We Make Our Own Fate

Against the Fate


Against the Fate

Kyuhyun took brisk steps towards the elevator, slinging his bag on his shoulder, waving at his manager as he left, the only thing on his mind now, being the desire to see the man he missed. Kyuhyun due to odd scheduling conflicts had somehow gone two days without seeing the man he loved. He defined seeing, as having to do more that eyes just casting upon whilst the other slept or a quick wave goodbye. In his mind, seeing dealt more with handholding and shy, sweet smiles. He wondered how he actually survived so long. If it was one thing that had become painfully obvious to him in recent months was that he was unable to stay away from Super Junior’s lead vocalist for very long. It was a sad, often embarrassing fact, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He smiled.

It had been nearly seven months since he had awkwardly confessed to Yesung, stuttering his way through the process of bearing his soul to the elder man, and roughly the same amount of time since he had received a painfully awkward rambled confession in return. It was absolutely perfect. During that time he had felt happiness he thought was unattainable, joy impossible and a feeling of contentment so intense that it often left him breathless. That is not to say that it had been smooth sailing in the least. It was hard and awkward and downright weird sometimes. It was difficult to adjust to the change in their circumstance, to come to terms with the fact that they had fallen in love with a hyung/dongsaeng, a band mate, with a man.  It had taken them immense courage and a will he didn’t know ever of them possessed to fight the awkwardness and the weirdness, to fight to stay be each other’s side, to embrace the love they felt and let it grow. Kyuhyun was happy to inform that their love had indeed grown, impossible but true. It had evolved over the time, no longer just ardent and fiery, now gentle and everlasting, showing itself in every action and every thought. It was now the pinnacle of all their actions. He had wondered before if Yesung was that other half he had read about .At the time he had dismissed the thought, being to stressed about the fact that he actually loved him to contemplate the extent of that love. With things settled, his mind and body quite certain that he not only loved him but would probably love Yesung for his entire life and who knows, maybe after that, he could finally consider it.

Two bodies, one heart, one mind; that was the Greek concept he remembered. He supposed that they were indeed one heart, but probably not one mind. ’That is for sure’ his mind supported. He was positive he and Yesung shared one heart, the extent of their love he had never doubted. They may not be the best at stating it, but they always felt it, always saw it in each other’s eyes. In their hearts they were one person, the piece that was always meant to be there, that would always be there, even if the world was covered in darkness or the sky bright. Their hearts would always be one. He chuckled when he thought about their minds though. Personality wise he and Yesung were very different. Where he was brazen and confident, Yesung was shy and thoughtful. Yesung was kind and moody, whilst he was slightly mean but generally cheerful in his own way. Their personalities were far apart, but somehow they were always the same. He noted that they were both stubborn (Stubborn is being kind in your case), fierce and loyal, with deep care for their loved ones. They were both shy in their own way and most definitely awkward. Yesung was weird and unique in his actions, but Kyuhyun would contend that he himself was also a bit odd, just maybe better at hiding it. It was clear, that they were different as people, but Kyuhyun supposed that is what made them perfect. Where he was weak, Yesung was strong, where Yesung was shy, he would be brazen, where Yesung was doubtful, he would be certain and together they would both just be stubborn. He believed that perhaps that fact that they were so different meant that their mind wouldn’t be one, but rather perfect. The fact that they were so different, yet oddly similar would be a perfect example of Yin and Yang. Both needed to be complete, to be a whole.

Whether Yesung was that exclusive soulmate that man was doomed to search an eternity for ,he was not sure, he couldn’t ever be sure, but he was certain without hesitation that Yesung was his other half, the very entity that he needed to be complete. Maybe he had found his destiny. It was not perfect, but then again life was never perfect, it was simply what you made of it. He hoped that together he and Yesung could make it into their very own version of perfectly imperfect. That they could spend their lives completing each other, being each other’s other missing piece. ’You don’t see the man for a day and you act as a love sick teenager’ his mind chastised. He wouldn’t argue. He had realized that his thoughts often mirrored that of a hormone directed infatuated teenager, but he didn’t mind. Atleast now he was aware that what he felt was genuine affection and not the by product of pheromones running rampant. He would propose to his mind, that his current mental sappiness, whilst brought on by absence, was something that he had to consider at some point.Wasn’t it necessary to know the extent of his love? Wasn’t it necessary for him to fully appreciate what he and Yesung had, so he would never be foolish to let it go? To know, so he would hold on to it as if his life depended on it, simply because in a way his life did depend on it. He couldn’t ever let go willingly, he had to hold on, once Yesung was willing to let him. ’Well atleast you won’t be a stalker’ his mind snickered.

 Honestly sometimes he didn’t even understand his mind. Here he was thinking about important life changing matters and all his mind was interested in was petty teasing and belittling his deep feelings. He scoffed. Pointless mind! ‘The sappiness is too much for me to bear sometimes…it gives me goose bumps’ his mind defended. Kyuhyun could concede the point. His sappiness these days were off the chart. If someone told him a year ago he would be this sappy he would laugh at them, then probably make them cry. He missed the old days. Since Yesung had perfected that ‘make Kyuhyun do whatever I want’ smile of his, Kyuhyun couldn’t even be as industrious in his pranking activities as he once was. ’You meant evil right?’  his mind corrected.  He always felt evil was a strong word, he was just entertaining himself. Now he had Yesung to entertain him though, so he didn’t have the time to be playful; much to the delight of his bandmates .Kyuhyun didn’t really mind though, spending time with Yesung was definitely worth the sacrifice, and he could always just prank them when Yesung was not around to beg for them. He smirked.

Those were the thoughts that occupied Kyuhyun’s head as he rode the elevator to the 11th, but were all dismissed by the time he heard that tell tale ding indicating that he had reached his destination, to be replaced with his single minded need to visit the man that he had missed. Kyuhyun’s self respect would like to clarify that when the idiot thought miss, it was only the usual amount one can expect from a person away from the person they love. It was in no way irrational or weird or creepy. Kyuhyun himself didn’t care about any of that, expect the fact that he wanted to have tiny fingers surround his larger ones and to have the smell of coffee and cinnamon surround him. It is with this dedicated agenda that Kyuhyun swiftly entered the apartment, stopping to take off his shoes, before gliding down the hallway, with a single room in mind, not being his own. He was halted though by a call from the Living Room.

“Yah Maknae. You don’t greet your hyungs anymore?” Heechul’s loud, currently grating voice called from the couch, causing Kyuhyun to make an unexpected and an even more unwanted detour into the living room, nodding his head as he approached, Heechul head turned in his direction, as he sat next to Leeteuk, watching something or the other on the large television. Kyuhyun didn’t even bother to ask why they weren’t in their own dorm, instead wishing to address the question. However before he could respond, Leeteuk interrupted.

“Leave him alone Chullie ah. Didn’t you know we are irrelevant in his love sick state? I bet he was practically running to Yesungie’s room” Leeteuk supposed, head rocking back in laughter, dimples out in full glory, making him look much younger than he actually was, causing Heechul to smirk in Kyuhyun’s direction. Kyuhyun knew that Heechul’s smirk was never a good thing, but was too late, as Heechul spoke as he opened his mouth to respond.

“My poor little BabyKyu…You were supposed to be a fierce lion, now you are love infected kitten” Heechul sighed dramatically, head shaking in mock regret, causing Leeteuk to laugh even harder.

“I wouldn’t worry…I still have my claws if you want to see them” Kyuhyun challenged setting his face in a playful smirk. He often enjoyed these little verbal wars he had with Heechul. It entertained both of them and those in the vicinity.

“I would, but I don’t think Rabid Dog would like me harassing his little kitten” Heechul chuckled, dismissing Kyuhyun, with Leeteuk yet to recover from his laughing fit. Kyuhyun couldn’t let that one go though. If it was a game Heechul wanted to play he was willing.Yesung could wait a couple more minutes.

“I’m not the only kitten these days. I do recall hyungmin being rather sappy after he returned from basic training. You were even crying and hugging Eunhyukkie hyung” Kyuhyun teasingly stated, looking at Heechul with sparkling eyes, smirk taking shape. Leeteuk now laughing at Heechul’s scandalized expression and cough from shock. Heechul’s eyes narrowed slightly, which Kyuhyun knew meant he was looking for his next point of attack

“Whatever! I do find it weird though.  I mean…  I thought if Yesungie was ever going to go for a dude…it would have been someone like me. I am so much more handsome and compelling than you” Heechul remarked, shaking his head in fake disbelief, Leeteuk had finally settled down to just mild chuckles, observing the discussion animatedly.

“What can I say, the man has taste” Kyuhyun chuckled, looking at Heechul dead in the eye, that challenging glint set within his own eyes. Heechul expression changing from amusement to one of understanding, challenge accepted. Leeteuk for his part looked between the two with anticipation. This was going to be interesting.

“If he did, have taste that is, he wouldn’t have gone for you. I mean if you are going to be gay for somebody is should be someone that’s amazing like me or atleast handsome like Siwon…now that would make sense” Heechul ended with a nod of the head, meant to indicate the sense of his words, face in a smirk. Kyuhyun could have scoffed. Did he really expect Heechul to play fair? Kyuhyun knew the insults were just part of the little game, but Heechul was a sly bastard. He was currently looking at Kyuhyun like the cat that ate the canary, without shame, with full knowledge of his actions. Unlike some other oblivious person *coughYesungcough* , Heechul had instantly realized the reason why the maknae was suddenly a little stiff with Siwon and had long realized that it was always the perfect ammunition. Kyuhyun would be too busy shoving back his fiery complaints about the man to properly conduct the business at hand. Kyuhyun had to find an alternative route. This game would be dangerous if he continued. Heechul would rub Siwon in his face at every angle and he did not want anyone else who had not realized his irrationality when it came to Siwon to be made aware. It was time for a change of course.

“ Probably, but Heenim  you are not what you used to be. I mean you are now forced to have friendly dates with Teukie hyung. That’s not right hyung. What have they done to you?” Kyuhyun asked with fake concern and sympathy. He needed either Heechul or Leeteuk to take the bait, keeping a sweet smile in place, nodding his head at the injustice he identified.

“Ah Seriously! This army thing is killing my social life. Forced to spend time with Jung Su of all people” Heechul hissed somewhat dejectedly, shaking his head, this time not out of amusement but out of regret for the perceived sad state of his life. Leeteuk however was not amused at all by the statement, contrary to Kyuhyun who was internally cheering. Heechul had taken the bait even better that he had hoped. All he had to do is keep a straight face and wait for the fireworks.

“Yah! I am not that bad. You make me sound like some reject” Leeteuk exclaimed, looked at Heechul with hurt eyes, face taking on an offended  pose, turning his attention to Heechul, who was looking at him in disbelief. Kyuhyun for his part was enjoying the show.

“Even you have to admit that it is a serious downgrade of circumstances “ Heechul scoffed, eyeing Leeteuk in a way that suggested that Leeteuk had better just agree, since it was painfully obvious, only to be looked at with disbelieving eyes by Leeteuk. Kyuhyun by this time was having a hard time concealing his laughter. Sometimes it was too easy. Perhaps it was best he took his leave. Heechul was distracted but he was not stupid. He would eventually realize what Kyuhyun did. Kyuhyun took his opportunity to ease away, whilst Leeteuk and Heechul were arguing about ‘Who suffered more during their ‘date’. Kyuhyun could laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, but was just grateful that his two oldest hyungs were childish and even more idiotic when they were together.

Kyuhyun bid his farewells, but the two didn’t seem to remember that this was supposed to be a tease the maknae special, instead now focused on their petty argument. With a wide smirk Kyuhyun made his way down the hallway, it only became wider when he heard Heechul yell “Yah Kyuhyun, you sly little bastard” turning into a genuine laugh then. It really was just too easy. He didn’t even need to prank them anymore. Today was a good day, which was about to get even better.

He didn’t need to knock, the door was slightly ajar, his eyes spotting Yesung instantly, sitting in Kyuhyun’s spot on his bed, dressed in a T-shirt and sweats, his lights off, expect for the lamp at the head of his bed, windows drawn. Kyuhyun didn’t need to see anything else to know that Yesung was in one of his moods. It was obvious just from the aura, yet Kyuhyun still took those extra few seconds to observe the man. He may get a hint before he had to ask. Yesung’s head was downcast, staring at something on his laptop, hands tapping the keys rhythmically, but it was not from boredom but tension, Kyuhyun just knew. His now longer fringe did well in hiding his eyes, but his face already doing enough explaining that Kyuhyun didn’t even need to see his eyes. His lips set in a thin line, jaw firm, but shoulders slumped. Something had made him worried or doubtful, maybe even sad. Kyuhyun then saw the smoking gun, the sigh. The one Yesung would only release when he felt the world was too heavy in that moment. Kyuhyun took that as his queue to make his presence known. If the world became too heavy for Yesung, then obviously that meant that it was Kyuhyun’s turn to help him hold it up, to banish fears and worries and tease till annoyance made all bad thoughts disappeared. Kyuhyun was rather please to perform this duty. He quietly entered, yet unnoticed by Yesung, until he sat on the bed, Yesung’s head shooting up in surprise to greet him, Kyuhyun instead just focused on sliding his body to lean against the wall, legs stretched forwards, shoulders meeting Yesung’s. Before he said a word, he reached over and captured his favourite prisoner, lacing his fingers around Yesung’s hand, now ready to pry whatever was troubling his hyung out of the stubborn man.

“What’s wrong hyung?” Kyuhyun asked gently, eyes looking into Yesung, who had raised his head, obviously trying to alter his expression. Kyuhyun could have chuckled at the cuteness of it but knew he had more pressing matters to address. He removed his eyes from the older, instead focusing his eyes on the hand entwined with his, rubbing his thumb in comforting circles on the back of Yesung’s hand.

“Nothing is wrong Kyu ah” Yesung tried his best to assure, smiling as brightly as he could at the younger. He really didn’t want to have to talk about it at all. He was sure that he would sound whiny and clingy and he did not need to prove to the maknae that it was right. He hoped Kyuhyun would believe him, but he knew it was probably pointless to do so. Kyuhyun by now could read him to well, to let this one go. Yesung hoped all those movies he watched could help with his acting.

“Arrhhh…We both know by now that it is always better to just tell me than to pretend you are fine. Don’t you?” Kyuhyun rhetorically questioned, eyes now firm and piercing into Yesung, voice laced with concealed demand .Kyuhyun did not belief Yesung for a millisecond, especially after that forced smile.Yesung should really know better than to think he could get away with hiding when he is upset from Kyuhyun. It was utterly pointless to do so. It never made Kyuhyun upset that he always tried to hide it though. Kyuhyun had long known that Yesung was the type that always pretended he was strong. He never wanted to burden others, especially Kyuhyun. In a way Kyuhyun always felt special that despite Yesung’s base instinct to conceal his emotional pain, he would always still share it with Kyuhyun. Yesung sighed. Kyuhyun would have smiled, except for the fact that the sigh meant that Yesung was genuinely upset and had now realized that it would be pointless not to tell Kyuhyun.

“Apparently we are doomed to fail” Yesung said softly voice sad and resigned, eyes coming back to look at his free hand, which was busy fiddling with keys on his laptop that was still placed on his lap, though the page that he was staring at before he noticed Kyuhyun had been minimized quickly. Kyuhyun had noticed but chose not to comment on it at that point.

“What are you talking about?” Kyuhyun questioned gently. He was genuinely curious as to the details, but knew from the voice Yesung used, that he was referring to their pseudo relationship. Why their relationship and the word ‘doomed’ was in the same sentence Kyuhyun couldn’t understand.

“Don’t worry” Yesung said, smiling at Kyuhyun, with that perfected smile, he often used to get Kyuhyun to bend to his will. What Kyuhyun had never revealed was that he allowed the smile to have that effect. He often had no problem doing what Yesung asked and just saw the smile as a bonus, but today he was not interested in following the wishes of the elder.

“Don’t even try that. Just tell me what’s wrong hyung. I am sure you would like to sleep tonight” Kyuhyun said evenly, but the threat was not exactly discreet. Kyuhyun knew Yesung fully understood what he meant. It was not a secret to Yesung, that Kyuhyun could be incredibly stubborn when he wanted to be and he just so happen to want to be.

“I just saw something a little upsetting. It’s not important” Yesung muttered, eyes looking everywhere except Kyuhyun.

“Oh Spit out! We both know you are wasting time… Just tell me hyung” the last part sounded nearly pleading, though his previous words were a tab bit biting. Kyuhyun was also not the most patient person out there. Thankfully, Yesung was not a girl and whilst the man was sensitive, things like that didn’t bother him especially.To ensure Yesung felt the pressure to confess his hurt, Kyuhyun, used his free hand to poke Yesung a couple of times in the rib area, making the older man squirm about a bit.Yesung was ticklish, something that Kyuhyun often used to his advantage.

“Fine..Will you stop pok..poking me?" Yesung pleaded, in between breathes and his constant squirming, Kyuhyun simply enjoying his action, though finally withdrawing his hand so the man could speak, with one last poke to indicate he would just restart if he failed to follow through on his part of the bargain.

“I was surfing the net and I found this thing.I think it was a compatibility reading for us. Probably done by the fans I guess” Yesung explained, after he had caught his breath, leaning his head against the wall, not looking at Kyuhyun as he spoke, stopping abruptly.

“And?” Kyuhyun encouraged, now curious as to the result, though judging my Yesung’s expression it had not gone the way either of them would have hoped. Kyuhyun though still wanted Yesung to tell him, so he would know how to ease his mind.

“Well…they said that we have no hope as a couple, at all , not ever” Yesung finally spitted out, voice a low whisper, which was rather hard for Kyuhyun to hear. The man’s voice was already so husky, when he whispered all Kyuhyun could focus on was the thrill that seem to go through his body when the low almost indiscernible, melodious sound reached his ears. ’Will you focus you idiot’ his mind reprimanded. Right! He had to focus. Yesung was upset, which meant it definitely wasn’t the time to wonder why he felt giddy when he heard the whispered voice. He thought he sort of understood.

“A compatibility reading? Why does it matter to you hyung? You aren’t particularly superstitious” Kyuhyun questioned, drawing Yesung’s attention to him. Kyuhyun wilfully ignored the ‘no hope as a couple’ part. To him that was blasphemous to even repeat, much less consider. He was aware that there were many things he didn’t know in the world and the future was not something he could always control, but there was one thing he would always be certain of, one thing he would always know and that was he loved the odd man sitting beside him, with his head bend adorably. No compatibility reading should even dare to suggest remotely otherwise. He was sure the warmth he felt course through his entire body just from tiny fingers clasp in his own or the fact that the sweet aroma of coffee/cinnamon had invaded his nostrils the second he entered into the room or his ability to read Yesung’s moods as easily as he sang, had to count more than some stupid stars high about the sky.

“I am not but you are” Yesung informed, eyes now firmly on Kyuhyun’s. His voice was even but Kyuhyun saw the implication clear and distinct. Yesung was telling him that Kyuhyun should be the one that should be worried, that Kyuhyun should be the one to be afraid, to question their position.

“I am not that superstitious” Kyuhyun responded firmly, eyes firm and certain, not leaving Yesung for a second. Kyuhyun could not deny that he was in a way superstitious but that did not mean he was willing to let it tell him how he felt. In that moment the pounding in his heart and the fact that all he wanted to do was reach across and bury Yesung in his arms and promise him that they would be together forever and ever like in a cheesy movie scene had more persuasive authority than what some universal alignment could ever have.

“You are the one that believes in fate, in the perfect alignment of the stars. We are destined to fail Kyu ah…to fail…they said we didn’t even have a chance” Yesung uttered, voice soft, tainted with sadness, eyes looking lost and painful, yet he still managed to keep his face calm and serene, always trying to protect Kyuhyun. That was more than Kyuhyun could bear. Why did Yesung even bother to read those things? Couldn’t he feel what Kyuhyun felt? The worst part was that Yesung was not even very superstitious. Then Kyuhyun understood. It was not that Yesung was superstitious; it was because he knew that Kyuhyun was.

“We make our own fate Yesungie hyung” Kyuhyun declared, reaching across to draw the smaller man towards him, pulling him industriously closer, resting his arm over Yesung’s small shoulder, palm coming to rest at his side, as he nestled Yesung against his sides, the man’s head coming to rest in the crook of his neck, previously released hand, coming to rest on Kyuhyun’s chest. Kyuhyun almost expected him to resist. Yesung did not enjoy being treated like the younger one, but Kyuhyun supposed the ill thoughts had taken their toll. Kyuhyun silently prayed to the heaven’s that he would always be there to drive those torturous thoughts away from the mind of the man he loved.

“Fate doesn’t work like that Kyu ah…even I know that” Yesung chuckled at the certainty of the maknae. Yesung may not give as much merit to fate as Kyuhyun does, but he still remembered those books he had to read for literature in his school days. Fate was pre ordained and by its very nature couldn’t be changed. Even Kyuhyun should know that.

“It does in a way. Think about it this way. Even with my unbelievable talent and good looks I was thrown into an already debuted band with twelve other people. Maybe that was fate… the way I was supposed to meet you” Kyuhyun proposed his concept of fate, in the process earning a smack on the stomach for his shameless boasting. In a way that was how he saw it. He did believe in fate. It made no sense to deny it, when Yesung was well aware of that fact. What he is though, wasn’t just for Yesung’s benefit, but truly how he saw the matter. He had thought about it before, and decided that perhaps it was fate. It wasn’t immediate or love at first sight, but it was slow and intense. Maybe that was the way fate intended for him to find his other half.

“They said we won’t last long through; that our interest would wean” Yesung informed. He accepted Kyuhyun’s proposition that perhaps it was their destiny to meet each other, but he still couldn’t get the words out of his mind. They said that he and Kyuhyun would be interested at first but slowly stop caring. The words no hope ever replaying in him mind like a broken record, added to the fact that it was conduct like this that was specified to cause their demise. Was he burdening Kyuhyun? He was always so moody and sensitive. Kyuhyun would get tired of having to have these conversations. He sighed.

“Would you stop sighing…just hearing them gives me pain. The stars don’t know what they are talking about” Kyuhyun argued, face firm, voice dismissive, eyes strong and determined, willing  Yesung to see it his way.

“Maybe it just sees what we don’t want to see… Our first date was almost entirely disastrous. Maybe it is already happening” Yesung supposed, voice weary and pained. He hated to be the one to suggest it, but Kyuhyun was always so headstrong. He would never consider that maybe that stupid horoscope thing was right. Yesung wished that he could be like Kyuhyun, to never have doubts, to never consider the possibility that they may be wrong.

Ahh…Seriously!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, changing his position, releasing his hold on Yesung, instead turning to his side, to reach up and grab the face of the smaller man, eyes set and strong, forcing Yesung to look into his eyes. Kyuhyun often wished that he had the courage to consider that whether or not their relationship would last. He knew he was too weak to even think about it. Even the thought of Yesung not by his side, hand not in his, heart holding onto his, was enough to probably cry. He wouldn’t even consider it and that was exactly what he was going to tell Yesung. They being doomed weren’t even a possibility. It couldn’t be; Kyuhyun wouldn’t survive it.

“Yesungie hyung…It doesn’t matter what the stars, the fates, the world, or anybody else says. The only thing that matters is what we both feel.  Right now I am sure 20 years from now, we will still be in a similar position having another pointless conversation. What I feel now, I will feel then, just hundreds of times stronger.  Hopefully you will too. Do you understand?” Kyuhyun stated with conviction, looking Yesung dead in the eyes, the strength of his determination burning into Yesung, forcing his to believe the maknae. Kyuhyun was stubborn and this was just another thing he was going to be stubborn about. Kyuhyun’s forehead came to rest gently against Yesung’s, yet his eyes never leaving him. Yesung in that moment had no choice but to believe the younger man. Kyuhyun was determined and a determined Kyuhyun always got his way, like he was going to now. Yesung wouldn’t fight it anymore. He hoped one day he could come to trust his feelings, with as much conviction as Kyuhyun had. It was not as if he doubted his love. He was sure about that, sure that it would never fade, never weaken, never wean, simply stronger with each day.

“I understand” Yesung whispered with a smile, shaking his head still held in Kyuhyun’s grasp, making it an adorable sight, even if it displaced Kyuhyun slightly from his position.

“Good” Kyuhyun smiled, leaning down to capture Yesung’s lips in his. Truth be told he had been longing to repeat the action since their first date, but couldn’t draw up the courage to do it. He cursed the fact that Yesung was so shy about things like that, which meant the responsibility often fell to him. He may be brazen and stubborn, but he was painfully shy when it came to things like this. He was never sure how much was too much, how far he should push it. He did not want things to get awkward. Everything could happen at its own time, at its own pace. He wanted them both to be comfortable, to do things like that because they wanted to, because they were ready, not because they felt they had too. He wanted it to be special, to be meaningful. In that moment though, he was overwhelmed with the need to be closer, to share part of his love. It didn’t help that the last kiss had been on his mind since their first date almost a month ago and then Yesung’s tempting lips were just so close. He would have had to be a monk to resist and frankly it should be obvious now that he had next to no will power when it came to Yesung and restraint. This kiss though was a little different, definitely not as forced or quick. He didn’t want to be intrusive, but instead wanted to express his love. He moved his lips against the incredibly soft and warm ones pressed against his, with infinite care and affection, holding the lower fold in between his tenderly, nipping at it lightly. The feeling was incredible, so many sensations, and it was to be honest a rather tame kiss. He had not even contemplated using his tongue. He released after what felt like a lifetime but was possibly just less than a minute, releasing the breath he had been holding, rubbing his nose affectionately against Yesung’s. The older man looked dazed, eyes still closed, mouth still slight open, still holding a surprise formation, cheeks rose red. The sight was so tempting that it was taking all of Kyuhyun’s rather limited self restraint not to repeat the action, over and over again.

“Your jacket is itchy” Yesung finally spoke, opening his eyes to look at Kyuhyun with that Deer in the headlights look.  Kyuhyun would only lean his head back and laugh heartily.

“You like ruining moments don’t you?” Kyuhyun teases, chuckling affectionately at the man. Yesung was always so interesting. Kyuhyun didn’t think he would ever understand the man completely, but he sure as hell looking forward to trying over the years they would have together.

“Sorry” Yesung said shyly, face almost burgundy now, due to the embarrassment that was creeping up his neck, into his face. To make things better, he leaned upwards and pressed a quick peck against Kyuhyun’s lips, bringing his arms over the shoulder of the taller, bringing him down into a hug.

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but laughed when Yesung squirmed a little against him. Kyuhyun recognizing that the fabric of the jacket he had not changed out of was probably scratching the man dressed in the thin T-shirt. He supposed he should move and go change but in that moment he was far too comfortable. He supposed that he was the one that offered Yesung emotional support, but Yesung was the one that gave him strength. In his current position, he was the one that was being re energized, not the other way around. Eventually he pulled away, smiled at Yesung before, sliding off the bed, mumbling that he was going to shower. Yesung just smiled at him, nodded his head and turned his attention to his laptop that had been toppled in the course of events. It was in a similar position Kyuhyun found him when he returned fifteen minutes later, this time showered and changed into his own sweats and a Tee. Yesung this time was smiling at the screen, sensing Kyuhyun’s entry much earlier. He shut the laptop, reached up and placed on the nearby side table, bringing himself to lie underneath his covers. Kyuhyun wordlessly, slide himself under the same covers, drawing Yesung to rest against him. Without a word being said, Kyuhyun brought the older man to rest his head against the crook of his neck, his hand reaching over to be placed on Yesung’s back. Yesung did not fight the formation, allowing himself to be drawn into whatever position Kyuhyun favoured. He made no inquiry as to why Kyuhyun would be staying with him or as to why Kyuhyun wanted him pressed against him. It had become common for them to find themselves sleeping on the same bed, though their positions would be changed depending on the mood, either was in. Sometimes Kyuhyun would wish to rest against Yesung’s chest with the older man’s hands wrapped around his protectively or he would prefer that Yesung be the one pressed against his chest. Yesung for his part didn’t bother to figure out why Kyuhyun opted for the change just happy that they would be together. Both settled themselves comfortably, with Yesung finally breaking the silence.

“You know they were right about some of it though” Yesung stated, sound slightly muffled with his face placed on Kyuhyun’s chest, small hands resting nearby, head turning to try an look at the maknae. Kyuhyun knew what Yesung was talking about instantly, though he didn’t know it what way they would ever be right, with a stupid conclusion that he and Yesung was doomed to fail as their conclusion.

“Like what?” Kyuhyun asked with interest, looking down at ebony hair, since Yesung had decided that he rather not strain his neck trying to look at Kyuhyun as he spoke. Kyuhyun was genuinely interested though. He really wanted to know what they would possibly be right about.

“Like..it’s true that I miss you more than I should. I promise not to annoy you though. I really do” Yesung pledged, voice determined. If Kyuhyun could see his eyes under his fringe, he would have seen that they were strong. Kyuhyun though, was only focused on the slight blush that came to Yesung’s face when he missed Kyuhyun. In all truthfulness that was all Kyuhyun heard at first, and then realized what Yesung said.

“Why would you missing me annoy me? I rather like the idea. It would definitely give my ego a boost. I demand that you continue” Kyuhyun said this seriously, genuinely liking the idea that Yesung missed him and loving even more the fact that Yesung actually admitted to missing him. Yesung would have seen him smiling like an idiot at the very thought, if he bothered to lift his head. Yesung was far to comfortable for that action.

“Because that is definitely what you need. Like your ego isn’t big enough already” Yesung said sarcastically, causing Kyuhyun to chuckle softly, Yesung’s side tenderly with the hand he wrapped around the man, bending his head to let his chin pat the ebony hair nearby tenderly.

“ Seriously though… You will be the one that will get sick of me….Well probably not. I mean I am so handsome. It would be hard to get sick of me” Kyuhyun suggested with a teasing smile, only be smacked by Yesung on the stomach, which Kyuhyun didn’t mind. It gave him the opportunity to grab the violent hand firmly within his only free hand, interlocking their fingers, bringing it to rest on his stomach.

“That is true. You are handsome. Thank God for that …I mean if it was just your personality alone, we wouldn’t have a chance” Yesung teased, face taking one a pleased grin, which Kyuhyun couldn’t see, but suspected was there anyway.

“Yah hyung” Kyuhyun whined, only to be pacified immediately, with Yesung leaving his comfortable position, to reach upwards and press a kiss to his cheek and chuckle about someone being a baby. Kyuhyun smiled despite himself. There really was no way he could resist the man.

“Hyung” Kyuhyun uttered softly after a while. Yesung was still pressed against him, the warmth of the man alone drowning him, making him blissful when combined with the activity of the evening. He could still feel soft lips pressed against his won. He would never forget the sensations that spread through his body in that moment. HE felt his body was in fire, yet it was cooling and just serene, despite the electricity shooting through his body from the extra sensitive capillaries in his lips. He would never question whether the lips were three times more sensitive than the fingertips ever again. It had to be for him to actually feel that much.

“Huh” Yesung responded sleepily, shifting against Kyuhyun trying to make himself a little more alert.

“Think about fate this way hyung. Maybe you have freakishly tiny hands” Yesung was apparently conscious enough to smack him “just so that they could fit perfectly in mine. That way, things like that would never bother you again” Kyuhyun tenderly advised, ignoring the smack. As he was lying with Yesung in his arms, head pressed against his chest, hand help firmly within his own, he had come to that realization. Looking at their clasp hands, Kyuhyun realized that they just seem to fit perfectly together, like they were made for each other. It occurred to him that maybe that was the prove of the destiny they shared. Kyuhyun personally didn’t need any prove, but he knew Yesung would appreciate it. He was aware that they were both speaking about it jokingly, but also knew Yesung. It had not left the man’s mind as yet. He would consider it some more, before he decided if to let it go. Kyuhyun hoped with all his heart that Yesung would trust his words and trust in his sincerity. He played with the hands in his, and no matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t help but think they were created just fit as perfectly as they it.

“I will Kyu ah. Thank you” Yesung said, voice full of gratitude and tenderness, before shifting himself once more this time to completely nestle his head in the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck, wrapping his fingers tightly against Kyuhyun’s , moving his chest to press itself entirely against Kyuhyun’s firm side. Kyuhyun tightnening his hold on the smaller man, his hand rubbing tender against the areas he could reach, pressing soft kisses to Yesung’s head.Both wrapped up in each other, finally comfortable.

“Sleep” Yesung instructed sleepily, pressing a kiss against kyuhyun’s throat that he was nestled against, rubbing the area with his forehead as he finally allowed sleep to overtake him.

Kyuhyun though, didn’t understand how Yesung could think he would get any sleep after that last action. Kyuhyun remembered a while back wondering how it would feel to have Yesung’s lips pressed against his throat. He could confirm that it was a thousand times more incredible than what he had thought it would be like then. He felt his heart rate increase, his face taking on an immediate blush, chuckling at his own reaction, as Yesung slept peacefully, unaware of the excitement he had caused. Kyuhyun was positive that Yesung only kissed him there because he was too lazy or too sleepy to reach upward. Kyuhyun soundlessly chuckled at the thought. How was it even possible that Yesung thought that they would lose interest in each other? Kyuhyun was sure he could spread his entire life with the odd man and never be bored a single day. Today was indeed a good day, with plenty better ones to come, all involving ending the day like he currently was. Kyuhyun closed his eyes, with only two thoughts and a satisfied smile taking shape.

“It’s so warm where he kissed”

“I definitely have to find a way to make him do that again”

A/N :It is beyond sappy, but that is how I actually wanted it. I really wanted some sugary sweet Kyusung goodness. I wrote this to celebrate the fact that I finished my EU paper early, so yayy!! But the sad news is that I still have my Corporate Management Paper to write…which means I am still on my little mini hiatus :( This was inspired by a reading I came across about the two as in the link…Fated  or not  Kyusung is Perfect Together ♥

A/N 2: Sorry for the delay...My net was being unkind :(

Please Comment and Motivate me to Write More :)


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394 streak #1
Gonna reread this again ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
394 streak #2
Chapter 1: OMG, I love the feeeeeeeeeeeel~ so sweet! >_<
Chapter 1: I love how real the progress of their relationship is! That kiss in Kyu's throat and thought about how to make Yeye do that again.. Ayyyyyyeeeeee!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I actually find it adorable how Yesung took into consideration that Kyu is somewhat superstitious in these things. And not compatible? ahahahahahah...... no. They're perfect for each other. Haters can hate XD. Kyuhyun is completely right, they will create their own fate, it will take times, with a bunch of fights probably over Yesung's insecurities and Kyuhyun's being possessive, but that's just part of the process. That's love XD. I'm so cheesy.. o well... I love Kyusung. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this.
I had never read this story! How could I have missed it!? I love all of your stories midnight. They are just so great! I love how Kyuhyun feels towards Yesung, it is so cute, romantic, etc.

Love them! Thanks for writing Kyusung stories! ❤
ClockwiseStir #7
This line --> "What Kyuhyun had never revealed was that he allowed the smile to have that effect. He often had no problem doing what Yesung asked and just saw the smile as a bonus" -- You had me turning into goo. The way they had each other in their arms towards the end, the soft chatter and swift kisses, the is a lovely chapter truly! ^^
awwww I love this chapiter! That was so cute *o*
Kyuu keeps thinking about the kiss awww so sweet <3
Their relationship improves more and more! And I LIKE IT THIS WAY <3 Oh I want to see Yesung doing this again too.
And Don't worry Yesung we all support you :D
KyuSung how Adorable! <3

Can't wait for more longer chapter with this two wonderful man (and don't forget Siwon too :p)!
LilSlySlytherin #9
I really like this story. It's so nice and fluffy but not too fluffy.