Local Nurse Caught in Cinematic Caper—Popcorn and Dignity Lost in the Process.

Life unlived

"Aren't you excited?" Hanbin asked, his enthusiasm practically radiating off him as he giddily skipped before me.

"I guess," I murmured, my voice laced with a hint of skepticism. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to make of Hanbin's sudden urge for a movie night. It was so out of character for him, so... normal. Or maybe he just really wanted to see the latest action flick. He seemed to me as the type of guy who'd chase thrills and seek out adrenaline-pumping escapades, not settle for a quiet evening at the cinema. Yet here he was, insisting that the late-night (as in 2 o'clock late-night) showing was a must-see and practically dragging me along for the ride.

As Hanbin continued to bounce ahead of me, I couldn't help but wonder if I was about to witness a rare moment of Hanbin embracing his inner couch potato. But then again, this was Hanbin we were talking about—normalcy was never his strong suit.

As we neared the cinema, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. The glow from the neon sign that usually illuminated the entrance was conspicuously absent, replaced by a stark darkness that hinted at the emptiness within. I slowed my pace, my steps faltering as I realized what Hanbin had failed to mention: the cinema was closed.

Turning to Hanbin, I found him grinning mischievously, the glint in his eyes betraying his excitement. Gritting my teeth, I shot him a pointed look. "Hanbin..."

Before I could voice my protest, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the back of the building, his determination unwavering.

I stumbled along behind him, my heart pounding in my chest as we made our way to the rear of the cinema. The darkness seemed to press in around us, amplifying the sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of my mind. The alley was dimly lit, the distant hum of the city barely audible over the faint rustle of leaves and the occasional creak of old metal as trash cans shifted in the gentle breeze.

"Hanbin, wait," I hissed, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggled to keep up with his brisk pace. I glanced around nervously, my eyes darting to every shadow, half-expecting a security guard to leap out and catch us in the act.

But he paid no heed to my protests, his determination unwavering as he led us toward the back entrance. Each step felt like a march toward impending doom, and I could feel a cold sweat forming on my brow. What if we got caught? What if we got arrested? Or worse... What if my mom found out?! My mind raced with worst-case scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last.

As we reached the door, he paused for a moment, shooting me a mischievous grin that sent a shiver down my spine. The sight of the 'No Trespassing' sign made my stomach churn with anxiety.

"Trust me, Sooyoung," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement. My heart pounded so hard it felt like it might burst from my chest as Hanbin pulled out a set of lockpicks from his pocket. I stared at him in disbelief, my jaw dropping.

"You carry lockpicks with you?" I whispered, incredulous.

He gave me a wink before getting to work on the lock. "You never know when they might come in handy."

"Unbelievable," I muttered, shaking my head as I watched him deftly manipulate the lock. "Do you have a whole arsenal of criminal tools in your pockets or something? What else are you hiding? A grappling hook? A smoke bomb?"

Hanbin chuckled softly, not taking his eyes off the lock. "Relax, Sooyoung. I just like to be prepared for any situation."

I crossed my arms, my disbelief giving way to a mix of exasperation and amusement. I watched nervously as he expertly manipulated the tools, the sound of metal against metal echoing in the stillness of the night. The tension in the air was palpable as we waited for the satisfying click of the lock giving way. "Prepared for breaking and entering? Seriously, Hanbin, what have I gotten myself into with you?"

Every creak of the door seemed louder than the last, each one making me flinch and glance around, half-expecting someone to shout at us to stop. The lock clicked open, and he shot me a triumphant grin. "An adventure, obviously."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't suppress the small smile tugging at my lips. "You're impossible."

"And you love it," he said, pushing the door open with a flourish, gesturing for me to follow him inside. The dim light from the hallway spilled out into the alley, creating eerie shadows that seemed to dance in the corners of my vision.

I hesitated for a moment, torn between the thrill of the unknown and the nagging voice of "YOU'LL GET ARRESTED" in the back of my mind. The reality of what we were doing hit me like a ton of bricks. This was breaking and entering. It was illegal. My mother would most definitely be disappointed now. 

"Come on, Sooyoung," he whispered dramatically, waggling his eyebrows, "don't chicken out now. Think of it as a cinematic experience!"

As I looked into Hanbin's eyes, I saw a spark of adventure that ignited something within me, banishing my doubts in an instant. Despite the fear, despite the apprehension, there was something undeniably magnetic about Hanbin's confidence. I took a deep breath, swallowed my nerves, and stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the unknown.

"Right," I muttered, rolling my eyes, "because everyone dreams of starring in their own breaking-and-entering movie."

"Exactly!" Hanbin said with a laugh, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

As we stepped into the dimly lit hallway, I shot him a dubious look. "Famous last words, Hanbin. Famous last words."

Hanbin chuckled, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Relax. We'll be like movie ninjas—silent, stealthy, and super cool."

I couldn't help but snicker at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, because 'super cool' and 'breaking into a cinema' totally go hand in hand."

"Hey," he said, turning to face me with a grin, "life's an adventure, right? And every good adventure needs a little risk."

Despite his reassuring words, my mind was a whirlwind of anxiety. Every creak of our shoes against the floor, every distant sound from outside made my heart race. I glanced nervously at the dimly lit corridor, half-expecting an alarm to blare or a security guard to appear out of nowhere.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered under my breath, feeling the adrenaline and fear churn together in my stomach. At this rate, my dinner might make an unwelcome reappearance from both ends. Imagining my DNA left behind as evidence of our criminal escapade, I took a deep breath, trying to keep everything inside. I wouldn't want to incriminate myself more for property damage.

I glanced at Hanbin, who was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning. His excitement was almost contagious, but I was too busy calculating the odds of being caught by the police and becoming a headline in tomorrow's news: Local Nurse Caught in Cinematic Caper—Popcorn and Dignity Lost in the Process.

Hanbin turned to me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You okay back there?"

"Peachy," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "Just trying not to barf from the thrill of it all."

"That's the spirit," he said, laughing. "Embrace the chaos."

I shot him a look. "Chaos isn't really my thing, Hanbin. I prefer my adventures a little less... illegal."

He shrugged, giving me a cheeky smile. "Where's the fun in that?"

I sighed, taking another deep breath to steady my nerves. "Alright, lead the way, Mr. Chaos. But if I end up in jail, I'm holding you personally responsible for explaining this to my mother."

"Deal," he said with a wink. "Now, let's get that popcorn."

We made our way through the eerily quiet lobby, our footsteps echoing against the polished tiles. The popcorn machine stood silent, a lonely sentinel in the deserted space. The scent of butter and salt lingered faintly in the air, a nostalgic reminder of countless movie nights. As we tiptoed further into the cinema, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Hanbin led us past the darkened concession stand, his hand firmly grasping mine as if to reassure me that this was all part of the plan.

"Ever wonder what it's like to have a whole cinema to yourself?" he whispered, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, wonder no more."

He guided me to one of the theater doors, pushing it open with a flourish. The large screen loomed before us in the dim light, the rows of empty seats creating an almost surreal atmosphere. It was both eerie and thrilling, the perfect backdrop for our impromptu adventure.

"Pick a seat, any seat," Hanbin said with a grin, gesturing to the vast array of options. "Tonight, we have the best view in the house."

I chuckled nervously, the sound bouncing off the empty walls of the theater.

"This is insane," I said, trying to steady my racing heart as my eyes darted around the darkened theater. "I can't believe you managed to drag me into this."

"Come on now, Sooyoung. Live a little!" Hanbin said, plopping down in the center of the front row and patting the seat next to him. "Now, let's see what cinematic masterpiece awaits us."

I reluctantly settled into the plush seat beside him, still half-expecting the federals to burst in through the screen and ceiling at any moment. The absurdity of the situation was hard to shake off, but Hanbin's infectious enthusiasm was impossible to resist.

"You're crazy, you know that?" I muttered, glancing at him as he connected his phone to the projector.

"Crazy fun," he corrected with a wink.

As the intro to the Pixar film started playing, I couldn't help but let out a snort. "Inside Out?"

Hanbin grinned, settling back into his seat with a handful of popcorn. "What? It's a masterpiece! Plus, it's got all the feels. Perfect for a cozy, illicit movie night."

I shook my head, still amused. "I guess I was expecting something more... adventurous. Like an action film or a thriller."

He shrugged, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, it's a sneaky break-in movie night. We need something heartwarming to balance out the rebellion. Besides, no one can top Bing Bong."

I couldn't argue with that logic, especially as the charming characters of Inside Out filled the screen. Despite the oddness of the situation, I found myself getting drawn into the film.

About halfway through, during one of the more emotional scenes, I glanced at Hanbin. He was fully engrossed, a genuine smile on his face as he munched on popcorn. The juxtaposition of our daring escapade with the wholesome movie made the whole experience even more surreal.

Here we were, potential criminals in the eyes of the law, yet lost in a feel-good film as if we belonged here. The irony wasn't lost on me, and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. The sound caught Hanbin's attention, and he turned to look at me, still smiling.

"Enjoying yourself yet?" he whispered, his eyes twinkling with mischief. I rolled my eyes, though I felt a warmth spread through me.

"Maybe a little," I admitted reluctantly, feeling the tension in my chest ease a bit.

"Good," he said, turning back to the screen. "Life's too short not to have a little fun."

I watched him for a moment longer, feeling a strange mixture of disbelief and contentment. Despite the bizarre circumstances, or perhaps because of them, I was starting to see the charm in Hanbin's reckless spontaneity.

As the movie continued, we both relaxed into the moment, the tension and apprehension melting away. The occasional traffic outside continued its gentle rhythm, adding a cozy ambiance to our unconventional movie night. The warmth of the projector light and the shared laughter made me realize that sometimes, the best adventures are the ones that catch you completely off guard.

When the credits finally rolled, Hanbin stretched and looked over at me, his eyes still sparkling with amusement. "So, what did you think?"

I leaned back, feeling a contentment I hadn't expected. "Honestly? It was nice. Thanks, Hanbin."

"Anytime," he said with a wink. "Now, ready for round two? Or do you want to call it a night before the cops show up?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Let's live a little longer. What's next?"


"Sooyoung!" Soojin hissed from the side. I blinked up from my computer, my eyes heavy with exhaustion. She stood there, her expression a mix of horror and concern. "You look like a mess! And is that..."

She stepped closer, peering into the chaotic tangle of my hair and grimacing. "Is that popcorn?"

I sighed, running a hand through my disheveled locks and wincing as a few kernels tumbled onto the desk like tiny escapees from a failed popcorn rebellion. Last night's movie marathon with Hanbin had taken an unexpected turn when he decided it was the perfect time to subject me to a horror flick. As if the jump scares weren't bad enough, the real terror began when Hanbin's startled reflexes sent the popcorn bucket catapulting through the air like a buttery ballistic missile, "Yeah, it’s popcorn."

Now, I've heard of food fights, but this was more like a full-blown snack assault. The air became a battlefield of butter and salt, and my hair was caught in the crossfire, bearing the brunt of the salty onslaught. It was like my scalp had become a casualty in the war between cinematic suspense and Hanbin's popcorn propulsion skills.

Lesson learned: butter and salt might add flavor to popcorn, but they're definitely not part of a balanced haircare routine. I guess you could say my hair got a taste of its own "seasoning" last night, courtesy of Hanbin's spontaneous movie choices. Next time (though my nerves and stomach can't tolerate a next time of breaking into a cinema), I'll have to remember to bring an umbrella for my hair in case of snack attacks.

Soojin's eyes widened in disbelief, her expression a mix of incredulity and concern. "What on earth happened to you last night?"

I leaned back in my chair, mentally scrambling for a plausible excuse that didn't involve revealing my midnight escapade with Hanbin - a man I barely knew.

"Just... indulged in a solo movie marathon," I said, trying to sound casual despite the guilt creeping into my voice. "You know, self-care and all that jazz."

Soojin's eyebrow arched skeptically. "A movie marathon? Alone?"

I nodded a bit too eagerly, hoping to sell my fib convincingly. "Yep, sometimes you just need some quality time with fictional characters and a bucket of popcorn, you know?"

She studied me for a moment, suspicion glinting in her eyes like a detective onto a trail. "Well, you could have at least made it to your bed afterward. You look like you spent the night wrestling with the couch cushions."

I shrugged, attempting to laugh off her observation. "Oh, you know me, Soojin. The couch and I have a special bond. It's like a gravitational pull; once I sink in, it's hard to escape."

Soojin's lips twitched with the hint of a smirk, clearly not buying my flimsy explanation. "Right, because being glued to the couch explains the popcorn in your hair perfectly."

I chuckled nervously, mentally thanking the universe for the distraction of humor. "Hey, it adds texture! I'm just trying out a new avant-garde style."

Soojin shook her head, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well, next time, maybe try a rom-com marathon instead. Less mess, more happy endings."

I nodded, inwardly relieved that she seemed to be letting it slide. "Noted. Thanks, sis."

"Doctor Ahn!" someone called from outside the room. Groaning, Soojin shot me a look of annoyance.

"Gotta go," she said, her tone a mixture of resignation and duty. Then, with a playful jab of her finger, she added, "Next time, you invite me."

I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that Soojin's presence would only add to the chaos. "Duty calls, Doctor Ahn."

As Soojin turned to leave, a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes. With a sly grin, she plucked a lone piece of popcorn from my tangled hair and popped it into .

"That's disgusting," I gagged, pulling a face of exaggerated disgust, though I couldn't stifle the laughter that bubbled up despite myself.

Soojin shrugged innocently, her expression angelic. "Waste not, want not."

I couldn't help but chuckle, watching as she sauntered out of the room, munching on the stolen snack. As the door closed behind her, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, grateful for her obliviousness and the brief moment of levity amidst the chaos of my morning.

As I walked along the rows of beds, my attention split between the patients and the never-ending stream of paperwork awaiting my attention, a faint rustling pulled at the edges of my awareness. My brow furrowed in confusion; the bed that should have been unoccupied was now emitting soft sounds of movement.

Confusion morphed quickly into bewilderment as I approached, dread pooling in the pit of my stomach. Had there been a mistake? Had a patient been overlooked in the chaos of the emergency department?

With a deep breath, I steeled myself and pulled the privacy curtain aside, fully expecting to find a confused or injured patient. Instead, I was met with a sight that left me speechless and mortified.

"Hanbin!" I hissed, my voice barely above a whisper, but the shock was unmistakable. I quickly stepped into the bed space, closing the curtains behind me. His grin widened, the mischief in his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Surprise," he whispered, his tone carrying a hint of mischief.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, a mix of emotions swirling within me.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered urgently, casting a nervous glance around the room, hoping no one had noticed his unauthorized presence. I shook my head in disbelief and exasperation. "You can't just—"

I turned to Hanbin, a mix of amusement and frustration warring within me. "You realize you just broke about a dozen hospital regulations, right?"

He grinned unrepentantly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Rules were made to be broken, Sooyoung."

I couldn't help but shake my head, knowing full well that his penchant for rebellion was as much a part of him as his infectious grin. With a resigned sigh, I accepted the inevitable truth: wherever Hanbin went, chaos was sure to follow.

"Well, you've had your fun. You can leave now before you get me fired," I said, trying to sound firm but failing miserably as Hanbin flashed me a playful pout, his eyes wide like a hurt puppy's.

"But I wanted to spend time with my favorite nurse! At least treat me to some food before throwing me out!" Hanbin protested, his grin turning into a mischievous smirk.

I groaned defeatedly, knowing all too well that even if I were to throw him out, he would always find a way to weasel his way back in, just to torment me.

"Alright," I relented with a resigned sigh, already bracing myself for whatever antics he had in store. "But you're pushing your luck, Hanbin."

With a triumphant grin, Hanbin nodded eagerly. "Deal! Now, off to the cafeteria!"

Determined to put an end to this escapade once and for all, I hurriedly slipped out from behind the curtains, my eyes scanning the hallway for any sign of an abandoned wheelchair. Spotting one tucked away in a corner, I made a beeline for it, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

With each step, the adrenaline surged through my veins, fueling my determination to carry out our spontaneous daring plan. Gripping the handles of the wheelchair tightly, I wheeled it back to Hanbin's bedside, my footsteps echoing softly in the quiet hospital corridor.

As I approached, I couldn't help but shoot him a glare, though the corners of my lips betrayed a hint of amusement. Hanbin grinned up at me from behind a blue mask, a hospital gown put over his clothes to match (seriously, how did he even get that?), and his mischief-filled eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Hop on," I said with a resigned sigh, knowing that despite my best efforts to resist, I was powerless to deny him anything. If Hanbin was determined to drag me into his antics, I might as well embrace the chaos and enjoy the ride. With a mixture of apprehension and excitement bubbling within me, I groaned again, gathering my nerves before I pushed him out from behind the curtains. "Here goes nothing."

As I wheeled Hanbin past the rows of beds, my heart pounded with each step, fully anticipating the moment we would be caught in the act. Every creak of the wheels seemed to echo through the silent hospital corridors, amplifying the sense of impending doom that hung over us like a dark cloud.

"I'm so killing you if I get fired for this," I hissed quietly through my gritted teeth, shooting him a warning glare that only seemed to make him chuckle.

"Well, I'm in the best place to be, at least," he whispered back with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Finally spotting the exit door looming ahead, I quickened my pace, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I pushed Hanbin towards it. With one last glance over my shoulder, I prayed silently that we would make it out unscathed, knowing full well that with Hanbin by my side, anything was possible.

"Where are you going, Sooyoung sunbae-nim?" a nurse called from the nursing station, causing me to halt abruptly, cursing under my breath.

"Oh, I'm just taking this lost patient back to the geriatrics," I replied quickly, hoping that my nervousness wouldn't show. My heart pounded in my chest as I prayed that my hastily concocted lie would be enough to throw her off the scent. The nurse furrowed her eyes as she stepped closer, squinting through her face guard at Hanbin's half-covered face.

"Wow, sir, you look awfully young for your age," she quipped amusedly.

My stomach churned with dread. This was it. I'm done. I'm getting fired today.

"Why, thank you, young lady," Hanbin said playfully in a distorted voice, an attempt to sound like an old man. He winked at her, "I've lucked out on good genetics."

I bit my lip, fighting the urge to smack him in the head right then and there in front of my poor junior. The other nurse only giggled, completely oblivious to the theatrics as she looked back up at me. Relief flooded through me as I thanked whatever higher power was looking out for me that she was so gullible.

"Well, Mrs. Jung wanted you to take a break. I'll tell her you've gone after you have returned this handsome fella," the nurse quipped cheerfully.

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief. That would definitely boost Hanbin's ego. As I wheeled him away, I couldn't help but shoot him a wry look, silently cursing him for the heart attack he almost gave me.

Finally wheeling him towards a quiet corner, Hanbin hopped off the wheelchair with an exuberant grin, his energy infectious. As he stretched, seemingly unaffected by the adrenaline rush of our escapade, I gasped for breath, feeling the weight of our impulsive decision settling heavily on my chest.

"Oh god, my heart can't take this anymore," I muttered, feeling my pulse racing as I leaned against the wall for support, my hand pressed firmly against my chest. "I can't believe how you always manage to pull me into your troubles."

"You didn't seem to complain last night," he remarked with a playful smirk, his voice teasing.

My cheeks flushed crimson as his words hung in the air, the implication clear even in the innocuous context of our conversation. Mortified, I shot him a glare, my eyes narrowing in warning.

"Don't ever say that again, Hanbin," I hissed, my voice low but tinged with embarrassment. I prayed that no one had overheard his remark, knowing all too well the potential for misunderstanding.

"Come on, let's get some food in our bellies," Hanbin merely chuckled in response, seemingly unfazed by my reaction, but I could tell by the twinkle in his eyes that he was enjoying pushing my buttons. Without waiting for my response, he took my hand and began to lead the way through the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital, his familiarity with the layout both impressive and slightly unnerving. How he knew his way around so well was a mystery I wasn't sure I wanted to solve.

As we entered the bustling cafeteria, the aroma of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, tantalizing my senses and momentarily distracting me from the lingering unease of our impromptu adventure. Hanbin's eyes lit up at the sight of the array of culinary delights laid out before us, his excitement palpable as he eagerly surveyed the options.

Without hesitation, he began to fill his tray with an assortment of dishes, his enthusiasm infectious as he piled on generous portions of his favorite foods. Meanwhile, I took a more measured approach, carefully selecting my meal with a mix of caution and anticipation.

Finding a secluded corner away from the prying eyes of fellow hospital staff, we settled into our seats, our trays laden with an assortment of delectable treats. Hanbin's face practically lit up with delight as he dug into his meal with gusto, savoring each bite with unabashed enjoyment.

"Sooyoung, you've got to try this," Hanbin exclaimed between mouthfuls, gesturing enthusiastically toward his plate. "It's amazing!"

As Hanbin continued to enjoy his meal with relish, I couldn't help but envy his carefree demeanor, and his ability to embrace the moment without reservation. For him, this was just another adventure, another chapter in his never-ending quest for excitement.

Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself drawn in by Hanbin's infectious enthusiasm, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I reached for a bite of his food. As the flavors exploded on my tongue, I couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer deliciousness of it all.

"You're right, this is amazing," I admitted, my voice tinged with surprise and genuine pleasure. Hanbin grinned, seemingly pleased with my reaction.

"Told you," he said triumphantly, taking another bite with relish.

With the ice broken, conversation flowed more easily between us. We talked about everything and nothing, our words punctuated by laughter and shared moments of camaraderie. Despite the chaos that had led us here, there was a sense of peace in this secluded corner of the cafeteria, a momentary reprieve from the demands of our everyday lives.

As we lingered over our meal, the tension that had hung between us dissipated, replaced by a sense of closeness and mutual understanding. For a brief moment, it felt as though it was just the two of us against the world, united in our shared adventure and the bond that held us together.

Halfway through the meal, Hanbin's enthusiasm suddenly waned as his eyes widened in alarm. He glanced over my shoulder, his expression shifting from delight to panic in an instant.

"Oops, time to go!" he exclaimed abruptly, his voice tinged with urgency as he scrambled to his feet, nearly knocking over his chair in his haste. Confusion flooded through me as I watched him dart away, his sudden departure leaving me bewildered and alone at the table.

"Wait, what?" I called after him, but he was already disappearing into the crowd, his figure quickly receding into the distance.

I sat there for a moment, staring after him in disbelief, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Had I missed something? Was there some sort of emergency?

"Hey, sweetheart," Mrs. Jung's melodic voice snapped me from my thoughts as she put her own tray next to mine. Eyeing the second tray in front of me, her eyebrow rose as she chuckled in amusement, "Wow, are you hungry today, Sooyoung?"

"Oh, uh, well, you know how it is," I stammered, my mind racing to concoct a believable explanation. "I'm feeling a bit peckish, I guess. Ha ha."

As I spooned a mouthful of Hanbin's abandoned food from his tray, Mrs. Jung's eyebrows furrowed with concern as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

My eyes widened in shock, and I nearly choked on the bite of food in my mouth. Coughing and sputtering, I struggled to regain my composure, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Startled, Mrs. Jung grabbed my cup of water and tapped me on my back, "Oh, goodness, Sooyoung."

"Oh, no, Mrs. Jung, definitely not," I sputtered between my breaths, shaking my head vehemently as I tried to clear my throat. "I mean, I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I'm not pregnant."

Mrs. Jung's expression softened with relief as I managed to catch my breath, her concern giving way to a sympathetic smile. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. You just seemed a bit flustered, that's all."

I nodded, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the misunderstanding. "It's alright, Mrs. Jung. It's just been a bit of a hectic day, that's all."

With a reassuring pat on my hand, Mrs. Jung settled back into her seat, seemingly satisfied with my explanation. As I took a sip of water to soothe my throat, I couldn't help but groan inwardly at the absurdity of the situation. Glancing around the room while drinking, I managed to spot a little creeper staring at me with a mischievous grin from behind a pillar.

My eyes narrowed in annoyance as I recognized the source of the mischief, and I shot a glare in Hanbin's direction. To my exasperation, he responded by sending me a heart with his hands, his grin widening with amusement.

Suppressing a sigh, I set my glass back down, feigning a casual stretch in my seat as I subtly raised my hand, giving him the middle finger in return. It was a small act of defiance, but it brought a satisfying sense of satisfaction as I watched Hanbin's expression morph into one of mock indignation.

Despite the playful exchange, I couldn't help but feel a pang of fondness for the troublemaker lurking in the shadows. With a shake of my head and a rueful smile, I turned my attention back to Mrs. Jung, determined to enjoy the rest of our meal in peace, even if it meant enduring Hanbin's antics from afar.

Little did Mrs. Jung know, the real reason behind my amusement had nothing to do with our conversation and everything to do with the mischievous glint in Hanbin's eyes as he slipped away unnoticed, leaving me to wonder what other surprises he had in store.

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