Chapter 2

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Taeyeon took two steps before the woman from before stood in front of her. She gave her a smile and a light nod.

“You can see me?”


Taeyeon looked at you confused and then noticed Tiffany leaving her desk.

“Excuse me.” She said politely and left.

You saw her approach Tiffany and, after talking for a moment, they both left the office.


You went back to Sooyoung’s office and sat down in front of her.

“You won’t believe what just happened!” You exclaimed. “Your new employee just looked at me.”

Sooyoung sighed.

“Don’t get so excited, you may have a heart attack.” You rolled your eyes and stood up, approaching the window.

“What am I going to do, ___?” Sooyoung sighed again.

“Your best, just like you’ve been doing.” You glanced at her. “Take a deep breath and try your best.”

“Take a deep breath and try your best.” Sooyoung said and you smiled.

She followed her own words and then picked up her phone to call IT.

“Please, set the profile for the new employee, I just sent an email with her information.” She hung up and then called maintenance. “I’m going to need another fully equipped desk in my office for our new employee.” She hummed. “Thank you very much.”



“Tiffany, where are we going?” Taeyeon asked when they exited the building.

“Over there, to the studio.” Tiffany walked first and opened the door of the filming studio.

Tiffany faced her once they were inside.

“They’re filming a new show.” Tiffany told Taeyeon who nodded. “We’re going to see how they’re doing and collect all the paperwork.”

They walked to the end of the warehouse. There was a large gathering since the show was new and everyone was curious.

“Once that sign turns off, we’ll go talk to the director first before going around collecting the forms.” Tiffany explained quietly. The ‘filming in progress’ sign was shining brightly on the wall. “I’ll explain all the forms once we collect them so you can see what they’re for.”


A few minutes later, the sign turned off and they entered the area.

Tiffany greeted the director and introduced Taeyeon as Sooyoung’s assistant before they walked around the room collecting all the forms.

“You must be Kim Taeyeon.” Siwon said making them stop on their tracks.

“Yes, nice to meet you.” Taeyeon bowed to him; he did the same.

“Nice to meet you too, I hope everyone is giving you a warm welcome to our studios.” He smiled. Taeyeon smiled politely and nodded. “That’s good to know, if you ever need anything don’t doubt to ask me.”

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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh snap! We’re dead lol this is great, I wonder if we get to delve deeper into why Siwon is such a creeper and the dynamics of the office with Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Sooyoung. I want to know what happened to us and why are we dead. This is going to be a crazy ride I can already tell
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh snap, she can see ghosts! This is going to be a wild ride! I can already tell.. I wonder how Taeyeon got the job, did Siwon personally give her a job because if he did then that’s a red flag concerning his “behaviors” but none the less she’s qualified. I’m glad Sooyoung didn’t give her a hard time and Tiffany was nice as well. But back to the ghost, who is it, I wonder?