Let Bygones be Bygones

The Warmest Glow
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"We've gotta run you through the interrogation process too, Wooyoung," Yunho said firmly as they entered the interrogation room. Wooyoung followed quietly, taking a seat opposite Yunho. He waited patiently, bracing himself for the inevitable barrage of questions.

"To start with, can you tell us how long you and Y/N have been together?" Yunho began.

Wooyoung let out a sad chuckle before responding with his own question, "Before five years ago or after these five years?"

"Both," Yunho confirmed.

Nodding, Wooyoung began to recount their history. "Five years ago, we'd been together for almost two years—one year of working side by side, and another year as a couple. We made a great team; she wrote crime articles and analyzed threats for us. It was a collaborative effort between me, her, and Mingi."

"Mingi? Your colleague who transferred to Busan?" Yunho interjected, receiving a confirming nod from Wooyoung.

"Yeah, that's the one," Wooyoung affirmed. "Our last case together was Mr. Lee's. It was a big success, but it also brought about some issues, leading to our breakup right after the case concluded." He paused, collecting himself as he recalled the painful memory. "We didn't cross paths for five years. It wasn't until I was on vacation in Jeju that I saw her again."

"Six weeks ago," Yunho prompted.

"Exactly," Wooyoung confirmed with a nod.

“We’ll save the five years ago things for a later time, tell me what happened in 6 weeks does she look like she was in threat or something?” Yunho asked.

“No, these 6 weeks were peaceful, the most peaceful 6 weeks in my whole life,” Wooyoung remembered the memories of the time he spent with Y/N and Grace in 6 weeks.

As promised, Y/N had reached out to Wooyoung to discuss Grace's school schedule and to spend some quality time together. There was an absence of awkwardness in their interaction, but Wooyoung couldn't shake off his confusion. Typically, forgiveness takes time, often years, yet Y/N seemed to grant it instantly upon his apology, without any further explanation. Moreover, her demeanor remained remarkably calm throughout the ordeal.

For a few days, Wooyoung brushed aside his unease, but it persisted, gnawing at him from within. It felt as though they were merely going through the motions of a happy family facade, a charade he found unsettling. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/N pretending to be content when there might be underlying turmoil. Finally, after a long, playful day at the park, as Grace drifted off to sleep, he decided to voice his concerns.

"Y/N?" Wooyoung's voice broke the silence, earning a soft hum from her. "Why?"

Y/N paused in her tracks, halting her movement toward the kitchen for a drink. "What? Why?"

The air grew thick with tension as Wooyoung grappled with the words caught in his throat. "Why did you forgive me so easily?" he finally managed to voice, his eyes searching hers for answers.

Y/N's response hung in the air, her voice carrying a slight tremor, betraying the composed facade she wore. "Because it was not your fault," she began, her words tinged with emotion. "And you’ve already been through a lot."

In the ensuing silence, the unspoken weight of their exchange loomed large. Wooyoung felt the knot of apprehension tighten in his chest as Y/N stood before him, her back turned, her stance unreadable.

In a soft, almost hesitant tone, he murmured, "How... how can you be so calm? So, okay?"

Y/N turned to face him, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within her. "I'm not," she confessed, her voice barely audible, burdened with the weight of untold struggles. "I'm not okay, Wooyoung."

With those words, the floodgates opened. Y/N turned around, her eyes red and glistening with unshed tears, finally releasing the emotions she had kept bottled up for so long. Wooyoung's heart ached at the sight of her brokenness, and without a moment's hesitation, he closed the distance between them, enveloping her fragile form in a comforting embrace.

"I'm... I'm hurt, Wooyoung," Y/N's voice quivered, raw with emotion as she poured her heart out. "I'm hurt that you didn't believe in me enough to trust me. It felt like I was standing in a storm all by myself. And... and you weren't there. I needed you... but you ended it so abruptly, with just one word. It pierced through me like a dagger. My love... my love wasn't enough to convince you."

Tears cascaded down Y/N's cheeks, each droplet a testament to the pain she held within. She buried her face into Wooyoung's chest, seeking solace amidst the chaos of her emotions. His arms enveloped her, holding her tightly as she trembled against him.

"I know... I know, Y/N," Wooyoung murmured softly, his own voice thick with regret. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

But Y/N couldn't return the embrace. She stood stiff, her body rigid with unresolved anguish. Wooyoung's gaze searched her face, his heart heavy with the weight of her pain. Fear danced in his eyes as he braced himself for her next words.

"I was hurt... and I was angry," Y/N continued, her words laced with bitterness yet tinged with vulnerability. "I wanted to confront you, to unleash my fury upon you... but I couldn't. Because deep down, I knew... I knew that some of it was my fault too. I was furious, yes, but when I saw you... all I felt was this overwhelming need. Because I need you, Wooyoung. More than I've ever admitted."

Wooyoung listened intently, absorbing every syllable of her confession. His own tears mingled with hers, a silent acknowledgment of their shared pain. Gently, he brushed away her tears, his touch tender and comforting.

"I'm scared," Y/N confessed, her voice barely a whisper now. "Scared of being hurt again... scared of being left alone once more."

Wooyoung's heart ached at her words, his own fears mirrored in hers. But he knew, at that moment, that he would do whatever it took to mend what was broken between them. Holding her close, he vowed silently to never let her go again.

He was overwhelmed with the need to comfort her, to weave promises of eternal fidelity and unwavering support into the fabric of their conversation. His heart yearned to assure her that his presence would forever be her sanctuary, a steadfast anchor in the tempest of life's uncertainties. But just as his words hovered on the precipice of utterance, a sudden intrusion shattered their intimate exchange.

Unbeknownst to them, Grace, stirred from her slumber, stood silently behind Wooyoung, a silent obs

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It's definitely not over yet 🤭
Although I haven't started the next volume yet.....but I believe it'd be even better than this one😄
Wait for some more surprises 💖💖
48 streak #2
Chapter 10: There is lot to uncover.

First, it is someone who knows Christopher and Mingi. Then having thr same jackets is more than a coincidance. Mingi is either set up or setting things up. I am unsure where he fits in the story. Maybe the real culprit made the blame fall on Mingi. Maybe Han is involved. He directed them to Hyunjin.

The end is nowhere near and I am buckled up, reasy for more twists and turns for this story.
Hehe....Yeah you're in for a surprise 🤭
48 streak #4
Chapter 9: I don't think that Yubin and Grace are dead, that may be another trap or maybe they just closed the case for good since they don't have any evidence or the case is too dangerous to follow.

I will be on a lookout for anyone in the team or in close relationship with the guys who is injured. Though you won't reveal it so easily, I will Channel my inner detective and look for clues.
48 streak #5
Chapter 8: Maybe the missing son case and Yubin's and Grace's dissapearances are connected. The whole thing is bigger than any of them can imagine.

Wooyoung not responding is more serious, mayne if they pressed more, a possible bad turn of events could be avoided
Mingi is a little bit selfish but hey, that is what being in love does to you. He kept the promise but a the same time maybe Yubin would have preferred for him to break it. Maybe the whole disappearance could be avoided but Mingi didn't do it on purpose. He is a good guy with uncontrollable heart.
48 streak #6
Chapter 7: Hyeri has no business talking things like that. She knows nothing. Wooyoung has enough suffering kn his back already.

That passerby might be just a random person or someone connected to the case. His words of having places to be sound suspicious. As if he knows that Wooyoung has no place to go to, no place he can call home anymore. Not without Yubin and Grace.

At least they got a lead. It is better than nothing. It might turn useful when they least expect.
hehe.... I am glad you are intrigued @PinkDramClouds
Ohh... interesting guess...I like it.
let's see who turns out to be the mole.... hehe...
48 streak #8
Chapter 6: Mingi might have fallen for Yubin but he valued the friendship with Wooyoung to cross the line and act on his feelings. It must be horrible, being stuck in the middle of a friendship and love. He is strong and might find someone who feels the same as him.

The both cases are mysterious. The poor woman, she had suffered so much, hopefully the men who did that get their punishment.

Same goes for Just Kyung. An innocent boy who just wanted to work and earn some money for himself and his last remaining family. Only to be caught up in some evil scheme which cost him his life.

Or maybe he wasn't that innocent and maybe is roaming the streets being perfectly fine and alive, or he is hiding but then he would had to fake his death which is hard task.

Maybe the grandpa has something hidden. Some secrets.

The coin, one small little coin holds so many secrets and maybe a possibility to solving the cases.

Maybe Yunho is the mole? It would be a good tactic to appear frustrated and involved while actually sabotaging the case and evidence.

I hope it is not San, that would be a big stab in the back for Wooyoung and everyone else involved .

The story is getting more and more interesting within each chapter! Good job!
48 streak #9
Chapter 5: The ending is heartbreaking. Wooyoung is feeling the pain no one should go through, losing everything he loved and cared about when he had just got them in his life.

San is a good friend who was able to lift the burden away from his shoulders, even if by just a little.

Wooyoung's journey on getting his family back won't be an easy one but he can do it. When stakes are so high, impossible becomes possible.
Oh, yes, please keep those creative juices flowing! Maybe it's Mingi, or perhaps I'll throw in a surprise twist at the end. Hehe... Stay tuned to discover where Y/N has disappeared to or who might have taken her. Your curiosity fuels my writing, and I appreciate it so much!