Oppa~My Savior

Destined Forever


After 8 years~
"SungYe-ah! Make sure to close and lock all the doors and windows! Don't open the door nor the gate when someone 
knocks or uses the doorbell!" Sungmin reminded as he tries to fix his necktie
"SungYe-ah! Always keep an eye on your sister! Don't leave her anywhere!!! When she goes upstairs, go upstairs! When 
she goes to our room, go to our room! If she goes to your room, go to your room! If she goes to her room, go to her 
room! Just don't leave her anywhere! Arraso(alright)?" YongSa reminded as he follows Sungmin
"Neh(yes)!!! Appa(dad)! Keunde(but), omma(mom), how if she goes inside the bathroom?" SungYe asked
"Then you should also go inside the bathroom! Afterall, she's just 8 years old" YongSa answered
"BWO(what)?!!!" SungYe shouted as his eyes widen 
"Neh(yes)!!! You need to do that! And we know that you won't do it for us, but for your sister. Arraso(alright)?" YongSa 
"Arraso(alright)!!!" SungYe answered as he follows his parents 
"SungHee-ah! Where's my princess?" YongSa called
"Omma(mom)!" SungHee called as she runs to her mom
"Be good to your oppa(brother), Arraso(alright)?! Always follow his orders! Saranghae(I love you)!" YongSa reminded as 
she kisses her daughter
"SungYe-ah! Be careful!!! Arraso(alright)? We'll be home by 10! Take care of your sister!" Sungmin reminded SungYe as 
he taps SungYe's shoulders
And with that, Sungmin ang YongSa left for an important party
"So, what does my baby princess hee like to do?" SungYe asked as he closes and locks the door
"Uhmmm....." SungHee thought of an activity to do as she sat at their sofa
"Do you want to play the dress-up game again?" SungYe asked as he sits beside her
"Andawae(no)!!! I want oppa(older brother) to decide this time since he always play whatever I want!" SungHee replied 
with a smile
"Aww... what a thoughtful dongsaeng(younger) you are?!" SungYe complimented as he touches SungHee's pointy nose
"Ofcourse! I'm a good dongsaeng(younger)!!!" SungHee aswered as she stucks her tounge
"Did you just stuck your tongue?!" SungYe asked in disbelief since SungHee had never done that to him
"Neh(yes)!!!" SungHee answered as she stucks her tounge again
"I know what should we play!" SungYe stated as he moves closer to SungHee
"What?" SungHee asked
"THIS!!!" SungYe answered as he tickles her
"Oppa(older brother)!!! Stoo....ooppp iii....tttt!!!" SungHee exclaimed in between laughs
"That's what you get when you stuck your tongue!!!" SungYe answereed as he tickles her more
"Ooo...ppp..aa(older brother)!!!! I ppp..roo..missee I wo..on't do..oo it agaainnnn!!!!" SungHee exclaimed while trying 
to move away
"Are your sure?" SungYe asked as he stops tickling her
"Neh(yes)!!! I promise!!!" SungHee answered as she raises her right hand (A/N:can picture what I mean? you know, when 
you pledge? yeah~ somethin' like that! hehe comment or message me if you don't understand and I'll explain it to you)
"Arraso(alright)! Let's go upstairs!!! It's almost 8. You should be sleeping by now" SungYe said as he let's go of SungHee
"Keunde(but), oppa(older brother)!!! I'm not yet sleepy!!! I still want to play!!!" SungHee whined
"Keunde(but)...." SungYe tried to reason out
"Andawe(no)!!!" SungHee protested
"Arraso(alright)!!! Let's go upstairs and play there? Arraso(alright)?" SungYe instructed
"Neh(yes)!!!" SungHee answered with a bright smile
"You little brat!" SungYe exclaimed as he squats
"Nado, Saranghaeyo(I love you too)!!!" SungHee answered/teased as she rides on his brother's back(A/N:you know like 
piggyback riding? hehe)
SungYe smiled at his sister's sweet reply and went upstairs
"What should we play?" SungYe asked as soon as they entered their game room
"How about prank calls!" SungHee suggested with a smirk
"Sure! Who should we call?" SungYe agreed as he returns his sister's evil smirk
"How 'bout omma(mom) and appa(dad)?" SungHee asked as she rubs her chin
"Sure! Call omma(mom) first and say something hilarious!" SungYe suggested
*SungYe hands SungHee the phone and SungHee quickly dialed YongSa's no.*
"Yoboseyo(hello)?" YongSa said 
"Omma(mom)!!!" SungHee exclaimed
"Oh! Agi(baby)! Why did you call? Is there something wrong?" YongSa asked
"Neh(yes)!!! Oppa(older brother)!!! he... he..." SungHee stuttered
"He what? What happened to him? What happened to SungYe?" YongSa asked with an alarmed tone
"He... he..." SungHee stuttered again
"Yah! SungHee-ah! What happened to him?!" YongSa asked with an annoyed tone
"Yeobo(honey)! What's happening?" Sungmin's voice can be heard from the background
"SungHee-ah! What's happening?" Sungmin asked as he turns the loudspeaker on, not minding if there are some people 
who can hear their conversation
"He................ tickled me" SungHee calmly answered
"What?! Are just playing around?!" YongSa asked irritatedly
"Neh(yes)!!! Have fun there omma(mom) and appa(dad) Saranghae(I love you)!" SungHee blurted and quickly hung up 
before they get scolded
"Good Job, dongsaeng(younger)!!!" SungYe exclaimed as he 'high five' with SungHee
After some minutes...
"It's appa's(dad) turn!" SungHee exclaimed!
"Neh(yes)!!! I'll call him!" SungYe answered as he dialed Sungmin's no.
"Yoboseyo(hello)?" Sungmin asked 
"Appa(dad)!!! There's something important you need to know about SungHee!" SungYe blurted
"Yah! Stop it! I know that you're just fooling around!!!" Sungmin also blurted
"I'm not kidding, appa(dad)! It's true!" SungYe answered trying to hold his laughter
"Stop it! You'll get it when we get home!!!" Sungmin threatened
And with that, SungYe quickly hung up
SungYe and SungHee laughed after hunging up
"So, what shoud we play now, oppa(older brother)?" SungHee asked as she sits on the sofa
"How 'bout, play station? What do you think?" SungYe suggested as he points to the PS3 placed on the table
"Sure!!! You pick the game!" SungHee agreed as she sits on the sofa
SungYe and SungHee played for more than 30 minutes when......
"Oppa(older brother)!!!" SungHee exclaimed as she moves closer to SungYe
"Don't worry, I won't leave you! Don't be scared, I'll be here! I won't let anyone harm nor even touch you. Arraso
(alright)?" SungYe assured her sister as he hugs her tightly
SungYe gestured SungHee to wrap her arms around his neck as he carries her near the window(A/N: It's not piggy back! 
It's like hugging each other but the only difference is that SungYe's carrying SungHee but it's in a hugging position! Do 
you get what I mean? If not, comment or message me and I'll explain to you)
SungYe's POV
I gestured SungHee to wrap her arms around my neck so that I can carry her when I go to take a peak at the window 
As I look out the window, I saw that the street lights were still on! Even the lights at our neighbor's house! This 
means... THEY HAVE ELECTRICITY!!! How come we don't have
I can sense that something is up and I need to find it out quick! 
I brought my phone out and glanced at the time. It was almost 9 for crying out loud!
But before anything else, there's only one thing running in my mind, I need to make sure that SungHee would be safe!
-end of SungYe's POV-
*sound of a (kitchen)cabinet opening*
"Oppa(older brother)!!! What's that? I'm scared!!!" SungHee whispered as she hugs SungYe tighter
"Shhh.... Don't worry, I won't let anyone harm you!" SungYe whispered back and hugged her even more
*sound of a plate that fell on the ground*
"Oppa(older brother)!!! What's happening? I'm really scared! Did you close and lock all the windows and doors?" 
SungHee whispered while tears are slowly forming in her eyes
"Don't worry!!! Oppa's(older brother) here! I'll keep you safe! Neh(yes), I closed and locked all of them! Just stay calm" 
SungYe whispered back as he opens the cabinet 
"Oppa(older brother)! What are you doing?" SungHee asked with a confused expression and tone
"Shhh... don't speak to loud. Oppa(older brother) would just check what's happening downstairs. Arraso(alright)?" 
SungYe calmly said as he took glances at the door
"Arraso(alright), oppa(older brother)" SungHee answered
"Go inside" SungYe ordered as he gestures her to get inside a large box
"Wae(why)?" SungHee asked
"Just follow me!" SungYe answered back
"Arraso(alright)" SungHee answered and wnet inside the large box
SungYe brought his phone out and handed it to SungHee
"Listen to oppa(older brother), If ever you hear any noise quickly call omma(mom) and appa(dad)! Also, if I don't come 
back here within 5 minutes, call them. Arraso(alright)?" SungYe instructed her
"Neh(yes), oppa(older brother)!!!" SungHee answered as she nods her head
"Also, don't ever make a sound nor go out of the box! Arraso(alright)? You'll just go out when I'm the one who opened 
the box. Arraso(alright)?" SungYe instructed again
"Arraso(alright), oppa(older brother)! Be careful! Take this with you" SungHee said as she hands SungYe, his baseball 
"Kumowo(thank you)!" SungYe thanked with a smile as he ruffles SungHee's hair
"Take care, oppa(older brother)! Saranghae(I love you)!" SungHee worriedly said as she kisses his brother's cheek
"Arraso(alright)! Nado, Saranghaeyo(I love you too)! It's not that I'm going to die!" SungYe joked as he closes the box
SungYe's POV
I closed the box and tried to hide it behind our gadgets
I tightly held my baseball bat and flashlight as I went out of our game room and silently walk downstairs
As I walk on the dark and cold stairs, I can feel that there's someone inside our house
It brings goosebumps to my skin as I think about that thing but I need to be brave for my sister
I reached the first floor and heard foot steps and voices
Wait! what?! what did I just said? voices? as in voices? with an 's' at the end?
Oh no! I smell trouble! Yah! Stop it! I'm brave!!! I can do this
As I walk towards the kitchen, I heard a man speak
"Do you think they're asleep?" a man asked
"Ofcourse! We saw them went upstairs! For sure they're sleeping soundly right now!" another man answered
What the heck?! How did they even get in here?!
"Even though they're awake, they can do nothing! First, the little brat is still young and small! Second, the little lame 
boy, can't handle us! He's too lame! We can handle them!" another man answered
What the heck?!!! There are 3 of them?! And what did they just call my sister? BRAT? Oh! They'd really get it! I'm the 
only person who has the right to call SungHee a brat! No one! Neither my parents call her that, ONLY ME! And did he 
just call me lame? ME----> LAME?!!! Let's see who's lame! I'll show them who's LAME and what LAME means!
"Enough of this!!! Let's just get whatever that can be sold!" the first man exclaimed
I quickly ran inside the kitchen and quickly hit the 3rd guy's head (I guess his the 3rd)
-end of SungYe's POV-
Meanwhile with SungHee
SungHee's POV
It's past 2 minutes already! Should I call omma(mom) and appa(dad)? Or should I wait a little more?
Aish! I'll just call them before things get worse
I quickly dialed omma's(mom) no.
"Yoboseyo(hello)?" omma(mom) asked
"Omma(mom)!" I called
"I don't have time for your games, SungHee!" omma(mom) said then hung up
Aish! I'll just call appa(dad)
"Yoboseyo(hello)?" appa(dad) asked
"Appa(dad)!" I called
"SungHee-ah! If this is any kind of----" appa(dad) started lecturing me when I cut him off
"Appa(dad)!!! This is not a joke! We have no electricity here! And I think there are robbers inside the house! Quickly go 
home. NOW!!!" I demanded
"It's not a funny joke, SungHee! Where's your brother?" appa(dad) threathened
"I'm not joking, appa(dad)!!! He went downstairs to check it out!" I exclaimed
"It's not really funny!" appa(dad) said irritatedly
"It's not really funny because I'm not joking nor playing here!" I answered with a irritated voice
But before appa(dad) could protest, we heard a loud *BANG!*
"What's that?!" appa(dad) quickly asked
"I told you, appa(dad)! There are robbers here!!!" I answered as tears slowly fall down my cheeks
"Where are you?" appa(dad) asked
"Oppa(older brother) kept me inside a box in one of our cabinets here at the game room" I quickly answered
"Good! Just stay there! We'll go there and call the police! Just stay there and never leave!" appa(dad) instructed then 
hung up
I hope my Oppa's(older brother) alright!!! If not, then, let the war begin!!!
-end of SungHee's POV-
Back to SungYe
"Yah! What was that for?" SungYe asked 
"He's right! What was that for?" the second man asked
"Babo(stupid)! First, because you hitted our friend's head and your too talkative!" the first man explained
"Anyway, you, go upstairs and do something to the girl since this little guy here harmed our friend's head! I'll take care 
of him!" the 1st man instructed
"No! Don't!!! Don't hurt my sister! She's my only siser!!!" SungYe pleaded
"Too late! You harmed our friend! Now, you, go!" the 1st man answered as he pointed to the 2nd man
And with that, the 2nd man ran upstairs
"It's now only you and me, little lame boy!" the 1st man stated with an evil smirk
"Yes! It's only us! Oh! look!" SungYe smirked then pointed something behind the man
The man quickly looked back; SungYe took this opportunity to hit him 
SungYe quickly hit him hard on the head that made him fall to the ground
'Stupid robbers!' SungYe thought
As soon as the man fell, he quickly ran upstairs
"Oppa!!!!!!!(older brother)" SungHee called
Upon hearing this, SungYe quickly entered the game room
As Sungye entered the room, he saw the 2nd robber struggling to re-open the box since SungHee quickly closed it when 
she saw the robber's face and not his brother's face
"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" SungYe angrily exclaimed 
And with that, the robber ripped the box and grabbed SungHee by her arms
"Oppa!!!(older brother)" SungHee called
"I told you not to touch her!!!" SungYe angrily aid as he charged towards the man
But the man was so fast that he pushed SungHee to the ground and held onto his knife and stabbed SungYe
"Oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(older brother)" SungHee cried
SungYe fell on the ground with the bat
SungHee quickly grabbed the bat with all her energy and slapped the bat onto the robber's face that made the robber 
fall and be unconcious
"Oppa(older brother)!!! Wake up!!! Please wake up!!! Don't leave me, oppa(older brother)!!! Hold on!!!" SungHee cried 
as she hugs his brother
"SungYe-ah! SungHee-ah!" Sungmin's voice beemed
"Appa(dad)!!!!" SungHee called, still crying
"SungYe!!!" Sungmin shouted as soon as he saw the bloody SungYe lying on SungHee's lap
"SungYe-ah!!! SungYe-ah!!! Wake up!!! Omma's(mom) here!!! Wake up!!! Call the Ambulance" YongSa called and 
ordered SungHee
"You bastard!!! You stabbed my son!!! How dare you!!!" Sungmin shouted as he punches the 2nd robber really really 
After a few minutes
"Go to jail you bastards!!!" YongSa angrily shouted as she punches the 3 robber's shoulders and heads
"Yah! That's not how a girl should act! Stop that!" Hyunae exclaimed as she stops YongSa from punching the robbers
"I don't care!!!" YongSa furiously answered
"I'll make sure that you'd die inside the jail!!!" Sungmin shouted as he punches each of them
"Yah! Yah! Yah! Enough! It's alright now! They're going to jail and SungYe's fine now!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as he stops 
Sungmin from punching the robbers
"Sir, we'll just contact you when all things are already fixed. As of now, take a rest. As well as your family! Don't worry 
about your security, I'll leave my men here!" the police officer said
"Chamkomapsumnida(thank you very much)!" YongSa thanked
"Kamsahamnida! Make sure that they'd go to jail!" Sungmin thanked
"Yes, sir! Goodnight" the police officer answered and left

Annyeong!!! How was the chappie???  Hope you all liked it!!!

*Sorry for those rated and unpleasant words!*

Anyways, thank you for all you unending support to this story/sequel of mine!!!

To all my readers, specially my subscribers, thank you very much!!!


I L<3VE Y<3U ALL!!! :D <3 hehe

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Chapter 3: they're horrible parents in this chapter -.-
prose-from-a-potato #2
That was an awesome ending. :) I loved it. You did a great job!
prose-from-a-potato #3
Chapter 7: Heechul looks pretty dressed as a girl... sorry if that wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed so hard. This chapter wasn't lame. I liked it. :)
HaeSun #4
Chapter 12: Ow.... So SWEET..!!! Is it a Legend!?to pass on for GENERATIONS?? Haha.. Love It!!
The best!!:)
Nice one unnie:D
So sweet~
Awww, so sweet :">
sujuaddict #7
@kimmidoremi: hahaha Thank you for loving it~ keke Thanks for the compliment/comment!!! I appreciate your comments!!! I hope you'll comment more~ kekeke :D
kimmidoremi #8
waaahhh I LOVE THIS!!! :333 really a GREAT story <3
sujuaddict #9
@ELFspirit_clan: yeah, It finally came to an end~ Thank You very much for the compliment!!!! I hope you would still read and subscribe my future or upcoming stories~ thank you again!!! :D