When I see you, I become loveable

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Yena feels awkward among the crowd of excited fans in front of the concert hall. She wasn't really a big fan of pop music, but her best friend, Ahn Yujin, who was a music lover, forced Yena to attend the concert of the famous pop star, Jo Yuri.


"You'll definitely like it," Yujin said with a smile, but in truth, Yena was very unsure. However, Yena was a loyal friend, and she didn't want to disappoint Yujin.


They were both in a long line, waiting for the concert doors to open. Yena felt lost in the crowd, with thousands of excited fans talking about Jo Yuri and her hits. Meanwhile, Yujin looked very excited and couldn't wait to see her music idol.


Suddenly, the concert doors opened, and the crowd began to flow into the building quickly. Yujin pulled on Yena's arm, and both were carried away. They were both trapped in the advancing crowd and unable to move backward.


Yena tried to keep from getting separated from Yujin, but it was no easy task in this passionate crowd. She felt like she was trapped in an endlessly moving sea of people.


In the end, they both made it into the concert hall, despite Yena feeling tired and anxious. But once they were inside, the atmosphere turned very lively. Yena felt increasingly distracted by the music echoing around her and by the increasingly excited fans.






Yena looked up at the stage that was radiating a bright spotlight, and there, on the stage, stood Jo Yuri. She had a strong stage presence, mesmerizing with her incredible voice. Yena felt almost like she was seeing a goddess in the stage spotlight.


Yena's eyes couldn't tear themselves away from Yuri as she sang the first lyrics of her song, lyrics that touched Yena's heart in an unexpected way:


"When I see you, I become loveable."


Yena felt as if Yuri had sung those lyrics especially for her. The feeling that grew within her was like an unexpected flash of light, and she felt herself coming back to life.


After the initial session was over, Yena looked at Yujin who was smiling broadly. "What do you think?" asked Yujin.


Yena smiled and replied, "It was amazing. I never thought that I would feel like this after a concert."


Yujin laughed, "Look, I knew you'd like it! You're going to be a fan of Jo Yuri now, aren't you?"


Yena laughed softly, "Maybe."






Yena and Yujin, after finishing standing in the crowd, looked for their seats which should be in the VVIP area, which was not too far from the stage. They both quickly found their places and sat down comfortably.


"Thank you for bringing me here, Yujin," Yena said to her best friend with a smile. "Even though I was skeptical at first, this concert is amazing."


Yujin nodded and replied, "No problem, Yena. I'm glad you like it. Jo Yuri was my childhood idol, and I wanted to share this moment with you."


They both continued to enjoy Yuri's mesmerizing performance. Jo Yuri sang songs with heart-stirring vocals, presented stunning visual performances, and interacted with her fans warmly.


As time passed, Yena became more and more immersed in Yuri's performance. She felt as if all the worries and anxieties she had brought to the concert had suddenly vanished, replaced by a deep sense of awe and inspiration.


Yujin was happy to see Yena enjoying this concert, and she knew that Yena was undergoing a change inside. After Yuri sang the next song, Yujin said, "Did you see your reaction, Yena? You really look like you're connecting with this song."


Yena nodded and replied, "Yes, Yujin, I don't know how to explain it, but that song kind of touched my heart. And Jo Yuri's performance was amazing."


When the concert ended, Yena felt like she had just experienced something extraordinary. She wanted to know more about Jo Yuri, about what made her so special and able to convey feelings through her music.






After the concert ended, Yena and Yujin joined the long line that led to the autograph session with Jo Yuri. The crowd of fans was still full of excitement, and there was a lot of bickering between those who wanted to be at the front.


Yena was nervous and unsure of what she would say when she met Jo Yuri. She was still trying to process the experience of the concert that had so thrilled her. Beside her, Yujin continued to talk about how great the concert was and how great Jo Yuri was.


As they approached the autograph table, Yena began to feel increasingly uneasy. She could see Yuri from afar, smiling kindly at the fans in front of her. As their turn approached, Yena felt her heart pounding.


Yujin smiled at Yena and said, "Take it easy, Yena. It's going to be okay. Try saying what's in your heart."


Finally, when it was their turn to meet Yuri, Yujin came forward first, smiling broadly. Yuri greeted her warmly and gave her his signature deftly. Yujin looked so happy, and as she stepped away, Yena stood in front of Yuri with mixed feelings.

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