secretary of the principal give him this ne?


-You can go now

-Thanks, goodbye- I said and walked to the hall... 

I knocked the door and the teacher said me to enter the class and I gived him all the things and tell him about the secretary, he just laughed and then told me to sit in my place... After 1 hour the class ended so I made my way to Jiyeon's class because I have to tell her the good news ^^... In my way to her class I saw one guy really cute?

I can hear him saying dumb stuff xD he's like Jiyeon... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA She's going to kill me if she knows I thought that... But, when I passed by his side I just didn't feel comfortable so I turned to see him and he wasn't smiling anymore. One chill passed for all my body... I kept walking looking for Jiyeon, wanting to forget what I just experience. I was walking really fast and then I crashed into someone, I went up the look...

-Suzy-ah are you okey?- SeoJoon said

-Yah! You crazy girl, what's happening?- I saw Jiyeon who was just behind SeoJoon looking at me worriedly

-Oh... nothing I just- I remembered the chill and then the guy- saw a ghost...

-Ghost? Are you kidding me?- SeoJoon said- The ghost doesn't exist

-*sigh* Leave her alone- Jiyeon said, she was still looking at me- SeoJoonnie I think is better if you leave us alone for a while, I'll see you later ne?

-Sure, see you then...- SeoJoon walked away

-So... What happened?- Jiyeon said calmly

-I already bought the weapons- I smiled

-That's great but... I'm talking about now, what happened few minutes before you talked with us?

-I saw one guy and had chills, that's all

-Did you know him?- she said with that calmly face, aish! this girl although she is the youngest, she is very calm and confident... even I feel frightened by that personality, thanks god she is not always like that...


-Then just ignore him... ne?- she smiled

-You're right... 

-Something else?

-What? I can stay with you?

-Ani... my reputation will go down because of you- she said and I looked at her with killer eyes- HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA you had to see your face, oh my god I'm going to die HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


-I'm sorry, I'm sorry HAHAHAAHAHHA, let's go... I'm hungry and for today I'm going to take advantage of you :) 

-Advantage of me?

-Yeah... You're going to pay for my food



Jiyeon PoV

My poor big sister she got scared xD but... I just don't feel comfortable with what she said, because she for one reason or other she had this strange feeling when she thinks something bad is going to happen. We went to the cafeteria like always and although I was reeeeeally tired and wanted to eat... I saw SeoJoon and Jinwoon talking and I think that in their table is a coffee~~ COFFEE? NOW? AT THE LUNCH TIME? They are really strange peoplee...

-SeoJoon! Jinwoon!- I yelled and waved my hand, they saw me and both stood up



-I'm sorry SeoJoon thanks for letting me talk with my sister...

-Oh don't worry...- he said

-What happened?- Jinwoon asked

-Nothing :)


-Jinwoon-ah why are you screaming?-  Suzy was smiling

-Oh... Hi Suzy-ah

-Hhahahahaha hi Jinwoon...

-Suzy! Jiyeon!- somebody yelled so we turned back and saw Jieun with Hyomin jumping .___.

-Jieun-ah why are you jumping?- I said

-Although I feel sick I'm very happy... 

-*sigh* Let's eat


-Suzy-ah you're going to pay my food?- I said with puppy eyes- Pleeeeeeease~~~~~ 

-Haaaah~~~ Okey Jiyeon-ah let's go- She said :3

She bought my food and later we started eating... While I was eating I saw the guy who pulled me the other day.

-Oh! It's him...

-Who?- Jinwoon said and looked where I was staring- That guy! I'm going to kill him

-Yah! It doesn't matter I already told you... So sit down :)

-What are you talking about?- Jieun said

-Oh! That guy is the guy who pulled me the other day here in the cafeteria


-But I don't know who are the other two... That tall guy with balck hair and the other one with the black jacket

In that moment Jieun and Suzy looked up.... 

-Oh I know who is the one with the black hair- Jieun said but Suzy is now terrified

- Is him...- was all she said



 Helloo :D 

The moments between the couples are going to start now :)

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isatsk #1
Ne... In the frist chapter when the falshback began untill the end they are in the States. :) later in the second chapter they are in Seoul already... And in the first in the beginning they are in Seoul too, so the unique part where they are in the states and isnt a flashback is in the Foreword :D.... The next chapter is going to be in Seoul... I'm sorry for no clarify the place :)
Wait, I'm kinda lost. Sooo. The present is they're in Seoul. But the flashback is they were talking to a man telling them to go to the States or to Seoul because Chapter 2 they're already going to the States right? Can you clarify... LOL.
asianstorylover #3
New reader here^^ heyo...the fic sounds interesting i wonder if jiyeon iu and Suzy were in this gang.. And for some reason asked to move from America.. Hehe idk anyways I hope u update real soon!!^^ hwaiting!!.... Yay first to comment!! Oh and JIJOON!!<3 hehe love thm^^