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fallen from grace
𝔡𝔭𝔰 𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨
staff members + labelmates
we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. and the human race is filled with passion. and medicine, law, business, engineering, these are are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. 
dead poets society, 1989
   a relatively unknown company, dps network (dps standing for dead poets society) was founded back in 2010 by jung heesu. it's been cited that he came into a lot of money and has always wanted to "harness the power of unrecognized and forgotten talent". dps network begun accepting trainees during the same year they were founded. it wasn't until the year 2012 when they debuted their first group, a girl group by the name of mother who rocked the world with their vocal prowess and addicting sound.
in 2017, they debuted their second group. angel was there name and it took a bit for the innocent girls to gain traction. they hit it big with their 2018 mini album angelsnow, now bringing in the money like their senior group.
there's one thing netizens can agree on and that is on the subject of dps network's ceo and all the mystery that surrounds him.
dps network's popularity can be compared to that of either fnc, starship, or woollim. they are neither on the top or the bottom, falling somewhere in the middle with their current groups still rising in popularity.
— founder & ceo of dps network
   not much is known about jung heesu. he is a very private man, so private that even the most intelligent and sneakiest netizens can't find anything on him. he's squeaky clean...as squeaky clean a man that doesn't seem to exist can be.
any kind of pictures that are ever found are the early days when he used to manage mother himself, all of them terribly blurry.
ever since the change to eunkyung as mother's manager, heesu barely shows his face in public. it wasn't until 2019 with the reveal of the daemon projekt that he finally resurfaced in public.
unknown to the general public, heesu is a apart of the prestigious jung family; a clan of vampires that rule most of south korea.
he can be usually found stalking the halls of the company building or stuck up in his office. he's not a horrible man, often keeping quiet and letting others do the talking, but he's very serious about his views on society.
age is unknown.
fc. kim hyojung, dawn
— in-house producer for dps network
   kim haneul, otherwise known more as hanni, is somewhat known music. a small time producer that even became a soloist at one point, haneul felt like the stage and the flashing lights weren't much her style as so she withdrew from the limelight, but decided to focus more on the sidelines as a producer instead.
during her time as a soloist, she was held with acclaim for her laidback, but shameless personality. she was not afraid to speak up for herself and flirt with those she found attractive...it does not come as a surprise to those to find out that kim haneul is a succubus after being a target of her affections.
she was contacted by heesu for her powerful tracks, to be a in-house producer mainly for their up and coming girl group (now known as mother).
haneul hangs out around the company once in a while, mainly to either pull heesu out of his office so he can have some kind of semblance of humanity or to friendly hassle the trainees. she's really good friends with naeun, since they are like-species after all.
she was born in 1990.
fc. park gyeongree
— in-house producer for dps network
   what is one thing that comes to mind when one thinks of jeon sion? a musical genius. born with natural talent, sion also has quite the story and journey with music. the son of music legend jeon kiseok, he was held up to high standards to one day surpass his status. though, sion wouldn't want to surpass his father at all, focusing more on his love for music.
with a long trainee history, it's not a surprise he grew a bit disillusioned with idea of being an idol. after being passed up and replaced for a spot in nct, sion grew more interested in producing which his endeavors grew fruitful. it didn't take long for a different company to become interested in his tracks and soon sion, or more known in the producing world as shiøn, grew famous. it wasn't long until he was swiped up by heesu to be another in-house producer.
heesu wanted the best after all.
another interesting character, sion definitely is not as he seems. a gentle soul with a heart of gold, he's friends with not all, but most of everyone in the company. he's the most closest with the trainees of devil, having almost pushed into the running before ultimately pulling back at his own wish.
he was born in 1996.
fc. cho seungyoun, woodz
— dps network's first girl group
   otherwise widely known as the 'mother' of vocals, mother is the first group that debuted under dps network. they are held to a high standard because they were the breadwinners, the ones who brought the company's current fame.
they are mainly known for their vocals, as one would expect. there is not a time where they are not brought up when one talks about group's with amazing vocal talent.
mother's secret that netizen's have not cracked are...the fact all of them are in fact sirens. they use specialized microphones when they sing so they do not enchant their audiences.
they are currently on a hiatus as of the end of 2019, focusing on new paths and other careers.
GROUP NAME mother (most often stylized as MoTHER)
# OF MEMBERS 4 members
CONCEPT vocal-based
DEBUT DATE june 8th, 2012
DEBUT SONG pitapat
POPULAR SONG décalomanie
LAST COMEBACK kiss on the lips

FANDOM chords
COLOR   silk red  
NAME moon byeol
BIRTHDATE september 16th, 1990
FC dal shabet's serri
POSITION leader, main vocalist
+ byeol is simply goals, one might say. she is kind, polite, and well-mannered. a perfect leader in a small group like mother.
+ she is known for her high and broad voice, one of the best singers from the generation.
+ she is working as a vocal instructor for the company during mother's hiatus, loving the idea of helping trainees unlock new singing abilities.
+ she is related to moon bada from angel, that is her little sister.
NAME mizushima sora
BIRTHDATE may 26th, 1993
FC gwsn's miya
POSITION main rapper, main dancer, vocalist
+ hailing originally from tokyo, sora was living in korea and performing with a dance crew when she was scouted for dps network.
+ she had always been interested in idols and kpop, but always thought her tomboy-ish looks would keep companies away from her, but dps network didn't care.
+ she seems very stand-offish, but sora is actually one of funniest members. her jokes border on the dry side a lot, but the members appreciate it nonetheless.
NAME lee hana
BIRTHDATE march 20th, 1995
FC lovelyz' kei
POSITION main vocalist, rapper
+ the fake maknae, hana is young looking with a squishy baby face.
+ her personality is addictive, very sociable and never-ending optimism.
+ collects fans like pokemon. if someone doesn't know mother, they know her. people always look up to her for her infinite positivity.
NAME liu biyu
BIRTHDATE march 26th, 1996
FC dreamcatcher's handong
POSITION lead dancer, lead vocalist, rapper, visual, maknae
+ some may say biyu is the least talented of the group, but the members would quickly stamp out those words. biyu is their youngest, but the glue that holds them together.
+ she's very helpful and kind, always caring for those she considers friends and family.
+ some think she doesn't deserve her visual position, but, once again, the members would quickly disagree with that statement. they are the ones who declared her the most prettiest out of them all, not just by her visuals, but her pure personality.
— manager for mother
   like music to one's ears, cho eunkyung was a great change to dps network. originally hired as an assistant for jung heesu, her unrelenting character and fresh optimism showed heesu that there was more to the world.
at first, her job was a glorified secretary. she kept heesu's files organized and followed him wherever he needed her to go. additionally, her wixen magic helped keep his appearance blurred and obscured from public whenever he brought mother to their schedules. she did this for a few years before the year 2015 when heesu gave the position of mother's manager to her.
it worked as she was very close with with the women of mother.
eunkyung is very protective of the company and takes everyone's safety very seriously. despite her bubbly exterior, she will do anything to keep everyone safe.
age is unknown.
fc. kwon eunbi
— dps network's second girl group
   the 'angels' of dps network, angel wasn't that popular from the beginning. a lot of their fanbase came from mother, wanting to support their 'little sisters'. their debut gathered a lukewarm response, too cutesy compared to the mature sound that mother had.
soon enough, angel began to gather their own fans as their songs began to become them. more than just cute, but true innocence. what angel wasn't quite ready for was the fame with their breakthrough song 'rough'. suddenly, they songs were raising on charts and everyone knew who angel was.
sudden fame is hard to grasp when one's group is held together by tightly-wound secrets. secrets that would well bring the group down if word got out.
angel's concept is innocence and purity, but the members themselves may be the opposite. all members are secretly not of innocent species, from sirens and vampires to succubi to crow demons. the girls of angel are held at a high standard and have to follow a very, very, strict schedule and rules.
angel is currently going through a promotional break, gearing up for another comeback soon so they could be often seen around the company.
GROUP NAME angel (often stylized as ANGEL)
# OF MEMBERS 6 members
CONCEPT innocence
DEBUT DATE april 16th, 2017
DEBUT SONG love letter
LAST COMEBACK lalalilala
FANDOM cherubs
COLORS   heavenly pink  /  quartz  
NAME lee yeona
BIRTHDATE august 12th, 1996*
SPECIES vampire
FC kep1er's yujin
POSITION leader, vocalist
+ unknown to both xiaojun and the company, yeona comes from the same vampire clan as xiaojun. she always claims that she isn't, but that's just one of the many secrets she keeps.
+ has a very, very well known crush on company producer sion...that is very unrequited. though she is quite delusional and believes she still has a chance.
+ on camera, yeona comes off as a very well-mannered girl, polite with those older than her and lightly teasing the younger members.
+ in reality, yeona is a bit obsessed to the point that she has a room to herself because the rest of the group didn't want to room with her.
+ 1996 isn't her real birthyear, but it's the one she goes by to appear human.
NAME moon bada
BIRTHDATE january 31st, 1997
FC (g)-idle's miyeon
POSITION main vocalist, visual
+ younger sister to mother's very own byeol.
+ truthfully, both her and byeol entered the company at the same time. bada was simply too young to debut with mother, but her early training practically gave her a running for a spot in angel.
+ there's not much difference in her personality off and on camera. she's a quiet girl, but she truly cares for her group (well, most of the members anyways).
+ she acts more like the actual leader than yeona.
+ yearns to possibly get a solo career sometime in the future.
+ knows of the drama that is going through the group, but she's a bit too busy trying to stop yeona from being a stalker to truly do much.
NAME rena akabane
BIRTHDATE october 30th, 1999
SPECIES kitsune/gumiho
FC aespa's giselle
POSITION vocalist, rapper
+ reigning from america, rena was scouted through an online audition. she honestly didn't think she would get accepted, but here she is now (and slightly regretting her choices).
+ is half-japanese/half-korean...but not only that, she is also half-kitsune and half-gumiho. one would think they are the same, but no they are not. both species have their differences and she has to live with both creatures in her.
+ gets contstantly pointed out by netizens for being 'not interested' or having a 'resting face'. in actuality, she's just dealing with a lot of inner issues.
+ doesn't really know how to show her feelings, very much comes off as a tsundere.
+ yumi's self-proclaimed protector.
NAME ji eunjoo
BIRTHDATE october 19th, 2000
SPECIES succubus
FC artms' heejin
POSITION main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist, center
+ she may not be the visual, but she's the center. everyone's eyes go to her.
+ on camera, she is the apple of everyone's eye. she is sweet, funny, and charming. but once she steps away from the stage and back at the dorms, the monster appears.
+ egotistical and self-centered, she does not like it one bit when one of the members try to out-do her. she has a personal vendetta against maknae yumi, simply because many fans called her the cute member and not her, not eunjoo.
+ she's also extremely flirty behind the camera as well, her good looks and certain charms beckoning others to take in her beauty.
+ a wolf in sheep's clothing.
NAME li chunhua
BIRTHDATE december 29th, 2000
FC everglow's yiren
POSITION main dancer, lead rapper, vocalist
+ much like her species sake, hua is a faery and she's very unpredictable. her face is usually kept blank and no one ever knows what goes on inside her mind.
+ noticeably pretends to be more absentminded in public, but she's actually quite intelligent and sneaky.
+ she is rather mum about the group's situation, but that's because she is secretly gathering evidence against eunjoo, in hopes one day they can get justice.
+ hua loves pranks, its a favorite past time of hers. currently, her favorite targets are yeona and definitely eunjoo.
NAME kozoe fuyumi
BIRTHDATE april 26th, 2001
SPECIES karasu-tengu
FC cherry bullet's remi
POSITION vocalist, dancer, maknae
+ sweet little bub, stumbled her way into the idol world on accident, being scouted while on vacation.
+ despite her species, she's very bubbly and kind. sociable, loving to make new friends.
+ ever since debuting with angel though, she's become more soft-spoken due to being picked on by eunjoo.
+ due to her species, yumi has an eye for shiny trinkets and collects them without hesitation.
— 2nd-in-command & manager for angel
   jung haeryung is a new face to the scene, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what to do. she is a very much an opposing figure, her aura almost unapproachable compared to her everlasting beauty.
it was not a surprise that heesu called for her help, another vampire from his prestigious clan. she is knowledgeable in many things and she stood right behind him, helping him build dps network from the bottom. and when the idea of angel began to flourish, she instantly stepped up to keep an eye of the group of girls.
with her no-nonsense and strict personality, she was perfect. heesu knew she was best for the job.
there's not much known of haeryung, except for being high up in the clan enough to get many things done.
age is unknown.
fc. im jinah, nana
— manager for devil
   before ahn pilgoon became devil's manager, he went by the name ILL, who was a very prominent rapper underground that rapped about many social injustices. he ended up leaving his promising rapping career behind after the death of a close friend.
the man took a new path in life, returning to school before landing a management job in dps network. heesu saw promise in the gentle giant and he felt like he'd suit as devil's main manager.
despite being a werewolf, pilgoon is a sensitive person and docile. many trainees look up to him as either a father figure or an older brother. he's very protective of his family and friends and will protect them with his life.
another thing pilgoon is is that he's a major klutz. many things end up broken or lost in his hands or he's found tripping on air. fellow manager naeun considers it very cute which always brings a blush on his face. he has a very obvious crush on the succubus, but he always denies it.
he is mainly in-charge of driving the boys to schedules and promotions and also doubling as a bodyguard at airports and fansigns.
he was born in 1994.
fc. kim namjoon, rm
— manager for devil
   everyone knows who kim naeun is. previously a well-known model for her amazing figure and, most importantly, her lingerie shoots, she was someone that didn't care to censor herself. her career took a bit of a plummet when an ex-boyfriend released a certain...video out on the internet. after the scandal, naeun grew a bit bored with the modelling scene and decided to do something with her forgotten business degree.
the moment she was looking for work, heesu swiped her up feeling like her personality would be perfect for a secondary manager for his next boy group.
much like in-house producer hanni, naeun is a heavy flirter. it's in her nature after all, being a succubus. once she has her eyes set on someone, she goes for them (unless one says they are uncomfortable, then she will pull away). currently she has her eyes set on her fellow manager, pilgoon. she enjoys the way she makes him blush with just a simple smile and the way just her presence makes his clumsiness take on new proportions.
naeun is mainly in charge of setting up schedules and making sure devil arrives to those schedules on time. when one or multiple members decide they want to possibly go on a certain show, she is the one they go to and she'll try to make it happen.
she was born in 1992.
fc. kim ahyoung, yura
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 ⁺˖┆eventually ill get to reviews, sorry for the long wait guys!


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31 streak #1
Chapter 5: hi Q_Q
thank you so much for the review! as for your question, his family has a big connections with a lot of big companies if it does make sense like his granddad of his father's side owns a lot of businesses too. they might blur the line between the human and supernatural world but they only interact with human strictly for businesses. the reason why his parents name is ezriel is because his family has been using names that is related to the bloodline for so long. i was left to fix few more stuffs you asked and i will let you know once i'm done with that soon <3

someone has to get thorn who won't let the story die after i submit him :') maybe since he's not the first app this time ----

thorn IS devil's princess. and he will wear that title with pride. my humor is one of my few redeeming qualities, glad you approve.

GILLS I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING ELSE so. not all the time, yes but no, etc etc. i think of it more --- bc i'm semi-going off of how i have book!thorn set up yk --- as when thorn is in salt water, there's a transformation. when he's away from the sea, no gills. when he finally surrenders to the call of the sea, he has gills, scales, a tail, fins, the whole nine so long as he's in the water. because otherwise, that would be pretty hard to hide. (i also feel like i may have fumbled my intentions in this app / written it very clumsy. i was trying to make it evident that the night in busan marks the first time thorn ever steps into the sea / surrendered to his siren half and lost some of his... i don't want to say humanity, but in a way, yes.)

he wouldn't do it. until he would. :))))

thorn screaming at devil while hunched over the toilet bc of his own actions is one of the most thorn things to ever thorn ngl

his background never gets easier to write but hey! it's still not as bad as book!thorn! if u ever wanna read that one lmk okno
listen, i cackle each time you say ur gonna simba him with tongs. i think of someone picking up a thorn chibi with tongs and it's so cute in my head. kinda wanna draw it or hire moe to.
jaeyoung doesn't get just desserts. he's the main course. uvu


instead of a movie date they can hate on old movies

i don't think thorn would have had any info about the supernatural:tm: thing. probably just right place, right time

someone give me an excuse to babble about 7th sin bc they're es and i /adore/ them


xiaojun: exist
thorn: paniques, dreams about drowning him
/ah yes, this is fine/

i have so much More for thorn and more to talk to you abt but prolly not in the app itself bc i have so many IDEAS for this story and u know thorn is my favorite child

i'm so glad you like him and i hope your questions are answered q v q waves a littol flag
Chapter 4: hi! i have question, for the main dancer plot, is it okay if i use someone from a professional dancer instead? like maybe someone from smf?
Chapter 4: thorn
Chapter 2: Coming for your throat via penemue
Chapter 2: It has returned!