
The Rain

„Chan … Chan “, I hear my name, but I struggle to even open my eyes. “Chan! “, it’s getting louder and more desperate, and somebody shakes me almost violently.

“Chris, for ’s sake, open your eyes! “

I manage half an eye. It’s Ji-Sung. Why is he so wet?

Slowly I emerge from what feels like a leaden slumber and realize something is very wrong.

I try to get up, but Ji-Sung holds me down. “Wow, wow, wow, don’t move! “, he says. There is blood on my pants and trickling down my chin. I don’t feel it yet, but I believe I’m injured, probably badly.

“I have to get you out of the rain”, Ji-Sung says and tries to shift me onto something that looks like a tarp. He is frightened. When I shuffle over the pain kicks in. My left leg, what the happened? I hold back a scream not to scare my Ji-Sung any further. But I’m struggling to stay conscious.

“Don’t worry”, he says, “It’s gonna be fine. Leg is broken, I guess, but you’re gonna be okay.”

He starts to drag the tarp towards what looks like remains of a shed. I grit my teeth but the more I see of what’s happening, the more I forget about the pain: It’s mayhem. Deafening thunder, rain, and people, so many people running around, panicking.

And then it all comes back to me.



When they told us we would hold a concert in one of the largest venues in Indonesia, we were beyond excited. With about 90,000 seats it was set to be the biggest event we had ever held, and they expected a sold-out stadium.

We arrived five days before the concert, to have a bit more time than usual for acclimatization and rehearsal.

The location was as stunning as it was intimidating. I was wondering if we would be able to make our performance work with people who would hardly be able to see us at all in the places furthest away from the stage.

Parts of the stands were on a ledge hanging over a river with a steep cliff as backdrop on the other side of it. The natural surrounding and the way the architects had incorporated the structure into it, made the venue look even more impressive.

Seeing the place for the first time, Hyunjin immediately grabbed a sketchbook to capture first impressions and the rest of us kept taking photos of each other in front of all the awesome surroundings.

There had been a few concerned voices at the agency about holding the concert during monsoon season, but the main stage was under a half dome of tinted glass, so we didn’t expect any issues with the performance.

Felix in particular was worried that Stays would be left standing in the rain, but the management on location reassured us that the people were used to it and would all be prepared with raincoats and umbrellas.

While we were checking out the venue, it was indeed raining, but it wasn’t much different from the rain at home. I’m not familiar with raining season, so I thought nothing of it. Minho clearly didn’t like the prospect to constantly deal with damp clothes in the heat, but kept quiet about it, as he does.


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