Presentation day




Yoona slowly opens her eyes when she feels the light of the sun that shines in her face and she noticed that she’s in a room

Minho: “you’re awake”

Yoona: “I remember that I fell asleep at the living room”

Minho: “I carried you here. Don’t worry I asked the maids to change your clothes”

Yoona: “I didn’t say anything about it. Why are you explaining?”
Minho: “just in case you will ask. Get up now, we have lots of work to do. After you take a bath, go downstairs because breakfast is already set on the table. I’ll just wait for you I at the dining room”

Yoona: “ok”

He gets out of the room and waits for Yoona at the dining room. After Yoona took bath and get dressed, she immediately goes downstairs to eat her breakfast.

Minho: “you must be really hungry. You’re eating a lot”

Yoona: “I only eat kimbap yesterday and I need energy for later” she’s talking while is full

Minho: “you’re such a shikshin” after eating, they go straight to the car and they go to their location. They prepare the miniature models and report before the few board members and design team arrives. They wait for 15 minutes for them to arrive

Yoona: “you’re going to talk in front of those people?”
Minho: “yup. They are the board members and the design team. I don’t know which of them but I have to do my best”
Yoona: “and you look very nervous. It’s only about people. Relax”

Minho: “only people but people that are known in their industry”

Yoona: “ok. on 3. 1,2,3 FIGHTING!”

Minho: “thanks” before goes in front he hugs her tight

Yoona: “hey, what are you doing?” he breaks the hug

Minho: “wish me luck” he finally goes in front

Yoona: “so childish”

Minho: “good morning everyone, I’m Choi Minho from Choi Industies and I am here to show you our kitchen designs. Ehem” he clears his throat “these are the miniature models of the kitchens and its information about it written on the report”

Board Member 1: “is that how you’re going to make us sign a contract with you?”

Minho: “pardon?”

Board Member 2 : “just be direct to the point”

Design staff: “if I look to it, it looks quite simple and not competitive”

Minho: “I’ll be back after a minute” he goes to the back where Yoona is

Yoona: “what are you doing?”

Minho: “I don’t think I can do it”

Yoona: “stay here. I’ll do the talking” Yoona goes in front of the people and she continued Minho’s presentation. She answers all the give questions to her wisely and she tells them the specialty of each design which makes the company be persuaded

Board Member 3: “the design staff has decided and they thought that these designs are one of a kind which can make it a big hit for the release of you new designs next year so 16 out of 27 people in this room agreed to sign a contract with the Choi Industries. Congratulations” everyone applauses

Yoona: “thank you for giving our company this chance. Thank you so much”

Minho: “sir, we promise you that we will do our best to give our great service. Thank you so much”

Board Member 3: “just come back here tomorrow to deal with everything and sign a contract with you”

Minho: “thank you sir” he bows 100 degrees as well as Yoona

Yoona: “success”

Minho: “yes. We’ve got the contract!” he carries Yoona in his arms and turns around while carrying her

Yoona: “people are looking. Put me down”

Minho: “thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Yoona!” he pulls her cheeks

Yoona: “we still need to clean these”

Minho: “I’ll just ask someone to clean this for us. I want to treat you for dinner and you can eat anything that you want. Let’s go” he grabs her hand and goes to a restaurant in front of the company’s building and have their dinner 

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cuttieyoona #1
Chapter 16: same @aetherius
The best ever
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 45: owh,,,beautiful story.... >.<
Chapter 45: Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 45: i almost started crying tears of joy at the end.. <3
such a wonderfully written MinYoon fanfic :D
I need more of your MinYoon stories X)
Mykamay #6
Yayy! Happy ending. :)
I love this story like so damn much!!! Love the couples mostly Minyoon!!! <3 <3 <3 Please make more stoies about Minyoon! I really enjoying reading your stories!!! <3
Butermelo #8
Thank you
yesung84 #9
...staY cool... :>>