Gentle Encounters III


When Soonyoung and Jihoon came back from their small trip in the city, Jeonghan was attending to both of them. Jihoon was very exhausted and in a weird place while Soonyoung was so worried about him.

Soonyoung was all confused and worried when Jihoon was acting out of the ordinary. He tried to help and made sure he was comfortable but the other wasn't getting any better and had to bring him back home soon after.


"So what's happening?" Seungcheol asked reaching over to hold his Mate worried about the younger


"His Heat is overwhelming him, and Soonyoung couldn't calm him down ... he's too sensitive and uncomfortable, we just have to wait for it to pass"


"Is it like the time you had me sleep outside in the forest and wait for your heat cycle to pass?"


Jeonghan looked away with a smirk, the memory had a sweet appealing taste to it "Something like that"


"Humm" Seungcheol sighed and brought him closer "You had me worried sick back then, I couldn't get anywhere near you for days, like a wild cat"


"Yes that sounds about right"


"I hated it, you got me really worried, so I'm sure Soonyoung feels the same"


Jeonghan got closer to wrap his arms around Seungcheol's waist "I know and I'm sorry for that but that's how it is sometimes, we can't really control it and it's really irritating and comfortable"


"I know, but Soonyoung doesn't"


"We should probably tell him"


"Nah he'll figure it out on his own" Seungcheol playfully said bringing Jeonghan closer to him only to feel him slap him across the chest "Hey that hurt"


Jeonghan picked his head up "You should talk to him, it's his first time being with his Mate during heat and I'll talk to Jihoon too"


"But I don't want to really, do we have to teach them everything?"


Another slap and Seungcheol hissed "Fine, I'll talk to him" Seungcheol pecked Jeonghan's forehead lovingly "If I'm not mistaken, your heat is right around the corner too right? how are we feeling?" He asked Jeonghan's back


"That's true but I'll be fine, we are used to it by now aren't we? You know how it is ... the usual" he looked up to meet Seungcheol with a hint of a pink shade painted over his cheeks.

Seungcheol smiled and leaned over to place a soft kiss on his cheek "Like usual, I got it"

Seungcheol squeezed him in his arms one last time before he let him go

"How about Wonwoo, you checked on him this morning right?"


"I did, he's way better and still resting, Mingyu is not letting him out of his sight which is good"


Seungcheol nodded "Good, he needs all the rest he could get and ..."

"We need to talk to Mingyu about what happened that night, I just want to make sure we are on the same page"


Jeonghan shook his head "Turning Wonwoo is too risky, we can't let him do that and you know it"


"I know, I'll talk to him soon"


Another peck on his head and Jeonghan had to go back and check on Jihoon. He was fine actually, just too sensitive being a little past the of his heat, it's been a bit rough since Soonyoung didn't know how to handle him well and it wasn't all about ... you know? Having , but because it's not always as easy and Soonyoung didn't know where to even start to help him calm down


"I'm sorry" Jihoon mumbled almost to himself, if Jeonghan wasn't so close to him, he wouldn't even hear him say it


"Humm baby what?" The older gave him his attention removing his hand away from his forehead as he was done checking on him

"I'm sorry" he said again a little louder

"Why are you sorry baby, it's okay you're just a bit under the weather and you'll be fine soon"


"I know" Jihoon mumbled again "I'm sorry for Soonyoung, I don't know what got into me, I was pushing him away every time he tried to help me and not ..." he stopped to glance over at Jeonghan "Not in THAT way" ... "He was trying to make me feel comfortable and did everything there was, the place smelled amazing, his scent was all over the place protecting me like a bubble, made me feel so safe, he got all my favorite food and made everything so nest like but I ... pushed him away" ... "What's wrong with me Hannie? I don't even know why I did that?"


"Shhh it's okay" Jeonghan tried to calm down a super nervous and sensitive Jihoon "It happens you know? You are newly bonded to Soonyoung, you just need time that's all, I'm sure Soonyoung understands"


"That's the worst part" Jihoon sighed "He does, he really does, he understands"


Jeonghan giggled and brushed Jihoon's hair away "It's fine then, I'm sure it will be just fine"

Jihoon nodded "Can you call him please?"


"Sure I will, do you miss his scent around?"


Jihoon nodded "Is that weird?"


"Not at all of course, your Mate's scent is the strongest scent during your heat, it calms you down and makes you feel nested"


"It really does, everything hurts but it hurts less when he's around"


Jeonghan smiled lovingly and nodded "I know, I'll go get him" he said brushing Jihoon's hair softly.


He left a while later to get Soonyoung while Jihoon's words tingling at the back of his mind *Everything hurts but it hurts less when he's around* Jeonghan thought to himself for a bit, his mind looking back at some old memories. How he met Seungcheol and how he met everyone else, how hard they worked to get where they are today.

His heart clenched with sadness but also with joy, he wouldn't have made it without all of them by his side.

Indeed it's true, everything hurts but it hurts less when they are together.


He walked over to Seungcheol's study room and the Alpha was having a much needed conversation with Soonyoung. The boy looked a bit nervous, confused and worried, Jeonghan knew exactly why

"He's asking for you Soon" Jeonghan announced "You should go see him" ... "Don't worry you two will be just fine"


Soonyoung nodded with a thankful smile and walked out the door to see his mate. Things were blurry but he was sure from what Seungcheol told him that the skies will clear out very soon.



Wonwoo opened his eyes to the warm feeling of Mingyu's arms wrapped around him. It's been over a week, Wonwoo was feeling much better and yet Mingyu wouldn't let him go anywhere or do anything.


Wonwoo blinked looking up to meet Mingyu's eyes who were awake and staring at him "Why didn't you wake me up? It's already late"


Mingyu leaned over to peck Wonwoo's cheek "I didn't want to disturb you, you looked really cute"


Wonwoo chuckled and tried to move away but Mingyu wouldn't let him go squeezing him in his arms and tickling him on both sides just to hear him giggle and see his face lit up.

Time passed rather quickly and needless to say Wonwoo still hated winter, he barely ever left the house and for good reasons too.

He was happy just staying inside, he felt safe, he felt warm and happy. He was the happiest he ever been with Mingyu by his side and everyone else keeping him company.

He spent so much time with Mingyu talking and chatting and slowly opening up to him about everything, his deepest feelings and his worst nightmares, he spilled everything to him and so did Mingyu.


They were closer than ever.


Surprisingly, he was spending more time with Dino and Joshua in the library. He was learning, he was reading and writing, and he was good at it. Joshua was impressed by how fast Wonwoo caught on and how smart his ways were to learn more asking him more complicated questions everyday.


Mingyu watched him get stronger and healthier and he was the happiest about it, he was so proud of him and of the progress the two have made.

He loved how Wonwoo was comfortable with everyone around him and just how happy he was. He was healing and he loved seeing his true colors come to life just to fall in love with him harder and more every single day.


It's been a year.


A year since it all happened and a year since Wonwoo joined the Pack.


Mingyu was holding him by the waist pulling him closer to him in a passionate kiss that made Wonwoo almost crumble and hardly even standing.


He broke it away to catch a breath looking down at blushing mess that is Wonwoo leaving Mingyu mesmerized everytime.


"I love you so much" Mingyu mumbled, his eyes a bright blue shade and Wonwoo smiled. Yes, he knew Mingyu loved him so much and he loved him back so much and maybe too much even

"I love you too, so very much"


"I want to take a shower" Mingyu said looking around their bedroom, Mingyu's own bedroom now had so many new stuff around, it's no longer minimalistic as Wonwoo's things were there as well. They had a Tv now, even though Mingyu didn't really fancy having one in their bedroom, and there was game consoles which Wonwoo loved so much and spent his free time playing with.


"Do you want to jump in with me?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo bit his lips, the blush not leaving his cheeks and only intensifying "I'd love to" he replied shyly and even though he knew that Mingyu wouldn't hurt him in that way ever, the idea alone made him tingle all over.


Their relationship was still platonic ... in a way or so.

Mingyu knew that he can't really be intimate with Wonwoo. His strength might at best hurt him and at worst cause him deadly injuries and he wasn't going to risk any of that happening to the Purest Soul he ever met. Even his inner Wolf agreed to that and came to accept it, their bond was stronger than anything physical and they both knew it.


They changed and laid down on the bed feeling ... refreshed.

It's getting so late already, and they were tired. Wonwoo leaned over and let Mingyu engulf him in his arms, just like they do every night ... Kiss and hug, Wonwoo's thing.


"Are you excited about tomorrow?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded "I'am, it will be great, the weather is nice and I can't wait to meet Wolfie again"


"Wolfie?" Mingyu chuckled and Wonwoo nodded "I had to give him a name since I'm meeting him from time to time"


He meant Mingyu's inner wolf


"I guess he likes that name" Mingyu smiled and pulled Wonwoo closer to peck his cheek and hear him giggle in his embrace.

"I knew he would"



Wonwoo was patting Wolfie, the big wolf wouldn't leave his side for a second. Everyone scattered around him and Wolfie was taking a nap right by Wonwoo's side.

Jeonghan was near to him watching over Dino and Seungkwan playing near by and his Mate a little away from him going on a hunting tour with Jun and DK.


Sitting next to him, was Joshua.

He was silently looking down at his hands. Jeonghan noticed and chuckled "Will you stop already? It's been over three months"


Joshua smiled widely and Wonwoo picked his head up from where he was sitting with Wolfie taking a nap to join the conversation.


"Can't stop looking at it huh?" Wonwoo smiled looking so fond of the man sitting next to him


"Yeah" Joshua scoffed "I really love it, I can't take my eyes off of it, it's so pretty"


Jeonghan laughed and shook his head while Wonwoo reached over for a quick hug "I'm so happy for you, I hope you know that"

Joshua nodded finally picking his head up to spot DK's wolf on his way to him bringing gifts in a form of a wild bunny that he just caught.


Joshua was looking down at his engagement ring.




Him and DK had to wait for a while after DK's proposal since things weren't exactly ideal. But eventually, DK got the rings and Joshua fell in love with them so much. And even though it's been a few months already, Joshua couldn't surpass that happiness.

He found everything he's been looking for and more.


Jihoon and Soonyoung?

Things were a bit rough after his heat the last time but everything workout eventually. Jihoon was always so sensitive but that didn't mean that he didn't appreciate what Soonyoung did for him and it didn't mean that he didn't loved him even more for trying so hard.

And they got together a couple of months later. They were officially mates now and closer than ever.


Minghao was still paranoid about Jun leaving him though. That's a story for another day, his past was still hunting him and he looked tired lately the reason why Jun never left his side since they left the house that day. It's hard but they seem to make it work so far.


Best buddies Vernon and Seungkwan are still fooling around like usual. Their new hobby is to get on Dino's nerves. The younger would usually end up complaining to either Jeonghan or Joshua and the two will bicker at each other for a while and Dino ends up pouting murmuring something about how nobody listens to him and how he can't stand it anymore.

It's endearing really and Wonwoo usually would help him hide from everyone from time to time.


It's been a year.

A year ago, Wonwoo did not only meet Mingyu for the first time but it's been also a year since he lost ... Jungkook.


Things were silent and Wonwoo's mind started to drift away. He suddenly remembered the little boy he had to burry behind when he came here. His hands still playing around Wolfie's smooth fur but mind wondering around for a while and Wolfie noticed. The big wolf stood up on all four and nuzzled his nose by Wonwoo's cheek wanting nothing but his attention.


Wonwoo smiled and went back to ruffling the Wolf's smooth fur "I'm okay buddy don't worry about it" Wonwoo whispered reassuring him and continued to play around with him until Wolfie sat back down with his head right on Wonwoo's lap


"Why aren't you playing with the others though?" Wonwoo asked him but got no response, he titled his head not really understanding why Wolfie was so quiet

"Hannie?" Wonwoo called for the older and the Healer looked up




"Is it normal for him to be this sleepy? I mean he usually would be playing around and brining me squirrels or something but today he's just too quiet"


Jeonghan shrugged and walked towards the two kneeling down to meet Mingyu's wolf ruffling his fur gently with his Spirit manifesting "He seems fine to me, he's just a big lazy boy"

Wonwoo chuckled when he heard Wolfie whine at Jeonghan's words "Well as long as you're fine, you can be as lazy as you want"


Wonwoo leaned forward letting his body relax hugging Mingyu's Wolf ever so tightly "We can be lazy together right Wolfie?" He asked but gained nothing but a small muffled howl which a Wonwoo took as a yes.


The afternoon went by as calm and quiet as it can be. Wonwoo's mind kept wondering off from time to time looking over at the forest remembering Jungkook and longing to run and see him for a bit. He knew that he'll be only looking at a grave but still wanted to go so bad. Wolfie was having a mood, he wasn't playing around like usual and Wonwoo grabbed into his fur slightly as his mind kept drifting away.


It was time to go home, Wonwoo said goodbye to Wolfie and soon welcomed Mingyu and the others. Mingyu was getting dressed when Wonwoo approached him, he was used to it and being didn't bother any of them anymore

"Hi" Wonwoo greeted and hugged Mingyu's tightly. Mingyu turned around taking Wonwoo in his arms and placed a kiss over his head "Hi, I've missed you" Wonwoo giggled and helped Mingyu put his t-shirt on.

From a distance, he saw Jeonghan and Joshua do the same with DK and Scoups while Minghao and Jun were still hugging tightly as if they haven't seen each other in months.


Hand in hand Mingyu and Wonwoo slowly walked back home, the youngers were leading the way and everyone seemed to be busy talking to their Mates.

"Are you feeling okay by the way?" Wonwoo asked out of nowhere and Mingyu gave him a hesitant look "I'm fine why do you ask?"


"Well, Wolfie wasn't all himself today l, he wasn't playing around or hunting with the others I was a bit worried and I asked Jeonghan to check on him, he said everything was fine"


Mingyu smiled "I don't know were you got that name from though"


"I like it and he didn't seem to mind so" Wonwoo shrugged, he loved Wolfie. He was a big and scary wolf but up close he was nothing but a big puppy just like Mingyu "He seemed a bit off so is everything okay?"


Mingyu stopped in his trails holding Wonwoo's hand tighter into his own "I'm fine baby, it's just I could feel you drift away earlier and I know where your mind has been going and I can't understand why you want to go back"


Wonwoo was dumbstruck, of course, Mingyu knew, Wolfie knew what he was feeling and what he was thinking about. He could never hide his true scent from Mingyu, the others couldn't catch up on his scent but not Mingyu.


"I'm sorry" Wonwoo mumbled, eyes falling to the ground "I just ... it's been a year and I never got the chance to say a proper goodbye to him, I just want to stand by his grave for just five minutes and tell him everything I wanted to say and I know I can't but" ... "I know he's dead and I'll probably be talking to nothing but dust but it might just give me ... closure? I don't know what I'm looking for there Mingyu, I just ..."


Wonwoo stopped talking, he couldn't find anything more to say but Mingyu's soft eyes met him with kindness. The taller was looking at him with a tender expression

"I know" Mingyu said softly "I know my love, you didn't get the chance to say goodbye and I'm so sorry for that but I can't risk taking you back there"


Wonwoo sighed and nodded, yes he understood of course, he can't go back there  what was he thinking? He felt Mingyu take him by the shoulders and with a little nudge he made him look up at him again

"And there's something else baby I ... might have to leave for a while"


Wonwoo frowned deeply, his heart dropping to his stomach for a second  "What? Leave? Where? Why?"


Mingyu sighed "The reason I've been feeling low is ... I think I'm going on a rut soon"


Wonwoo's face dropped, he knew exactly what that was and his little heart started beating so fast "What?" He asked looking a bit too nervous and confused


"I can't ... I can't stay here, I can't even begin to think about the things I might do, I won't be myself and I don't want to ... I can't hurt you, I'll be looking for you" ... "You know how it can be right?"


Wonwoo wasn't so sure, he read about it, Joshua told him a few things and Jeonghan tried his best to explain it but ... he wasn't so sure. He definitely wasn't ready for this, and the fact that Mingyu has to leave for his own safety made feel very worried


"We will be fine right? You don't have to go anywhere, I'm sure we can figure it ou, it's just for a few days and things will be okay again"


Mingyu shook his head "No baby I can't" ... "When an Alpha is in a rut, it becomes more of an instinct to be with his Mate more than anything else, we can't control it sometimes and we would look for our Mates to calm us down ... You and I, our case is complicated, I simply can't look for you ... I don't want to hurt you, I can't live with myself if I do"


"Min" Wonwoo looked devestaed, all he wanted is to be a good Mate.

He loved Mingyu endlessly and knew that Mingyu loved him back but he can't give him this one thing because he was nothing but a weak human.

He hated it so bad, he hated seeing Mingyu go through all of this and more just for him. He tried to hide his tears, he felt so disappointed in himself, this was so sudden and his feelings were all over the place


"I'm not leaving you Wonwoo" Mingyu tried to explain, he reached over to cup Wonwoo's cheek, he smiled "It will be like I'm going on a few days trip and I'll come back once everything clears that's all"


"Where will you go?"


"To the city probably"


"And what will you do there?"


"Probably sleep it off, chain myself to the heaviest thing I can find and try not to think about you ... which will be very very hard" Mingyu chuckled trying to lighten up the mood, Wonwoo was visibly too worried and confused "Because all I'll want to do is to get back to you and ravish you in anyway possible"


And even though that sounded very hot and appealing, it wasn't an option right now and they knew it.


Wonwoo smiled and blushed through his teary eyes but still felt uneasy about the whole thing "You better hold on tight then because I'm not that easy to forget about" Wonwoo sniffed the tears away and Mingyu's finger played a soothing pattern over his cheeks

"Oh it will take me all of my strength and more to do that"


Wownoo couldn't help it anymore, he brought Mingyu in for a hug "I'm sorry I'm not that strong for you, I wish I was something a little more than just a weak human"


"Baby you are more than just a human you are My human and I love you so much, it's just for a few days, they will pass really quickly I promise"


"Okay" Wonwoo gave up, sniffing his tears and holding Mingyu tightly "Don't stay for too long and don't make me come after you"


Minghao and Jun caught up on them, seeing the way the two were hugging and Wonwoo was crying "What the ..." Minghao stoped for a bit looking at his friend crying in Mingyu's arms "What's going on? Wonwoo are you okay?"


Jun got closer too curious and worried "Whatsup? Is everything okay Mingyu?" He saw the two break their hug and Wonwoo wipe his tears but yeah they were okay ... at least for now.

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Hello, friend ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧
I don’t know if you still remember me..
But you give me the link of this story a long time ago. I have been gone so long though, but still. Thank you for sharing the story.

I will read it soon.. d(>_・ )グッ!

Now I just want to say hai to you..
(。>‿‿<。 )
Hope you have a good day my friend
Chapter 47: Ah. I kept waiting on an update and something told me to come check. Glad I did. This was wonderful. I'm so glad that everything turned out well for Wonwoo and Chan. Thanks so much for this.
Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??