New year's day

Need to need you / I will hold on to you (JMJ)
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Minjeong's insecurities are still there and Jimin loves her more.

#baby girl kmj and unnie yjm
#best boy Wonbin
#Jung Sungchan


“Why are you smiling like that?” Minjeong asks Wonbin as Jimin and Sungchan put the bags into the boot of the car.

“Like what?” Wonbin shrugs, still smiling brightly at Minjeong.

“Like a creep!” Minjeong grimaces.

“Am not!” Wonbin frowns.

“Yes, you are! Sungchan, tell Binnie to quit being weird!” Minjeong whines.

“He’s just happy you’re coming to spend the holidays with him.” Sungchan snorts. “He doesn’t know how to express it, but I’m glad you’re coming too, Minjeong.”

“Aw! You could’ve just said so.” Minjeong giggles, jumping onto Wonbin to hug him.

“You’re heavy!” Wonbin huffs, yet still holds Minjeong securely and hugs her tightly.


They all get into the car as Jimin and Minjeong settle in the backseat and Wonbin is in the passenger seat since Sungchan volunteered to drive. 


“I can’t believe you guys are using us like this.” Minjeong snorts. “Coming out to both of your parents at the same time with your significant others. It’s like you actually want to give them a heart attack.”

“Yeah, I’ve never met quite an insane pair of siblings like the Yu’s.” Sungchan says and Wonbin pinches him. Ow!”

“But we’re going to celebrate your birthday too, baby.” Jimin wraps an arm around Minjeong’s shoulder. “Wonbin says mum and dad already planned a whole dinner for you.”

“But it’s new years.” Minjeong blushes at the love.

“No, it’s your birthday.” Jimin kisses Minjeong’s cheek.

“I wish you two never got together.” Wonbin grimaces.

“Shut up!” Minjeong flushes.


Minjeong falls asleep and Jimin holds her close to keep her lolling head comfortable and to provide some warmth for her. Sungchan drives hours on end before switching with Wonbin in the last hour. They arrive at the Yu’s childhood home and they all do a big stretch as they get out of the car.


“Is that Kim Minjeong!” A deep voice bellows and Minjeong lights up, running around the car to the front door of the two-story house she’s been so familiar with since childhood.

“Dad!” Minjeong runs into Mr. Yu’s arms happily and giggles when he swings her around. “My, you’re so tall now!”


Jimin smiles fondly at the sight and wishes to have been able to photograph it forever still, like that.


“Darling, you’re so beautiful!” Mrs. Yu joins in.

“Thank you, mum.” Minjeong beams. “You don’t look a day over twenty!”

“Oh my! You’re a charmer.” Hyojin chuckles as she pats Minjeong’s hair down affectionately. “I couldn’t believe it when Wonbin said you’d be joining our holidays this year. I’m so happy!”

“I’m happy too.” Minjeong admits shyly, her eyes trailing off to Jimin, who’s unloading the bags with Sungchan.


“Good to see you, son.” Jitae gives Wonbin a tight hug and lifts him off the ground.


Sungchan chuckles at the sight and Hyojin notices him.

“Oh, and who’s this?” Hyojin blinks.

“O-oh, I’m Jung Sungchan, eomoni, abeoji.” Sungchan bows deeply.


Hyojin gasps sharply and shakes Sungchan’s hand.


“I didn’t know Jimin was bringing a boyfriend this year!” She gasps. “You look so young!”
"Actually," both siblings begin but they’re no match for their mother.

“Come in! We’ve made a big meal!” Hyojin drags Sungchan and Minjeong in.


Wonbin and Jimin share a look of despair.


“Aren’t I glad you brought your girlfriend, Minjeongie, home and now Jiminie has a boyfriend too?" Hyojin giggles happily. “I have never been happier to see my children in happy relationships!”

“Well, actually—” Minjeong begins but Jimin shakes her head and Minjeong catches her.

“W-well, ha-ha! We’re super happy!” Jimin stands next to Sungchan awkwardly. 

“Minjeong, you can share Jimin’s room with her since I know you don’t like sleeping alone,” Hyojin says. “And Sungchan, you can room with Wonbin since you’re not too familiar with this place yet.”

“U–um, sure, thank you.” Sungchan nods.


Jimin drags Minjeong, along with her luggage, upstairs into her childhood bedroom and shuts the door.


“What was that?” Minjeong blinks.

“We’re not going to tell them yet.” Jimin says.
“Why?” Minjeong asks.

“Because they’re going to make us sleep separately if they find out too soon, and I want to sleep with my girlfriend in the same bed, in my childhood bedroom for a few days.” Jimin rushes out and Minjeong blushes.

“Oh.” Minjeong flushes. “Unnie! You’re so…”

“So what?” Jimin smirks, moving forward to cage Minjeong in her arms. “So in love? Because I am very much in love with you, Kim Minjeong.”

"Stop," Minjeong says, turning away with a whine.

“I don’t want to.” Jimin tilts Minjeong’s chin towards her before leaning down to capture a sweet kiss.


Minjeong whimpers quietly and melts like putty in Jimin’s affections.


“I love you.” Jimin kisses her chastely after pulling away.

“I…” Minjeong blushes, too embarrassed to speak.

“I know you love me.” Jimin chuckles, kissing her again. “I love you more.”


Minjeong thinks:  I love you most.


They’re all settled in again and Jitae stopped giving Sungchan the stink-eye when he beat the old man in chess. Sungchan had cowered in fear in case he had upset his boyfriend’s father, but Jitae stood up and gave Sungchan a bear hug before welcoming him into the family.


Wonbin and Minjeong sit on the couch with Minjeong laying her head on his lap as they watch an old Christmas movie on TV, days past Christmas, but Minjeong insisted on wanting to watch Home Alone, and Wonbin couldn’t say no to her. Minjeong’s warmed up in Jimin’s blue sweater and Wonbin’s wearing Sungchan’s basketball hoodie and honestly, it feels silly how their parents haven’t noticed anything yet.


Jimin works on making hot chocolate for them all and when she’s done, she walks out with four mugs on a tray.


She sets it down and gives Wonbin the stink-eye before grabbing onto Minjeong’s arm and pulling her up.


“What?” Minjeong blinks.

“Cuddle with me.” Jimin pouts, whispering. 

“Are you serious?” Minjeong giggles and Jimin nods with all seriousness.

“Okay.” Minjeong wants to kiss Jimin right then and there.


Jimin lies down on the opposite couch and Minjeong lies on top of her. Jimin snakes her arms around Minjeong’s waist as their legs tangled together and Minjeong turns her head so that she can still see the TV. Jimin sighs happily, snuggling into Minjeong’s shoulder. 

Sungchan comes around and sits beside Wonbin, who kicks up his feet to rest on his lap.


“Aw, you kids get along so well.” Hyojin grins. 




“I’m sleepy!” Minjeong whines when Jimin sneaks her hands under her shirt and tickles the skin around her abdomen.

“I miss you.” Jimin pouts.


Something Minjeong hadn’t expected when they decided to start their relationship was that Minjeong was the clingy person in the relationship; however, Jimin is even more clingy when she wants to be, and it’s usually very often.


“Can I kiss you, baby?” Jimin whines softly and Minjeong just loses it.


Minjeong turns over and suddenly she’s not sleepy anymore. She takes Jimin’s lips to her own and kisses her hard. She tangles her hands through the wispy hairs under Jimin’s neck before pulling her closer. 


“What has gotten into you?” Minjeong pulls away and giggles when Jimin chases her lips.

“I just like you. I like having you here.” Jimin rubs her cheek against Minjeong’s like a cat. “It’s hard to resist you often, Minjeong-ah.”

“Unnie.” Minjeong chortles.

“No,” Jimin whines. “You can’t call me unnie when we’re alone.”

“Jiminie, get your hands away from under my shirt or else I’ll get the wrong idea.” Minjeong huffs.

“What if I want you to get the wrong idea?” Jimin inches her hands higher.

“Jimin.” Minjeong warns. “Your entire family is doors away from us.”

“You’ll have to be quiet for me then, hm?” Jimin leans down, kisses the underside of Minjeong’s chin and noses her ear with the tip of her nose, breathing warmly and causing ripples of shivers along Minjeong’s body. “You’ll be a good girl for me?”

“…Yes.” Minjeong exhales shakily.


The next morning, Minjeong wakes up; her body aches, her skin is marred with marks and her hair is tangled and mussed at the back of her head, and she has Yu Jimin all to blame for it. Yu Jimin, who has not woken up early today, is snuggled up in bed while hogging the blanket. Minjeong huffs quietly before smacking Jimin’s with all her might.


“Ow!” Jimin yelps and almost falls out of bed.



There’s a stark difference in how Jimin likes to be called by her girlfriend. Example a) is ‘unnie’, because it sounds sweet coming from Minjeong and is usually used when Minjeong wants something and is whining. Example b) is ‘Jiminie’, just because it sounds cute and makes Jimin giddy when Minjeong calls her so. Example c) is babe, which gets Jimin’s attention immediately and she’s at Minjeong’s beck and call as soon as it’s uttered.


The outlier in this equation is just her name without any cute undertones because, honestly, it makes her tremble with fear—paired with the way Minjeong’s pointed glare makes Jimin know she’s messed up.


“Yes, baby?” Jimin blinks.

“Can you see what’s wrong?” Minjeong raises a brow and Jimin gulps.

 “Um… I was hogging the blanket?” Jimin says it meekly.

“What else?” Minjeong frowns.

“Yu Jimin, look—” Minjeong grabs Jimin’s shirt collar and brings her up face to face. “Look at the state you left me in after last night!”


Jimin’s eyes widen with terror as her eyes skate over her girlfriend. Minjeong’s wearing one of Jimin’s t-shirts and it’s loose around her neck, displaying an array of pink, red and purpling marks. 


Jimin gets an earful of scolding and she really doesn’t think it’s her fault that Minjeong was so pretty and good to her last night and so warm that Jimin cuddled her and made her fall asleep so calmly. Still, Jimin carries Minjeong to the bathroom and Jimin showers both of them.

“I don’t exactly recall you complaining last night, since you agreed.” Jimin snarks and Minjeong turns around under the running hot water to bite down on Jimin’s shoulder. “Ow—”


“What happened?” Wonbin asks when they’re all seated at the breakfast table and both Minjeong and Jimin share similar states. Minjeong is bundled up in a turtleneck and Jimin’s sweater with her hair wet around her shoulders, while Jimin actually looks like a wet dog with her tail between her legs as she sports a downcast expression wit

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Psykotato 33 streak #1
Chapter 2: This makes me so soft🥺
169 streak #2
Chapter 2: I loved this one it might be one of my favorites actually. I absolutely love the friendship between Wonbin and Minjeong
i keep on going back to this story 🤧 i can't help it this is so good! 💖
288 streak #4
Chapter 2: So cutie fluffy 🥰
Genniee #5
Chapter 2: thank god for another worth-the-read-fanfic!!
Chapter 2: As always, just perfectly done. Loved loved LOVED Winbinne, friendship goals right there
Chapter 2: rhis is so in good
nayeonmine #8
Chapter 1: this fic make me giggling n kicking my feet >//<
plutoooooo #9
Chapter 2: in love with your works. So fluffy, love you 💋
winter_chan22 #10
Chapter 2: I really love this, thank you author-nim!!